The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1941, Image 3

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    By (Dike Uaikin
Battalion Sports Editor
Southwest Conference Boasts of Six Strong
Teams; First of These Tangle This Saturday
If ever there was a conference
that possessed six teams that were
scalping opponents throughout the
country as the present sextet :s
accomplishing, we sure would like
to know about them. It has even
been a long time since the SW
conference can boast of such var
iety, but that is just what is hap-
penng this year. The Texas Ag
gies, Texas Longhorns, T. C. U.,
S. M. U., Rice, and Baylor, are
just slaughtering teams from one
end of the coast to another and
it’s going to be mighty interest
ing to see what these demons will
do against each other. Yes sir,
mighty interesting.
The first of such battles pops off
this Saturday afternoon when
Coach Homer Norton’s Texas Ag
gies match their offensive record
against Dutch Meyer’s T. C. U.
Frogs’ defensive ability. It’ll be
a mighty interesting battle to ob
serve, especially on the passing
angle. There’s going to be passes
galore flying through that dense
Fort Worth air, and also more
aerials popping in the wrong man’s
hands than has been witnessed in
many a moon. That accounts for
Andy Anderson’s picking of a real
high scoring game. However, this
writer wouldn’t bet a penny on the
pick he made.
Aggies and Frogs Crippled for Saturday
Battalion Sports
OCTOBER 16, 1941 Page 3
Most Cadet Crips Due to Start Sat;
Blackstone and Bierman Badly Shaken
Stalwarts of TCU Horned Frog Defense
Give Pat on the Back to All Sophomores
For Their Showing; Pickett Most Consistent
It’s been quite a while since we
gave a sophomore football player
any publicity. We did that for a
definite purpose, figuring that the
publicity he got would probably
hurt him more than it would do
him good. However, in this case
we just can’t help it. After watch
ing this boy come through as he
has in the past three games, watch
ing him hustle his head off on the
football field,
and watching
him make a
great comeback
after being in -
eligible for a
year, we feel
that we should
at least give
him a nice pat
on the back.
Sure, you know who we’re talk
ing about. Correct the first time.
It’s none other than Tom Pickett,
one of Coach Homer Norton’s
brightest sophomores. He came
here from Temple high school
where he lettered three years each
in football, baseball, and basket
ball. He gained his freshman
numeral in 1939, but was ineligi
ble last year. He’s been working
hard as ever, and it looks like it’s
finally paying off. Tom may not
be in the starting lineup this year,
but you’re going to hear plenty
about him in the coming two
years. Yes, sir, we’ll even bet
on it.
' V
Football tickets for the A. &
M.-Texas game are definitely sold
cut . . . not even bleacher seats
are left . . . Some inside sidelights
about the New York trip ... it
seems that while in Washington,
Trainer Lil Dimmitt caught one of
those streamlined buses that they
have there (they don’t have those
things amabobs in Beaumont, do
ihey Lil?) . . . the driver was go
ing some 75 miles per hour in a
fairly crowded street . . . when
asked what he (Lil) thought of
him, he gave this reply . . . “the
only place I want to go with those
“ ‘think-I-can-drive’ ” is to h--l”
. . . Leo Daniels had a nice man to-
man chat with Senator W. Lee
O’Daniels . . . “he isn’t such a bad
guy after all,” said lightning Leo
.... Cullen Rogers figured that
the only (difference between Mart
and New York was that the “Big
City” was on the right side of the
road . . . Roy Bucek felt the same
way about Schulenberg . . . Some
statistics about the Texas Aggies
and the T. C. U. Horned Frogs . . .
In three games, T. C. U. has gain
ed 4'30 yards by rushing and 227
yards by passing . . . they allow
ed their opponents but 230 yards
by passes ... by rushing their
opponents have been able co
squelch 114 yards . . . the Aggies
have gotten 454 yards by rushing
in their games, while allowing their
opponents only 82 ... in passing
the cadets have gained a total of
693 yards, while the opponents
have connected for 112 . . . the
Frogs have had only one of their
passes intercepted “while pulling
down 7 of their opponents’ . . . the
Aggies have intercepted 10 aerials,
while the opponents almost match
ed them by getting ahold of 9 . . .
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 4)
■SPrt/z.Xs --r. <?. O'
-ALFOR.D - ~r.C.O,
The Texas Aggies and the Tex
as Christian Horned Frogs will
face the possibility of having a
number of their key men on the
bench Saturday afternoon when
they meet in the T. C. U. Stadium.
Both teams suffered injuries in
their intersectional games last
Despite the injuries the Aggies
have been scrimmaging overtime
in an effort to be in shape for the
coming tilt. Coach “Dough” Rol
lins scouted the Horned Frogs for
the Aggies in the T. C. U.-Indiana
game and the Nortonmen have
been working on a defense against
the outstanding T. C. U. plays.
Several Aggies suffered injur
ies as a result of the game against
N. Y. U. but most of them will
be in the starting lineup Satur
day. Jim Sterling received a bruis
ed knee; Dub Sibley sprained a
finger; and Jitterbug Henderson
and Tom Pickett sustained body
bruises. All will be ready to go
Saturday but may not be in the
peak of condition. Wayne Cure,
substitute guard, sprained an ankle
and will probably not see much ac
Bill Blackstone, the Frogs first
string center, lias not been in prac
tice scrimmages because of injur
ies received in the game against
Indiana. One of the T. C. U. half
backs, G u s Bierman, e s u f-
fered injuries in that game and,
like Blackstone, has been watching
practice from the sideline. Next
to Kyle Gillespie, Bierman is the
big gun in the Horned Frog back-
field and his loss from the game
Saturday would be sorely felt by
Coach “Dutch” Meyer’s gridmen.
Blackstone has one varsity letter
and his only backing at the center
post comes from a trio of sopho
mores who have little game exper
The Horned Frogs, with one con
ference victory already under their
belts, have been scrimmaging hard
and long for the Aggie game. They
have been studying the Aggie of
fense and working up a defense
they hope will stop the cadets. It
is reported that the T. C. U. grid-
sters have been working up a num
ber of new plays to cope with the
razzle-dazzle of the cadets.
T G,,).
PaLmEK. ~T.<Z-V.
ROrtc+J-T- c.d.
Repairs to DeWare
Field House Floor
Nearing Completion
Repairs to the floor of DeWare
Field house are nearing comple
tion and intramural class A bas
ketball should get underway by
October 27. The entire floor of
the gym has been removed and re
placed by a modern floor—one
that is comparable to any other
in the Southwest conference.
The old floor of the gym was
hard and caused a strain on the
legs of basketball players, but the
new floor is a different type and
one that is built up of the founda
tions with allowances for resist
All Southwest conference bas
ketball games played at Aggie-
land will be played on this court
as will all class A intramural
basketball games. Laid out on the
floor, in addition to the basketball
court, will be four badminton
courts to be used by the student
s>fET way
nine t
Class A
Touch Football
With so many teams in the for
feit “Doghouse,” here is a rule
that might make you think before
you forfeit a game. “Any team
that forfeits twice in a sport is
declared out of that sport.” Think
that over fellows, and try not to
forfeit any games. One team for
feited their game because they
used an ineligible man. Be sure
and check with the P. E. depart
ment if you have any doubt in your
mind as to whether or not a man
is eligible.
Quite a number of the games
Pinff Pong
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Sweetheart Day Sale
Oct. 17th, 18th, 19th
Place your order now to avoid disappointment
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Class A
A Infantry, Water Polo
I Infantry, Water Polo
5 C. H. Q., Tennis
I Field Artillery, Tennis
H Infantry, Water Polo
B Signal Corps, Water
A Cavalry, Tennis
E Engineers, Tennis
Class B
H Coast Artillery, Foot
G Replacement Center,
H Coast Artillery, Bas
3 C. H. Q., Swimming
I Infantry, Football
G Replacement Center,
were forfeited because of late ar
rival of the teams. Matches will
start promptly at the time stated
Let’s hope it doesn’t
rain Saturday — but
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many a refreshing experience... has taught people every
where to trust the quality of Coca-Cola.
Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Baylor to Defeat
Villanova in Game
By Paul B. Williamson
The Southwest will be well on
its way to retaining the intersect
ional championship if it comes
through victorious in its intersect
ional games this week-end.
Two of the big affairs Friday
afternoon involve Southwestern
teams while three cow country
teams meet outside teams Satur
The Baylor Bears go east to
tangle with Villanova. The System
picks the Bears to take this game.
Two little schools meet out on the
West Coast; Hardin Simmons of
Texas travels out to California to
meet San Jose State. In this match
we take San Jose State.
Ada will defeat Durant; Howard
will take Chattanooga; Moravian
should beat Franklin-Marshall;
and Maryville Teachers of Missouri
will win over Missouri Mines.
The Williamson System’s select-
(See WILLIAMSON, Page 4)
14 inch Zipper Hand Bags 98c
“Plio-Film” Dish Covers Make Good
Waterproof Cap Covers 10c
PE Dept Trains
Men As Athletic,
Recreational Officers
Seniors interested in athletics
who are to graduate and enter
the army this year will not have
to cast away their interest in
sports. The Physical Education
department has introduced this
semester a one hour course to train
men for duty in the army as ath
letic and recreational officers.
W. L. Penberthy of the Physical
Education department and instruc
tor in the course announces that 35
seniors are taking the course. The
class meets in the Civil Engineer
ing lecture room each Wednesday
from 5 to 6 p. m.
The course includes a study of
the drawing up of tournaments;
and instruction in the types of con
tests, round robins, and meets. Pur
chasing and caring for equipment
is also covered in the course. In
struction in the layout of fields
and courts, and contest rules and
regulations is another phase of the
semester’s work.
The course is to be continued
in the second semester and is open
to any senior, whether taking ad
vanced R.O.T.C. or not.
A safety conference for farmers
was recently conducted at the Uni
versity of Minnesota.
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D. M. DANSBY, ’37
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