The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Bait a l ion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOLUME 41 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 7, 1941 Z275 NUMBER 1^ Guion Hall Will Begin ShowTonight Remodeled Guion Replaces Assembly Hall As Y Theatre The inauguration of Guion Hall as the new official picture show of Aggieland will be celebrated to night when Guion Hall will open its doors for the first picture to be shown under the new arrange ment. Many improvements, which were started the latter part of the sum mer, have been made to make the new location a real improvement over the Assembly Hall. Among the many improvements made are a new carpet for the aisles, a new screen, and several lighting improvements, among which are two big multicolored spotlights, three sets of border lights, and footlights. A grill has been installed in the old orchestra pit, and this, along with more grills which are to be put in the front of the building, and the vents in the domes in the roof will furnish an ideal circula tion system. New maroon colored drapes have been installed to improve the sound, and sound engineers who have in spected the building say the build ing is accoustically perfect. A ticket booth has been built in the front part of the building in such a position that one window is accessible to the outside, but dur ing stormy weather, two ticket win dows have been so placed that tickets may be purchased from the inside. The booth us situated be tween the front of the building and the auditorium, leaving enough room to afford shelter in case of bad weather. Double action doors have been installed between this section and the auditorium. Activities Office Completes Official Officer, Club List The list of campus clubs and the officers of each has been com pleted by the Student Activities office and has been turned over to The Battalion for publication. The following is the third of a series of four partial lists in which all the clubs and officers are nam ed. Rural Sociology Club President—Gerald H. Easterly Vice-President — Robert Skra- banek Secretary-Treasurer — Van T. George San Angelo A. & M. Club President—Bill M. Quick Vice-President—Tom N. Harde man Secretary-Treasurer—Edwin Ful ler Reporter—Bob Phillips (See CLUB ROSTER, Page 4) Student Aid Fund Committee Will Meet Today New Member Will Be Chosen To Replace Fuermann on Committee Members of the student aid fund committee will meet this afternoon at 3:15 at which time they will re organize the committee and elect a new member to take the place of George Fuermann. Plans will be discussed at the meeting to fam- ilarize the freshmen on the cam pus through the Battalion with the student aid fund. Members of the committee are Daniel A. Russell, executive-secre tary of the committee and head of the rural sociology department, E. L. Angell, executive assistant to the president, George Wilcox of the education department, T. S. Gil- lis, secretary of the committee and cadet colonel, and Skeen Staley, head yell leader. At the meeting routine business will be discussed and a budget for the coming year will be planned. Fuermann stated that “the corps has cooperated beautifully in giv ing 15 cents as was requested earl ier in the year with at least $300 having been already collected.” “Circulars are to be sent to the cadet officers in charge of the re placement centers asking all stu dents under their direction to con tribute in the same manner in which other members of the corps have already done. The student aid fund was created to help students in school to ob tain medical care when it is need ed and they are financially unable to obtain it. Russell has been noted for his fair way of administering aid without causing embarrasment to the applicant. When a student receives money from this fund he signs a non-ma turity date non-interest bearing note and he states at what tirfie he wants it to be sent to him. At that time he will receive one notice and will, if he wishes, pay back the money which he has borrowed at that time so that the money can go back into the fund to help some other Aggie. Last year a total of 53 loans were made, nine of which have been paid in full and several others have been paid in part. This plan was init-1 paid in part. This plan was init iated here at A. & M. College and has since been adopted by a num ber of other colleges. Spanish Club Holds Second Meeting Wed The Spanish Club will meet for the second time this year Wednes day night after supper in room 122 Academic building to plan a program for the coming year. All students who are taking Spanish or who are interested in South America are invited to join the club. R. L. Freeland, elected president of the organization at its first meeting, urges that all prospective members be sure to attend the meeting Wednesday as he wants everyone to play a part in determining what course the club should follow. Students Learn Useful Art As Cryptography Club Members By Jack Keith “ . . . . fifteen, eighteen, twenty- three, HIKE”—the ball is snap ped back to the quarter-back and the play is in progress. Thus is the science, of cryptography used used in playing football, as well as in modern business, literature, espionage and diplomacy, and such are the things featured at the Cryptography Club. The second meeting of the club will be held tonight after yell practice in room 310 Academic building. All who are interested in any type of cipher or code writing or who would like to learn some thing about it are invited to visit the meetings and join the club. To many people, the science of cryptography is an interesting and fascinating hobby. Students at A. & M. now have the opportunity to pursue this hobby and learn something about the decrypting of ciphers and codes in the newly- established Cryptography Club on the campus. The club, sponsored by K. E. Elmquist of the English De partment, is the first of its kind ever to be organized at Aggieland and it has attracted many stu dents. The great armies of the world use cryptography extensively in maneuvers and in actual battle, municate with troops in the field, planes in the air, and mobile units in motion, it is done principally by radio, but the arrival of the mes sage at its destination is only half the problem. For the message will probably be received not only by friendly listeners but also by enemies. To insure safety, crypto graphy is employed, using pre arranged codes, presumably known only by friends. Security in such messages is a relative matter. While there is for ordinary practical purposes no in decipherable cryptogram, the prob lem is not to produce a message which can never be read, but one which will take so long to be sol ved that its solution, when obtain ed, will be too late to benefit the enemy. A cryptographic message which will delay the enemy two or three hours may be secure enough if the action with which it is con cerned is to take place before the end of that period. Lead Denton Beauty Judgers Cadet colonel Tom Gillis and Senior class president Dick Hervey are two of the 12 Aggies who will leave for Denton Wednesday to select the queen of the T.C.U. corps trip. Nine of the other ten are Rufus Pearce, Bob Russell, Don Gabriel, Russell Heitcamp, Fred Smitham, Alden Cathey, Howard Brians, Warren Ringgold, and Pete Tumlinson. College Board Votes $17,000 For Enlarging and Improving Old YMCA At a meeting of the college board o|f directors held in San Antonio last Saturday, it was voted to ex tend a loan of $17,000 to the Y. M. C. A. for the purpose of enlarging the lobby of the old Y. M. C. A. and adding a ladies rest room and lounge. Last spring, several in terested students spoke to the Y. M. C. A. board and appeared be fore several mothers clubs seeking to obtain the desired lounge. The idea received a great deal of sup port and the movement finally met with success when the college board voted the needed funds. At the request of the State Fair Association, the A. & M. band was given permission to be in Dal las on Sunday October 12 to par ticipate in National Defense Day at the State Fair. The board of directors also vot ed to have the cavalry and field artillery stables moved from their present location west of the rail road tracks to the area fronting on new highway 6 across Sulphur Springs road from the veterinary pasture. Furniture for the new dormitor ies will cost approximately $50,000 and Business Manager E. N. Holm- green was instructed to ask bids immediately. The Feeding and Breeding Sta tion will sell milk to retail custo mers only on the campus and in the city of College Station, and will not deliver in the city limits of Bryan. An appropriation of $3,500 was set aside to paint and repair the 19 college-owned houses recently moved to the College View area for use of employees of the Col lege. The Board appropriated $31,500 for construction of two new res idences on the campus for the Dean of the College and the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. Community Symphony Orchestra Will Hold Third Rehearsal Wed The third of the regular Wed nesday night rehearsals of the Col lege Station Community Symphony Orchestra will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the music room of the A. & M. Consolidated School. All students interested are invited to attend. The orchestra is much larger this year than last year and a much larger number of students is represented. The orchestra has a special need for players of string ed instruments. Any Aggie who plays a stringed instrument but does not have his instrument here will be furnished one for the re hearsal. The orchestra acquired last year a great deal of music to add to its library. College Stock Goes to State Fair The Animal Husbandry Depart ment announced Monday that elev en horses and seven head of cattle have been taken to Dallas to rep resent A. & M. College at the an nual Texas State Fair which lasts October 4 through 19. Owen Garrigan and M. B. In man accompanied the stock. The results of the judging will not be known until next week. The former will cost, 17,500 and the latter $14,500. An appropriation of $5,000 was made for new books and periodi cals for the A. & M. College li brary. In keeping with a bill passed by the last legislature the Board of Directors voted to exempt from tuition charges all students from Mexico, South America, and Cen tral America. This move is a part of the good neighbor policy being instituted at the request of the State Department of the United States. This Week Is National Letter Week National letter writing week is being observed October 5-11 for the fourth consecutive year, Mrs. Anna V. Smith, local postmistress, has announced. Mrs. Smith explained that a vital part of the national defense program falls to the post office and that postal activities must be enlarged or extended to provide facilities at military and naval es tablishments and in new industrial fields. Since first class mail is the backbone of the service and it is a most lucrative source of revenue it is important that letter writing be encouraged, the postmistress explained. Ramsey S. Black, third assistant postmaster general, pointed out that “Letters can be the source of great comfort and happiness to the thousands of young men serving the armed forces, and the exchange of letters between friends, acquaintances, and separ ated members of the family while contributing in no small way to the spreading of happiness and build ing up a better spirit among the people. School children will be encouraged to write more letters both from the standpoint of im proving the use of the mother tongue and developing a worth while accomplishment for later life.” Former Aggie Gets Active Duty Orders Charles E. Gaskell, who attend ed A. & M. in 1937, has recently been ordered to active duty at Hamilton Field, California, for the duration of the present national emergency. Gaskell received his advanced flight instruction at Stockton, California. If and when he is relieved, Lt. Gaskell plans to accept private em ployment with a commercial air line while retaining his rank in the Reserve Corps. A & M Mothers’ Club Gives Special Supper The A. & M. Mothers Club will hold a Community Supper Thurs day, October 9 at 6:30 p.m., in the high school building of the A. & M. Consolidated School. Chicken, chili, homemade cakes, pies, and candy is a partial list of the menu to be served. The Mothers Club has sponsored this event annually. Twelve Aggies Judge TSCW Entries For Aggie-Day Sweetheart Wednesday Town Hall Program For Year Complete TSCW Choir, Swing Sessions, Stars And Orchestras Lead the List Town Hall manager, Fred Smitham, announced that the com plete program for the forthcoming season had finally been filled with the engagement of the TSCW Modern Choir which will appear on February 11. Smitham also said that a special added attraction, “A swing session” similar to the one held by Duke Ellington last year, will be presented sometime in May. Reserved seat tickets will still be available until Thursday noon at the Student Activities Office. Town Hall will get off to a fly ing start next Friday night when it presents the torrid trumpet of Red Nichols and his nationally famous dance orchestra. Starting more than ten years ago as “Red Nichols and His Five Pennies” his orchestra has gained in popularity until it has been recently rated by Metronome as “the surprise sensa • tion of 1941.” Three weeks later on October 29th, Helen Jepson, Metropolitan Opera star and concert artist of national fame, will be a Town Hall feature. Following on December 3rd, Albert Spaulding and his vio lin will come to Town Hall. Spald ing is a renowned concert artist and has appeared several times on the Ford Sunday Evening Hour. Following on December 9th, the popular piano team of Fray and Braggiotti will be presented. On January 14 the Houston Symphony Orchestra will make its annual appearance in Guion Hall. The Houston Symphony has be • come increasingly popular with the Aggies in the past few years. Then on February 11, the TSCW (See TOWN HALL, Page 4) No Excused Cuts For N Y U Game At a meeting of the deans of the various schools, it was decided that neither excused nor authoriz ed absences would be issued to stu dents desiring to make the trip to New York to attend the NYU game. Dean Bolton stated that it was the opinion of the committee that the trip was too long and that too many classes would be missed if the general student body were allowed to make the trip. Only those who had official: business with the team would be given absences. Dean Bolton went on to say, however, that anyone who felt that he had the time and could afford to miss classes would be perfectly free to go ahead and make the trip and accept any cuts he might accumulate while away. Groneman, IE Prof, Author of New Book On Tubular Furniture KCCRG LERML GE Not Fifth Column; Merely a Club Notice All you bewitched and dazed readers of the official notices can set your mind at rest for a period now because all those letters ap pearing in the official announce ments are not the result of an accident in the print shop but an announced meeting of the crypto graphy club. KCCRG LERML GEFRR YJIML FMURM QMJTC AGNFC PQAPW NRMEP YKQDM PWMSR MQMJT C. doesn’t have much meaning to the majority of the readers of the Battalion but some where on this big campus there are enough members of the club to save us the embarrassment of not knowing what K. E. Elmquist ad visor of the club meant when he placed this jumble of type in the hands of the printer for publica tion. Fears of subversive activities and fifth columnists can be put aside now that the purpose of these symbols is known. All notices of the meeting of the club will be of similar nature; however, this is the first such announcement to appear in the Battalion. Student Clubs Have Been Given Dates for Meeting Forty-four student club and organ izations have been assigned meeting places and meeting dates for the 1941 42 school year. These meet ing places have been authorized by the Student Activities commit tee and meetings for such clubs will be authorized only on the nights designated. The clubs and their meeting places are as follows: Mondays YMCA Cabinet, YMCA Parlor; first and third Mondays, Eco nomics Club, physics lecture room; Fish and Game club, Room 115 animal husbandry building; Hillel club, Sbisa Hall lounge; Kream & Kow Klub, creamery lecture room; Mathematics club, Room 212 academic building; Saddle and Sir loin club, animal husbandry lecture room. Tuesdays Tuesday home town clubs will meet in the places which they re quested and the Freshman and Sophomore YMCA councils will meet in the YMCA. The Crypto graphy club will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month in Room 310 Academic building. Wednesdays have been set aside for class meetings and meetings of the Junior and Senior YMCA council in the office of the New YMCA. Ex 4 H club meetings will be held on first Thursdays in room 132 of the animal industries build ing. The Military engineers will meet on second Thursdays in room 117 academic building. On first and third Thursdays American In (See STUDENT CLUBS, Page 4) Group Will Leave Today For Purpose Of Judging 12 Girls Twelve Aggies will leave to morrow to journey up Denton way to act as judges to choose the Aggie-Day 'Sweetheart who is to be selected from a group of 12 nominees representing 2500 TSCW’ites. By vote each of the four classes chose three girls each to represent them in the contest Wednesday night. The Aggies will meet the girls at 6 p.m. in Brackenridge Dormi tory and will have dinner with them. Following this, the sweet heart will be selected, but the winner will remain unknown until Friday night when she will be an nounced at the dance intermission. After the selection is made the group will go to the College Club after which time the Aggies will come back and spend the night in the dormitory. The 12 girls will come to College Station Friday as guest for the Town Hall program featuring Red Nichols, and then will be escorted to the dance following by the same 12 Aggies. The girls nominated from the four classes are as follows: sen ior class—Sara Gillett, Lynn Gibbs, and Helen Bratton; junior class—Betty Buchanan, Claire Newsom, and Fern Hendricks; sophomore class—Sophie Nelson, Mirian Good, and Anna Ruth Ashe; and freshman , class—Barbara Cook, Bobbie Jo Sanford, and Jo Ann Scott. The twelve Aggies to act as judges are Dick Hervey, Rufus Pierce, Bob Russell, Don Gabriel, Russell Heitkamp, Fred Smitham, Alden Cathey, Howard Brians, Warren Ringgold, Pete Tumlinson, J. O. Alexander, and Tom Gillis. Noon Sendoff Delays Formation By authority of Lieut. Joe E. Da vis, assistant , commandant, noon formation on Tuesday will occur at 12:30 instead of 12:10 so that the corps may give the team a send off to the NYU game. One o’clock classes will not begin un til 1:10. Head Yell Leader Skeen Staley has requested that the corps go go to Dormitory 12 immediately after 11 o'clock classes are over where a short yell practice will be held in honor of the team. PICTURE DEADLINES October 6 through Octo ber 8—Cavalry October 9 through Octo ber 13—Engineers October 14 through Octo ber 17—Coast Artillery Yjinity Fair and Senior Favorite deadline—Decern ber 20. Club reservation deadline —December 18. Red Nichols Plays for Corps Dance Friday After Town Hall Chris Harold Groneman, assist ant professor of industrial educa tion in the Agricultural and Me chanical school of Texas, is the author of a new book, “Bent Tub ular Furniture.” The manuscript comprises 51 bent tubular projects for porch and lawn furniture. It describes the fundamental processes by which a student or craftsman makes steel tubing and fashions it into various types of furniture. Besides this book, Mr. Groneman has another to his credit, “General Bookbinding.” He is also a regu lar conributor to the Industrial Arts and Vocational Education magazine, published in Milwaukee. Last Opportunity To Join Singing Cadets There will be a meeting of the Singing Cadets Tuesday night at 7:00 in the Assembly Hall. All men interested in joining this club should attend this meeting, as it will be the last opportunity to be come a member of this organiza tion. Red Nichols orchestra will be one of the first big-name orchestras to invade the Aggie campus this year when he plays for the Town Hall and the Corps Dance. Along with the orchestra there will be presented twelve contestants for Aggie-Day Sweetheart and the one who is elected will be introduced at intermission. The girls are being selected from TSCW’s student body and are according to the Lass-0 “twelve of TSCW’s most vivacious ladies.” The twelve contestants are Sara Gillett, Lynn Gibbs, and Helen Bratton, seniors, Betty Buchanan, Claire Nusom, and Fern Hendricks, juniors. Sophomores contesting are Sophie Nelson, Marian Good, and Anna Ruth Ashe with freshmen Barbar Cook, Bobbie Jo Sanford, and Jo Ann Scott. Members of the judging committee will escort the girls to the dance. Admission to the corps dance will be as has been the customary price in the past, $1.10 even though this is a big name orchestra. Many of the corps will want to avail them selves of the opportunity of danc ing to the music of such an orches tra for this price. Members of the corps will also want to bring dates in order to decrease the number of stags to a minimum. A juke box prom will follow the corps dance on Friday night and all of the latest records will be available. The price for the juke box prom will be 25 cents for a couple and 35 cents for a couple accompanied by one “bird-dog”. Bird-dogs will not be admitted alone. The corps dance will last from 9:00 until 1:00 o’clock and the juke box prom from 9:00 until 12:00 as has been the policy in regard to dances in the past.