The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Z275 NUMBER 11
‘Twelfth Man’ Will be on Hand as Team Leaves Tonight
Partial List
Of A&M Clubs
And Officers
Other Lists To
Be Published At
Various Intervals
Student club& wlio have turn
ed in their application for the al
location of funds made available
by the new benefit show system
will be published as soon as they
are made available. The first list
of officers of these clubs as turn
ed in to the Student Activities
office appears below.
Other lists will be printed from
time but it is impossible to print
all of them at one time.
Architectural Society
President—Gordon McCutchan
Vice President—J. B. Pierce
Secretary-Treasurer — Moffat
Reporter—Philip Crown
Sergeant-at-Arms — Robert
Accounting Society
President—Robin L. Rominger
Vice President—Bob Long
Secretary-Treasurer — Johnny
Faculty Advisor—Tom Leland
A. I. Ch. E.
President—W. G. Domaschk
Vice President—J. H. Barrett
Secretary-Treasurer — W. C.
Agronomy Society
President—Gene Wilmeth
Vice President—Felix Collard
Secretary-Treasurer—Sam Fer
Parliamentarian—Howard Bri
Sergeant-at-Arms—Bugs Tate
A. I. M. E.
President—G. R. King
Vice-President—Louis Tomaso
Secretary—Gene Caperton
Treasurer—Bill Doran
A. S. C. E.
President—Jesse A. Teague
Vice-President — George R.
Thenn, Jr.
Secretary-Treasurer—Dan Ray
A. S. M. E.
Chairman—Ed Clark
Vice-Chairman—Moak Rollins
Program Chairman—Leland El
Secretary—Tommy Bolling
Treasurer—Robert Townsend
Reporter—Paul Kelly
Big Spring A. & M. Club
President—W. T. Robinson
Vice-President—R. H. Miller
Secretary-Treasurer — Morris
Dormitory Phone Numbers
Official telephone numbers for dormitory telephones will be as in
dicated below, M. C. Atkins, district manager of the Southwest Tele
phone company, revealed yesterday.
As telephones are installed in the future corrections will be pub
lished. You should clip this list to use in future reference.
It will be noticed that all dormitory telephones begin with the
number four as distinguished from those for Bryan which begin with
the number two. Other College Station numbers begin with four
Band Third Floor Dorm 11 4 4534
Chemical Warfare Service A Company Top floor Dorm 2 4-9294
Chemical Warfare Service B & C Company Second Floor Dorm 2 4-H4.3
Cavalry A Troop Ninth Ramp Law Hall -4-7884
Cavalry B Troop First Floor Fifth Ramp Law Hall -4-7894
Cavalry C Troop Eighth Ramp Second Floor Puryear Hall .4-8064
Cavalry D Troop Fifth Ramp Second Floor Puryear Hall 4-9774
Cavalry Machine Gun Troop Second Ramp Second Floor Pur-
year Hall 4-9264
Coast Artillery A Battery F Ramp Second Floor Hart Hall .4-5864
Coast Artillery B Battery D Ramp Hart Hall 4-7804
Coast Artillery D Battery B Ramp Hart Hall 4-5874
Coast Artillery E Battery Second Floor Bizzell Hall .4-9614
Coast Artillery F Battery East Wing Second Floor Bizzell Hall....4.7014
Coast Artillery G Battery Fourth Floor Mitchell Hall .4 4184
Coast Artillery H Battery Second Floor Mitchell Hall 4-7864
Engineers A Company H Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall .4-4524
Engineers B Company A Ramp Walton Hall .4-8804
Engineers C Company J Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall .4-4024
Engineers D Company Post Graduate Hall 4-9634
Engineers E Company F Ramp Walton Hall 4-4594
Engineers F Company C Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall 4-9904
Field Artillery First Headquarters Battery Third Floor Dorm 10....4.4544
Field Artillery Second Headquarters Batterry Second and Third
Floor Dorm 8 4-9204
Field Artillery A Battery First Floor Dorm 10 4-8114
Field Artillery E Battery First Floor Dorm 8 4-1157
Field Artillery F Battery Third Floor Dorm 6 4-9284
Field Artillery H Battery Third Floor Dorm 4 4-8024
Field Artillery I Battery Third Floor Dorm 6 4-9284
Graduate Group Third Floor Milner Hall 4-7944
Graduate Group Fourth Floor Milner Hall ' 4-7949
Infantry B Company First Floor Dorm 9 4-9624
Infantry E Company Fourth Floor Dorm 7 4-4514
Infantry F Company First Floor Dorm 7 4-4234
Infantry G Company Second Floor Dorm 5 4-9319
Infantry H Company First Floor Dorm 5 4-4969
Infantry K Company Second Floor Dorm 3 4-4384
Infantry L Company First Floor Dorm 3 4-8074
Infantry M Company Fourth Floor Dorm 3 4-9274
Signal Corps Battalion Third Floor Dorm 1 4-9764
Club Meeting
Reservations To
Be in by Friday
Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis states
that Friday will absolutely be the
last day for home town clubs to
make reservations for permanent
meeting places. The requests should
be turned in to the Corps Head
quarters office.
To get announcements for the
club meetings approved for an
nouncement in the mess halls, it
is necessary to have them approv
ed by the Commandant’s office. A1
so all other regular meetings must
be approved by the Commandant’s
Each club will be given the room
they request unless there is a con
flict. In this case the two pres
idents concerned will settle the dif
Aggies Will Furnish Military
Escort-Robertson County Fair
Fifty-three Aggie Seniors will
receive a pleasant change from
their routine of studying tonight
when they will don No. 1’s and
sabers to serve as escorts for the
royalty at the Robertson County
Fair to be held in Franklin. Girls
from Hearne, Calvert, Franklin,
and Bremond will make up the
royal court as the Queen of the
Fair is crowned. The affair is di
rected by Miss Constance Brad
bury of Franklin, who with the
help of Howard Brians and Shorty
Glenn of A. & M., furnished all
the duchesses, ladies in waiting,
maids of honor, and the rest of
the court with Aggie escorts.
The Queen of the Fair will be
Miss Doris Woodall, who will be
escorted by Cadet Colonel Tom
Gillis. After the Fair at Franklin,
Miss Woodall will leave for Dallas
where she will attend the State
Fair of Texas.
The girls of the court and their
escorts will be:
Doris Woodall—Tom Gillis
Alma Ruth Jones — Howard
Wilma Jean Aynesworth—Bugs
Connie Jane Fleetwood—Gilbert
Dorothy Mae Nickleson—Gene
Mary Louis Lloyd—Richard Tit-
Julia Ada Rhodes—Henry Rollins
Freda Mae Simon—J. E. Melar-
Jane Mathews—Harris Brin
Josephine Briggs—Gus Standish
Elizabeth Finke—I. F. Smither
Katherine Clark—Joe Gibbs
Nettie Marsh—Gerald King
Peggy Negliago—Luke Moore
Carolyn Herring—Jack Smither
Inez Belcher—H. D. Ramsden
Isabel Wooten—Harry Harring
Betty Hailey—C. B. Marsh
Janey Boswell—Lee Rice
Marjorie Pruitt—Grady Creel
Merle Melton—Glenn Evans
Freddy Burch—G. A. Villamil
Biddie McCormick—Frank King
Lorraine Wallace—W. H. Byrd
Maudine Freeman — Warren
Lee Nola Bolton—Doc Watley
Marcellias Henson—Robert H.
Olena Bumpers—Richard Kauf
Janelle Petty—Perry Luth
Ruth M. Baxter—Howard Warner
Ollie L. Massey—G. W. Haltom
Marjorie Bush—Ross Merredin
Jane Turner—Jack McGarr
Sarah K. Robinson—A. SoRelle
Ava Jeane Watts—Jack Lamber-
Lucille Rabe—J. C. Ramage
Doris Slaughter—Joe Cloud
Thelma Everett—Jack Taylor
Nannie M. Tallous—Earl Green
Juanita Pack—J. J. Cupples
New Complete
Promotion List
Is Issued Today
The 1941-42 promotion list for
the Corps and Field Staff has been
organized as follows: T. S. Gillis,
Colonel, Corps Commander; R. B.
Pearce, Lieutenant Colonel, Exec
utive; W. A. Routt, Major, Adju
tant; Lee Rice, Major, Personnel
Officer; W. E. Pendleton, Major,
Intelligence Officer; J. B. Barker,
Major, Plans and Training Officer;
G. R. Somerville, Major, Supply
Officer; S. C. Kaffer, Master Ser
geant, Sergeant Major; W. W.
Cardwell, Master Sergeant, Per
sonnel Sergeant; R. L. Rix, Mas
ter Sergeant, Intelligence Ser
geant; W. J. Galloway, Master
Sergeant, Operations Sergeant; E.
W. Mulhollen, Master Sergeant,
Supply Sergeant; D. S. Lansdon,
Master Sergeant, Signal Sergeant;
D. G. Griffin, Master Sergeant,
Chemical Sergeant.
The promotion list for the entire
corps has been released. Students
who are not going to San Antonio
this week end are requested to
wait until after the game befote
getting their stripes. This will avoid
a rush before the game for cadet
officers who want their stripes
prior to their departure for San
Number One Uniform
Will be Worn at Game
The official uniform at the game
in San Antonio Saturday will be
the number one uniform with white
shirt, the Commandant’s office an
nounced today.
After the game and on the streets
the number two uniform will be
Donald C. Foulk
Joins Air Corps
Donald C. Foulk, former A. &
M. cadet who has been enrolled in
ME for the past three years, enlist
ed in the Army Air Corps as an
aviation cadet last week. Cadet
Foulk enlisted at the District Re
cruiting Office, Fort Sam Houston,
and was immediately sent to Ran
kin Aeronautics Academy in Tu>
lare, California.
Foulk’s parents, Lt. Col. and Mrs*
Foulk, are stationed at Kelly Field
at the present. Col. Foulk enlisted
in the Air Corps 24 years ago and
his son intends to keep the tradi
tion in the family.
Assembly Hall
Prices Advance
To Twenty Cents
New Federal Tax Causes
Price Increase; Must Be
Paid by All Pass-Holders
Admission prices at the Assem
bly Hall advanced yesterday from
15 to 20 cents for week-day shows
and 25 cents for Saturday night
shows because of the new federal
defense tax that went into effect
yesterday, M. L. Cashion of the
YMCA announced.
The new federal tax includes all
admissions from 10 cents upward
with the government receiving
ten percent of the admission price.
The price on the YMCA privilege
card will remain the same as in
past years. The YMCA will absorb
the new tax on the privilege cards.
All pass holders will be required
to pay the tax when entering the
Town Hall Reserve
Tickets Available
Today in Y Lobby
Sale of Town Hall reserved seat
tickets will continue through to
day, Fred Smitham, manager, an
nounced today. First day’s sales
were brisk but some choice seats
are still available, Smitham said.
Representatives of Town Hall
will be in the lobby of the “Y”
all dy Thursday and all faculty
members and students who wish
to purchase the regular $4.00 sea
son ticket entitling them to a re
served seat for all performances
are asked to come early.
Members of the Town Hall staff
will start a new campaign to sell
student tickets tonight, visiting the
dormitories in a last drive to sell
out the available seats in Guion
Hall. With 10 outstanding numb
ers on the program, interest in
Town Hall is at a Jiigh point and
Smitham said present ticket sales
indicated but few seats would be
available for single admissions.
Students are urged to purchase the
season tickets at $2.00 which will
afford them the outstanding pro
grams for only twenty cents each,
Smitham concluded.
First Meeting Set
For Marketing And
Finance Club Tonight
The Marketing and Finance Club
will meet tonight in the “Y” parlor
for the first official meeting of
the year. All sophomores, juniors,
and seniors majoring in Marketing
and Finance are eligible to join
the club. A speaker has been ar
ranged for the program.
The club met Tuesday night
for the election of officers. Turney
Leonard was elected president;
Harrison Bancroft, vice-president;
Don Pinson, secretary and treas
urer; and Lee Rogers, student rep
Puerto Rico Club
Organizes for Year
The Puerto Rico A. & M. Club
held its first meeting of the year
Tuesday night. Julio E. Trigo was
elected president; George Villamil,
vice president; and Russel T. Cook,
secretary-treasurer at the meet
Although only 17 boys are here
at A. & M. this year as compar
ed with 28 who were here last
year, the club has an enthusias
tic membership. The draft and the
fact that several Puerto Ricans
were offered jobs were the causes
for the drop in club membership,
Cook said. Plans are in the offing
to form an ex-Aggie club in Puerto
Colorado County
Students Hold Meet
The first Colorado County A. &
M. Club ever to be organized in
their meeting Monday night elected
F. P. Kallina, president; Henry
Hasse, vice-president; Joe Lichnov-
sky, secretary-treasurer; and Snip
Wells, reporter. The club will func
tion as a medium for bringing all
the Aggies from Colorado County
Dust-Chasing Crew
Organizes-From Now
On They Are “18-23"s
Have you ever heard of the “18
23” club? It is the latest creation
in the Aggie club line. It is truly
a legitimate organization with all
intentions to the good and every
thing on the level.
The membership is composed
solely of student janitors employ
ed the Building and College Utili
ties Department as office, dormi
tory or N.Y.A. janitors.
C. K. Jones was elected as pres
ident of the club. Charles Bode was
made vice president; Bert Hall,
secretary; and W. F. Breihan, re
porter. E. N. Holmgreen and W.
R. Horsley are the faculty advis
ors of the group.
As the goal of the club it is hop
ed to create a feeling of fellowship
and cooperation among the stu
dents on the janitor force and if
possible to sponsor social events
for the 180 student janitors.
The name “18-23” was chosen
because that represents the range
of salaries which club members re
ceive for their various duties.
Thumbers Cards
May be Obtained
From Payne or Y
The YMCA has announced that
the Aggie thumbers cards are now
available at either the Y desk or
at A1 Payne’s office. These cards
have been the source of many com
pliments to the school and create
a great deal of good feeling be
tween Aggie hitch-hikers and mo
The cards give the Aggie’s name,
his home and school address, and
his organization. They express
thanks for the ride, invite the mo
torist to visit him in his home or
at A. & M., and give the Aggie
hitch-hiker’s philosophy. This
philosophy states, “Realizing that
the person who favors me by giv
ing me a ‘lift’ is doing so at his
own risk and that his consideratioh
in helping a student is the mark
of a true sportsman, it is my pleas
ure to show him every courtesy
and render any service possible. It
is an opportunity for me to up
hold the true Aggie Spirit.”
All requests for allocations
from the Student Activities
fund should be filed with the
Student Activities Office, 126
Administration Building by
October 10. Application
blanks are now available for
making your requests.
Barger Made Member
Of Co-op Committee
J. Wheeler Barger, head of the
department of agricultural eco
nomics, has been appointed a mem
ber of the committee to arrange
for the program of the American
Institute of Cooperation.
The Institute is held annually
and is, sponsored by the federated
councils of all types of cooperative
organizations throughout the Unit
ed States. The meeting this year
will be held at the University of
Georgia in January.
Professor Barger served as
chairman of the program commit
tee of the Texas Institute of Coop
eration for four years and last
year attended the meeting of the
American Institute of Cooperation
at Michigan State College.
Senior Invitations
Contract Let—Hervey
The contract for the printing of
the Senior invitations was awarded
to the Southern Engraving Co.,
of Houston, it was announced yes
terday by Dick Hervey, Senior
class president. The Southern En
graving Co. has had the contract
for the printing of the invitations
for the past three years. Hervey
also said that a committee meet
ing will be called on to decide upon
the design for the invitations for
the Class of ’41.
[Aggie Band to Furnish Music As
Team Leaves for Alamo Stadium Game
By Mike Mann
Senior Sports Assistant
Those Fighting Texas Aggies will be given a typical Aggie send-
off by the “Twelfth Man” tonight at 11 o’clock at the Missouri Pacific
railroad station. The occasion is the departure of the football team for
San Antonio where they meet the Texas A. & I. Javelinas Saturday
night in Alamo Stadium.
Head Yell Leader Skeen Staley states that the sendoff will begin
promptly at 11 o’clock, and aftei-f
the yell practice is over the team
will go to bed and their cars will
be pulled out sometime after mid
night. Staley will be assisted by
J. O. Alexander, “Big Foot” Nagle,
and “Chuck” Chalmers.
The entire Aggie Band will be at
the station to provide the very nec
essary music for the occasion. The
band will follow the team to San
Antonio by special train early Sat
Virday morning.
The special train will leave at
o:30 a.m. Saturday carrying the.
band and those students who do
not have to attend classes Satur
day morning, and will arrive in San
Antonio a 11 a.m. Upon arrival the
band will parade up Houston street
to the Gunter Hotel where they
will broadcast a short concert over
a local radio station. After the
broadcast a yell practice will
be held in front of the Gunter Ho
tel for all Aggies who are in San
Antonio at the time and who wish
to attend. The yell practice will
begin at approximately 12:15 p.m.
Skeen Staley has requested
that all Aggies who wish to
participate in the yell practice
meet the yell leaders and the
band at the Gunter instead of
going to the station and follow
ing the band downtown.
This is the first trip of the sea
son for the football boys and will
be the Cadet Corps’ first chance
to give the team the rousing send-
off they so justly deserve.
A & I Tickets
Available at Y
This Afternoon
Quizzes for Fish
To be Held Friday
Advanced Transfer
Students Must Report
To Take Examinations
All freshmen and undergraduates
who have not yet taken the
Psychological Test will meet in
the Assembly Hall Friday morn
ing when freshmen classes will
be suspended for the test.
Advanced standing students will
receive excused absences from
classes. Any of these students who
have taken this test previous to
attending A. & M. College should
write at once to the institution
where he took the test and request
that the gross score made by the
student on the American Council
of Education Psychological Test be
sent to the Registrar’s Office at
A. & M. A record has already
been received in the Registrar’s
Office of the grades of those stu
dents transferring from N.T.A.C.
All students who will take the
test must be on time. All fresh
men are required to take the ex
amination. H. L. Heaton asks that
the freshmen and others who will
take the test cooperate by arriv
ing according to schedule.
The schedule by which the
Psychological Test will be conduct
ed is as follows:
8 to 10 a. m. All new students
whose surnames are A to K in
clusive will meet in the Assembly
Hall for the test.
Five o’clock this evening is the
deadline for purchasing tickets for
the Aggie A. & I. game to be
played in San Antonio Saturday
night, E. W. Hooker of the Athlet-
ic Council stated yesterday.
Any student wishing to buy ei
ther a student or a data ticket may
do so at the desk of the Y. M. C.
A. Student tickets are priced at
$1.10 and it will not be necessary
to own a coupon book to get the
tickets at this price. Date tickets
sell at $2.20 and are available un
der the same conditions are regu
lar student tickets
All tickets will be taken to San
Antonio Thursday night and rib
student tickets will be available to
students after their arrival there.
AVMA Schedules
Meeting Thursday
All Pre Veterinary students are
cordi|ally invited to attend the
meeting of the Jr. Ch., A. V. M. A.,
Thursday evening in the Veterin
ary Hospital Amphitheater at 7
9 a. m. All new students whose
surnames are L to Z inclusive will
meet in Guion Hall for an assem
10 to 12 a. m. All new students
whose surnames are L to Z inclu
sive will meet in the Assembly
Hall for the test.
10 a. m. All new students whose
surnames are A to K inclusive
will meet in Guion Hall for an as
Ponthieux Announces
Red Cross Life-Saving
Courses for Students
Instruction in the Red Cross
Senior Life Saving class will begin
P’riday at 7:30 p.m. in the P. L.
Downs Natatorium. Thereafter the
class will meet every Friday night
at 7 p.m. N. A. Ponthieux will be
the instructor and will be assisted
by Robert Cockrell. Students hold
ing instructors ratings who would
like to assist in the instruction of
the class should get in touch with
Mr. Ponthieux. The course will re
quire 16 hours of instruction.
Dr. Asa Chandler, one of the
country’s foremost parasitologist,
and professor of the department of
biology at Rice Institute, will be
the principal speaker of the eve
Students who plan to take the
course should report at 7:30 p.m.
Frida ywithreg ulation swimming
equipment. The student should be
able to swim a quarter of a mile
if he intends to take the course.
Red Nichols Orchestra Comes
Here As First Big-Name Band
Red Nichols and his famous or
chestra will play for a corps dance
after the Town Hall program in
Sbisa Hall, October 10, Alden Ca
they, social secretary of the sen
ior class announced yesterday.
This will mark the first time
that a big-name dance orchestra
has appeared at Aggieland during
the fall semester for a corps dance
and promises the A. & M. social
season a good start, Cathey said.
Nichols and his orchestra will
be here the week-end that the foot,
ball team plays NYU in New York
so that everyone will be able to
attend the dance.
Ranked by George Simon, music
critic for Metronome, as the “sur
prise sensation of 1941,” Nichols
is considered as tops where im
mortals of jazz are concerned.
Downbeat, favorite among music
ian 1 ’ newspapers, states that Nich
ols climbed to fame ten years ago
with more than able assistance of
his celebrated “Five Pennies.”
Perhaps his attribute is the in
genious arrangement of danceable
tune — a type of music that is
fresh and distinctive.
Saturday night, October 11, a
juke box prom similar to those
held during summer school will be
held in the annex of Sbisa Hall.
The Town Hall program will be
given in Guion Hall and all student
tickets sold for the season will be
good for the performance.