The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Prexy Squelches Rumors;
New Dorms To Open In Feb.
Power for Buildings Furnished at The
Expense of Street Lighting if Necessary
Every possible effort is being
made to put the four new dormi
tories now being constructed on the
northwest corner of the campus in
to actual use by the beginning of
the second semester even if it is
necessary to minimize street light
ing and other non-essentiail elec
trical output to be able to light
them, President T. 0. Walton said
in an interview Wednesday.
The president’s statement was
made to counteract the rumors
circulating the campus that the
dormitories would not be opened
because the power plant would not
be able to furnish the necessary
amount of electricity for lighting
the new buildings.
The college power plant is oper
ating at its capacity to furnish the
power that is now being used. An
additional amount of electricity
cannot be produced without a new
power turbine.
The omly solution offered by the
power plant officials is to con
serve electricity that is being used
for the old dormitories and other
buildings where the power is not
entirely essential.
An order was placed for another
turbine last year but because of
national defense priority listings
it will not be shipped from the fac
tory until the latter part of the
school year.
Contracts were let for the new
buildings last spring after an ap
propriation by the Senate Com
mittee for a building program at
A. & M. Construction work was
begun by a company in Houston
who originally planned to have
the dormitories ready for occu-
Organization Of
Student Welfare
Group Under Way
The Student Welfare committee
is now being organized and elec
tions are being held to elect one
senior from each military battal
ion on the campus and one senior
from the band. Also three repre
sentatives from. the junior class;
two representatives from the
Sophomore class, and one repre
sentative from the freshmen class
will be elected in the near fu
ture. Other members of the com
mittee are the cadet colonel, sen
ior class president, editor of The
Battalion, and several members of
the faculty.
The Student Welfare committee
was organized a number of years
ago as a faculty-student group
before which both faculty and
students might bring their prob
lems, so that each might better
understand the other side, and so
that work might be started toward
remedying these problems and in
stituting new projects .fjor the
betterment of A. & M. With the
J years it has grown both in size
and accomplishments. This year
there are seventeen members of
the college faculty and twenty-four
members of the student body.
As yet the only known members
of the committee are Tom Gillis,
cadet colonel, and Don Gabriel, Bat
talion editor. Gillis is the student
chairman while Dean Bolton is the
faculty chairman. The other fac-
utly members are: F. W. Hensel,
M. L. Cushion, E. E. McQuillen,
C. W. Crawford, Daniel Russell,
D. W. Williams, C. C. Doak, W. L.
Penberthy, C. B. Campbell, C. N.
Shepardson, A. J. Bennett, J. T.
L. McNew, J. H. Milliff, E. L. An-
gell, J. C. Hotard and V. M. Fiares.
A piano player to work
Must be able to read sight
fairly well. Do you qualify?
See Richard W. Jenkins in
the Student Activities office.
pancy by the latter part of this
semester. At that time it was not
anticipated by college officials that
it would be impossible to obtain
the proper power facilities to fur
nish electricity for the buildings.
The plan to furnish the dormi
tories with power will not alter
the lighting facilities of buildings
that are essential for the normal
function of college activities.
‘The Twelfth Man’
New Song of Corps
Presented Tuesday
Singing- Cadets Start
Year By Offering New
Piece at Yell Practice
The new Aggie song, “The
Twelfth Man”, written by Mrs.
Ford Munnerlyn will be presented
for the first time Tuesday night
at yell practice. Pete Adams, presi
dent of the Singing Cadets, says
that the presentation of this new
song at their first performance is
going to be the start of what he
hopes to be the most successful
season in the history of the group.
Contrary to the popular opin
ion, anybody is eligible for mem
bership in the Singing cadets,
Adams also said. Any person with
a love of good music is sincerely
invited to join the club. It is not
necessary to know how to sing
or read music to participate in the
activities of the minor club.
The major club which will con
tain between 90 and 110 members
will make several trips this win
ter. Plans are not definite but it
is expected that they will make
one tour in December, another in
February, and another sometime
after the first of April to T. S. C.
Changes Occur
In Agricultural
Economics Staff
Important personnel changes
have been made in the teaching
staff of the agricultural economics
department for the school year
J. Wheeler Barger, head of the
department, announced.
W. F. Vendley resigned to
accept a position teaching at Pur
due university and P. W. Kimball
to enter law school at the Univers
ity of Illinois. A. D. Reed to
go as economist with the soil con
servation service at Lincoln, Neb
raska and R. W. Denhardt is on
leave of absence this year at the
University of California studying
at the university on a general ed
ucation board fellowship.
Six new members have been add
ed to the department this year,
one of which is Stewart M.
McKinson who was educated at
the University of Wisconsin and
Northwestern university and had
several years of experience in
sales management and promotion
with business organizations.
Ray Putnam ,who did his work
at Iowa State college and F.
M. Ward who received his degree at
A. & M. and following a few years
experience in the cotton busiiless
of this state was employed by the
federal Bureau of Agricultural
Economics. F. A. Buckley, who
graduated at A. & M. and receiv
ed his masters degree at Iowa
State college having experience as
a county agent and with the U. S.
Department of Agriculture.
F. L. Greenway who had work at
the University of Colorado and
Stanford university. He had busi
ness experience, taught at San
Jose State college at California
last year, and P. L. Ferguson,
who has received his undergradu
ate work at A. & M. and was lately
employed with the Farm Security.
To the Twelfth Man - An Appeal
An Editorial Expression
By Mike Haikin
Battalion Sports Editor
Joach Homer Norton has made an urgent appeal to the
famous “Twelfth Man” of Aggleland for some centers. What
are we going to do about it? Not since 1930 when Coach
Matty Bell was faced with a similar problem has such a
situation existed. Matty called for volunteers from the campus
for a center, and the Twelfth Man responded immediately.
Today, our boys need some centers very desperately.
Sam Rankin is ineligible, Leonard Holder is in danger of the
draft, and Maurice Williams has been shifted to center,
where he is not accustomed. Bill Sibley and A. J. Mercer are
left, but both are inexperienced, and it would be hard for
them to hold down a sixty-minute job of football playing.
That’s the situation, ole Army. Are we going to let the team
down? Not on your life. It’s the football team that has
brought us fame and publicity all over the country for the
past two years and it would only be fitting if we could lend
a helping hand to Coach Homer Norton.
So if you are eligible for varsity football, and have play
ed center at one time or another, be sure and let Coach Nor
ton or his staff know about it. Who knows, you may be an
YMCA Lounge Fast Turning
From a Dream into a Reality
A Battalion Feature
Fast changing from an idea into
a reality is the student lounge for
the old area students. Plans for
building washroom and lounging
facilities in the old Y.M.C.A. simi
lar to Kiest Lounge were started
last spring.
The idea was to arrange for A.
& M. Mothers Clubs throughout
the state to make contributions for
the furnishing of the room and
for the upkeep to be a responsi
bility of the Y.M.C.A.
Mothers of Aggies from Tem
ple were the ones to start the ball
rolling with a pledge of $65. Oth
er clubs to follow were the Hous
ton Mothers with $100; San Anton
io, $100; San Angelo, $50; Dallas,
$100; Fort Worth, $100; Waco,
$100. An additional pledge from the
Dallas club of $400 brings the to
tal to $1015.
All contributions are handled
by the Student Lounge Committee
composed of Preston Bolton, ex
president of the “Y” Cabinet;
Fred Smitham, now president of
the “Y” Cabinet; Terry Thrift, vice
president; and Tom Gillis, cadet
The present tentative plans are
for the lounge to be built in one
of the circular wings of the Y. M.
C. A. Building by enclosing the
area in glass. This lounge will be
open to students and visitors at all
times since it will be under the di
rect supervision of the Y. M. C.
In charge of the project is Er
nest Langford, who has secured
Newly-Elected Prexy
Miller of Radio Club
Makes Plans for Year
Monroe Miller, newly chosen
president of the A. & M. Radio
Club Wednesday night announced
new plans and policies of the club
for the coming year. Membership
in the club will not be restricted
to licensed radio amateurs but
will be open to all students inter
ested in radio communication, Mil
ler said.
Other officers of the club who
were elected Tuesday night were
Jabus Barker, vice-president; O. G.
Williams, secretary; G. W. Hal-
tom, treasurer; and Jack Keith,
reporter. In addition to these of
ficers, a staff of technicians was
elected to advise the club on trans
mitter designs and to make sug
gestions along technical lines.
Those elected to this staff were
George Huebner, Monroe Miller,
and Jabus Barker.
The A. & M. Radio Club has its
own amateur transmitter and com
munications receiver for the use
of its members. The station is lo
cated on the third floor of the
electrical engineering building.
Through the cooperation of the
electrical engineering department
and the national defense course, a
new transmitter is being construct
ed for the club. It will be complet
ed in the near future, Miller said.
Mosley and Swank, architects, to
study the Y. M. C. A. building and
formulate plans for a student
lounge and ladies’ wash room.
These plans are to be completed in
time to present them for final sanc
tion to the A. & M. Board of Di
rectors meeting on October 4. Up
on the approval of the board, bids
for construction will be started im
The furnishing of the room was
estimated by one furniture com
pany to appr v-lihate $5000, of
which one-fifth has been contrib
uted. This estimate cannot be con
sidered as the definite amount be
cause of the uncertainity of the
size and type of construction.
The lounge has become a great
er necessity this year than it has
ever been since all rooms in the
old dormitory area are being oc
cupied by three students and the
completion of construction of the
four new domitories will greatly
increase the number of students
using that area.
Eventful Season
Forseen by Senior
Livestock Judgers
Senior Livestock Judging con
testants planned numerous trips
during the coming year when they
held their • first meeting of the
year Tuesday when 15 students met
with Irvin Edwards of the animal
husbandry department.
Edwards outlined the plans for
the team during the coming year
and announced that members will
practice Mohday through Friday
from five until seven p. m. and
will hold contests here on Satur
days. On September 27, October
4, 10, and 11, the group will go to
Dallas to work on material at the
State Fair.
On October 18 six of the men
will enter the American Royal
Intercollegiate Livestock Judging
contest and on November' 29 the
International Livestock Judging
Contest at Chicago.
Enroute to Kansas City the
group will stop at Oklahoma A.
& M. for a workout. On the
way to Chicago the group will vis
it outstanding livestock farms in
Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa,
and Illinois.
Five of the Candidates wtere
on the winning team in a similar
contest in Fort Worth last spring.
Edwards pointed out, however, that
the standings were so close last
year that any of the other candi
dates might replace some of these
Those men present at the meet
ing Tuesday were W. T. Berry,
C. W. Bode, M. L. Burks, N. V.
Craig, Jack Cleveland, G. H. Grote,
F. J. Hess, H. D. Jackson, V. J.
Loeffler, A. L. Murry, W. L.
Pendleton, Milton Ruble, A. E.
Pronger, T. E. Stuart, and J. D.
Senior Court To
Investigate Each
Case Individually
Senior from Organization
Of Accused on Jury; First
Session Not Yet Scheduled
A personal investigation of each
case before its trial will mark the
difference in the operations of
this year’s Senior Court actions
from those of the past. In order
that the circumstances of a case
may be more fully understood, a
senior from the organization of
the accused will be detailed to sit
in on the court during the trial,
Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis stated.
The first session of the court
will be held as soon as enough
cases are referred to it. Blanks for
Senior Court charges will be put
in first sergeant boxes in the
next few days.
Senior Court offenses will nor
mally consist of the following:
non-reg in Bryan, absence without
leave, disrespect to cadet officers,
non-reg at corps dances, sitting
in the senior section at athletic
contests and at picture shows,
throwing water in halls, defacing
college property, acts on or off
the campus which reflect discredit
on the college, and any offense
which may be referred to the
court by the Commandant.
The court shall consist of six
organization commanders and the
Corps Commander, or the Corps
Executive, or one of the Regimen
tal Commanders, who will pre
side over the court. The members
of the court including the pre
siding officer will be detailed from
a roster maintained by the Corps
Commander who will be respon
sible for detailing the court to
meet at a designated time.
Meets Twice Monthly
The court shall meet twice
monthly for formal consideration
of offenses which "may be refer
red to it for action and informally
as often as necessary for consid
eration of charges prior to the
formal hearing.
The members of the court, the
(See SENIOR MEET, page 4)
Civil Service Jobs
Call for Applicants
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces open com
petitive examinations for the posi
tions of assistant communications
operator, $1,620 a year and junior
communications operator ,$1,440 a
year, for employment in Fourth
region, Bureau of Federal Air
ways, Civil Aeronautics Adminis
tration, which has headquarters at
Fort Worth. Vacancies in the po
sition of under communications
operator, $1,260 a year will also
be filled from the registers re
sulting from these examinations.
The fourth region comprises the
states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New
Mexico, Oklahome, and Texas.
Applicaitons may be filed with
the Manager, Tenth U. S. Civil
Service District, Customhouse,
New Orleans, Louisiana, until fur
ther notice. Applications will be
rated as received and certification
made as the needs of the service
Remaining Key Positions
For ’42 Men to be Filled
Additional Corps Trip and Results
Of Picture Committee Up for Discussion
Tonight marks the official beginning of the rule of the class of
1942 after the election of class officers in Guion Hall immediately
following yell practice. Under present conditions this year’s class is
faced with more serious responsibilities than any time before. Since
the revised policy of the commandant’s office to allow the seniors a
greater part in the conducting of affairs pertaining to the cadet corps
it is expected that the election will be the incentive for a greater
percentage of turn out and interest'f”
than has been shown in recent
The election of officers tonight
will close the elections to key pos-
itiians for the senior class for
this year.
Gillis Presides
Tom Gillis, cadet colonel, will
preside over the meeting and the
votes taken will be counted by
the regimental commanders. Voting
will be done on the signed ballot
Other subjects up for discussion
will be the corps trips, senior sec
tions in Guion Hall, which is to be
used for a picture show upon the
completion of the proper equip
ment and alterations. Also to be
decided upon will be the senior sec
tions at football games, both in
Kyle Field and on corps trips.
Corps Trips
In previous years there has been
granted one official corps trip and
one unofficial trip has been per
mitted through a petition to the
(See COURT, Page 4)
Sunday Afternoon
Recorded Program
Now in the Making
Regular Sunday afternoon pro
grams of recordings will be play
ed for the corps from three-thirty
until four-thirty in the future from
the dome of the Academic building
if the arrangements now being
made can be carried out officials
of the college said late yesterday
Bob Shuffler, technician of W.
T. A. W. will be in charge of the
programs and will select the rec
ords. The loud speaker system was
given to the college by the moth
ers’ clubs of the state. The speak
ers are audible all over the old
campus and are partly audible in
the new area. This sound system
is also used for playing silver taps.
Records and concerts from the
W.T.A.W. studios on the second
floor of the Y.M.C.A. have attract
ed favorable attention of campus
visitors and officials and when
mentioned in the organization
commanders meeting Monday night
it was decided that such a pro
gram be permanently arranged.
An experimental program was
conducted Sunday afternoon and
received much favorable comment.
Similar programs were conducted
during the summer session and
were featured at intervals during
the 1940-41 term. A long program
was presented on Sunday after
noon before the Home Demonstra
tion Club’s Short Course which
was held during the past summer
and it too received favorable com
Student Aid Seeks
Contribution From
Every A & M Cadet
Money Should be Given
To Company Commanders
At Earliest Possible Date
Every Aggie is being asked to
contribute 15tf to the Student Aid
Fund. This money should be turn
ed in to each organization com
mander as soon as possible. In
turn they are to turn the money in
to the Student Activities office
The Student Aid Committee
which supervises the fund is com
posed of two seniors, Skeen Staley
and Tom Gillis; three faculty mem
bers, Dr. Dan Russell, E. L. An-
gell, Geo. Wilcox; and two juniors,
as yet unselected.
The purpose of the Student Aid
Fund is to help worthy Aggies
who need medical attention for
their continued well being and
good health while in school. The
fund also sends flowers and notes
of sympathy from the entire corps
to the families of deceased Aggies.
The fund started from money
raised by the students to help
George Stidham, an Aggie who
was seriously injured in 1939. The
money is loaned to students who
are asked to sign a non-maturing,
non-interest bearing note for the
amount of money received from
the fund. The student is asked
to name a date at some future
time, after his graduation, when
he feels he wiA be able to repay
the money. The Aggie is remind
ed of this only once and he has
only an honorary obligation to
pay. Nothing more is said if the
cadet does not repay the money.
The returned money is used again
to help more Aggies.
Barry Francks ’41
Plung-es to Instant
Death at Kelly Field
Lt. Barry Church Francks, Jr. r
class of ’41, of Brady, Texas, was
killed instantly at Kelly Field last
Tuesday by an airplane collision.
Francks was an instructor at the
field and was flying with aviation
cadet Joseph C. Foley of Dallas
when his plane collided with an
other plane about 800 feet in the
air. Francks and Foley bailed out
of the plane and were both killed
after their parachutes failed to
Francks attended A. & M. for
three years before going to Kelly
Field where he was graduated in
Town Hall Comes up With Extra
Surprise Feature - Red Nichols
By Charlie Babcock
With his torrid trumpet “wail
ing to the four winds,” Red Nichols’
dance band will make its init
ial appearance on the Aggieland
campus the weekend of October
10 through 12.
Nichols and company will be
featured at a regular Town Hall
performance the night of Friday,
October 10. Following the Town
Hall presentation, the scene of
music merry-making will shift to
the confines of Sbisa Hall for one
on the traditional Aggie corps
Ranked by George Simon, mu
sic critic for Metronome, as the
“surprise sensation of 1941,” Ni
chols is considered as tops where
immortals of jazz are concern
ed. The Downbeat, favorite among
musicians’ newspapers, states that
Nichols climbed to fame ten years
ago with the more than able assis
tance of his celebrated “Five Pen
Perhaps his main attribute is
the ingenious arrangement of
danceable tunes—a type of music
that is fresh and identifiable.
Word should be added that this
presentation is an extra feature
of the Town Hall program, and
holders of student season tickets
will be admitted at no extra cost.
As announced earlier in the year,
another big-time swing band will
be guest artist of the Town Hall
series in addition to Nichols and
Students may secure season tic
kets from their organization com
manders through Monday, Sept
ember 22—tickets which will be
valid for the entire season’s pro
As an aftermath of his appear
ance at College Station, Nichols
will travel to Houston for a Sat
urday night engagement. Due to
the lack of local accomodations,
the Nichols band will probably
make their residence in Houston
during the brief stay in south Tex