Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1941)
THE BATTALION 4- N otices NKWCOMHU CLUB m Chib will b*v* • tm Pernor at now fan Hy atmb*n at tb« I 1 'p‘ r ' < H* ^•4*aaiar. Iryiiaibaa IT mirr hbbting ia , at to « vacaacy oa tha ataff tor LOMCHORN BTArr MUTING NMbf 7^5 * ba Laacbora Staff will mm*. .. tb« in. hY K L. N, ■I-; K. J Tb. ftuxWa, C. E. wUI r__ Tail PraCca ta • LaMan Boon for afflaan lor tkla aebaai | b^ba AIM aw: Vtaa- rrain. a/ur Ba^aiwtt •f rtmtirng ta tba of a ablab vtn ba ■Mf - U b vary al oM •» tba baequat laat •pnn. ^ 7^* »r vo r * tW w4n and to croata a rahM of appro alattoo for thrtr aoaraa of •tad*. AU ate- daata tabia. Civil Ka^aaorin. art orvrd > waa olntol plow— abalr- * Jfl A^ b!Tl STtator^ waa cat tod for tba paryono for tba oawb« yi Jl'DCING tSL u u. BTORAi.E baM ta a>ara.i boot boon i tba •toraw room in Guio* Hall. BVwara a for taatnaaa ft— I to I ». roday. Tbundajr and Priday r. 7 !!, M). It ta taaporattoy Disney’s Book of l ggM and Bugle Corps In Action -TUESDAY, « •f Sy«Um art befor* board Q—ml Fieri Um appeal bo i :Wktb Jack 'itW V at your xmtailar’a supply lasts) 15 r purchasa of Q PARKER j l mnk- tvrka Qxiink CLEAN)A PEN AS IT WRITES STOPS JWO-TMIADS Of PEN TROUBLES »- .DRIES Of PAPER 31% • QUICKER RICH,FULL- BODIED, BRILLIANT COLORS oyalt I I* rutin k the exciting, new quick-drying ink that cleans your pen I as it writesl Yaa, without waiting a day, you can near gat this brand-naw Book oi Songa, including big hits from Diansy'a Utaat PaatuM Pictura, "DUMBO" — aonga you 11 soon ba baanng avarywhara, ind alaoMothrr Pavoritaa—and allFRKK, if you hurry. Oo to tha naaraat at ora sailing PartearQuJnA and boy a boatla for only 13^. Tha ratailar givaa you your Walt Dianav Song Book ri|i# then and thoral This almost incradibla offar is mada to intro- duca Quiak to hosts of new uaora. For Qntnk contains a harmless agent that diaaoNpa dapoaits left by pan-clogging Inks. Qurnk makes a pan a aalf-claanar—a Parker or ANY OTHER pen. So whether you uae a Parker or not, using Qurnk ia tha finest protection you can give it And your Quin* will keep till you need it but the ra- taiUr'a supply of Bong Books won’t Mat long. 80 hurry. Tha Parker Pan Co., Janesville,Wta. *l»de*endenl Labor*- tory trvt el next four •cllioc brand*. Tb* A. A M. drum and bugle corps is back in action again. Shown above ia a picture of the first drum and bagle corps as it appeared laat winter. Both Sbiaa and Duncan halls will have the drum and bngle corps for all three weal formations. With tba first game of tba rapidly approaching footba* sea- •on scheduled for next Saturday, the men who are responsible for the football team as wall aa the players themselves will come into the spotlight : Die man wno is largely respon sible for the physical condition of the players ia Lilbum J. Dim- ■dm*.better known aa "til” Dim mitt. Even though his main job ia head baseball coach, ha has kept the men in such excellent condition that to hard to find anyone to take his pla«e. LU, head baseball coach, assist ant football coach, aqd trainer, is probably one of the boat known figures in Texas sthlrik circles, haring come to A. 4 M. in 1936 to take the position of trainer and mssbstant football coach which he has kept until this year when he will becoide head baseball coach in the local board, hoard of appeal iy 16, 1941 l) to appear i sfcajl be • not cor*- 1 fro to— of ba based sole- at Beaumont, until 1936 at which time he cara< to A. A It LU to very, well known and Uked all over the state of Texas, —d some say that h« probably knowns more people UmRi ernor himself. the gor- »t all art idea in alarayr .Friday nicht. br rrdaimrd \ N. nrvtkig 1 rvll War HIOUM.Y CLUB l.«y Club will hold Ha ft rat nx-vtles Thy«4ay niyht immadiatrly after yell prsrtidbJls the lerturv re— »< Scienfr Hall. All old starobrr* are meed U ba there, .nvswil freahmen intrerated are aordially idelWK.SbudmU takin. Biol u.y Courae* WUI finR. thia dub at help to them. _ A. a M. UAMEH-hLt B Do you oiia« your friends w*ck hone? Well, rone on. let'* make • iSew friends by .oias to the A. A CLUB Wednestey nkskt at eidkt A>lork in the Y. M. C A. It la a dub rapeCHjly for student’s wtvn: *6 come on to cat together iReetlnt and «et arguainted Reporter, Mr*. H H. Walker CLUB PBKB1DBNTB On October 1 The Battalion wUI carry aa official dub meter .Ivin, the as— of A. a M. Club and the dub office** foe IM1-4S. Only those clubs which have eoaatituUona on file with the Student Ae- tivitiea Conwlrtee and which have filer the names of their officer* with thla»eom- mtUew will ba inrl jrir.i on the roster. Clv*> officer* nay be filed for the committee nt Rooon 12< ASninietmtion Buildtn., • FBOGKAM * OB 8TUDBNTS MAJORING IN CHEMISTRY . FRESHMAN YEAR (As for all physical science majors; SOFHOMOKE YEAR Firpt He a. eat rr Cm— Ch—iatry Iti. — «-•> * Qualitative Encineerinc Drawinc IS4 j,. <*-*> Dewcrtptiv* Geometry Knclish IS* | (l-«> CeenpoaiUoa and l.iteratnre Mathematic* 2S3 _ (4-4) Calrulu* Military Sdeare . * ! <l-l> Madem Laana.e 141. Itt *r I4S <S-4> Frebch. German or Spanish Brcand Semester Crm ( hemistry Il« „ Quantitative FaclUh lit (>•#) Writ in. and Diacuaaktn . MetSnmatlcs X44 (4W) Caleulua - Military Brian ce (l-S) edern lane**** its, Itt *r Itt IS-t) .rench, German or Spenish t*# ... MMER WORK Chemistry Industrial AnalysM al* >r*»h*, credit 4. JUMOR YEAR First StWaeter Credit .Chemical F.n.iaeeridU^ SM (l-t) 1 Industrial Stoicbioat ChamUtry Itl a Orunnic Chemistry IS) Physical Madera Lan^a^ Itl. ItS ar It French. German or Sp—iah Physics I4J General Physic* sn:. Di’gdriition tp the college prop- «r. A. A M Includes the ExteB- sion Service th«« Agrtouttorul Kx- periiu—t Sutidn (which ouinteins tubsubons throughout Texes), the Texes Ft as. fcngitieermf Experiment Su tion and the following branch eol- legus: John T^rlettm Agriculturml College at Stj»Rhenv$e and tha North Texas - 1 Complete Junior Uniform FOR SALE AT LQU POT’S J Seawater Her and Chemistry It! Or»anic Ch—iatry 124 . , <1-11 ■Physical Modern Lancwa.t Itl. 2t4 ar 2t4 11-41 French. Germae. of Spanish Physim It4 4 1 General Physiea Elective .... ». . ..jt WANTED $1000.00 J \ •m-'l worth of used books. Dig down in your trunk and bring us your old books. Best prices paid. See us before the rush is over. ' Anything purchased that is not satisfactory can be returned before Wednesday with the sales slip and your money will be cheerfully refunded ^ : . | \ _ .'** ’ j Loupot's Trading Post written first. All atudmu that m school laat year please use yo*r dry mark. Barks will be ass Wind hew students. - After tha Hat has been fltfod out the stub is tom from the list and pr* main to the acvnt at the time laundry ia tumto ia. When alamped. the stub ia your aback for your laundry The stub w ■taaifed oaly when presented with laun dry bundle. Duplicate stubs may be aa- enrad at main laundry for tc Laundry will be turned In and drllvaewd bark to Sta. 1 according to the following schedule : AU students whnae surname* bartn with the letters : A B C D bundles in Saturday ?-• a. m , bundles b^-k Tuesday J-6 Jo p. m.; B F G H I bundle* Monday T-S a. m. bundles back Wednesday 1-4 :M p. m.; J K L M Me N bundles in Tneedsy 7-4 4- ™ . bundle* back Thursday 1-6 :M p. as.; 0 P Q R 8 bundles ia Wednesday 7-4 a. Bk., bundles back Friday l-6 :M p. m. : T U V W Y t bundle* in Thuraday a. m . bun dle# back Saturday l-S p. m. Th# schedule for Station 2 will be the same with on* eareptfoa: AU boys whoa* name begins with the letter A B C D will turn in their laundry Friday 7-4 a. a* and It will be delivered back Mon day 4-4:40 p. m. Laundry must b* turned in and called for aa scheduled aa other laundry will hr coming back on the followm. days and anl— cleared them wUI be ronpestion at the laundry moms. Students plena* a your inspectiv* dates and cooperate with ua. AR late or out-of-place bundlm srtll have aa extra charge at 14c. Students wUI be allowed 14 ptece* par wsek with a limit of 4 abirta. I pants. 1 co-nil and I polo shirts. Shirts map ho gad for pants Mesa hall jacket* ba ca«hanged for pants Thor* wUI be>a chant* on all ear— pieces acetwdia. to tkofollowln.: Shirts lOe, pants 16c. polo* he. cover all* 10c. jackets 14* sad aU amalVatierea Ic each. Your dreta shirts will receive special at tention if bm—ht do am to the main laun dry and calleaSJor for Ike. If you have sty complaints or uaggae lions in regard tXyour laundry com* to the main laundry add call for My. Ayara. s W. R. Higgiaa. I-ahndry agent Sta. 1. J. C. Powers, Launder agent Sta. I cultural College After receiving his college edu-l* 1 Arlington, koth junior coVlegen, cation at Southwestern Univer- * n<1 the 1‘rainp View Normal and aity at Georgetown, LU took up ; Col)ege (for Negroes) cattle ranching for a' time. After- Prairie Vtoy, | , ward* he was elected. mayor of 17 ' j; ■ i ■ Georgetown, but he resigned that r r ' - -i ^ --.r r - x , position in 1923 to go to Beaumont, Texas to take over the position of head coach at, the Beaumont High school. He kept this posi tion, except for tone year when he coached at Lamar Junior College 'ampus Correctly Air-Conditioned by Frffidatre IS* to S P. M. — He After 29C All Day Sunday TODAY ONLY SENIOR YBAR Firs! Semester English 4*7 Technical Writing History 444 American Government Elective Second- Semester .Chemistry 444 Electrochemistry Kr*n—lea 444 I Principles of EconoenlCi BagHah 441 Public Speaking .Elect!** Credit <)-«) 2 (2-4) I Schadni* fer Grwap Prej Amanraa Lagi _ Bundles turned in at Station day 7-7 i46 and will b* delivered dmr 4-d p. m. Students that pay laundry fee nt cal offica pleas* present your reesipt Main Lsundry before turning In lauadry If fas is not pmd there will be n charge of «0< for II pise* bundles. J. D. Wilson. Agent. AU day students will turn in laundry Turnday 7-4 a. m. at North side of Main Lauadry. Call for Thuraday noon. 0. p. Ayers. Mgr. NORTH GATE J. E. L0UP0T, Clam of ’32, Mgr. .Taken for credit In Military Science 414. .Taken for credit in Military Science 414. .Select at least 6 credit hours each sernes ter fmm th* following Technical Klee ties*: First Scmantar Cradit Chemical Kngiaeering 4#S —(4-4) 4 Oil and Gas TacAnofofy temical Knginaartng 4M (4-S) I Industrial Chemical Protease* Chandatry 4U. 444 -L 4B-S) Animal Biochemlatry Chemistry 446. 444 . ..i. ,...(4-4) Plant Biochemistry Secand Seme* 1st Credit kemlstry 44T A—_1 (M) QuantitaUve Organic Analysi* Chemistry 44S. _C4-4) Energetics The fountein on the triangle in front of Sbisn Hall was erected by the rinse of '38. > . V THANK YOU AGGIES Colloidal Ch—iatry 44t._ Advanced Inorganic .(4-4) We wish to express our appreciation for your cooperation - n * ■ ♦ y with us in our new system and we hope it has been sat- l •-* v isfactory to you. We also wish to thank you for your patronage. We always stand ready to serve you. EXCHANGE “AN AGGIE INSTITUTION” X Classified Will offer | m.n“ OD iU Shop Pladtr plaa Law Ball. in St* apt bo* Fitter return jp reward tor return Co-op or Hick morning. Itth Boh Tnvte. 64 FOB SALE—My ho—. >IMr* Hina. P. H. A. • Ba— P Ahria Gragg. CaR 4-1114 or 4-U4L Pianola St.. 75 Used Sam le Belts iAt LOlipOT’S North GiU ——— 4- nan osrr* ALAN lAXTOt 4 (MagMa Bdw* —r: | i— ' AGGIES WE AGAJN WELCOME YOU TO VISIT OUR Store In Bryant FOUNTAIN SERVICE ; At ;V G A N A D r S PHARMACY • ■ n 111 [j. BRYAN 1 PAIR OF Size SVi Boots FOR SALE AT LOUPOT’S Abo )b Benchley, Cartoon immunity Sing ii WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY • OSR^ftSSEN 2 Cartoons — Popeyi Sports Short —1 " T \i—i—i tt ri i M' ’ What are you 6om with YOUR LAUNDRY THIS YEAR?... REGULATION GYM SG1T8 : n j ' jf;. ‘ We have b complete as- sortmtnti of ReKulation ^iah” Gym Suito—Stop today and select your \ FOR RENT Qalot tegtoMtetoa south IgMw - private hath, garage breakfast Han. Bryan Legal Notices 'cX. 1 Law 1-IS. L*W 1-AH L?W I-IS. BTATION be plated Nsm- far a i-rtod at th* CBy Cow aril W pwbliahed ■as who mag oaWg af this T Sa /l > • : I 1 W tar* LI v — A better method is to send it home regularly by Rail way Expuss—and hare it returned the tame way. Out service U Cut, sure—and convenient. Economical ratfcs include pick-up and delivery at no extra charge within out regular vehicle limits in all cities and prin cipal towns. Your choice of prepaid or collect charges. Jusc as convenient too, for ‘most any shipment: gifts, cake or a pet elephant •RESS A.GBNCY NATION - Wl01 RAIUAII MRVICI ATHLETIC 40* GYM SHOES HOOD BATTERY _R1MS ' HOOD MOGUL „ fNtofh Posture Foundation Arch) D CONFER, ” IL9! (with W( 1 Foandation SOCKS to 50e r pour Athletic Wt Stock Wright ia aiding and Dun- R*ckaU . . . Ton- Golf BaBa... . Band nail, BaB GIot« . ;/ • • • . I/-1- /] ' . , i ] yl -1