The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 18, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4
Official Notices
All candidates for Baccalaureate
degrees and Masters degrees to be
conferred in August, 1941, may
now make Application for these de
grees in the Registrar’s Office.
Applications for either the Bac
calaureate degrees or the Masters
degrees should be filed at this
time for all those who plan to
finish either at the end of the first
term of summer school or the sec
ond term.
All new students registered in
A. and M. for the first time who
expect to register here in Septem
ber, should come by the Registrar’s
Office and secure a new entrance
All old students who were not in
attendance at A. and M. at the end
of the 1940-41 session, and who
expect to register in September,
should come by the Registrar’s Of
fice and secure re-enrollment per
E. J. Howell,
WANTED—Cashier or girl for
concessions. Apply by letter only,
giving full details and qualifica
tions to Campus Theatre.
Our Job Is To
Keep You Looking
Shampoos and Tonics
Come In To See Us
In The
1 Y. M. C. A.
j All Kinds of Shampoos and |
Tonics For Sale
Ventilated “Mocs”
Keep your feet cool in a
pair of Edgerton Venti
lated “Mocs”. These
Moccasins are available
in Tan and White or Two
Tone Tans ... In Styles
that you will like.
Aa ^
*5 to* 6
See our fine assortment
of Sandals, Foot Sadis
and Mexican Huaraches
.... they’re ideal for
Summer Sportwear
32.50 to 36
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station Bryan
FOR RENT—3 room, furnished
apartment, one block from North
Gate. Telephone 2-1283.
National Defense
Courses Offered
Five different defense training
courses are being offered by the
departments of civil engineering
and engineering drawing beginning
during the months of June and
July. These courses are to last
for six or twelve weeks. All
courses are of college level, and
require a prrequisite of high school
There will be two courses in sur
veying and mapping lasting six
weeks. The first started on June
9 and the other one will begin
on July 21. Other courses that
begin this month and will run for
twelve weeks are as follows:
Structural Drafting, Materials
Testing and Inspection, Engineer
ing Drawing, and Camp Sanita
Summer Sports—
(Continued on Page 6)
coaching duties here to assume
practice in veterinary medicine
which he completed last year . . .
Chick Denny and Jimmy Davis
haven’t decided as yet whether they
will play softball . . . they are sort
of reluctant to give the other boys
too much competition . . . Freddy
Martin, sensational rookie hurler
of the Houston Buffs, will be in
ducted into the army late in July
. . . he shouldn’t feel too bad about
it, though, as he is due to do a lot
of chunking in the very near fu
ture . . . that is, throwing hand
grenates at Hitler’s gang. . . .
The ineligibility of Tom Posey, big
Rice Owl tackle, makes the third
valuable player that the Owls have
lost this year . . . Ted Weems and
Bob Brumley were the others . . .
Reinstatement of Bob Tulis and
Bob Swank to his squad should
give Homer Norton some good re
serves £?s far as the tackle posi
tion is concerned. . . Bob Myers,
assistant sports editor last year,
is Luke Harrison’s chief doorman at
the swimming pool . . . keep up
the good work, Bob . . . Dana X.
Bible, football coach of Texas Uni
versity, isn’t singing the blues for
nothing these days . . . eight of his
lettermen are very much in the
running for conscription . . . Not
worried, are you, coach?
Old Letter Written first Weekly Juke Box Prom
By Dewees in 1822
In 1822, W.. B. Dewees settled
on the Brazos River with a small
group of settlers. In later years
a group of his letters were pub
lished and have proven of historic
interest because of his description
of the country as it existed then.
The following letter, which is quot
ed in part, was mailed to a friend
on July 16, 1822 and describes the
Brazos River, Coahuila and Texas:
“Dear Friend:
“After a long and toilsome jour
ney I arrived at this point from
Red River in company with three
or four families from that coun
try on the first day of January,
last. We encamped at the cross
ing of the old San Antonio road,
two miles above the mouth of the
Little Brazos river. We were sev
eral months in getting here, there
being several families in, company,
among them were quite a number
of women and children.
“A part of the time we were
detained by sickness of one or
another of the company, besides
this, we lost several horses on
the way, and, in fact, we seemed
to meet with a great many misfor
tunes. We carried our luggage
entirely upon pack-horses, the
roads being perfectly impassable
for a vehicle of any description.
Describes Country.
“I believe I have already given
you a description of the country
between Pecan Point and Nacog
doches in a former letter. From
the latter place to the Brazos the
country is high and dry; the land
is generally poor, though well tim
bered between Nacogdoches and
the Trinity, from there on we met
with large prairies. On arriving
at the Brazos we found two fami
lies, Garrett and Ribbings, who had
got there a few days before us,
and were engaged in erecting
cabins. We were, all of us, much
pleased with the situation of this
place and decided to remain here
for the present.
“The settlement now consisted
of seven families; there is no other
settlement within fifty miles.
About the time of our arrival here
a few families settled below us
on this river, near the old La
Bahia crossing.
“As far as we have seen, we
are well pleased with this part
of the country. As high as we
have explored, the Brazos has the
appearance of being a large navi
gable stream. The land is very
rich and fertile. The timber is
good and, in places, particularly
on Little River, the white oak and
cedar reminds me very forcibly of
the timber in Kentucky.
Mode of Living Rough.
“Our mode of living, particular
ly for the women and children, has
been a rough one since our ar
rival on this river. About this
time our breadstuff gave out and
we had no chance of obtaining more
till we could raise it, and we have
been obliged to subsist entirely
upon the game which we take in
the woods and prairies.
“We have no reason to fear suf
fering for food, as the country is
literally alive with all kinds of
game. We have only to go out for
a few miles into a swamp between
the Big and Little Brazos to find
as many cattle as one could wish.
If we desire buffalo meat, we are
able to go out, load our horses
and return the same day. Bears
are very plentiful but we are
obliged to use great care when
hunting for them lest the havalenas
Rated Success By Students
Things are pepping up around-*-cure the newest record releases as
the Aggie campus on the week
ends with the weekly Saturday
night “Juke Box Prom” off to a
very lively beginning. The pop
ularity of the first prom will cause
more than just a few enjoyment
craving students to change their
minds about leaving on the week
ends and decide to stay over for
the “session.”
The weekly dance, intended to
be as informal as is reasonably
possible, is given for the purpose
of easing the tension of a week
of studying with good entertain
ment and to provide a “get ac
quainted night” which is all the
“bird-dog wise” Aggies need for
a start.
Starting at 8:30, the music play
ed varied from a slow waltz to a
fast jitterbug or La Conga, with
even a hill billy song or two
thrown in for good measure; It
appeared to be open house for the
jitterburgs who in most cases
showed more enthusiasm than tal
The music is played by request.
These requests may be turned in
at the entrance to Luke Harrison,
director of the summer activities,
or one of his assistants, who will
see to it that it will be played.
Those records most often re
quested were “The Hut Sut Song,”
“Maria Elena,” “Stardust,” and
“Apple Blossom Time,” the oper
ator, who was in charge of the
public address system later said.
“Plans have been made to se-
Cash and Carry
South Gate
Phone 4-4264
Guaranteed Repair Work On AH Makes
Of Typewriters
Next to Postoffice
Call Bryan 2-5254
(meaning the peccary) kill our
“The families have saved a few
pecks of corn which we planted,
but on account of the dry weather
and the want of culture, it will
yield but a small supply.
Milk Supply Limited.
“The only cows we have are a
few brought out by Cherokee John
Williams. This, of course, will
prove a good stock country, for
the prairies are teeming with wild
horses and cattle. There are a
vast quantity of bee trees about
here, so that we have no want of
honey; one might alomst give this
country the same description as
was anciently given Canaan, “a
land flowing with milk and honey”
but we are rather short off for
the milk just now.
“Upon the whole, we spend our
time very pleasantly; when we get
tired of lying around camp, we
mend up our moccasins and staid;
up the Brazos hunting baffalo,
more for pastime than anything
We frequently are gone out two
or three weeks; we generally go
up as high as we dare go, on ac
count of Whaco Indians. You
would scarcely believe me, were I
to tell you of the vast herds of
buffalo which abound here; I have
frequently seen a thousand in a
day between this place and the
mouth of Little river.
Party Makes Trip.
“It was dangerous for us to en
camp at night on the east side of
the river, on account of the cattle
coming for water, the night being
the only time they go for water.
We made our station camp at the
mouth of Little river on the beach;
there we stayed two weeks, killing
and drying buffalo meat. We went
out every day, killed a buffalo or
two apiece and brought the choice
pieces, particularly the tongues,
into camp. Our young friend, who
I mentioned as having come from
the States, had informed me he
was a minister of the gospel.
Buffalo Tongue Considered Prize.
“When one kills a buffalo he
generally lays claim to the tongue
as private property, it being a very
choice piece; the other portions
are shared equally. Our little
Yankee preacher seemed to enjoy
himself very well during the trip,
though he was greatly disturbed
by our profanity, for we were a
rough set. My reason for calling
him a Yankee, by the by, is the
way he managed to get our buf
falo tongues. About the time we
got our canoe loaded with meat
ready to start home, he proposed
a plan to break us of swearing, to
which we all readily agreed. The
first one who used an oath was to
give whoever first reminded him
of it one of his dried buffalo
tongues. Oaths being so common
with us, we, of course did not
notice them and in less than three
days the minister was possessor
of all our dried tongues. . . .”
Georgia State college for Women
recently celebrated its fiftieth an
they come out as well as retain
ing the most popular of the one
played at the previous dances,”
Harrison said, “and it is hoped
in this manner to build up a se
lection of music that,.will be hard
to beat anywhere. We were more
than pleased by the attendance
this last Saturday night, and con
sider this an indication of an in
creased attendance at each suc
ceeding dance. Every effort will
be made to improve each “prom”
each succeeding week end.” It
was estimated that around 500 per
sons attended between the hours
of 8:30 and 12:00.
The price of 15c for stags and
25c for couples has been set in
order to draw the largest group
possible. “Plus the boost that will
be received when there has been
more time for the word to get
around, the dances will grow into
affairs which will be remembered
long after the summer sessions are
over,” Harrison said.
The second in the series of proms
will be given at the same time,
8:30, Saturday night.
(Continued from Page 1)
with the Engineering Experiment
Station here at A. & M., one with
the Gulf Port Boiler & Welding
Works at Port Arthur, one with
Boeing Aircraft Corporation at
Seattle, Washington, one with
Guiberson Corporation at Dallas,
one with Balkuss Roberts Corpora
tion Naval Air Station at Corpus
Christi, and one as Junior Engi
neering Draftsman at San An
At present the following courses
e being taught here. The
courses are: Chemistry of Powder
and Explosives, part B eighteen
men; Chemistry of Powder and Ex
plosives A. & B. eleven men; Sur
veying and Maping, sixteen men;
Structural Drafting, thirty men;
Materials Testing and Inspection,
twenty-three men; Architectural
Drafting, thirteen men; Engineer
ing, Drawing, thirty-seven men;
Camp Sanitation, twenty-one men;
Power and Electric Circuits, thir
ty-one men; Radio Communication,
twenty men; and Fuel and Lubri
cant Testing, twenty men.
In addition to the program men
tioned above, the Engineering
School at A. & M. College has
completed three courses at the
Prairie View Normal College at
Prairie View, Texas, for Negroes.
The three courses already com
pleted are Internal Combustion
Engines, Engineering Drawing,
and Power and Heating Engineer
ing. Each course had about fif
teen students.
“Employment for these Negro
students has been slow,” McNew
stated in his report to W. R.
Woolrich, advisor of Region 18
of the Engineering Defense Train
ing of the University of Texas.
The report will be presented in the
June meeting of the Engineering
Defense Training meeting to be
held at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
McNew further said that the stu
dents had applied for Civil Service
Appointments but even these had
been slow.
The courses which are being
taught at Prairie View are Con
struction Engineering, Architec
tural Drafting, Internal Combus
tion Engines, and Radio Mainten
NYA Officials—
(Continued from Page 1)
and Ed. 427, lO-lO a. m., Academic
Building 117.
Horsley and Dr. T. D. Brooks,
dean of the School of Arts and
Science, have arranged details for
the information program, which
is being sponsored by 33 other Tex
as colleges this summer besides
A. & M.
Students in classes other than
those listed above have been in
vited to attend the N.Y.A. dis
cussions if they have a vacant
Kellam will appear on a panel
discussion before the Texas School
Administration Conference Tues
day at 7:30 p. m. on “Training for
What Occupational Tasks is Train
ing for Defense?” and will lead
a panel on Thursday at 9 a. m. on
“The Relation of Schools to Fed
eral Agencies in Service to
Youth.” Manning will appear on a
panel Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. on
“Training Programs for Out of-
School Youth.” These panels will
be held in the Physics lecture
(Continued from Page 1)
A. F. Marcia, College Station; I.
C. Mark, College Station;
Noah Mash, New York, N. Y.;
J. T. Miller, Seabrook; H. D. Miller,
Tolar; F. S. Molt, Houston; W. W.
Nickerson, San Antonio; S. M.
Pessin, College Station; W. N.
Porter, Granbury; R. D. Radeloff,
Kerrville; J. A. Rehkamper, Dal
las; J. R. Saunders, Jr., San An
H. A. Schmidt, Jr., Seguin; H.
L. Schulberg, College Station; N.
G. Simels, Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. E.
Spring, Corpus Christi; G. D.
Stallworth, El Campo; E. W.
Swarthout, Bryan; P. D. Stein, Ft.
Collins, Colo.; V. A. Tomayko, Col
lege Station; B. B. Tucker, Jr.,
Fort Worth; W. O. Tucker, Alice;
J. W. Walker, Gainesville; C. R.
Willey, Shelbyville; and Charles W.
Zahn, Dallas.
All of the successful candidates
for licenses, except W. O. Tucker,
Spring, and Molt are graduates
of Texas A. & M. College.
Let Us Fix
Your Radio
North Gate
Phone 4-4114
Whether you go to the Juke Box Prom,
or on a picnic, or away for the week-end.
You’ll need clean, fresh clothes.
Over The Exchange Store Dial 4-5114
West Park Barber
Harry Gorzycki, Prop.
Across From Project Houses
Drop in and select your
p 1 fabrics at low price now.
With small deposit have
your suit or pants de
livered 2 or 3 months
from now.
$20.75 up
Above Aggieland Studio
Open from 1:00 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Of Your
Regular 50^ Records 35^
Regular 35^ Records 25^
Aggieland Pharmacg
“Keep to Your Right at the North Gate and You Can’t Go Wrong”