The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 11, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
VOL. 40
Cotton Seed
Crushers To
Begin Course
Chemical Analysis
Will Be Extracted To
Prove New Method
The program for the thirteenth
annual short course for cotton seed
oil mill operators which will begin
Monday has been released by Dr.
J. D. Lindsey, professor of chem
ical engineering.
“The course is designed primar
ily for men who have had some ex
perience in oil mill operation,
whether it be office, production,
laboratory, sales, or others,” Dr.
Lindsey said. “It provides an ex
cellent opportunity to exchange
and try out new ideas. It is open
to anyone from other states and to
those connected with the industry
in any way.”
The mornings and afternoons will
be devoted to the operation of the
cotton seed oil mill and the chem
ical study of the crude material
and refined products. Some sec
tions will study analytical methods
day. Other sections will operate the
mill and make suitable experiments
on milling.
Binford Sloan of the Hercules
Powder Company, Dallas, will dis
cuss and supervise the grading of
all second cut lint.
M. K. Thornton, Jr:, of the Ex
tension Service Staff, will conduct
an open forum each day of the
L. B. Blalock of the Texas Pow
er and Light Company, Dallals,
will have charge of the power tests
made during the work. Blalock will
have instruments capable of ac
curately registering the power con
Harry A. Wilson, Jr., will dis
cuss the chemistry of oil mill op
The general direction of the short
course will be under the supervis
ion of F. F. Bishop, professor in
the department of chemical engi
neering and the experimental mill
operation will be under the super-
visin of C. W. Rankin, superintend
ent of the Brenham Cotton Oil
Baker, Goldich
Head Geological
Field Study Trips
Groups Will Study Areal
And Structural Formations
From Igneous Deposits
The two summer field courses
which the geology department is
sponsoring this summer left Sat
urday for locales, which they will
Dr. C. L. Baker, head of the
geology department, Williard Fra-
ham, Thorndale; Ward Wynn, Heb-
bronville, formed the personnel of
the first party and will be located
near Marfa, Texas, in the Big Bend
section. During geological surveys
they will map the section known
as the Jordan Gap Quadrangle. In
this particular area they will study
the areal and structural geology,
and the succession of lava flows.
Dr. Baker has been interested in
this particular section since he
made his first field trip there in
1912, and has written several pap
ers on the formations found there.
The latest publication was releas
ed this spring.
During the field trip, the group
intends to visit the cinnabar and
silver deposits in the terlingua
shalfta districts.
Adalph Kopp, senior from Dallas,
will join the group in the next few
Dr. S. S. Goldich, assistant pro
fessor of geology and his party are
working the territory east of the
Baker party in the Big Bend sec
tion and will study igneous petrog
raphy, which is the description and
systematic classification of rocks
formed by solidification of a molten
magma. Dr. Goldich started on this
problem in 1938.
George Hardin, ’41, Oakwood,
has taken this particular phase as
a problem for his master’s degree
at the University of Wisconsin,
and is accompanying the party
Juke Box Prom-SummerSpecial First Day Enrollment Reaches 1177 Mark;
Increase Expected After Military Camps
“Anything goes” is the byword in Sbisa Hall each Saturday night when Maestro Luke Harrison and his
Juke Box bands can produce anything on an all-request program from “Rippling Rhythm” to bustled
waltzes. Informality has always been the key-note. It’s so informal that coats and ties are not in good
taste, and are frowned upon.
Colonel Ike Ashburn Resigns From College
To Become Director of Industrial Peace Board
Col. Ike Ashburn, executive as--
sistant to the president, resigned
from the college Monday to be
come executive secretary and ad
ministrative head of the Harris
County Association for Industrial
Frank S. Garothers, president of
the association, is quoted as say
ing “In Colonel Ashburn we feel
that we have a man who is well
known here among industrialists as
well as labor heads to be firm and
fair in his opinions.
“We have full confidence that
Colonel Ashburn will be able to
bring about harmony between in
dustrial plant management and la
bor heads at a time when no time
can be lost due to disputes between
the employer and employee.”
Col. Ashburn will direct the op
erations of the association which
was formed to establish confidence,
sympathetic understanding and mu
tual helpfulness on the part of
management in industry and of
A Houston paper late Monday
night quoted Col. Ike as saying,
“While I hate to leave A. & M. I
feel like I am coming home when
Col. Ike Ashburn
I return to Houston, as I have
worked here for a longer period
than at any other place.”
After an absence of ten years,
Col. Ike Ashburn returned to A.
& M. on October 1, 1937, to as
sume duties as executive assistant
to the president, Dr. T. 0. Walton,
4-and to serve as director of pub
licity. He held both posts until
September 1938, when he gave up
his duties as director of publicity.
Col. Ike first came to A. & M.
in 1913 from Ft. Worth where he
had been city editor of the Fort
Worth Record, as director of pub
licity and, with the entry of the
United States into the war, he en
listed and went overseas.
His record in the first World
War is an outstanding one, when
it is noted that he entered the first
Officers Training Camp at Leon
Springs, Texas and through a se
ries of promotions was made a ma
jor in December, 1917.
As a result of his service over
seas, he was awarded the Dis
tinguished Service Cross; Order of
the Purple Heart by the United
States; Croix de Guerre, with palm
(indicating two awards), and made
a chevalier of the Legion of Honor
by France.
Colonel Ashburn was promoted
to Lieut. Colonel of the Reserves in
1920 in command of the 360th In
fantry regiment, and as Colonel of
the same regiment in 1922, which
rank he still holds.
Summer Series
Plans Made
Swiss Yodelers And Deep
River Plantation Singers
Will Provide Entertainment
Plans are being rapidly furnish
ed to complete the arrangements
for fhe programs to be presented
on the summer entertainment se
ries, Dr. C. H. Winkler, director of
the summer session, announced
Monday. The plans will include the
Swiss Yodelers, to be presented
within the next two weeks, and the
Deep River Plantation Singers, who
wnll be featured on July 1.
The Swiss Yodelers are the world
famous Fraunwelder family from
the high Alps known as the only
four part yodelers in the United
States, and will bring to College
Station some of the fine traditions,
I enthusiasm, characterists and sta-
i bility of the Swiss people.
On July 1, the Deep River Plan-
! tation Singers will present a pro-
' gram of jubilee chants, plantation
melodies, camp-meeting shouts and
spirituals, all in a very authentic
! manner, and put forth in a way
that only trained and finished mu
sicians can do with so much aban-
j don and spontaneity.
Bagley Announces Normal Enrollment
For 32nd Cotton Classifying School
Vocational Guidance
Offered by Dr. Tibbits
Two special courses are being
offered this summer for those in
terested in the field of educational
vicational guidance under the lead
ership of Dr. Fred Lyman Tibbitts
of Oklahoma University, who is
the visiting professor secured to
present the courses.
Dr. Tibbitts, a graduate of Stan
ford University has had teaching
experience in several colleges and
universities ^)f Oklahoma, and was
formerly connected with the United
States Veterans Bureau of Holden-
ville, Oklahoma and at San An
tonio in the capacity of vocational
In Industrial Engineering 406,
Dr. Tibbitts will deal with occupa
tional information, its sources, and
interpretation; in Education 427,
he will present the general educa
tional guidance concerning the clin
ical method of diagnostic tech
niques and counselling on the sec
ondary school.
Symphony To Meet
The College Symphony Orches
tra will meet on Tuesday evening
at 7 o’clock in the Consolidated
School orchestra room under the
direction of Col. R. J. Dunn.
Mexico Supplies Half Of
Students Because of Recent
Interest In Home Products
The summer cotton school, which
began Monday and will last through
July 19, will have an enrollment
of approximately 35 students, J.
B. Bagley, professor of cotton mar
keting, announced yesterday. Half
of the students enrolled are from
Mexico, a considerable increase
over the 8 students from Mexico
last year.
“The increase in the number of
students from Mexico is probably
due to Mexico’s awakening to the
advantage of classifying her home
produced cotton,” Bagley said. “In
past years Mexico has depended
entirely upon classification made
by foreigners. Since the Mexican
people have gained control of the
land, there has been a growing
tendency to train members of their
own race.”
The first summer cotton school
was oi’ganized in 1909 and rapidly
increased in favor. In 1920 the
registration has increased to 300
students. The return of the sold
iers from the first world war
swelled the ranks because cotton
was at a high peak.
During recent years cotton class
ifying by private buyers has de-
(Continued from Page 4)
Senate Names
Buchanan As
Board Member
New Member Former A&M
Professor; Now Manager of
Herman F. Heep Interests
The appointment of D. S. Buch
anan, ’17, from Buda, to the board
of directors by Governor W. Lee
O’Daniel was confirmed by senate
action Monday. Buchanan was ap
pointed to serve for a period of six
Until 1937 Buchanan was a pro
fessor in the animal husbandry de
partment. He resigned to become
the present manager of the Herman
F. Heep interests at Austin, Texas.
Born and reared in Brazos
county, Buchanan received his bach
elor of science degree in animal
husbandry from the college in
1927. He completed his M.S. degree
requirements at Iowa State College.
Prior to his professorship in, the
animal husbandry department,
Buchanan served 26 months over
seas during the World War I and
received two Croix de Guerre’s for
meritorious service. He served as a
captain in the U. S. Marine Corps.
Organization Of
Press Club Slated
Wednesday Night
The 1941 Summer Press Club will
be organized at the first meeting
of the summer, which will be held
in Room 122, Administration Build
ing at 7:30 tonight. The organiza
tion, which is composed of all
members of The Summer Battalion,
is the only club on the campus dur
ing the summer session. The club
has been active in sponsoring va
rious social functions each summer.
All persons interested in becom
ing members of The Summer Bat
talion staff are urged by the edi
tor to attend the club meeting. The
only requirement for membership
on The Battalion staff is enroll
ment in the first summer session.
At the Wednesday night meet
ing officers for the current session
will be elected. Last summer’s of
ficers were Peggy Campbell, pres
ident; James Ashby, vice-president;
W. A. Moore, secretary; and Mar
garet Hollingshead, treasurer.
All members of the Summer
Press Club are eligible to hold of
fice with the exception of the
Swimming Pool And
Library, Hospital
Hours During Summer
The library will be open from
8 A. M. to 10 P. M. on Mondays
through Friday, from 8 A. M. to
noon on Saturdays, and from 7 to
10 P. M. on Sundays.
Because of repairs, the swimming
pool will not open until Thursday.
When repairs are completed, the
pool will be open from 3 to 6 each
afternoon, and 7 to 9 each night
except Sunday.
The hours for sick call at the
hospital will be from 9 A. M. to
1:30 P. M. each day except Sunday.
On Sundays the hours for sick call
will be from 8 to 10 P. M.
Tentative Summer Program Announced By
Winkler; Five Dormitories House Students
When the Registrar’s office had-f'
closed at 5 Tuesday afternoon, 1177
students had completed registra
tion for the first semester of sum
mer school, Registrar E. J. Howell
announced. Judging from past en
rollments, the enrollment is expect
ed to reach 1,400 students before
the deadline for late registration.
Classes officially began Tuesday
morning at 7:30 and work in all
departments is well underway.
An increase in the present en
rollment is expected for the second
semester. Many long-session stu
dents who are not attending the va
rious R. O. T. C. summer camps
will return at that time to continue
their work here.
Five dormitories have been made
available to summer students. Wal
ton Hall will house married couples
and single women; MitcheM, Leg
gett, Puryear and Law will house
the remaining students.
Plans for the two-semester sum
mer session were announced by Dr.
C. H. Winkler, director of the sum
mer session, and many faculty
changes and additions were named.
Dr. Winkler pointed out that
nearly every department is offer
ing courses during the summer
session. The catalog for the cur
rent summer session lists a total
of 320 courses covering nearly as
wide a range of courses as offered
during the long sessions.
“The quality of summer school
instruction is entirely on par with
the long sessions,” Dr. Winkler
said, “because the faculties of both
sessions is practically the same.
Added to this, there are a number
of visiting professors that will
teach courses during both sessions
of summer school. Further than
this, the entire facilities and servic
es of the college are available to
summer students.”
On Dormitories
Resumed Monday
Construction of the four new
dormitories was resumed again
last Monday after a delay of six
months. Originally scheduled to
start in the fall, work was halted
in November because of the refu
sal of the state auditor to approve
the means of finance.
The new dormitories are to be
similar in type to the twelve dor
mitories built two years ago. The
plans provide for one dormitory
to be equipped with a rehearsal
room suitable for use by the band.
They are located on the West side
of the hospital and are to be fin
ished to match the hospital.
Included in the legislative bill,
along with the new $1,000,000 dor
mitories, are an addition to the
power plant and utilities extension
to cost $275,000 and an office build
ing to house federal agencies to
cost about $300,000.
Funds for the program are to be
borrowed through bonds issued
the revenues and rentals of the im
provements. The bonds may run as
long as 30 years at interest rates
not to exceed four per cent.
The low bidders were a group of
Texas bond houses who bid jointly.
The companies included were Mo-
roney and Company of Houston;
Gan-et and Company of Dallas; and
DeWar, Robertson, & Pancoast of
San Antonio.
Bell Elected
President For
Former Students
Lawson, Warden, And
Mitchell Will Fill Other
Offices; Directors Elected
Tyree L. Bell ’13, Dallas was
elected president of the A. & M.
Association of Former Students at
the annual meeting which was held
Saturday on the campus. W. J.
Lawson, ’22, of Austin, secretary
of state, was elected vice-president.
T. B. Warden ’03, Austin, was
named representative on the Ath
letic Council and A. F. Mitchell ’09,
of Corsicana was made student
loan fund trustee.
The following were elected to
the board of directors of the asso
L. D. Cabaniss, ’28, Paris; H. K.
Deanson, ’15, Port Arthur; Dick
Carey, ’ll, Beaumont; A. G. Pfaff,
’25, Tyler; W. B. Williams, ’33,
Sherman; Asa E. Hunt, ’22, Dallas.
O. A. Seward, ’07, Groesbeck;
W. A. Collins, ’16, Crockett; J. P.
Hamblen, ’27, Houston; Alvin E.
Foerster, ’24, Rosenberg; W. J.
Lawson, ’22, Austin; J. B. Snider,
’14, Waco.
Emil Wade, ’30, Temple; O. N.
Yeary, ’27, Fort Worth; George C.
Moffett, ’16, Chillicothe; Walter
E. Dickerson, ’ll, Corpus Christi;
A. J. Neff, ’03, Laredo; Arthur B.
Knickerbocker, ’21, Odessa.
Joe L. Culbertson, ’13, Hamlin;
Alec Bateman, ’15, Hereford; Joe
W. Jennings, ’ll, Plainview; Car-
roll M. Gaines, ’12, San Antonio;
H. Dick Winters, ’16, Brady; Tyree
L. Bell, ’13, Dallas.
T. F. Smith, ’20, Houston; C. C.
Krueger, ’12, San Antonio; Milton
A. Abernathy, ’16, Shreveport, La.;
T. Ben Warden, ’03, Austin; Ma
rion S. Church, ’05, Dallas; Rufus
S. Peeples, ’28, Tehuacana.
J. N. Burditt, ’21, Abilene; Pen
rose B. Metcalfe, ’16, San Angelo;
J. B. Thomas, ’ll, Fort Worth;
Sterling C. Evans, ’21, Houston;
John W. Newton, ’12, Beaumont;
Roy D. Golston, ’03, Tyler; David
B. Thrift, ’39, San Antonio; and
Herman Heard, ’23, Austin.
Wild Life Group
Will Leave Monday
For Mexico Locale
One of the special courses of
this summer session is due to be
gin Monday when Dr. W. P. Davis,
professor of Fish and Game and
students head for old Mexico for
a first term field course.
Starting at Mexico City, the
party will cover most of central
and northern Mexico and will take
in the tourist sights as well as
study the varied types of plants
and animals that inhabit Mexico.
The group plans to camp out as
much as possible and will make
their study of the plants and ani
mals of Mexico from first hand in
Those making the trip besides
Dr. Davis and his assistant R. L.
Peterson are Lamar Haines, J. L.
Robinson, J. H. Shary, Tom Cook,
E. P. Thorne, E. L. Rollins, and E.
A. Moseley.
Whether Jumping Jive Or Dreamy Waltz, Just Name A
Band, Folks,- The Juke Box Prom Is Saturday Night
The social season for the sum--fto be boy and girl only; two boys-fsuccess of the 15?, two for 25?
mer session of 1941 will get under or two girls may take advantage dances that were held there every
way this Saturday when the first of this offer.
“Juke Box Prom” will be present-j While visiting his alma mater,
ed at 8:30 p. m. in Sbisa Hall to Ohio State, W. L. Penberthy, head
the recorded music of all the pop- 0 f the physical education depart-
ular dance bands of the nation. | ment, was impressed by the recrea-
The “Juke Proms” designed with I tional program earned on by the
an eye for comfort with sport shirts intramural department and decided
and street dresses as the regula- j to request that the intramural de-1 dance is to allow the students, fac
tion year, and the price for admis- i partment here be placed in charge ulty and local residents to meet
sion only 15? for stags and 25? of the summer program. This re- ; and become better acquainted with
for couples. The couples don’t have | quest was granted, and noting the one another.
Saturday night, “Penny” decided
to introduce the dance here. Since
the music is originally furnished
by a nickelodeon, which in slang is
a “Juke Box,” the dance was chris
tened the “Juke Box Prom.”
One of the main purposes of the