The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 05, 1941, Image 6
THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1941- Official Notices MEMORANDUM: To All Graduates Graduates who are to be commissioned in any branch and ordered to active duty may apply by letter to the Commanding General, Eighth Corps Area, for assign ment as Flying Cadets. Upon satsifac- tory completion of the course, which con sumes approximately 7% months, they will be commissioned as 2nd Lieuts. Air Corps Reserve and placed upon active duty im mediately. If they do not complete the course, they will hold their commissions in the branch to which originally assign ed. Any such graduates interest may apply to Room 87, Ross Hall and may receive their qualifying physical examination by the Flight Surgeon. JAMES A. WATSON, Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry, P. M. S. & T. PROCESSIONAL PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED FOR FRipAY, JUNE 6 BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Processional to Guion Hall for the Baccalaureate sermon Friday, June 6, will form as follows: President Walton, the speaker of the day. Minister. Commandant. Members of the Board of Directors. Deans and Directors. Line will form in the lobby of the Aca demic Building. The formation will be in column of twos. The graduating class will form on the lawn west of the Academic Build ing and south of the walk, being arrang ed alphabetically according to courses, those receiving advanced degrees first in line. Students will report to Registrar E. J. Howell and members of the staff will report to Lieutenant Colonel James A. Watson for assignment to positions. The line will form at 9:55 o’clock and the procession will move at 10:15. Every one is urged to be on hand at least by 9:55 o’clock on Friday morning. Doors open for ticket holders at 9:40 and for non-ticket holders at 10:15. Academic re galia will not be used for this Bacca laureate service. Number one uniform will be worn except that non-military stu dents will wear civilian cuits. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES The Processional to the Stadium for the Commencement Exercises will form just east of the Athletic Office. The head of the Column will be toward the south, the procession entering the field through the opening in the east bank of seats. The same order will be observed as for the Baccalaureate Sermon, except for the addition of Staff members who will follow the Deans and Directors in the following order: Heads of Departments Full Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Instructors Experiment Station Staff Forest Service Staff Etxtension Service Staff The line will form at 5:45 and the procession will move at 6:00. Military students will wear number one uniform without caps; all others will wear civilian clothes. In case of bad weather the Commence ment Exercises will be held in Guion Hall with procession from the Academic Building. By order of President Walton. E. P. HUMBERT, Chairman Commencement Committee. FINAL REVIEW 1. There will be a dismounted re view, without arms, of the Corps of Ca dets, Saturday, June 7, 1941. First Call: 9:30 a. m. Assembly: 9:35 a. m. Adjutants Call: 9:50 a. m. 2. UNIFORMS: a. Number one uniform with white shirts. b. Cadets not in proper uniform will not be permitted to partici pate in the review and will be THANK YOU! We wish to take this opportunity to thank ev ery one of our Aggie Friends for your splen did cooperation and pat ronage during the past year, and we look for ward to pleasant asso ciation with you in years to come. Summer Sportswear Select your summer slack suits and sport shirts from our fine as sortments . . . You’ll find plenty of new colors and fabrics to choose from. SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 to $2.50 SLACK SUITS $3.95 to $9.95 f I^aMrop & (6 reported absent. 3. FORMATION: Line of regiments of battalions ni column of masses. 4. Order of UNITS in line: a. North side BAND INFANTRY REGIMENT FIELD ARTILLERY REGI MENT COMPOSITE REGIMENT CAVALRY REGIMENT ENGINEER REGIMENT COAST ARTILLERY REGI MENT b. In passing in review distances will be as follows: 12 paces between companies, troops, and batteries, 36 paces between battalions, 60 paces between regiments. 5. Immediately after ASSEMBLY each REGIMENT will move from its place of Assembly to a place where it can march into its position in the review forma tion most expeditiously, as follows: a. The BAND will move west to THROCKMORTON St., north to LUB BOCK St., west to CLARK St., on on LAMAR St., directly to its position on the REVIEW FIELD. b. The INFANTRY REGIMENT will follow the BAND. c. The FIELD ARTILLERY REGI MENT will move west to COKE St., north to LAMAR St., west to HOUSTON St., north to ESPLANADE, and west on south side of ESPLANADE until opposite their place in line. d. The COMPOSITE REGIMENT will follow the FIELD ARTILLERY REG IMENT. e. The CAVALRY REGIMENT will follow the COMPOSITE REGIMENT into position in line. f. The ENGINEER REGIMENT will move south along HOUSTON St., an'd follow the CAVALRY - REGIMENT into position in line. g. The COAST ARTILLERY REG IMENT will move west on ESPLANADE and follow the ENGINEER REGIMENT into position in line. By order of Lieutenant Colonel WATSON: R. P. LIVELY, Captain, F.A., Adjutant. NOTICE The plaque on H. C. Schuhmacher Hall (Dormitory 7) will be unveiled at 2 p. m. today with appropriate ceremonies. All members of the College staff who are not engaged with examinations are. re quested to be present. F. C. BOLTON, Dean R.O.T.C. ASSIGNMENTS Information has been secured from the Quartermaster General that graduates of this school who are to be commissioned in other branches than the Quartermaster Corps but who desire duty on construction service and are qualified for such duty, can probably be assigned, to that duty. Such graduates as are interested may con tact Capt. C. W. Terry, Q.M.C., in Room 18, Ross Hall at 2 p. m. on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, of this week. R. P. LIVELY, Captain, F.A., Adjutant. QUARTERMASTER CORPS ASSIGNMENTS Captain C. W. Terry, Q.M.C., U. S. Ar my, will interview any graduates in en gineering or architecture who are not to be commissioned but who desire service in the Quartermaster Corps in a civilian capacity and are qualified for same. If in terested, come to Room 18, Ross Hall, at 2 p. m. Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. R. P. LIVELY Captain, F.A. Adjutant STORAGE OF TRUNKS AND LAMPS Students who wish to store trunks, lamps, radios, etc., for the summer months will find storage facilities available as shown below: Trunks only, for resident of new area only, will stored in the basement of Dorm itory No. 3, Fountain Hall. Trunks for residents of old area will be stored in the basement of Guion Hall (rear entrance). All lamps, radios and other small ar ticles will be stored in the basement of Guion Hall. Storage service will be subject to con ditions stated on storage tags, and will be limited to a period of 120 days from date of storage. Charges will be as follows: Lamps and small articles, 25<j in ad vance or 30<J if paid when article is re claimed. Trunks and large items, 90$ in advance, or $1.00 if paid when article is reclaim ed. Storage rooms will be open during the following periods: June 2, 3, and 4, from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., June 5, 6, and 7, from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Any income from storage operation in excess of operating cost will be deposited in a fund which will be used to provide additional funds of student organizations and activities. WENDELL R. HORSLEY, Chairman, Student Labor Committee SUMMER SESSION The following additions, withdrawals and VARNER’S Jewelry Stores, College and Bryan, thank you for your patronage this past year and wish you a successful summer. Congratulations Aggies! May you have a pleasant summer. Shaw’s Sandwich Shop Back of Legett Hall You will certainly want a corsage for the Junior Prom and Final Ball. You will find it at J. Coulter Smith Florist Phone 2-6725 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Bryan ».■— ■ Prospects— (Continued from Page 5) grounds, with Marty Karow of the baseball team taking over the reins. If Marty has the same coach ing genius on the basketball team, as he did on the baseball squad, then the worries for a successful cage season will be over. However, basketball and baseball are as dif ferent and black and white, so that argument there would have to go to the trash pile. In Bill Hender son, Charlie Stevenson, R. B. Bay er, Ray Jarrett, Fred Nabors, and Mike Cokinos, Karow has some thing to work with, and may even surprise quite a number of people. But as things look now, a third or even fourth ranking in the coming standings would be a god-send to the cadets. It has been so long since an Aggie team has been bas ketball champ that not even “Cur ly” Winstead of our Publicity De partment can remember that fate ful day. Grads Ready — (Continued from Page 4) “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in the Army,” one senior said. “I don’t like war and I don’t believe in it, but we’ve got our share of a job to do and I wish that we could get going in a hurry.” From one dormitory room where a group of seniors were saying- goodbyes came a widely-felt opin ion. “We want an early return to civilian life. We recognize our responsibility and are anxious to take hold of it, but we’d like to get this thing over with in as few months or years as possible in or der that we might return to the civilian life for which we have been preparing.” Like the man on the street, the new officers thing that this na tion’s entrance into the conflict is inevitable and they also think it will come in a hurry. So there you have it—the opin ions of half a thousand young Army officers in regard to 1941’s world strife. They want action, they be- ; lieve firmly in an all out all- ! aid-to-Britain policy, they be lieve profoundly in Britain’s ability to win the war when— but not until—the Uni^gd States enters the conflict. They hate Hitlerism with a passion which knows no bounds, they like to refer to Mussolini as Hitler’s stooge, they are par ticularly bitter where the la bor strikes are concerned and even more so as regards un- American activities, they don’t like the war but they believe that it is fast-approaching and they want to do their part. They are normal American col lege graduates who, by their own admission, are about to be cast in roles not altogether their own choosing and, as such, they want to have a hand in ending the struggle, thus winning a return to civilian life for which they have trained themselves in four years at college. They are electrical engineers, farmers, architects, accountants, veterinarians and a dozen other breeds, and they are also men who have had four years of military science training. Their mental outlook is impor tant and, as a visiting general re cently put it, “Their opinions are healthy, especially as viewed in the interests of the nation’s well being.” A. & M. has the largest defense program in the nation. corrections are effective the first term of the Summer Session: Courses added: Chem. 206a—Daily 10 :00 Econ. 204—Daily 8 :50 Lang. 105—Beginning Spanish, if de sired by 10 or more P. E. 101, 102. (Required Physical Education) No credit. I. E. 523. Vocational Guidance Pro cedures. Daily 8:50. Courses withdrawn: Agron. 50IT, 509, 511 A. H. 519 F. & G. 400S M. E. 309, 310 Rel. 302, 308 I. E. 406 Corrections: A. S. 201—Daily 10 :10 ; Practice daily 11:30; W 1:30-4:30 A. S. 202—MTWThF 2:30; MTThF 1:30-4 :30 A. S. 416—MTThF 10:10 and 1:30 -4:30 D. H. 501—MTWThF 10:10. Practice hours to be arranged. Rel. 305 or 306—MWTh, 10:10. C. H. WINKLER, Director of Summer Session Classified FOR RENT OR SALE—See this bar gain in a 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage with hot and cold water, house a year old in April. Will rent furnished or unfurnished or will sell if sold this week. Corner of Francis and Foster, College Hills. ROOM AND BOARD for summer school. See or call «f. D. Gillon, Jr., or matron, P. H. 2. Phone 4-9714. FOR RENT—Room with private bath. Private entrance and garage adjoining. Call 4-4094. ROOM AND BOARD—§26.00 per se mester of six weeks. See Bob Gallaway, P. H. No. 10 or call 4-4329 for reserva tions. Open both semesters. Twelve rooms available. THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1941 Fuermann Releases Annual Student Aid Fund Report; Vast Advances Indicated The annual report of the A. & M. Student Aid Fund was present ed to President T. O. Walton and the Student Activities committee yesterday afternoon by Chairman George Fuermann. The constitution of the'fund pre scribes that the chairman, at the end of each college year, present an annual report to the president and the activities committee. Fuer- mann’s complete report follows: “Following a three-month period of organization and approval by the Executive committee and the Faculty, the first meeting of the Student Aid Fund was held Feb ruary 18. Following this meeting the committee scheduled regular meetings to be held the second Tuesday of each month. “At these meetings the funds’ policies were established and rou tine business was handled. “The cooperation of the cadet corps in the administration of the fund was thorough and complete. Through the medium of The Bat talion and letters to faculty mem bers, project house managers, and organization commanders, the scope and intent of the fund was explain ed to the corps in such a way that every cadet could take advantage of the fund who was in need of the assistance for which the fund was established. “As stated several times earlier this year, the prime purpose of the Student Aid Fund has been to ex tend financial assistance to cadets who need physical care and are otherwise unable to secure the necessary finances. “The correct psychology has been established in the corps that the fund is in no wise a charity organi zation. In all cases students ben- efitting from the fund pay a non- interest-bearing, non-maturity-date note and a cadet’s obligation to pay is based altogether on his ability to pay. “At the time notes are signed the signatories indicate a date at. -which time they believe they w be able to pay the note. At that time they will receive a reminder of the debt but other than that cadet will receive no notice of the obligation. The single, reminder is in the form of a letter which points out that by paying the note the cadet will thus assist other cadets in need of physical care. “It is significant that most of the cases handled in the fund’s first year of existence were com paratively small. Only two were handled by the fund which were of large financial proportions. This therefore, indicates that the fund’s resources are being spread over a wider area than had originally been expected. “Another service of the fund has been the sending of flowers to the families of Aggies in which the death of either the mother, father or the cadet himself occured. Al though this plan did not work as well as expected, changes will be instituted during the forthcoming long session which should improve this aspect of the fund. In all cases the flowers as sent as a token of solicitude from the cadet corps. “By an action taken by the com mittee at an early meeting, the fund is not to be active during the summer months, but only during the regularly scheduled long session months. “The following is the financial report of the fund’s 1941 activities through June 3. (For obvious rea sons, the names of cadets concern ed are withheld from publication.) “It should be pointed out that the various doctors, dentists and hospitals which took care of the fund’s patients made prices as low as possible. “Thus, as the Student Aid Fund concludes its first year of exist ence, it is seen that the scope of the fund will widen considerably with each new college year. Begin ning immediately with the 1941-42 ilff-long session plans will be made to continue the drive for funds. Of ficers for the forthcoming long session will be elected at the first meeting of the new college year. “Committeemen who have served this year include Cadets J. H„ Focke Jr., Tom Gillis, Skeen Sta ley and Faculty Members Dan Rus sell, George B. Wilcox and E. L. Angell. The work which these men have done is outstanding and with out them the organization and ad ministration of the fund would have been an impossibility.” A. & M. has the two largest mess halls in the world. THANKS A MILLION, AGGIES! You made this our Banner Year. We hope we kave pleased you, which was our desire. REMEMBER... ... to order your Junior and Senior Uniforms NOW to avoid rush and delay. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED ALL YARN DYED MATERIALS Satisfaction Guaranteed ZUBIK & SONS UNIFORM SPECIALISTS 1896—45 Years of Tailoring 1 —1941 U- INCOME: Donation: Aggie Band $ 50.00 Remainder of George Stidham Fund 744.43 Benefit Football Game 314.93 Benefit Show 88.34 Campus Theater Pass Tax Fund 75.55 EXPENDITURES: Eye Examination $ 10.00 Services rendered cadet following accident 19.10 Services rendered cadet following accident 5.00 Services rendered cadet following accident 10.00 Services rendered cadet following accident 14.00 Eye glasses 11.25 Lens 2.00 Dental servies rendered cadet 15.00 Eye examination and glasses 11.25 D^ital services rendered cadet 5.00 Dental services rendered cadet 2.00 Dental services rendered cadet 30.00 Appendectomy 100.00 Appendectomy 100.00 Eye glasses 13.50 Dental services rendered cadet 12.50 Printing of benefit show tickets, handbills, envelopes and letterheads 15.25 Floral wreath 4.25 Unpaid bill remaining from benefit football 4.34 $260.34 BALANCE as of June 3: $813.26 Assembly Hall FRIDAY — 3:30 - 6:45 & 8:30 —also— “ZUIZ BIZ” and an unusual short entitled “HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH” Applications— (Continued from Page 1) the Air corps recruiting officers. A meeting was held Wednesday night in Guion Hall and more than three A. & M. flying units were formed. Each unit consists of 20 men. As regards seniors who desire flying cadet training but who have been called to active duty the fol lowing telegram from the War dept, should be of considerable in terest: Harvard Awards— (Continued from Page 1) $1,000 and thirty-four have receiv ed Alumni Club scholarships of $300 each. These scholarships were made possible by contributions from the W. T. Grant Fund, the James C. Melvin Fund, the Com mercial Credit Company, the Jerome Jones Fund and the Alumni Clubs. Scholarships. The National Scholars come from homes in sixteen different states, and represent twenty-one colleges. Texas A. & M. and Stanford Uni versity are the only schools repre sented by more than one National Scholar. A substantial number of very outstanding men applied for scholarships from the State of Tex as, and inasmuch as there is no Alumni Club in that State is was decided to award Texas Alumni We have appreciated your patronage and may the summer be an enjoyable one. We still have the Aggie Spirit 100 Per Cent Aggieland Pharmacy North Gate