The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 1941, Image 4
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices PINAL EXAMINATIONS, SECOND SEMESTER, 1940-41 Pinal class work for this semester will close after the last class Friday, May 30, 1941. Final examinations for the sec ond semester will be held according to the following modified schedule: Period Date Hours K—May 31, Saturday 8-11 a.m. L—May 31, Saturday 1-4 p.m. M—June 2, Monday 8-11 a.m. N—June 2, Monday 1-4 p.m. P—June 3. Tuesday 8-11 a.m. R—June 3, Tuesday 1-4 p.m. S—June 4, Wednesday 8-11 a.m. T—June 4, Wednesday 1-4 p.m. V—June 5, Thursday 8-11 a.m. W^—June 5, Thursday 1-4 p.m. Conflict examinations are scheduled for Friday, June 6. E. J. HOWELL Registrar OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT CIRCULAR NO. G1: 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the COM MENCEMENT EXERCISES, approved by the organization commanders concern ed, DORMITORY No. 5 and No. 6 will be vacated by cadets FRIDAY night, JUNE 6, in order to provide accommo dations for guests attending the Com mencement Exercises. 2. Cadets having guests will be assessed a charge of 2Stf for guests to cover the cost of matrons, maid service, and other incidental expenses. 3. The respective organization command ers will be held responsible that rooms and hallways are left in a neat, order ly condition for the reception of guests. 4. Cadets concerned will vacate DORMI TORY No. 5 and No. 6 by 1:30 P. M., JUNE 6. Guests will be admitted at 3:00 P. M., Cadets will be readmitted to the halls at 8:00 A. M„ JUNE 7 by which time guests must be out of the dormitory. 5. Young ladies staying in the dormitories must be in not later than 3:00 A. M. FRIDAY night. Guests must check in at night with the matron upon their return to the dormitory after the dance. When reservations have been made for guests they will not be per mitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts will be held strict ly accountable for compliance with these instructions. 6. Reservations may be made by seniors living in the area to be vacated FRI DAY, MAY 30, from 1:00 P. M. until 5:0O P. M., who wish to reserve their own rooms. After 5:00 P. M. FRI DAY, MAY 30, until noon TUESDAY, JUNE 3, reservations will be open to other seniors. Effective noon, JUNE 3, Thrill her with a beau tiful corsage, at the Jun ior Prom and Final Ball. « We Deliver 9 J. Coulter Smith Bryan - Dial 2-6725 reservations will be open to other stu dents. 7. Guests will not be permitted to occupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. Cadets making reservations should check with the occupants of the room to ascertain whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not provide shades. By order of Lt. Colonel WATSON. JOEl E. DAVIS 1st Lt. Infantry Assistant Commandant OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT CIRCULAR NO. 62: l.For the information and guidance all concerned notice is hereby given that the rei reservation scholastic lows: a. Classified old students will be permit- mcerned notice is nereoy given tnat egulations governing advanced room vations and assignments for the year of 1941-42 are as fol- irill be permit ted to submit their application for advanced room reservations to the applic advanced room reservations to the servi registrar effective July 1, 1941. b. Unclassified old students will be per mitted to submit their application foi ivani Registrar effective August 1, 1941. 2. Classified students are reminded that they have no priority over the unclassi fied students for room reservations af ter August 1, 1941. 3. Cancellations for room reservations will be accepted as late as September 5 with full refund. By order of Lt. Colonel WATSON. JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt. Infantry Assistant Commandant STORAGE OF TRUNKS AND LAMPS Students who wish to store trunks, lamps, radios, etc., for the summer months will find storage facilities available as shown below: Trunks only, for resident of new area only, will stored in the basement of Dorm itory No. 3, Fountain Hall. Trunks for residents of old area will be stored in the basement of Guion Hall (rear entrance). All lamps, radios and other small ar ticles will be stored in the basement of Guion Hall. Storage service will he subject to con ditions stated on storage tags, and will be limited to a period of 120 days from date of storage. Charges will be as follows: e as Lamps and small articles, 25<f in ad vance or 30<f if paid when article is re claimed. Trunks and large items, 90d in advance, or $1.00 if paid when article is reclaim ed. Storage rooms will be open during the Rowing periods: June 2, 3, and 4, from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., June 5, 6, and 7, from ragi following periods: June 2, 3, and 4, g t fro 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Any income from storage operation in excess of operating cost will be deposited in a fund which will be used to provide additional funds of student organizations and activities. WENDELL R. HORSLEY, Chairman, Student Labor Committee UNCLAIMED LAMPS Any student who has not claimed his lamp or other articles stored with the Agronomy Society must do so between 3 :00 o’clock and 5:30 Saturday, May 31. If not claimed it will become the property of the Agronomy Society and sold for storage. SAM FERGUSON, Sec’y.-Treas. Agronomy Society. WORK WITH CITY OF DALLAS The City of Dallas has advised that they will soon hold apprentice examina tions for students who are graduating from college this year whose homes are in Dallas and who are interested in muni cipality work. The successful applicants are employed as apprentices for one year at a salary of from $60 to $90 per month and at the end of that year are per manently placed in some classification for which they will have to qualify by tak ing a non-competitive examination. Addi tional information on this may be secured from the Placement Bureau and interest ed seniors should come by Room 133, Ad ministration Building at once. PLACEMENT BUREAU Association of Former Student McCormick, Aggie Ex of ’91, Will Receive Honorary Doctor’s Degree Here George McCormick, general sup. erintendent of Motive Power for the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany, with headquarters in San Francisco, will be awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of En gineering by the A. & M. college and the degree conferred at com mencement, June 6, this year. Other honorary degrees to be awarded at the same time will in clude, Doctor of Law to Mr. W. L. Clayton, Houston and to Mr. Ed win J. Kiest, Dallas; and Doctor of Agriculture to; R. J. Kleberg, Jr., Corpus Christi. All are out standing citizens of Texas and the nation. Mr. McCormick is famed in the motive power field of American railroads. Hhe was recently honor ed for his inventive achievements at a giant banquet in San Fran cisco, sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers. He has been general superintend ent of the Southern Pacific since 1916, going with that company shortly after graduation from A. & M. with a degree in mechanical engineering. He was located in Houston for many years before being moved to San Francisco. He is the third graduate of the college to be honored with an hon orary degree by his Alma Mater, the others being Dr. F. M. Law, ’95, Houston banker and veteran member of the College Board of Directors; and Dr. Charles E. Fri- ley, ’19, president of Iowa State College. The appeal of jobs opening to youth in defense industries has had little effect in drawing students from their studies at Kent State university. FOR MEN Salute This Favorite "Aviation Buckler" Made of extremely soft Norse, this plain toe one buckle oxford is amaz ingly comfortable . . .it’s heavy oil treated sole can “take it.” $5.50 See our fine stock of new sports shoes . . . Two- tone Tans or Tan and White in a wide variety of styles and leathers. $4.00 - $5.00 - $8.50 flTaldropdfo “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan SUMMER VET. PHYSIOLOGY All students who plan to take Veterin ary Physiology 121 or 122 during the Summer Session are requested to report to Room 203 Mark Francis Hall not later than Saturday noon of this week. P. W. BURNS, Head of Department SUMMER SESSION The following additions, withdrawals and corrections are effective the first term of the Summer Session: Courses added: Chem. 206a—Daily 10 :00 Econ. 204—'Daily 8 :50 Lang. 105—Beginning Spanish, if de sired by 10 or more P. E. 101, 102. (Required Physical Education) No credit. I. E. 523. Vocational Guidance Pro cedures. Daily 8:50. Courses withdrawn: Agron. SOS’, 509, 511 A. H. 519 F. & G. 40OS M. E. 309, 310 Rel. 302, 308 I. E. 406 Corrections: A. S. 201—Daily 10 :10 ; Practice daily 11:30; W 1:30-4:30 A. S. 202—MTWThF 2:30; MTThF 1:30-4:30 A. S. 416—MTThF 10:10 and 1:30 -4 :30 D. H. 501—MTWThF 10:10. Practice hours to be arranged. Rel. 305 or 306—MWTh, 10:10. C. H. WINKLER, Director of Summer Session MISSING LIBRARY BOOKS The following books have been taken from the Browsihg room: CONVERSATION PLEASE—Carroll COINS OF THE WORLD LAW FOR LAYMEN—Greeley A STUDENT IN ARMS—Hankey YOUR WINGS—Jordanoff THROUGH THE OVERCAST—Jordanoff MOTHER INDIA—Mayo HOW TO WATCH A FOOTBALL GAME -—Stevens HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS AND ALIEN ATE PEOPLE—Tressler COMMERCIAL ART—Wallace DRAWING FOR FUN—Willoughby GARDEN IN THE HOUSE—Wilson FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE—Wiener PREHISTORIC LIFE—Raymond Prepare for Final Week with Delicious Refreshments from George’s Ice Cream Malted Milks Coffee Sandwiches Tobaccos We will stay open late during finals. • GEORGE’S Confectionery South Station INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY— Arnow STRUCTURAL DESIGN—Bishop HEREDITY AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS— Burlingame NATURE OF THE ATOM—Conn STOCK MOVEMENTS AND SPECULA TION—Bond COMPETITION AMONG GRAINS—Jasny WAVE NATURE OF THE ELECTRON— Conn A MANUEL OF AQUATIC PLANTS— Fassett THE INVERTEBRATES—Hyman DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS OF THE 20TH CENTURY—Cressy THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FENCING—Gastello PLANT MICROTECHNIQUE—Johansen THE ELEMENTS OF MACHINE DEt SIGN—Berard SOILLESS CULTURE SIMPLIFIED— Laurie CHEMICALS OF COMMERCE—Snell PLAYS—Eugene O’Neill REAGENT CHEMICALS AND STAN DARDS—Rosin THE MATERIAL BASIS OF EVOLU TION—Goldschmidt PRINCIPLES OF FOREST ENTOMOL OGY—Graham INSECT TRANSMISSION OF PLANT DISEASES—Leach STANDARD METHODS—Wadsworth HOW TO WRITE FOR RADIO—Whipple THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ANESTHESIA— Beecher The following books have been taken from the Newspaper Lounge: HEALTH, HYGIENE AND HOOEY— Bauer JOB HUNTING AND GETTING—Belden LETTERS OF AN INVESTMENT COUN SEL—Carpenter THE PONY EXPRESS—Chapman ALASKA, A PROFILE WITH PICTURES —Colby THE ROYAL ROAD TO ROMANCE— Halliburton HORSE AND BUGGY DAYS—Hertzler KEEP YOUR HAIR ON—Levin STRATEGY OF JOB HUNTING—Lyons GAMBLERS DON’T GAMBLE—MacDou- gall SPORTS FOR RECREATION AND HOW TO PLAY THEM FAMOUS SHERIFFS AND WESTERN OUTLAWS—Raine COACHING FOOTBALL—Zuppke The following books have been taken from the Reference room: BANK OFFICER’S HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL BANKING LAW—Beutel RACIAL PROVERBS—Champion GOULD’S MEDICAL DICTIONERY— Gould Any book not properly checked out may be returned to the library through the book chjjte to the left of the entrance of the library at any time when the library is closed. BIOLOGY 102, SUMMER SESSION Biology 102—Taxonomy, will be offered the first half of the summer session, if section can be made. Important that you sign now at the Biology office so that provision can be made. C. C. DOAK, Head of Department Classified FOR RENT—Furnished 5-room house in walking distance of campus. 403 Fair- view Avenue, College Park. Phone 4-8159. LOST—Green desk pen and brown and white onyx base. Dr. H. J. Welge, Chem. Bldg. Usual reward. Phone 4-5514. LOST—Gold wrist watch in Petroleum Building. Name and organization engrav ed bn the back. Return to Petroleum Of fice. Twice the usual reward. William D. Lewis. ROOM AND BOARD—for Summer School. Call or see Mrs. Jester, P. H. No. 12. Phone 4-4479. RIDE FROM DALLAS TO COLLEGE— Leaving Dallas 6 o’clock Sunday after noon. 1939 Oldsmobile with radio. Price $1.00. See Gillespie, Room 113, Dorm 12. FOR RENT—3-room house across from Grant Filling Station. Phone Maise Gro cery Store. Frank Visoski. FOR SALE—1930 Model A Ford. Good Camp Car. See Peterson, 118 No. 12. FOR RENT—I will have some small furnished apartments available June 7th and our dining room will be open all summer. Married or single, we can serve you. See S. V. Perritte. 4-8794. Superintendent George McCormick, ’91, will be the third graduate of the col lege to be honored with an hon orary degree from his Alma Mater. The degree will be pre sented at the Commencement Exercises. His inventive achieve ments were recently honored in San Francisco. Latin Americans— (Continued from Page 1) understanding of technical electri fication problems. The Rural Electrification Ad ministration has been assisted in arranging this program for re ceiving Latin American students by the Office of Foreign Agri cultural Relations of the Depart ment of Agriculture, the Division of Cultural Relations of the State Department, and the Office of_ the Coordinator for Commercial and Cultural Relations between the Ameincan Republics. The last-named office has made available funds to pay the travel ing expenses of the engineers from the Southern republics and to pro vide each of them a monthly allow ance of $135 for the training per iod with the REA. That allow ance is equal to the amount paid to the United States engineering trainees whom the REA takes in each year. 'When these details had been worked out, the Department of State conveyed invitations to sev eral other American republics. Each Government was asked to select a candidate. It was request ed that the candidates be between 20 and 30 years old, preferably single, and graduates of a high- ranking engineering school with some work in electrical engineer ing. The tranees so far seelcted have a working knowledge of Eng lish, and many FEA employees are learning Spanish. In addition to Uruguay and Pe ru, Argentina and Mexico have already suggested candidates, both highly siklled engineers. During the early part of their stay in Washington, the Central and South American engineers will work with the trainees from United States engineering schools. After a short period of orien tation, the Central and South Americans will be given training and practical duties in keeging with their experience and ability. During their ^ year in North America, the REA will make ar rangements for their housing, for their training, and for inspection trips which they will take. These will include assignments with leading manufacturers of electri cal supplies and equipment. To ward the close of their stay, they will be assigned to visit REA sys tems throughout the United States in company with REA construc tion and operations engineers. Each of the two engineers named has won considerable distinction in his own country. Sr. Lopez-Jim- enez, who is 30 years old, was graduated from the Peruvian Na tional School of Engineers in 1937. After graduation, he went to Ay- acucho to start an electric power system. Upon his return to Peru after his year with the REA, he expects to engage in rural elec trification engineering in the cen tral Andean region on a rather ambitious scale. Sr. Rossi, who is 29 years old, Graduating Seniors— Bumpers (Continued from Page 1) sense of devotion to duty. That is a sublime work and that attitude is required equipment for success in any field. I urge you to acquire the capacity of decisive orderly action. I urge you to be respectful, loyal and obedient to those who may be your seniors and that you likewise be considerate and help ful to those who are your juniors.” Diplomas were presented by F. Marion Law, president of the Board of Directors. Lieut. Col. James A. Watson, commandant of A. & M. then presented reserve commissions in the Army to the graduates. Dr. Watts then closed the exercises with the benediction. Organ music for the ceremony was played by Marion Lyle, junior in Company F. Engineers. These special graduation exer cises were scheduled by the Aca demic Council following the decis ion of the War Department to call these men to active duty. In explaining this unprecedented action Dr. Walton said, “The Coun cil in its desire to accord all honor to those young men who, after four years of preparation through the R.O.T.C., are now subordinating their normal objectives and ambi tions to answer their country’s call for military service, hereby sets Friday, May 30, for special com mencement and graduation exer cises for all such members of the graduating class who have com pleted the requirements for grad uation.” Neuman Relates— (Continued from Page 1) complete building program of the company and had constructed fac tories in Belgium, Holland, Yugo slavia, North Africa, and England. In the months following the Peace of Munich, Neuman saw the handwriting on the wall and hav ing no desire to live under Nazi domination, he prepared to leave the country. Wanting to get as far away from Germany as possible, he had all his passports made for passage to Brazil. In the week be fore the Nazi invasion of Czecho slovakia, Neuman began his flight. Going first to Norway, he found that country, although technically neutral, so completely under Ger man control that he wasn’t allowed to leave. The September ‘blitzkreig’ of 1939 found Neuman still in Nor way. His only chance to leave the continent was through France. He finally got out of Norway and down to France in time to witness the invasion and the debacle that was Dunkirk. At Bordeaux he was put in a concentration camp by the French for trying to leave the country with money. He was held here a few months and then moved to another camp near Paris. While here he was put to work drawing plans for the construction of other camps. Neuman finally proved his iden tity and purposes sufficiently to secure his release from this camp the day before the armistice be tween Germany and France. Spain was the only place to go from there and it took him four months to cross the Spanish border. After a month in Spain he worked his way into Portugal. About the middle of last Septem ber, Neuman sailed on a freighter for Rio de Janeiro, arriving there in October. He then spent the next six months securing permission from the Bureau of Immigration to take up permanent residence in the United States. The college authorities and the architecture department here at A. & M., through their knowledge of his past record, were quite instru mental in securing Neuman’s en trance into the country. He landed at New Orleans on May 21 after two years of physical struggle and an expenditure of $2970, no small part of which went for bribes along the way. Neuman painted a most vivid was graduated in 1937 from the Faculty of Engineering of the Uni versity of the Republic at Monte video, Uruguay. He has had eight years of practical experience, in cluding three years, subsequent to obtaining his degree, in the Gov ernment-owned power station at Montevideo. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS in West Park Addition FOR RENT during the summer for §10.00 per week. New G. E. refrigerator, Magic Chef stove, new house, garden in rear, double garage, 2 blocks from grocery and drug stores. FIVE- ROOM FHA HOME in West Park Addi tion FOR SALE. Less than one year old, corner lot 82 x 122, double garage. Must sell to go on extended active duty in army. Call 4-1152 and leave name and hone number or write P. O. Box F. E. 5. ph 27 Let Us Fix Your Radio EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK STUDENT CO-OP North Gate Phone 4-4114 (Continued from Page 3) Started Career in Albany Bumpers hails from the little town of Albany, Texas, where he first started his baseball career. He played sandlot ball there a few years back, and pitched for a local team now and then. Last year, he was signed up by Grand Prize, and within a few days became their leading hurler. Lefty considers his best performance of his hurling ca reer to have been against the Halli burton Cementers, world champion, semi-pro team, whom he shut out, 4 to 0, scattering a total of only 3 hits. That happened last year. This is Bumpers’ fifth year at A. & M. As a freshman he took Mechanical Engineering as his ma jor, but found it a bit too hard, and took up Animal Husbandry. Un- Wild Life Agreement Adopted by Americas For Nature Protection Dr. W. P. Taylor and Dr. W. B. Davis of the Fish and Game Department report that an agree ment of continent wide scope on “Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation” has been adopted in the Western Hemisphere. The agreement was drawn up under the auspices of the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C. , which met October 12, 1940. Up to February 25, 1941, the following countries had signed the convention, Cuba, Ecuador, El Sal vador, the United States, Nica ragua, Peru, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Colom bia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Uruguay, and Bolivia. The purpose of this convention is to protect and preserve scen ery of extraordinary beauty, un usual and striking geologic forma tions, regions and natural object of aesthetic, historic and scientif ic value, and areas characterized by primitive conditions in those cases covered by this convention. Another objective is to preserve certain species and genera of na- tvie flora and fauna, including mi gratory birds. picture to his listeners of the French invasion. He described the scene as being one of complete confusion with literally thousands of terror-stricken people fleeing their homes without food, supplies, or accomodations of any sort. Neuman described all the peoples in German-occupied territories as anxiously awaiting the day when they could revolt against the Ger man occupation. He attributed the intense bitterness which the oc cupied countries hold toward Ger many to two causes: the inherent hatred the people of the smaller countries have always had for Ger many, and the conduct of the pres ent German army of occupation. He expressed the belief that an all-out American aid-to-Britain would inestimably increase the de termination of suppressed peoples to overthrow the Nazi regime. Neumanns complete program and ambition for the future is to take out naturalization papers and be come a citizen of the U. S. Thanks, Aggies for your trade during the past school year. Jones Barber Shop Bryan -SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1941 less the army or some professional baseball club should call him up, Lefty expects to get his sheepskin next June. Accepts Detroit Offer Baseball, baseball, and more baseball is Bumpers’ hobby as well as his hoped-for livelihood. He has had some half dozen baseball of fers by professional teams, and it’s a safe bet to say the wrong- hander will accept one of them. He has already accepted an offer made by the Detroit Club of the Amer ican League to have a trial with them. If he comes through, he’ll probably be sent to Beaumont of the Texas League, as the Export ers have been making a determin ed bid to land him. One thing Bumpers knows for sure is that the Aggies will be wishing him all the luck in the world, and will be pulling for him to take a place with such Aggie baseball greats as Rip Collins, Beau Bell, and Jo-Jo Moore. Qampus 15l to 5 P. M. — 20t‘ After Last Day IVENTOBE! (ROMANCE! ^SPECTACLE! .THRILLS! in ona gnat drama of tha frontier! j , ? L-2-5 jCIRi/ZOiN^I JEAN ARTHUR wllIAM HOLDEN WARKEN WILLIAM • PORTER HALL -.nd A Cost Of Thousands A COLUMBIA PICTURE also 3 STOOGES COAST ARTILLERY AGGIETONE NEWS Saturday Prevue Sunday Only “LETS MAKE TONIGHT ONE TO BEMEMBER ...FOR ALL ETERNITY!" §f> "if ^ m ■■■ ■ tonsTRncE OBRIEILBEIMETT A COLUMBIA PICTURE- MIDNIGHT SHOW and SUNDAY “Movie-Tone News” takes you to the White House where F. D. R. proclaimed Unlimited National Emergency. MONDAY and TUESDAY Big Double Feature No. 1 “One Night in the “Tropics” with Abbott & Costello No. 2 “Ellery Queen, Master Detective” -NEXT TIME—TRY THE TRAIN- Go Home via “SP” ENJOY • AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT • REDUCED COACH FARES • SPEED WITH SAFETY Two Trains Daily Southbound — Leave Colleve Station — Northbound 12:06 P. M. —Streamliner Hustler— 9:53 A. M. 4:27 A. M. —Overnight Owl— 1:46 A. M. Connections at Houston and Dallas for Points Beyond The friendly SP Agent will gladly help you plan your trip. Southern Pacific T. H. BLACK, Ticket Agent Phone 4-1175