The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1941
Official Notices
The Puller Brush Company has a lim
ited number of summer jobs for College
students. Students make from $35.00 to
$50.00 per week with these jobs.
If you are interested in one of these
jobs see R. K. Whitfill, Project House
No. 10.
A Texas shipbuilding corporation, which
has secured a large national defense con
tract, is interested in receiving applications
for summer or full time employment
from engineering students who have been
taking engineering for two or more years.
The main requirements are to be able
to do structural and mechanical draft
ing. Interested students should contact
the Placement Bureau, Room 183, Admin
istration Building, not later than 12 noon
Saturday, May 24.
Association of Former Students
Registration for the first term of sum
mer school will be held in accordance with
the directions outlined on page 18 of the
ons outnnea on page
ler school catalogue. However, i
school students may pay their
and secure a dormitory room
i advance of Monday, June 9th, if they
ant to avoid some of the congestion in
jgistration on that date. Those students
ith, if they
desiring t
ring to do this much of regis
should report to the Registrar’s Office at
11 a. m. Wednesday, June 4th, where pre
liminary registration cards will be issued
which will permit students to pay their
fees for the summer term and secure dor
mitory room assignmeni
June 9th, such students will need to se
cure the remainder of the registration
On Monday,
ill need to
W. J. Douglas, Jr.
General Insurance
Commerce Bldg
Phone Bryan 2-6605
“The Hut Sut Song”
(A Swedish Serenade)
Freddy Martin
cards and complete the registration for
their courses. This advance registration of
summer school students will continue on
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Final class work for this semester will
close after the last class Friday, May
30, 1941. Final examinations for the sec
ond semester will be held according to
the following modified schedule: ,
Period Date Hours
K—May 31, Saturday 8-11 a.m.
L—May 31, Saturday 1-4 p.m.
M—June 2, Monday 8-11 a.m.
N—June 2, Monday 1-4 p.m.
P—June 3, Tuesday 8-11 a.m.
R—June 3, Tuesday 1-4 p.m.
S—June 4, Wednesday 8-11 a.m.
T—June 4, Wednesday 1-4 p.m.
V—June 5, Thursday 8-11 a.m.
W—June 5, Thursday 1-4 p.m.
Conflict examinations are scheduled for
Friday, June 6.
There will be an important meeting of
the Kream and Kow Klub at 7:30 Mon
day night in the Creamery lecture room.
This will be the last meeting of the ses
sion and all members are urged to at
I. Ae. S.
The year’s last meeting of the I. Ae. S.
will be held Monday night. May 26, at
7 o’clock in the Chemistry lecture room.
Election of next year’s officers will take
place and the best student paper of the
year will be read.
Perfect attendance is requested.
All Senior and Junior Ag Ed students
are requested to meet Tuesday night, at
7:00 in the Ag. Eng. building lecture
room. All committees please be ready
to make a report on this work. Rebates
on the chicken stew will be made. The
entertainment committee promises action
and entertainment. Officers for next year
will be elected. Make it your business to
be present.
$1.00 REWARD for return of my five
keys on ring to room 401, Dormitory 2.
J. B. Wolf.
WANTED—Ride for 1 to Detroit, Mich-
igal or thereabouts, leaving June 9. Write
William Kelber, Box 67, College Station.
“Merry Go Round”
Charlie Barnet)
FOR SALE—Set of veterinary sur
gical instruments cheap. Write Will Eck
ert, Perry, Texas.
“Where Are You”
Alvino Rey
“Blues”—Parts 1 & 2
Artie Shaw
Wayne King
“The Things I Love”
Jan Savitt
For Cool
Comfort . . .
Warm weather is just
ahead . . . here you’ll
find cool . . . comfortable
sport shirts that are
ideal for summer wear.
In or outer styles in a
wide variety of fabrics
and colors ... or smart
Basque Shirts in crew
neck slipon styles, plain
colors or stripes.
See these new sport
shirts that were styled
for us by Manhattan
and Shirtcraft.
$1.00 to $2.50
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
(Continued from Page 1)
words, a few students now have
already been called and they will
be able to get their degrees at the
coming exercises. Others, however,
may not know until sometime this
summer and they will get the de
grees the following year.
The recognized five year courses
are Architecture, Petroleum Engi
neering, combined Mechanical En
gineering and Petroleum Engineer
ing, and Veterinary Medicine.
These courses regularly call for the
following degrees, respectively in
the order mentioned above: Bach
elor of Architecture, Bachelor of
Petroleum Engineering, Bachelor
of Science in both Mechanical En
gineering and Petroleum Engineer
ing, and Doctor of Veterinary Med
The degrees to be conferred,
however, will be straight Bachelor
of Science degrees. Whether or not
the course of study is specified on
the diploma will be determined by
the circumstances surrounding each
Registrar E. J. Howell stressed
the fact that applying students
must have taken the standard
course for the first four years and
have sufficient grade points both
as to total and as to measure.
Graduation Gifts
See our specials on
Watches and Diamonds!
We can save you money
and at the same time you
will be assured of qual
ity. . . .
Aggie Jewelry of
All Kinds
Jewelry Store
Bryan, Texas
“Aggie Jewelers for
50 Years”
Another Milestone for A&M
Official dedication of the Easterwood Airport was held Thursday
afternoon following a dress review of the A. & M. cadet corps. Named
for Jesse L. Easterwood, A. & M. ex-student killed in an accident short
ly after the close of World War I, the airport is a major part of the
recent building program inaugurated by the college.
In the picture above Bill Becker and Miss Eva Easterwood, sister
of the man for whom the airport was named, stand as the Aggie
Band plays “The Spirit of Aggieland.”
College Streets—
(Continued from Page 1)
ment from the city general tax
fund, will provide the necessary
funds to put all the streets now
hard surfaced in a first class con
He remarked that the College
Park Community Council is ask
ing each property owner in Col
lege Park who has property on a
hard surface street to assess
against himself voluntarily a sum
equal to 4c per running foot on
hard surfaced streets.
“If this arrangement is agree
able,” suggested Mr. Adams,
“Please send the check covering
your assessment to Mr. I. G.
Adams, Faculty Exchange, Box
263, Campus. If you do not own
the property where you live, kind
ly notify me giving the name and
address of the owner.”
“The old Community Council is
still functioning,” stated Adams,
“pending the disposition of all
funds given to its care. As pre
viously provided, when all funds
are properly dispursed the Council
will render a statement of its af
fairs and cease functioning.”
Agronomy Trips—
(Continued from Page 1)
to active army duty about the time
the tour was half over, and F. G.
Collard would be unable to go at
all because of the impending six
weeks in summer military camp.
Still fearing that the worst is
yet to come, the agronomy depart
ment has announced that the group,
consisting of Robinson, Hartgrav-
es (until June 19), Butler, and
Professor L. M. Thompson as lead
er, will leave College Station May
31, and will return July 5, mean
while covering a good portion of
the middle western states and part
of Canada inspecting many indus
trial plants.
Dan Russell—
(Continued from Page 1)
single individual. Several of the
house matrons and some of the
student house managers were then
called upon to speak.
Otheil Erlund, Ben Ivey, Edward
Kubin and Miguel Soto played a
number of musical selections for
the entertainment of those present.
“Doc” Russell spoke briefly
thanking the boys for the praise
and for the honor accorded him. He
also gave the present financial
status of the houses and reported
that the Van Zandt County house
leads in grade point averages with
a rating of 1.51 for the spring se
Fish Class—
(Continued from Page 1)
er that be by bearing arms or by
continuing our education.”
This speech was immediately fol
lowed by one from Walton in which
he explained to the freshman class
their coming duties and respon
sibilities as sophomores.
The meeting was closed by the
group singing “The Spirit of Ag
Engineer Editor—
(Continued from Page 1)
ent school year, the Engineer, to
gether with the Agriculturist, was
incorporated in the Scientific Re
view. This year, however, the Re
view was divided into the two
aforenamed magazines and the
same policy will be followed next
Contest Winners—
(Continued from Page 1)
by Tom L. Hiner of Houston and
Lynch’s watch was donated by the
mathematics department. Both of
these watches were presented by
Dean Bolton. W. M. Adkisson of
Enid, Oklahoma, won the third
prize of ten dollars which was do
nated by A. M. Waldrop, Jr., of
Bryan and presented by A. M.
Waldrop, Sr., of Bryan.
The preliminary examinations of
the mathematics contest, open to
all freshmen and sophomores en
rolled in mathematics courses,
were taken by 170 freshmen, 30 of
whom qualified for the final ex
amination, and by 34 sophomores,
20 of whom were admitted to the
The F. M. Law English contest
for freshmen was open to students
who met the following conditions:
grade A in English 103 and dis
tinguished student rating first,
grade A or B in English 104 to
April 1, and satisfactory oral work
in the same course to April 15.
Conditions of eligibility for the
William Morriss contest for soph
omores were distinguished student
rating for the first semester of
this session, grade A in the last
previous English course and grade
A or B in one of the sophomore
English courses to April 1.
Air Enlistments—
(Continued from Page 1)
their flight courses together until
they reach advanced studies where
they will take up piloting different
types of airplanes.
The unit system will be organiz
ed so that the college or a club or
organization may have its own
group of 20, to be known as “Texas
Aggie Unit No. 1” or “Texas A.
& M. Engineers Unit,” or some
(Continued rrom Page 1)
dents and turn it all into an Air
Corps post.” the general said.
Accompanying General Brant
was Lt. Col. H. W. Holden, A. C.,
who was in Coco Sola, Canal Zone
and was a personal friend of Lieut.
Easterwood. He witnessed the ac
cident which cost Easterwood his
life and said that “Red”, as he
called him, was one of the finest
gentlemen he ever had the pleas
ure to know, and on top of that
he was a fine pilot. “That is a
rather big statement when the
rivalry between the Army and the
Navy is considered”, he added.
Also in the official Randolph
Field party were Major Carl R.
Storrie, graduate of A. & M. and
personal pilot for General Brant,
and Major W. J. Clinch.
Appropriate N ame
In designating Easterwood Field
as the name of the new airport
Dr. T. O. Walton said that in look
ing for an appropriate name for
the field that a search had been
made of all past classes to find a
son of A. & M. who had distin
guished himself far above all oth
ers in his field and in Lieut. Eas
terwood had found just that man.”
He was fearless, a fine specimen
of manhood, an outstanding avia
tor and was beloved by all his
fellow men”, Dr. Walton said.
In naming the field he dedicated
it to the service of not only the
college but also to the State of
Texas, the Nation, and Democracy
at large.
Miss Easterwood, escorted by
Cadet Colonel William A. Becker,
then unveiled the monument^ as
the Aggie band played “The Spirit
of Aggieland” and B Company, In
fantry, Lieut. Easterwood’s old or
ganization at the college, saluted
their distinguished member.
Owing to uncertain weather con
ditions the announced flight of
planes from Randolph and Brooks
Field was cancelled but planes from
the Kadet Aviation Company, op
erators of the training school at
Easterwood Field flew over the
field as the ceremonies were be
ing canned out.
Session Will Start
Week Early in Sept
The regular session of school
for the next long session will begin
one week earlier than this school
year, E. J. Howell, registrar, an
nounced yesterday. This announce
ment followed the release of the
school calendar for the next ses
Present plans for next fall for
entrance examinations to be held
Monday, September 8. Registration
of new students will begin Wed
nesday, Sept. 10. Old students will
register the following Thursday.
Classes for the new semester will
begin on Friday, Sept. 12.
such other name.
“We believe this system will en
courage many more eligible young
men to enter cadet training with
the U. S. Army Air Corps,” Lieu
tenant Williford said.
Examining headquarters will be
open at eight a. m. Monday and
applicants may obtain complete in
formation there at any time. Head
quarters is located at room 37 Ross
The flight officer said a “team
captain” will be chosen soon to aid
in contacting students in the col
lege and to lead the group when
it is organized.
He added that he believed several
units may be activated among the
ranks of Texas A. & M. students.
Informal conferences at which
details of cadet training will be
explained are to be arranged soon
in dormitories and campus meeting
places, the officer declared.
dyers hatteb*
Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization
Let Us Fix
Your Radio
North Gate
Phone 4-4114
Physical Surveys
Chief Teaches At
Summer School Again
According to Dean E. J. Kyle,
one of the professors who will be
on the teaching staff during the
coming summer session is E. A.
Norton, chief of the physical sur
veys division, Soil Conservation,
Washington, D. C.
Norton is well known all over
the United States, and abroad for
his work in soil classification and
physical surveys. This summer will
see his second distinguished course
project on the A. & M. campus.
Last summer he had what was
claimed to be one of the best short
courses in the physical surveys
work in the United States.
The course this year will ex
tend from July 21st to August 9th.
It will cover the latest work in
soil conservation, morphological
and genetic methods of soil study.
This will be an opportunity for
graduate students and seniors to
attend not only the best instruc
tion available on this subject, but
also to have an association and in
spiration from one of the best
known authorities on soils in the
world, Dean Kyle said.
Seniors Can Obtain
Invitations Till Mon
Bill Becker, cadet colonel, an-
lounced yesterday that the seniors
nay obtain their senior invitations
it the corps headquarters office
x)day and Monday. The receipt
■lips must be presented in order to
>btain the invitations.
Student Funds
Buy Records and
Books for Library
A list of new books that have
been bought for the Cushing Me
morial Library with money from
the Student Fund has been re
leased by Mrs. W. D. Thomas,
Loan Librarian.
Mrs. Thomas said: “All money
in the Student Fund has been use<),
part of it in replacing Music re
cords and buying new ones.
The following books were pur
chased by the library upon the
request of students by the Student
General Reading Fund: “Marcela”,
Azuela; “Hawaii”, Barber; “21 to
35”, Baumer; “Pan America”,
Beals; “The Fleet Today”, Ban
ning; “I Dare You”, Danforth;
“America Is Worth Saving”, Drei
ser; “West Point in the Confed
eracy”, Eliot; “City of Illusion”,
Fisher; “I Choose Denmark”,
Hackett, “Why Men Behave Like
Apes and Vice Versa”, Hooten;
“Man’s Greatest Victory Over Tu
berculosis”, Meyers; “Hot Places”,
Pryce and Jones; “The Wounded
Don’t Cry”, Reynolds; “The Chis
holm Trail”, Ridings; “The Don
Flows to the Sea”, SholoTkov; “Be
tween Two Worlds”, Sinclair; “Ros
common”, Smart; “The Glorious
Pool”, Smith; “Charlie Chaplin”,
Von Ulm; “Texas, a Guide to the
Lone Star State”.
Erhard Carl Jaeger, son of a
Harvard professor, who formerly
served in the German army, has
become a trainee in the United
States army.
Yes, “ole army”,
It’s almost time..
Hats Cleaned,
Reblocked and Stored
during summer
Bryan Hatters
Phone 2-1538 - Bryan
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