The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 22, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4
■THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1941
Official Notices
The last meeting of the A.S.A.E. will
be held tonite in the Agricultural En
gineering Lecture room at 7:15 tonite.
All members who have not voted for the
election of next year’s officers are urged
to come by the Agricultural Engineering
Office and vote before 5 P. M. Thursday.
The A. S. C. E. will hold its annual
banquet in Sbisa Hall tonight at 7:00
P. M. The guest speaker for the even
ing will be Colonel Ike Ashburn. Colonel
O. A. Seward will be present to make a
short talk.
As is customary Seniors will be ad
mitted free of charge. The banquet is
given in their honor and is the last so
cial event of the year for them in the
This year, in an effort to get the fresh
men civil engineers interested in the work
of the society, it has been decided to
admit them free also. The president of
the society and junior representative on
the engineering council for next year will
be elected at the banquet, and it is
hoped that all of the freshmen will be
present to take part in the election.
The winners of the award for the most
valuable senior and most valuable junior
member of the society during the past
year will be announced. ■*
The Agronomy Society will hold its
annual picnic Thursday afternoon after
5 P. M. at Hensel Park. All Agronomy
Society members are urged to attend.
Pun and good eats guaranteed.
Campaign Hat
Stored Free
Until September
With a
Cleaning and
Pay Next Fall
Fit and Shape
Unexcelled Work
Loupot’s Trading Post
North Gate
America’s Best
Constructed Swim
• Trunks
Catalinas are made of
the best fabrics money
can buy . , . Lastex . . .
Wool and Lastex or fine
gabardine. They’re styled
for extra comfort and
long wear . . . plus good
looks. See the new Cat
alinas today.
$1.95 to $4.95
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
All freshmen or other students who are
contemplating taking sophomore Aero
nautical Engineering courses next year
are requested to meet at 7:00 p. m., Fri
day, May 23rd in the Chemistry Lecture
Room. Attendance at this meeting is im
portant since it will help in making an
estimate of the number of sophomores
there will be in Aeronautical Engin
ing next year.
The Poller Brush Company has a lim
ited number of summer jobs for College
students. Students make from $35.00 to
$50.00 per week with these jobs.
If you are interested in one of these
jobs see R. K. Whitfill, Project House
No. 10.
e - Na
ning their
We contemplate offering ten or twelve
weeks’ training to June graduates in both
Aeronautical Engineering and Marine En
gineering - Naval Architecture. This is
to enable
courses to
Engineer or Ju
chitecture Engineer after
Civil Service rating.
In order to ascertain the interest in
this instruction, we have prepared forms
for June graduates which are based on
the possibility that deferment might be
obtained long enough to take the train
ing. These forms may be obtained at
my office or at the office of the head
of any engineering department.
Dean of Engineering
The President’s Office is holding a
package from the John Bean Mfg. Co.
Will the person ordering this material
please call for same.
Will the following students please re
port to me before Saturday at noon:
Campbell, Camp, Curnutt, Easterly, Flow
ers, Jones, B. L., Knowlton, Moore, Mor
ris and Sleeper.
There will be a meeting of the cotton
society tonight at 7:30 in the Textile
building to hear A. Stark Taylor speak.
There will be an important business
meeting of the Landscape Art club
Thursday at 7:00 p. m. All members in
cluding freshmen and sophomores should
be present.
A Texas shipbuilding corporation, which
has secured a large national defense con
tract, is interested in receiving applications
for summer or full time employment
from engineering students who have been
ing. Interested students should contact
the Placement Bureau, Room 133, Admin
istration Building, not later than 12 noon
Saturday, May 24.
Association of Former Students
Because of the review for the
e.-.x j . jrpol
m 1
use of the review for the Dedi
cation of Easterwood Airport, classes will
be suspended today from 1 to 5 p. m.
There will be a meeting of the Pre-Med
night at 7 o’clock in
• room for the
■cting officers for next year
Med Club. All Pre-Meds are urgi
attend the meeting.
■’s Pre
yed to
Students who wish to store trunks,
lamps, radios, etc,, for the summer months
will find storage facilities available as
shown below:
Trunks only, for residents of new
area only, will be stored in the basement
of Dormitory No. 3, Fountain Hall.
Trunks for residents of old area will
be stored in the basement of Guion Hall
(rear entrance).
All lamps, radios and other small ar-
stored in the basement of
tides will be
Guion Hall.
Storage service will be subject to con
ditions stated on storage tags, and will
be limited to a period of 120 days from
date of storage.
Charges will be as follows:
Lamps and small articles, 25tf in advance
30<j if paid when article is reclaimed.
Trunks and large items, 90c
$1.00 if paid wh
ance, or
in ad-
article is
Storage rooms will be open during
following periods: June 2, 3, and 4,
from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., .June 5, 6, and
•m 8 a. m. to 6 p.
' income from ston
7, fron
dditional student employment and to sup
plement funds of student organizations
and activities.
Chairman, Student Labor
FOR SALE—-Ideal camp car. Model A
Ford roadster with rumble. Worth more,
but will take $60. Jenkins, 6 Milner.
LOST—Saturday night between Admin
istration Building and College Courts
Cafe, a square Elgin wrist watch with
leather band. Return to 407 No. 8 for
LOST—A Gruen wrist watch with a
blue crystal and metal band, at the ball
game Saturday. Reward. 406 No. 7.
FOR SALE—1937 Plymouth tudor se
dan. $300. Phone 2-6684.
Those wishing to obtain room and
board for the summer school should
see Bob M. Callaway, Project 10. There
are 16 rooms available. Will be open
both semesters. Make arrangements now
in order to obtain choice selection.
WANTED TO RENT — Unfurnished
house in College Station. Call W. P.
Taylor, 4-7844, as soon as convenient.
100 Rooms - 100 Baths
Fire Proof
R. W. HOWELL, Mgr.
Class ’97
’41 Longhorn—
(Continued from Page 1)
horn. A special group is devoted
to pictures of home town clubs
and mothers’ clubs. Two antiair
craft guns manned by members of
the Coast Artillery Corps here are
the subject of this section’s divi
sion page.
The Longhorn this year is a col
orful book which accurately pro
vides a resume of the year’s activ
ities at Aggieland. The many sec
tions of the Longhorn are printed
in colored inks which add much to
the beauty of the book. Editor
Morton J. Robinson has said that
this is the largest year book ever
published at A. & M.
From the first page to the last,
this year’s Longhorn promises to
be one that every Aggie will prize
as one of his most honored pos
sessions. The book is a fitting
tribute to all Aggies who have at
tended school this year and par
ticipated in Aggieland’s activities.
The 1940-41 Longhorn is Aggie
Members of the Longhorn staff
to whom all credit for this book
should go are: Morton Robinson,
editor; L. L. Kilpatrick, managing
editor; O. G. Allen, advertising
manager; Phil Golman, photograph
er; and J. P. Jones, vanity fair
assistant} Other members of the
staff are, Cecil Grissom and E.
B. Kyzar, camp section assistants;
R. L. Heitkamp, junior editor;
Harvey Lynn, J. B. Hancock, J. 0.
Alexander, junior assistants; and
A. R. Ramirez, R. B. Jones, fresh
man assistants.
National Defense is foremost in
the minds of patriotic Americans
at this time, and the Longhorn
timed its dedication perfectly to
join in with all Aggieland in dis
playing loyalty to our country.
Throughout the book are quotations
of famous Americans pertaining to
the subject of National Defense.
Indicative of this theme and ex
pressing the views of all Aggie
land are the words of Theodore
Roosevelt which form the intro
duction to the activities section:
“We have room in this country
for but one flag—the stars and
stripes. We have room but for
one loyalty—loyalty to the Unit
ed States. There can be no 50-50
Americanism. There is room here
for only 100 per cent Americanism,
only for those who are Americans
and nothing else.”
(Continued from Page 1)
bers of the faculty and ex-students.
The Final Ball will begin at 10
p. m. in Sbisa Hall with Lou
Breeze furnishing the music.
The activities Saturday will con
clude the current school year. At
8:30 a. m. Major General Richard
Donovan, commander of the Eighth
Corps Area will make a formal
presentation of reserve commissions
to students who have completed
their four years of military train
The Final Review will take place
at 9:30, and at 12 noon a joint
luncheon of the faculty and form
er students will be held in Sbisa
Easterwood^ Life—
(Continued from Page 1)
now a lieutenant, was brought to
the United States to serve at
Hampton Roads, Virginia, and
early in 1919 he was transferred
to the naval air station at Coca
Solo, Canal Zone.
On May 19, 1919, Lieutenant
Easterwood died in active duty as
the result of a seaplane accident.
His services and his sacrifices
were recognized by navy depart
ment when he was posthumously
awarded the Navy Cross in the
following citation:
“For distinguished and heroic
service as an aviator in an air
plane engaged in active operations
cooperating with the Allied armies
on the Belgium front during Sep
tember, October, and November,
1918, bombing enemy bases, aero
dromes, submarine bases, ammu
nition dumps, railroad junctions,
and so forth, attached to Northern
Bombing Group.”
For the President.
Josephus Daniels,
Secretary of the Navy.
HOUSE FOR SALE—6 rooms, 3 bed
rooms, 2 baths, large corner lot. Phone
4-9964. Near campus.
way addition. One bedroom. Phone E. K.
HOUSE FOR SALE—2 story, four bed- !
roo/hs, 2 baths, screened porch, double |
garage, large lot. N. Oakwood. Major j
Stevens. Phone 4-1134.
FOR RENT—For summer months. Four-
room furnished — - J - -‘
ing campus,
Contest Winners
To be Announced
Winners of the F. M. Law and
William Morriss English contests
and the mathematics contest will
be officially announced tonight at
the English-Mathematics banquet
to be held in Sbisa Hall at six p. m.
F. M. Law, president of the Board
of Directors of the First National
Bank, Houston, sponsored the
Freshman English contest and Wil
liam Morriss, bank director of Dal
las, sponsored the Sophomore Eng
lish contest. The Mathematics con
test was sponsored by the math
ematics department of A. & M.
Prizes to be awarded in the Wil
liam Morriss Contest will be $15
for first place and $10 for second.
In the F. M. Law contest $20 will
be awarded to first place and $10
to second. The two top entries in
the Mathematics contest will re
ceive a gold watch each and third
place will receive $10.
F. M. Law will award the prizes
to winning entries in the Freshman
English Contest and T. D. Brooks,
Dean of Arts and Sciences and the
graduate school will make the pre
sentation to the winners of the
William Morriss English Contest.
Mrs. R. M. Walton will present the
awards to the winning entries in
the Mathematics contest.
Saddle and Sirloin
Club Holds Picnic
The Saddle and Sirloin Club held
it annual barbecue Tuesday night
in the Animal Industries building.
Barbecue and all the trimmings
was served to around 200 people
including Experiment Station, and
Extension Service men and their
Immediately after awards were
made to members of the junior,
sophomore, and freshman livestock
teams, and the Senior Meats Judg
ing Team. Ribbons were presented
to the winners of the Little South
western Exposition held in March.
Rained Out—
(Continued from Page 3)
has been errorless.
Jeffrey’s main contribution to
the Aggie baseball team has been
his consistent hitting and fielding.
He covers that right field like a
blanket, having been charged with
no errors. He started the big
Aggie rally against Texas last
Saturday, and then proceeded to
drive in the winning run with
a single.
In case Bumpers should have an
off day, there are still Roy Peden,
Charlie Stevens, and Bill Hender
son. Each has shown that they
are ready for any crisis, with
Peden being the first choice to re
lieve Bumpers. The rosy cheeked
Aggie twirler has been consistant
all year, and should be in trim
condition in case he is needed for
Saturday. Stevenson’s greatest
contribution for the cadets was his
“money” double with the bases
loaded in the Aggie-Texas game
last Saturday, while Henderson’s
one-hit pitching against T.C.U. a
while back earned the Houston
athlete his fourth letter at Aggie
The Aggies have to win if they
expect to get a share of the title.
A defeat for the cadets would
automatically give Texas U. the
title, while a win would put the
Aggies in a deadlock for the flag.
Ruck Speaks For
Petroleum Engineers
E. O. Buck, consulting engineer
of Houston, will speak on “Recycl
ing and Condensation Recovery
from Natural Gas” before the final
meeting of the Petroleum Engi
neering Club Thursday night. Buck
is recognized as an authority in
the Mid-Continent area.
In addition to the talk by E. 0.
Buck, there will be a business meet
ing which will include a discussion
of this year’s activities and the
election of next year’s officers.
The retiring officers are Jeff
Montgomery, president; R. P.
Dunkerly, vice president; Gerald
King, secretary; John Waddell,
treasurer; and Roy Chappell, chair
man of refreshment committee.
DeWare Fieldhouse—
(Continued from Page 3)
dent supporter of all athletic
events in which the Aggies were
figured, and was a familiar figure
at all the games, attending them
in a wheel chair.
He was an Aggie through and
through, a grand character and
never dropped his pace in his ad
miration for Athletes.
DeWare was fatally injured in
an automobile accident on April
6, 1938, and the Aggies lost a
good friend. It is fitting that his
name was kept alive in the hearts
of all Aggies by the naming of the
field house.
His son Charles DeWare, Jr.,
is now a prominent figure in Ag
gieland being freshman football
coach and assistant baseball coach.
ROA Honors—
(Continued Trom Page 1)
ed to active duty.
The guest officers at the meet
ing who represented the various
branches of service were Col. Mit
chell of the Infantry; Col. Archur
L. Pickens of the Engineers, Lieut.
Col. James C. Parks, Field Artil
lery representative; Lieut. Col.
John W. Bartlett, Chemical War
fare Service; Lieut. Col. Taylor,
Cavalry; Lieut. Col. Homer E. Car
rico of the Cavalry; Major Gra
ham C. Buchanan, Signal Corps;
and Captain L. O. Vogelsang, Coast
Artillery representative.
Federal Agency—
(Continued from Page 1)
men is going to be greater with the
passing years.
Further, it would be a mistake
for a student to drop out of a
course closely related to national
defense and complete some short
course in order to gain employment
at less than a full professional
Students, the reports stated, are
obligated to prepare and render
themselves for the highest type of
service and should not shift to
work which can be done by a much
larger number of men and women.
(Continued from Page 1)
plane accident at Coco Sola, Pana
ma Canal Zone on May 19, 1919.
Easterwood served under the col
ors of three foreign nations during
the World War. He made 16 suc
cessful raids across enemy lines
during the war. The Navy Cross
for bravery was awarded to Easter
wood following his death.
Classes will be suspended from
1 to 5 p. m. today. Cotton 0. D.
Uniforms with Sam Browne belts
will be worn at this review. First
call for the review will be at 12:50
p. m.
OF ’42—
We wish to invite you to in
vestigate among fellow stu
dents, to determine your boot
purchase. You will find it is
not advisable to delay.
We offer you the finest boots,
plus fast and convenient ser
vice attention.
Holick's Boot Shop
“A. & M.’s Oldest Firm” - - Estab. 1891
Publicity Dept.
Prepares Guide
The campus at Texas A. & M.
College has become so large and so
many new buildings have been
erected in recent years that a guide
book is almost necessary for old
grads and other visitors to find
their way about the 4000 acre plant.
To fill that need the Humble Oil
and Refining Company, of Hous
ton, is planning to issue such a
book this year.
At present the Department of In
formation and College Publications
(Publicity Department) is at work
preparing the copy which will be
used in the forthcoming publica
tions, three in number.
One tour of the college property
will direct visitors interest in agri
culture to the several departments
of that school. Another will direct
engineering visitors about the
School of Engineering and the third
book will cover a general tour of
the entire campus.
Jealousy of the man-made birds
which soared above him all day
long is blamed by Colgate uni
versity men for the death of Sigis-
mund the Swan.
Love at first sight is just about
a myth, a panel of six faculty mem
bers at North Texas State Teach
ers college has decided.
Houston County PH
Holds Annual Dinner
The Houston county project
house held its annual junior-senior
banquet last Thursday night.
The guests for the evening were
professor and Mrs. Dan Russell,
Major J. F. Stevens, Dr. and Mrs.
John Milliff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood and Mrs.
Mildred Wheeler.
J. B. Best acted as toastmaster.
W. L. “Tick” Brice and Junior Ban-
comb furnished the entertainment
for the evening.
A father and son, refugees from
Holland, are college chums at the
University of Pennsylvania.
The Ideal Gift for
the Girl Graduate
“Latest Styles”
• Two-tone Tans
• Brown & White
Your choice of plain,
wing or cap toes.
Priced from
$3.95 up
North Gate
When it's "Intermission'
...pause and
l .. a, trade-mark ■ .:»*
' Delicious and
Refreshing /
You feel refreshed afteran ice-cold
bottle of Coca-Cola. It’s the com
plete answer to thirst and
Coca-Cola has the taste that al
ways charms. So when you pause
throughout the day, make it the
pause that refreshes with ice-cold
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Company