The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 10, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOL. 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1941 84 Colorful Weekend Program Here Honors Aggie Parents Eligible* Announced By Math Dept 30 Freshmen, 20 Sophomores Selected for Finals Freshmen and sophomores eli gible to take the final examination of the mathematics contests were announced recently by the Mathe matics department. The final ex amination will be held May 19 at 7:30 p. m. The math contest, an annual ev ent, consists of two examinations in both the freshman and sopho more divisions. Preliminary tests are open to all students taking first and second year mathematics. The freshman exams cover college algebra, trigonometry and analyti cal geometry. The sophomore ques tions are on calculus. The contest ants eligible to take the final ex aminations are chosen from those making the highest grades on the priliminary examinations. 30 fresh men and 20 sophomores are thus selected. Prizes for the winners are gold watches for first and second place winners and ten dollars for third place winners in both divisions. These winners will be announced at a banquet attended by all those eligible to take the final tests. Sophomores eligible to take the final examination are: W. M. Ad- kisson, J. A. Baird, D. S. Lansdon, R. L. Jolley, D. R. Sutherland, Guy Johnson, A. H. Lynch, S. R. Baen, Wm. Bever, A. J. Specia, J. H. Stone, O. A. Nance, L. H. Todd, C. G. Welling, J. T. Cox, J. C. Denney, S. J. Marwill, W. E. Huffhines, J. G. Goppert and W. J. Galloway. Eligible freshmen are: L. L. Burns, L. E. Hiltpold, Jack Keith, E. H. Canfield, C. D. Hubert, J. M. Lozano, E. J. Pratt, W. M. Moseley, R. E. Alston, G. D. Boes- che, W. F. Tate, R. B. Williams, Curtis Zahn, C. Brennecke, A. H. Foyvler and J. H. Goatley. D. M. Griffiths, R. R. Haw thorn, F. D. Hess, H. S. Jacobson, R. O. Thompson, A. S. McSwain, A. S. Morrison, B. F. Parker, C. W. Reagan, J. G. Richardson, D. L. Stillinger, L. W. Roddy, C. A. Riggs and R. J. Ridgway. Corsages for the Ring Dance Sidelight of last night’s Senior Ring dance was the pre-dance rush given the student floral conces sion. The last-minute demand for corsages is evidenced in this picture which shows cadet employees making the corsages from flowers shipped here from Chicago, Denver, New Orleans and Houston. Above, left to right, are J. J. Johnson, F. L. Barnes, Murray Evans, Louis R. Craigo, Robert J. Moors, A. D. Lasell, W. F. Dickerson, Ken Bresnen and Clarence Sparkman. Lasell and Barnes are co holders of the concession. 750 Seniors Top Off Four Years Of Social Events at Senior Ring Dance Couples Perform Traditional Ceremony As A1 Donahue^ Band Plays Sweet Music Approximately seven hundred and fifty military-uniformed A. & M. seniors observed the crowning social event of their college years with the sixth annual Senior Ring Banquet and Dance Friday night in Sbisa Hall. Tom Richey, president of the class, welcomed the seniors and their dates, and Mayo Thompson, a member of the class, acted as toastmas ter for the occasion. The class historian, Aubrey Hamilton, traced the history and accomplishments of the very active men of ’41. Beginning at 7 p. m. and lasting until 9, the banquet and ring ceremony is an occasion never to be forgotten. Following the ban quet, the Ring Dance began at 10 with A1 Donahue and his orchestra presenting their “low down top hat rhythm” until 2 a. m. After the speech-making part of the banquet program, while Donahue’s sweet music was filling the room, each cadet and his es- cortee ascended the steps behind the huge “ring” and paused in its center. The young lady then re moved the senior’s class ring from his finger and replaced it in the opposite position, with the ’41 tow ard the end of his finger. This act signifies that the se nior has transformed from student to graduate, and he is supposed to wear his ring as it is placed for ever after. The couple then kissed and descended the steps to the front, returning to their seats. R0TC Grads To Be Called For Active Duty An announcement was made by the War Department Tuesday that more than 8,000 young of ficers would be called to active duty as second lieutenants this summer on their graduation from college and on completion of train ing in the reserve officers train ing corps. The announcement was made in connection with the fixing of dates for R. O. T. C. summer training camp courses at 31 Army posts, beginning in June. The R. O. T. C. summons was said to be an unprecedented step. Engineers’ Day Features Many Exhibits; Review to Highlight Sunday Festivities Mothers, Dads Will Take Over Campus Sunday After weeks of preparation and work, all is in order to greet the 12,000 visitors who will be on the campus this weekend for the an nual festivities and program of the Mother’s and Dad’s Day at A. & M. This morning at 10, the State Association of A. & M. Mother’s Clubs will hold its annual meeting in the parlor of Sbisa Hall. A tea honoring all visiting parents will be held in the lobby of the local Y. M. C. A. from 2 until 5 this afternoon. It will be sponsored by the Brazos County A. & M. Moth er’s Club. This evening at eight o’clock, Dr. and Mr. T. O. Walton will be at home to visiting parents when they honor them with an informal reception. The program for Sunday will begin with the traditional pinning of red and white flowers upon ca dets in rank formation in front of their respective dormitories. Each organization commander will desig nate a girl to pin the flowers on the men in his outfit. This cere mony will begin at 8 a. m. and last for approximately one hour. At 9 the cadets of each regi ment will march from their re spective dormitory areas to the old parade grounds where they will stand in ranks for nearly thirty minutes. During this time, honors and presentations will be made to the highest military and scholastic students in school. At 9:45 the cadet corps will pass in review. A special program hon oring all parents will be presented at Kyle Field at 11:15. Following this affair, a picnic lunch will be held on the gridiron. Parents will inspect the various dormitories from 1:30 until 3:30. The Texas A. & M. band will pre sent a concert in Guion Hall dur ing the next hour. This terminates the activities for Sunday. Chairman of the Mother’s Day committee is Preston M. Bolton, a senior student at A. & M. and son of Dr. F. C. Bolton, dean of the college. Other members of the committee are: Thomas B. Richey, president of the senior class; Theo dore E. Duce, a senior cadet; and L. L. Appelt, another senior cadet. Weekend Maestro A1 Donahue is handling the mu sical end of this week’s festivities. He and his orchestra played Fri day night for the Senior Ring Dance and Banquet, and will hold forth tonight at the corps dance. C Outstanding Students Will Receive Awards Nine students who have display ed outstanding work and ability during the current school year will receive honor awards during the Mother’s day review to be held here Sunday. The Caldwell trophy watch giv en each year by the Caldwell Jew elry store, Bryan, will be presented to Cadet Technical Sergeant Hughs Seewald, Troop A Cavalry. This is a competitive award open to all A. & M. students except seniors. The trophy is rotated each year, not being given to a cadet of any one organization two years in suc cession nor to the same cadet twice. The trophy will be present ed by James O. Chance of Bryan. A saber will be presented to Ca det Lt. Col. Aubrey V. Hamilton, of the Composite Regiment, by the United Daughters of the Confed eracy for being the outstanding student in advanced military sci ence. This, too, is a competitive award but is not rotated. Mrs. J. B. McFarland, state president of the U. D. C. will make the pre sentation. Tom Gillis, editor-elect of The Battalion and vice-president of the (Continued on Page 12) “The Old Order Changeth" Hamilton Tells of Trials and Tribulations of Class of ’41 By Aubrey Hamilton It began four years ago on a hot, September day when twenty- two hundred men became Texas Aggies, the largest freshman class in the institution’s history. And today, as an international crisis rocks the world, we are pre paring to complete our college ca reers as Texas Aggies. Four years ago we entered A. & M. as near-dazed, befuddled freshmen. In four more weeks we will leave the school as potential defenders of our nation—537 of us as reserve second lieutenants. So let’s go behind the scenes for a little while and see just what has made this thing tick—the class of ’41. What is its history? As ‘Fish’ we entered upon the normal routine which first-year cadets had been following for 64 years before us, and with us came a new commandant, now General George F. Moore, and Engineering Dean Gibb Gilchrist. Our first glimpse of Aggie life came with College Night, and shortly thereafter the words “de tail,” “ram,” “cuffs,” and “Mister” were standard parts of our vo cabulary. Our first class election introduc ed us to the usual medium of A. & M. cadet politics—hat cords— ■fand saw Jimmy Giles elected pres ident. That year we learned the mean ing of “Lizzie” and, too, we learned what “Taps” meant at football games. Texas U. bowed out on Kyle Field that year and, as far as we were concerned, that made the grid iron season a successful one. The then-ti'aditional April first celebration was given an all-Amer ican send-off by our class that year as we became the last fish class to celebrate the event. Then came “Fish Day” and Final Review wasn’t far off, and that was a red-letter day for us be cause then we were sophomores. Jack Bailey headed our sopho more class as a comparatively un eventful year reeled off. Then came our great junior year with Ele Baggett as prexy— and with it cuffs, a two million dol lar building program and the col lege’s first national championship football team. The New Orleans corps trip and the Sugar Bowl game—which saw Tulane go down 14 to 13—was an event engraved deep in the minds of the corps and our class. The dramatic move to secure day-and-date motion pictures for the corps and College Station was next. Led by last year’s Cadet •Colonel Woody Varner, the result ing “non-patronization agreement” attracted nation-wide publicity and was the first step of the corps’ move in that direction. And then, near the end of our junior year, we laid the first foun dation as seniors—the election of class officers. Tom Richey became our pres ident, Howard Shelton vice pres ident and Jeff Montgomery secre tary-treasurer. Along with these men Jack Nel son was chosen social secretary of the class; Bob Nisbet, editor of The Battalion; George Fuermann, Battalion associate editor; Paul Haines, Town Hall manager; Mor ton Robinson, Longhorn editor; Tom Power, agriculturist editor; Ben Elliott, president of the Stu dent Engineering Council; and Bus ter Keeton and Foots Bland, head yell leaders. These men were to lead our class throughout its senior year. September, 1940, ushered in a new commandant, Lieut. Col. James A. Watson. The enrollment hit an all-time high of 6500; Bill Becker became corps commander, and the largest senior class in history pointed toward June degrees. The Burke-Wadsworth Bill came in November but draft-eligible Ag gies were exempt until at July 1 as 537 advanced ROTC se niors heard rumors of possible im mediate active duty upon gradua tion. The football season saw the Ag gies bid strong for bowl honors and, after tying with SMU for the conference championship, the team defeated Fordham in the Cot ton Bowl 13 to 12. With the end of that game also ended the collegiate gridiron ca reers of the greatest aggregation of A. & M. senior football players in history. Jim Thomason, John Kimbrough, Tommie Vaughn, Bill Conatser, Marion Pugh, Marland Jeffrey, Charley Henke, Ernie Pannell, Marshall Robnett, Chip Routt, Odell Herman and others bowed out that day. A strike of the cadet corps was near at hand over the Christmas holiday argument. The then-cur rent influenza epidemic was the corps’ reason for requesting an early dismissal and, after consid erable debate back and forth be tween the student body and the faculty, the Xmas leave was ex tended five days. Another headline event took place during the Christmas hol iday period as a persistent senior committee won from the board of least-fdirectors a withdrawal of the- corps-hated 30 cent charge for mess hall guests. Destined to be a unique mile stone in the American collegiate world, a Student Aid Fund was or ganized and received faculty ap proval in March. Chairman George Fuermann and Hymie Focke were the senior class members who led the drive to organize the fund. Four more new dormitories be gan to reach skyward and, with them, a new federal building went into construction to house local agencies of the national govern ment. In March, also, a senior class committee was appointed to furth er push the motion picture situa tion. Following a trip to Dallas to confer with theater executives, the committee returned with the first positive results thus far obtained on the situation. Before the end of the current semester a working agreement acceptable to the corps is predicted by the committee’s members. The 1941 social season saw such ‘name’ bands as Duke Ellington, Bemie Cummins, Russ Morgan and others play for the regimental balls. Jimmy Galagher became king of the Ross Volunteer festivities and Jim Tom Anderson was named King Cotton. Thus, though too briefly, is a history of our class. In the past four years we have seen many traditions die; we have seen the rise of a world conflict which will affect all of us; we have seen the ups and downs of our own collegiate politics and af fairs; we have traveled over the state and even the nation on corps trips, and inspection trips; we have been Aggies for four years—and we’ll always be Aggies. Our reign as seniors is fast draw ing to an end and what was for merly known as ‘senior authority’ is now little more than something people talk about. “The old order changeth,” someone once said. Surely that goes for A. & M. to day. But regardless of our opinions concerning things of that nature, there’s not one of us who isn’t proud from the ground up to say that he is a Texas Aggie. It’s a brotherhood that will stay with us as lon£ as we live. Most of us have a sort of love for this place. So there it is—the history of our class ... A class that we think has faced more trials, tribulations and unprecedented experiences than any other in A. & M.’s his tory. Engineers Will Demonstrate Progress to Visitors Today belongs to the student engineers of the college as they show the results of their prog ress and knowledge to the 12,000 visitors expected here to witness the festivities of the Twelfth An nual Engineers’ day. Visitors and parents from all parts of the state will swarm over the campus not ing exhibits, examining strange scientific instruments, and find ing the latest developments in the various fields of engineering. Under the joint sponsorship of the Student Engineering council, of which Ben Elliott of Dallas is president, and the school of en gineering under Dean Gibb Gil christ, the events of the day will attract commercial men and busi ness representatives from through out the nation as well as Aggie parents to examine scientific equipment. Joe F. Brown, Dallas, is the chairman of the day. National Defense Theme The theme of the twelfth an nual engineers day will be nation al defense, a subject with which the college is intimately connect ed by reason of its military train ing, engineering graduates in de fense industries, and the supple mentary engineering courses for defense industries which is being taught at the college now. Although the engineers’ exhibits will be the main features of the day, the additional event of an Engineers Musical Revue to be held at 7:00 in Guion Hall will add a light note of comedy to the scientific atmosphere. The show is sponsored by the Student En gineering council. Each of the seven engineering departments of the college will present a skit con cerning its work. For the first time this year, the newly formed department of aeronautical engineering will par ticipate in the activities. Howard W. Barlow, head of the depart ment, will have exhibits showing airplane construction, control, and steps in designing. A motion pic ture, “The History of Aviation”, will be shown to visitors. The mechanical engineering de partment will have a vast dis play of equipment in the mechani cal engineering shops which will feature metal casting, welding, air conditioning, and fluid experi ments. The mechanical and steam laboratories will display machines for testing engines and show cut away engines to explain their op eration. In cooperation with the Signal Corps regiment of the college R. O. T. C., the electric engineering department will demonstrate elec trical equipment and show some of the strange activities and pow er of electricity. Highway construction, structure models, strength testing appara tus and a surveying display will be shown by the civil engineering department. Architects In the field of architectural en gineering, the department will show modern home designs, illus trated by models of latest type homes. A layout on the rehousing project in the city of Bryan will be displayed in miniature. (Continued on Page 12) McIntyre Promoted To Lieutenant Colonel Lieut. Col. O. E. McIntyre, senior instructor of the Field Artillery regiment here, received his silver leaf, signifying his rank of a Lieut. Colonel in the United States Army, after he made a trip to San Antonio to take his physical examination May 5. Col. McIntyre’s promotion was effective last April 18, but he did not report to San Antonio until the first of this week to take the physical examination that all of ficers must pass to be eligible for promotion.