The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOL. 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1941 NUMBER 83 Ring Dance Plans Near Completion Function to be Preceded by Ring Ceremony, Banquet The senior class of 1941 will highlight its year of social activi ties Friday night with the annual banquet and Senior Ring dance. The banquet will be held in the annex of Sbisa hall with Mayo Thompson of Fort Worth acting as toastmaster. Following the banquet will be the presentation of awards to out standing seniors of the year, and a presentation of the class history by Aubrey Hamilton of McKinney, class historian. At 7:30 A1 Donahue and his or chestra will begin playing for the ring ceremony in which the couples go through a large ring designed similar to the class rings and in which the girl reverses the ring on the cadets finger. The ceremony is then completed with a kiss. This year, in order to reduce the amount of time required, two rings have been constructed. The favors for the occasion will be gold pins of the same design as the cap on the rings. Programs are covered with ma roon leather which has been stamp ed with an eagle in the upper left corner and “A. & M. Class of 41” in the lower right corner. It is bound with white cord and the in side is made up of white, thus bear ing out the school colors. Inside is printed the names of the class officers, the various committees and the chaperones to the dance. Tickets to the dance will remain one sale at Bob Langford’s room (107 Law) until 5 p. m. today. Favor tickets will be obtained from Bob Little in 206 Bizzell un til the beginning of the dance at 10:30. Musical Review Plans Completed Offering a top-flight, well-pre pared program, the first Engineers day musical review sponsored by the Student Engineering council will be the feature attraction next Saturday evening, W. W. Sullivan, co-chairman, said. Scheduled to start at 6:30, the review was so fixed as not to in terfere with other engineering ac tivities on that day. Tickets for the event will be on sale at each of the engineering department offices, at Guion hall, and at the doors of both mess halls after dinner and supper Sat urday. The price of the affair is 25 cents. The review has been well pre pared and daily reheasals have been held for the past several days. Scenery and props for the events were obtained with great difficulty because of their heter ogenous character. King Dance Vocalist Above is Dee Keating, vocalist with A1 Donahue and his or chestra which will play for the annual Senior Ring Dance and Banquet Friday night in Sbisa hall. The function will begin promptly at 7 p. m. Student Leaders Visit Houston Industrial and Business Leaders Dean Kyle Escorts Group Which Dines With Humble Prexy Escorted by Agriculture Dean E. J. Kylej nine A. & M. senior stu dent body visited prominent Hous ton industrial and business leaders Tuesday. “Purpose of this annual trip,” Dean Kyle said, “is to acquaint our student leaders with outstand ing representatives of the South west’s great industries.” Cadets making the trip include W. A. Becker, Kaufman, cadet col onel; Paul G. Haines Jr., Bryan, cadet lieutenant colonel and second in command of the corps; Tom B. Richey, San Antonio, senior class president; Tommie Vaughn, Brown- wood, varsity football player; Jim Thomason, also of Brownwood and an all-conference back; Charles Henke, Kerrville, varsity football Ruth Taubenhaus Is Class Valedictorian Ruth Taubenhaus, former stu dent of A. & M. Consolidated school and a local resident has been announced as valedictorian of her senior class at Barnard Col lege, New York City. Miss Taubenhaus is the daughter of Mrs. J. J. Taubenhaus of Col lege Station. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School in 1937, after starting her high school work in the A. & M. Consolidated school. Miss Taubenhaus has also made Pho Beta Kappa, the national schol arship fraternity and has received numerous other student honors during her college career. guard; E. L. Wehner, Del Rio, ca det major in command of the Ag gie band, G. D. Anderson, Farwell, president of the Scholarship Honor society, and George Fuermann, Houston, Battalion associate edi tor and Student Aid Fund chair man. Farm Officials Seen The group called on officials of the Farm Credit administration, conferring with Jack Shelton, gen eral agent; Sterling C. Evans, pres ident of the Federal Loan bank; T. P. Priddy, president of the Inter mediate Credit bank; Dr. V. B. Lee, president of the Production Credit corporation, and Roy Davis, vice (Continued on Page 4) Louderback Will Lecture Twice Today Dr. George D. Louderback is giv ing two lectures today under the auspices of the department of geol ogy. The general topic is “Geology Applied to Engineering.” The first is to be given at 10 a. m. It will be a discussion of why and how geology can be useful in engineer ing projects, including types of problems and methods. The second lecture will be given at 7:30 o’clock tonight. Dr. Louder back will discuss specific examples of the relation of geology to engi neering problems, including the tragic failure of the St. Francis Dam in Southern California. Friday evening he will discuss the structure and physiography of the basin ranges of Nevada. All lectures are being held in the lecture room of the Geology- Petroleum building. 12,000 Campus Visitors Will See Week End’s Vast Engineers’ Day and Parents’ Day Functions Nationally Famed Lou Breeze Band To Play Junior Prom and Final Ball Lou Breeze and his nationally famed orchestra will play for the Junior Prom June 5 and for the Final Ball June 6, Melville Phil lips, chairman of the dance com mittee announced yesterday. This famous orchestra has play ed in large cities throughput the United States and over many of the larger radio networks. Skip Morr, talented vocalist, will be presented with the orchestra.' The dance committee includes Welville Phillips, Greenville; R. B. Pearce, Dallas; W. C. Rohrer, Galveston; Alden Cathey, Fort Worth; and Richard Weirus, San Antonio. “This orchestra will be one of the finest orchestras presented at A. & M. this year,” Phillips stated yesterday. Gillis Named Winner of First BAR Honor Award Tom Gillis, editor-elect of The Battalion and vice-president of the junior class, has been selected by a college committee as the honor man in his class and, as a result, he will receive an award of $200 being presented by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Reg istrar E. J. Howell announced yes terday. The award will be presented at the parents’ day review Sunday. The selection of the student to receive the reward was made on the basis of scholarship in com pliance with a request of Mrs. Edwin Stanton Lammers, state re gent of the DAR, in a letter to President T. O. Walton. “During our Denton state con ference, it was voted that the in terest from some bonds that our Texas DAR owns, be given each year to the junior honor man at A. & M. college at the beginning of his senior year,” the letter stated. As a basic list of juniors from which to make the selection, the juniors from which to make the selection, the juniors who had dis tinguished for for five consecutive semesters were taken. This included 18 cadets whose grade point averages are: Tom Gillis 2.989; Rufus Pearce 2.960; Bradford Hardie 2.896; Don Gabriel 2.893; R. F. Keller 2.842; Roland Bing 2.752; Robert Craw ford 2.741; Jack Lamberson 2.710; Eugene Copeland 2.659; P. T. Wil liams 2.627; Tomomi Ando 2.609; A. W. Sissom 2.608; J. M. Holli day 2.602; Jabus Barker 2.580; R. M. Warren 2.527; Ransom Kenny 2.442; Turney Leonard 2.377; and Gene Wilmeth 2.385. A & M. Bolsters National Defense Efforts By Offering Special Courses To Train Inspectors, Designers, Testers and Supervisors In Summer School America’s defense effort is plac ing a great responsibility upon the educational institutions of this country, and Texas A. & M., long recognized for its technical excel lence, also has a definite place in Amreica’s defense efforts. Present day conditions of war fare and defense have placed a premium on well-trained skilled la bor. In order to coordinate defense efforts, highly trained men are needed in all fields of industry. The speed up, due to the National De fense effort, has caused an acute shortage of trained men in many fields of engineering endeavor, and special emphasis is being placed on the training of detailers, inspect ors, designers, testers, production supervisors, draftsmen, chemists, radio men, architectural construct ion men and camp sanitarians. A. & M. will offer special cours es this summer leading to positions in national defense industries. •Courses .will start during June and July and continue throughout the summer. Many of these courses are open to high school graduates who have no previous college train ing or experience. Since these courses are being offered at the close of the regular school term, many high school graduates who do not plan to go to college and college students who are finan cially or for other reasons unable to return to college in the fall may find in these courses a means of gaining useful and specialized training to enable them to secure work in fields of endeavor of value to National Defense. College stu dents who expect to return to school next fall are not eligible for these courses. In every case these cours es give a thorough training suf ficient for the trainee to hold a job in the field covered by the course. These courses should not be confused, however, with the more comprehensive four-year col lege professional courses. Practically all men who com pleted the courses which were fin ished May 3 have found employ ment in defense industries. Courses will be offere in aero nautical engineering, aircraft in spection, chemistry of powder and explosives (two courses), chemistry and testing of engineering mater ials, surveying and mapping (two courses), structural drafting, de sign and construction of reenforced concrete, materials testing and in spection, design of structural ele ments, architectural drafting, build ing construction, production super vision, engineering drawing, ma chine drawing, metallurgy and metallography, camp sanitation, fuel and lubricant testing, main tenance and repair of electrical equipment, radio communications, electronics and radio servicing and marine engineering and naval ar chitecture. ■ The federal government pays all the costs of instruction includ ing laboratory fees, incidental ex penses, costs of testbooks where required, board, room and laundry are all to be paid by the student. During the summer courses stu dents may secure rooms in one of the college dormitories, take their meals in the college mess hall and use the facilities of the college laundry at a cost of approximately $25 per month of residence. Where a student desires he may secure outside accommodation in private homes and private boarding houses at very reasonable rates. For the courses lasting for twelve weeks a student should be able to finance himself with about $100. Further information about these courses may be obtained by ad dressing: Engineering Defense Training, School of Engineering, Texas A. & M. College, College Station, Texas. Annual Press Club Banquet Is Scheduled May 20 The annual Press club banquet will be held Tuesday night, May 20, Jeff Montgomery, president, an nounced today. Awards to members of the col lege publications staffs for their work this year will be presented. Col. Ike Ashburn, executive as sistant to President T. O. Walton, will be the speaker of the evening. He will make a short address con cerning work on the student pub lications and journalism work. Montgomery will act as master of ceremonies. Membership in the Press club includes all students who work in any capacity on any of the several student publications at A. & M. This includes approximately 400 cadets who handle the jobs of writ ing, editing, and distributing the publications. Reporters, editors, sports men, advertising men, circulation man agers and copy boys alike from all the publications get together as they finish their year’s work. The publications are The Battalion, the Longhorn, the Engineer, and the Agriculturist. Press club keys will be awarded to the members for their years work. Dean F. C. Bolton, chairman of the Student Publications board, will make the awards. For the sec ond time, this year the keys will be made of different metals to dis tinguish the number of years which the student has worked with the publication. Bronze keys are pre sented the first year, silver keys for the completion of the second year’s work, and gold keys for members who have completed three years. Several watches are awarded each year to graduating seniors for outstanding service and ability in their work. The editors of the magazines and papers this year will speak a few words as they turn their pub lication over to the juniors on the staffs. National Defense Is Theme of Twelfth Engineers’ Show; Bourn Is Event’s Head The No. 1 weekend of the nine-month A. & M. long session is set Saturday and Sunday, when more than 12,000 visitors from over the state will pack the Aggie campus for the twelfth annual Engineers’ day events Saturday and the annual Parents’ day festivities Sunday. Sponsored jointly by the school of engineering, headed by Dean Gibb Gilchrist, and the Student Engineering council, of which Benton H. Elliott, Dallas, is president, the Engineers’ day events will attract commercial interests throughout the nation as well as thousands of Texas visitors. With national defense its theme,-< 1941’s Engineers’ day is under the general chairmanship of Joe F. Bourn, Dallas, architecture senior. Principal features of the twelfth Engineers’ day will be the vast exhibits of the engineering school’s seven departments. The petroleum engineering de partment will demonstrate research experiments and will feature equip ment and field displays on a com plete oil field located at the rear of the Petroleum Engineering building. The latest advances in the field of petroleum engineering will be shown in such a way that laymen, as well as veteran petro leum men, will be interested in the exhibits. Modern Home Designs Modern home designs will make up a large part of the architectural engineering department’s exhibit. Proposed low-cost housing projects developed at A. & M. will also be displayed, in miniature. In the field of chemical engi neering, operations showing cur- •ent techniques in chemical research will be exhibited as well as a fea tured liquid air show which arous ed particular interest last year. Mechanical engineering, a vital link in the current national defense set-up, will display modern foundry operations, a vast metallography exhibit and a complete machine shop will exhibit past and present methods used in wood and pattern shops. The electrical engineering de partment, in cooperation with the Signal Corps regiment of the col lege’s Reserve Officers Training corps, will exhibit and demonstrate advances in the communications and lighting fields. The civil engineering display will feature exhibits of highway con struction, soils, hydraulics, bridge construction and railroad building. The new aeronautical engineer ing department takes part in the Engineers’ day activities for the first time this year. Headed by (Continued on Page 4) Student Engineers Prexy Above is Benton H. Elliott, Dallas, president of the Student Engineers council and captain of First Headquarters Field Ar tillery. Nearing the end of his senior year, Elliot’s work on the council has been outstanding this year and will climax with the twelfth annual Engineers Day activities May 10. Anderwald Is Winner of Annual A. H. Scholarship Chicago Packing Firm Makes Award; Baker Is Alternate Frank R, Anderwald, junior ani mal husbandry major from Ban dera, has been selected by a com mittee composed of instructors in the animal husbandry department to receive a scholarship given by the Union Stock Yard & Transit company of Chicago. This scholarship entitles him to a ten day stay in Chicago with all expenses paid. Each year the scholarship is off ered to certain agricultural schools in the United States and this is the third time that A. & M. has been represented. Frank S. Baker has been chosen as alternate in case Anderwald is unable to attend. The scholarship is offered only to students finishing their junior year and those who are majoring in animal husbandry or livestock marketing. At the school in Chicago students will be instructed in livestock mar keting which will consist of lectures and demonstrations as well as prac tical work in the handling of all species of livestock on the Chicago market. Model Airplane Contest Set for Current Week End Every boy in Texas who builds and flies model airplanes is invited to enter the third annual Model Airplane contest Saturday and Sunday at A. & M., it was an nounced by Howard Barlow, head of the department of aeronautical engineering. Arthur Vhay, technical director of Air Youth of America, will be here from Washington as a guest to act as technical advisor. Con tests will be for both rubber-pow ered craft and three classes of gasoline models. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded winners. Arrangements have been made to accommodate contestants in the college dormitories, and meals will be taken in the dining halls with the Aggie student body. Registra tion of entrants will be held at the Aeronautical Engineering build ing. The model airplane contest will be held in connection with the Engineers’ day celebration, and a^ departments of the school of en gineering will be open to visitors with special exhibits. Military Department Receives Camp Orders Orders concerning the students who are to report for ROTC sum mer camp have been received by the Military Department and are as follows: Infantry, Field Artillery and Signal Corps must report to Camp Bullis between June 4 and 9. The Coast Artillery will report to Fort Crockett from June 7 to midnight June 8. The Cavalry will report to Fort Bliss from June 4 to 8. The Chemical Warfare Service must arrive at Edge wood Arsenal in Maryland on June 20. Each cadet will be paid five- cents per mile for the distance from college to camp and an equal amount for the return trip.