The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1941, Image 2

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    Faff* 2-
■TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1941
The Battalion M an > Your Manners
Hie Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, 98 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
«t New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1940 Member 1941
Pbsocided Collegiate Press
Boh Nisbet Editor-In-Chief
George Fuermann Associate Editor
Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager
Tom Vannoy Editorial Assistant
Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist
J. B. Pierce, Phil Levine Proof Readers
Sports Department
Hub Johnson Sports Editor
Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon
W. F. Oxford J'unior Sports Editors
Circulation Department
Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager
W. G. Hanger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers
V. D. Aabury, B. S. Henard Circulation Assistants
Photography Department
Phil Gohnan Photographic Editor
James Carpenter, Bob Crane, Jack Jones,
Jack Siegal Assistant Photographers
Bffii Clarkson Managing Editor
Jack Hendricks Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
ime Rogers E. M. Rosenthal
Reportorial Staff
Jack Aycock, Jack Decker, Walter Hall, Ralph Inglefield,
Itan Leland, Beverly Miller, W. A. Moore, Mike Speer, Dow
Efficiency or Human Element
THERE’S A STORY once told about an old man
with a small grocery store—a thriving little busi
ness in a small town. Each Saturday’s sale he ad
vertised with small handbills which he distributed
to the housewives of the village through various
small boys around the town who might be in the
need of a quarter.
The store had long been a center for the local
wives to meet and exchange gossip and the cur
rent small news. They carried small accounts, and
the wizened old proprietor let some of the bills run
on for months, sometimes doing without things
himself in order that Mrs. This might make a
down payment on her new house or that Mrs. That
could have her baby.
He maintained a cracker box for the whittlers
and spitters, by a wood stove in the winter and on
the front porch in the spring, summer and fall.
The old man wasn’t making a mint of money, but
he had the goodwill of the people of the community
and he was happy and contented.
Then his young son came home from college—
an efficiency expert. Wow! Didn’t the old man know
there was a depression? The place should be re
modeled. The weekly circulars were taboo. Why,
the kids regularly dumped a goodly part of them
in the creek and spent the time shooting marbles.
Charge accounts were no longer the vogue. The
business should be strictly cash and carry. The
whittlers and spitters must go—they obstructed the
view and the business.
The old man had his doubts about all these
changes. He hadn’t heard of a depression. But
the changes were made. The building was re
painted and the stocks re-arranged. The circulars
were abandoned and a bevy of clerks was employ
ed to wait on the customers. All back accounts
were cleared up. Mrs. This’s lot would just have
to wait—so would Mrs. That’s baby. The store had
to have the money to pay for the remodeling.
Came reopening day and crowds came to look
—but not to buy. After the town’s curiosity had
subsided, people came no more. The whittlers and
spitters found another place to congregate, and
they bought their tobacco and non-essentials else
where. The housewives did their gossiping where
they could carry a charge account. The small boys,
with no circulars to deliver purchased their candy
and cookies down the street. Business fell off to
nearly nothing.
The son had been right. There was a depres
Can You Afford to Cheat?
week: An ex-school teacher opening the text.
Overheard in a between-class scramble: “That
test was the first I haven’t cheated on since I
came to college. I asked a kid a couple of answers,
but he didn’t know, so that’s not cheating.”—Junior.
Th6 prevalence of cheating at Michigan State
and other colleges without an honor system was
established in ’39, when questionnaires revealed
that most students cheat.
Why an honor system? The severest indict
ment of college graduates is that they lack a sense
of responsibility, that they’re still relying on some
one else to watch over them. By holding students
responsible for themselves and their fellow school
mates, by removing faculty supervision, an honor
system nullifies this charge.
Why not cheat? With the dollars you pay out
in four years of tuition, fees, board, room and
books you could start a business, take a trip abroad,
buy a Packard.
Evidently you decided that college was the best
place to invest four years of your life, and $3,000
of your dad’s money, your trust fund, or your
labor. Justifying that decision requires interest
and careful application in the courses you take.
Every time you write a test from formulas on your
cuff or a card under your stocking you are cheat
ing yourself of your paid right to learn. Every
time you copy a lab report or buy a term paper
you miss the whole point of a course and waste
about $15 in tuition, books, and maintenance.
—Michigan State News
University of Toledo’s defense program is the
largest of its kind in Ohio. Special engineering
courses have attracted 1,140 sutdent.
Manners in Marriage
THE WEDDING OVER, the same charm and con
sideration which attracted the two originally must
not be neglected if the marriage is to be a long and
happy one.
The husband, if he would be a perfect one,
should be every bit as thoughtful as he was during
the engagement—bringing his wife occasional gifts;
remembering- anniversaries and her birthday; com
menting on her hair or her clothes; and above all
remembering to make her feel that she is the one
woman in the world for him.
If he is unable to afford a servant he should
share in the household duties and make the work
easier by picking up his belongings; using ash trays
instead of the carpets and trying his best to be on
time for meals.
It would be a courteous thing if when he in
vites guests to dinner he would tell her in ad
vance, if possible. After the guests have gone, a
bit of praise for her, as a hostess, will go a long
way in repaying her for her extra effort.
He should notice and acknowledge the special
dishes she cooks for him; the mending she does
and the articles she buys for him.
He should show his appreciation of her when
they are with others as well as when they are
He will do well to take her out to dinner oc
casionally—for almost any woman will be content
to eat cooking inferior to her own, just to get away
from her home once in a while.
All these suggestions for the perfect husband
are equally as important for the perfect wife—for,
after all, successful marriage is based on mutual
respect and consideration. It is a full-time job for
both members, in which moods and selfishness have
no part, but in which understanding plays a major
Quotable Quotes
‘THE PROBLEM of the liberal college is the pres
ervation of liberalism. If the liberal colleges are to
fulfill their functions, they must be liberal in the
truest sense of the word, and know what liberalism
means in the truest and broadest sense. Liberalism
is not a one-way street. It is necessary we tolerate
the points of view and the opinion of those we do
not agree with,” Dartmouth College’s Pres. E. M.
Hopkins defines the duties of the liberal college in
the world of today.
“Don’t go to college expecting to learn how to
make a living. The purpose of college is to train
students’ minds so that they may intelligently
confront any problem. If we cannot develop citizens
with sound character and sound intelligence, dem
ocracy will be a failure. To develop character and
intelligence, colleges should stress mental discipline,
simply by means of the three R’s—reading, writ
ing and ’rithmetic; and they should pass on to the
student the accumulated wisdom of the race.” Un-
iversitiy of Chicago’s Pres. Robert Maynard Hutch
ins summarizes the classicists theory of education.
As the World Turns..
this week to discussion of the subject of convoys.
Many Americans think that it is more than slightly
foolish to adopt a lend-lease program and operate
American plants on emergency shifts only to have
the products deposited at the bottom of the sea.
They argue that America is defi
nitely interested in the outcome
of the war, and has long since def
initely committed herself to a pro
gram of aid to Britain. It seems
only logical to their minds that
aid should involve transportation
as well as manufacture. It is pro
posed, therefore, that American
ships transpoi't American goods to
Britain, and that units of the
American fleet protect the Amer
ican merchantmen.
Senator Wheeler, Senator To-
bey, Ex-Colonel Lindbergh, and numerous others in
sist that the outcome of the war has already been
decided, and that the collapse of Britain is cer
tain. They insist that American aid, even an Amer
ican declaration of war, will serve to prolong the
struggle, but will not influence the outcome. They
prefer, instead, to place their hopes in a treaty
with Mr. Hitler. They assume that such a treaty
would be rigidly honored and respected, although
there is some difficulty in finding a basis for this
It is argued by many people that convoys will
lead to war. Convoys will undoubtedly lead to shoot
ing, and the line between shooting war is a hazy
one indeed. The line between a lease-lend program
and war is a bit hazy too. America has gone so
far that she can not now hope to be classed as a
friendly neutral by the Axis power and its satellit
es. To assume that a victorious Germany would
look upon the United States as a country which
remained neutral during the war is to approach the
It is reported that the President is planning an
address to Congress on the subject of convoys. He
does not need to address Congress on the subject
unless he plans to begin convoying. It is probably
safe to assume, therefore, that American warships
and German submarines and airplanes will be in
conflict within a few weeks.
President Roosevelt declared Sunday that the
United States is “ever ready to fight again” for
Democracy. Mr. Willkie urged the beginning of
convoys, and the president of Harvard University
urged an immediate declaration of war. Members
of the cabinet have recently made speeches in which
they talked of war. There are many indications that
American leaders have come to the conclusion that
American aid to Britain must be greatly increased.
It is obvious that some leaders have come to the
conclusion that the aid must no longer be short
of war.
“J’m a stranger here, myself, lady. I just got the job
this morning!"
George EueriMin
"Backwash t An agitation roaulting: from some action or occurrence.”—Webster
An Editorial ... It is not the
purpose of Backwash to editorial
ize wherein alleged ills of the
corps are concerned, but one thing
there is which deserves editorial
izing here and
elsewhere, too . . .
In the past two
years— and per
haps earlier—’
much has been
made of the fact
that too many of
the famed Aggie
traditions are be
coming history.
That may be true,
and it may not
be, but one thing
is evident—that the most valuable
of A. & M.’s traditions is fast be
ing gigged to death; the one tra
dition which for years has set
A. & M. above most of the nation’s
other colleges and universities.
Meaning the Aggie custom of
speaking to cadets and visitors
here on the campus and, more
particularly, the tradition which
dictates that freshmen introduce
themselves to other members of
their class and upperclassmen.
Each of the past few years has
seen this custom become less of
a practice, and unless something
is done to get this upset wagon
back on. the track again—and
quickly—you can look for the
corps to lose much of its prestige
. . . “What to do” is a fair ques
tion, and the answer lies squarely
with the cadet corps. This year’s
freshmen are almost sophomores,
but it’s still not too late for the
underclassmen to do their part and
be freshmen in the truest sense
of the world. Not all freshmen,
of course, are concerned. Many
of them adhere to the custom
all the way . . . But now, more
than ever, does the cadet corps
need to maintain this most valu
able of the its trade marks. Let’s
call an all-out attack on the thing
and improve the situation before
it’s too late. The cadet corps alone
stands to gain in this connection.
If all four classes—led by the
juniors and seniors—will work
hand and glove on this, an about-
face can be made in a hurry. This
is important . . . More than that,
it’s ‘Aggie!’
B’way at A. & M.
Guided by Ben Elliott and Wal
ter Sullivan of the Student Engi
neering Council, the musical
comedy review Saturday night
(first announced in Backwash
two weeks ago) will be a top
flight entertainment event and
will mark the beginning of an
other annual function at A. & M.
If you think the function doesn’t
have a punch, here’s a few of the
headline events.
Engineering Dean Gibb Gilchrist
will play his guitar on Guion
Hall’s stage; Wm. (Jug) Newton
will do a mock strip-tease as the
show’s prima ballerina; C. J.
(Foots) Bland and Edward R.
(Buddy) Cadena will gag a comedy
dance, and Joe Bourn will do the
best of his mirth-control stunts
—a take-off on F.D.R.
Buddy Cadena, incidentally, is
24 caret and all-American where
dancers are concerned. Formally a
professional tap dancer, he earned
part of his college expenses dur
ing his freshman and sophomore
years teaching the art.
A unique and unprecedented
climax to the twelfth annual Engi
neers’ Day, watch for the musical
review to be an okeh event all the
• • •
Aggie Miniature
Monday noon a plea was made
in the mess halls via the public
address systems for cadet blood
Twenty-five Aggies were asked
to report at the College Hospital
immediately after dinner. An
emergency, call, the blood was need
ed for Winston L. Irwin, Houston
Cavalryman whose blood falls in
the type four class.
The. call was made at 12:32.
By one o’clock more than 250
Aggies had reported to the hospital
to help a cadet in heed. Many
more went to the hospital but
didn’t report because the line was
so long.
A similar case occurred last
year and received the same re
A case like that is a valid and
tangible evidence of the thing call
ed “Aggie Spirit”—it’s a thing
that doesn’t happen at many col
leges and universities.
OF M2—
We wish to invite you to in
vestigate among fellow stu
dents, to determine your boot
purchase. You will find it is
not advisable to delay.
We offer you the finest boots,
plus fast and convenient ser
vice attention.
Holick’s Boot Shop
“A. & M.’s Oldest Firm" - - Estab. 1891
By Jack Decker
If you are one of the Hai’dy
Family followers, don’t fail to see
SECRETARY,” showing at the
Assembly Hall Wednesday and
Thursday. It is just about the
best of the Hardy Family series to
date, and fudging from their pre
vious pictures, this is making a
pretty broad statement.
Andy, in “Andy Hardy’s Private
Secretary,” annexes a private sec
retary, a bagfull of trouble, and
a diploma from high school, all in
his usual painfully funny manner.
Everything is included in the film—
woe, comedy, tragedy, and love,
and when he fails to pass his Eng
lish examination, the audience suf
fers right along with him. That
is probably the secret of his pop
ularity—he has the audience with
him every inch of the way.
All of the Hardy Family is
back in this production, including
Lewis “Judge” Stone, Fay “Ma
Hardy” Holden, Ann “Polly” Ru
therford, and Sara “Milly” Ha-
den, plus a newcomer, Kathryn
Grayson, who will certainly bear
Kathryn Grayson, making her
first appearance on the screen,
looks as though she is following
in the footsteps of previous star
lets who gained fame via the
“Hardy Family” series. June Pries-
ser, Dianna Lewis, Judy Garland,
Lana Turner, and Virginia Gray
all attribute their start, partially
if not wholly, to their appearance
in one of the series. Kathryn has
plenty on the ball, with a good
voice, better looks, and ample
acting ability.
The main show of the double
feature attraction at the Campus
Theater Tuesday and Wednesday
ROBIN HOOD,” starring Errol
Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, and
15^ to 5 P. M. — 200 After
No. 1
Basil Rathbone in the main roles,
supported by Ian Hunter, Alan
Hale, Eugene Pallette and Claude
The plot more or less faithfully
follows a few of the many adven
tures experienced by Robin Hood
in the book. If you like good
rough and tumble sword fighting
and a few good archery contests
thrown in for good measure, with
Errol Flynn as Robin Hood and
Olivia de Havilland as Lady Ma
rion, then you won’t go wrong-
seeing this rather old but still en
tertaining movie.
Inscription in the lobby of the
Mills college music building reads:
“Such as the music is, such are
the people of the commonwealth.”
Tuesday, 3:30 & 6:45
CRISTO”, featuring Louis
Hayward and Joan Bennett.
Wednesday, Thursday,
3:30 & 6:45
ring Mickey Rooney, Lewis
Stone, and Fay Holden.
Tuesday - Wednesday
ROBIN HOOD”, starring Er
rol Flynn, Olivia de Havil
land, and Basil Rathbone.
FRIENDS”, with Marjorie
Weaver, John Hubbard, Co-
bina Wright, and Mona Bar
Alice Faye
Jack Oakie
“Great American
Robin Hood
'OLiviADcHA : vYu‘ANPT%'ASli. :
Patric Knowles • Eugene Pallette • Alan
Hale • Melville Cooper • Ian Hunter • Una
O’Connor • Presented by WARNER BROS.
KEIGHLEY • Original Screen Play by Non
Rainc and Seton 1. Miller • Based uj
it Robin Ho
Reilly Rainc
Ancient Robin Hood Legends • Music by Erich
Wolfgang Korngold • A First National Pici
When the devil commands
Edmund Gwenn • Sprint Bylnjtnn
S. Z. Sikall • William Damarut
Distributed by RKO RADIO Picture*
Assembly Hall
Last Day
3:30 and 6:45 P. M.
'The Son of Monte Cristo"
Starring Louis Hayward and Joan Bennett
Selected Shorts
Wednesday - Thursday
3:30 and 6:45 P. M.
Screen Play by lane Murfcn end Harry Buskin
Directed by GEORGE B. SEITZ
And Selected Shorts
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