The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1941, Image 3
1941 of the 30 old ection but it as to plenty show Mon- RIAL iginal time, rfere. : tun- ss of- V Lo- past lead inno- nd it obert He is good e de- tiight st an rh it V r * ♦ A. * t b 4 i' 9 -With Hub Johnson- Rain and more rain caused the Aggie-Texas game to be moved from yesterday to today. It will be the final test for the Steers with their chances of fin ishing on top the conference ladder depending on their showing. Alter the two games with Ran dolph Field “bombers,” the Daily Texas carried the headline, “Are The Aggies Still In The Game?” Today Marty Karow’s gang will be out to cast upon the “Forty Acres” team the same curse that S.M.XL did in their first meeting. Seems we’d never know how many readers we have or just who reads what unless it were for our mistakes. Thursday’s Batt carried the head, “Baseballers Face Crucial Test To morrow With T.C.U.” Stories are written by the reporters and then turned over to the managing editor of the day for headings. Some one failed to read the name of the “league-leading Texas Longhorns.” Then yours truly stated that Pete Watkins would enter the high jump only and leave the hurdles to Fred Wolcott. It should have been Fred Wolcott’s follower. At the same time the ball club is in Austin, the Aggie netters will — r ' / <^> - V 1 Refreshing - * Lunch for Two Hop in to this cozy spot for lunch that tickles your palate and pleases your wallet. • «1 J .> i Home of delicious sand wiches and refreshing cold drinks. A swell place to bring your date. • GEORGE’S Confectionery South Station 1 Fish Nine, Yearlings to Fight It Out Today Fish Have Played No Games to Date; Quality Is Unknown While Coach Marty Karow’s Ag gie nine are fighting a “do-or-die” battle with the Texas Longhorns at Austin the cadet freshman team will also be busy in a tilt with the Texas Yearlings. They will attempt to protect the glory of the Aggies at Kyle Field, while the varsity will put out everything they have in attempting to dethrone the Steers. According to the latest reports from the weatherman, the game will be played in bright sunshine. The past week’s rain has played havoc with the freshmen, causing the postponement of three tilts— one with the Allen Academy Ram blers and two with the Yearlings. Nothing is known about the team, except that there are many eager diamondeers who hope to show their stuff to Coach Harry Faulkner. They have been work ing out regularly since the latter part of March, and are ready for some competition. This fracas with the Shorthorns will be one that the fish will at tempt to win above all others. They have, like their “big broth ers”, fallen before the Texas fresh men in all athletic contests. A win over Texas will be enough to give them a successful season re gardless of any other losses con curred during the season. get their crack at the strong Uni versity squad here this afternoon. The Texas team had turned in some fine showing already this year, the last being the defeating of the S.M.U. Mustangs, 4 to 2. The Ponies beat out the cadets here some three weeks ago, 4 to 3. 15$ to 5 P. M. - - - 200 After A UNIVERSAL PICTURE also 3 STOOGES - WILD HARE, A WABBIT TWACKS CAR TOON - DONALD DUCK - and MICKEY MOUSE, and the Annual A. & M. Horse Show filmed by Aggietone. SATURDAY PREVUE SUNDAY TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME / clark gable mettecqlbeRT Happened One MijhT CL FRAM K CAPRA production Souvenirs For Juniors! LUCCHESE’S Boots last so long that after a year of use they are still good. They are always a reminder of happy days spent at Aggieland. These boots last because they not only are Better Looking and Better Wearing . . . But they ARE BETTER .... comfortable, too! The Perfect Ankle Break Boot Lucchese Boot Co. 101 W. Travis - - - San Antonio Cadets to Try to Rope Longhorns Today BATTALIONS APRIL 26 PAGE 3 “What’ll you give me to throw you to the blonde in the second row?" Intramurals Indoor Intramural Games Take Lead as Rain Causes Cancellation of 150 Games After another week of rain and cold weather, Spring seems to have sprung once more—thanks to the Infantry Regimental Ball. Approx imately 150 games have been rained out. Most of these were softball and all will be resched uled as time and weather permit. Too many for feits have been coming up in ping pong and swim ming. For the ben- Myera e fit of the swim mers who are hes itating about going out because of a shortage of wind, the max imum length of any swim is only 40 yards—across the pool and back. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE A Signal Corps (3) D Field Artillery (2) B Cavalry (2) C Infantry 4th Corps Headquarters (2) E Engineers A Field Artillery B Field Artillery (2) 2nd Headquarters Field Artillery A Cavalry (2) 3rd Headquarters Field Artillery downed A Infantry on the ping pong tables to the tune of 4-1. Ravey, Burns, Ashley, and Barker turned in wins for the Artillery and Miller won for the Infantry. F Infantry came through with another win in the pool. Head quarters Signal Corps gave them a tough fight that found the meet tied up 9-9 until the last event. Noton, Perkins, Grohn, and Elliott splashed through the free style relay in 3:10.9 to annex another first place and the needed extra points. ) 4th Corps Headquarters stepped into the semi-finals of volleyball in an easy 2-0 win over B Chemical Warfare. The first game only went to 15-2 but the going got tougher for the second lap and was set tled at the 15-10 mark. A Chemical Warfare nosed 5th Corps Headquarters out of run ning to take a league champion ship in horseshoes. The score of 2-0 was run up when Pyeutt, Terrell, Warnke, and Levey won their matches and made it unnecessary to complete the third one. Headquarters Cavalry topped their league ii* horseshoes by win ning from C Coast Artillery 2-1. Galt and Melancow won the first game for C Battery but the sec ond and third contests were taken by Holt, Maloney, Plyler, and Gar za to to give the match to Hq. Troop. Headquarters Signal Corps and A Chemical Warfare swam to a 19-19 tie in their league B meet. Both teams’ entry in the medley relay were disqualified on the breaststroke kick, but the other entries were very evenly matched. A fast free style relay in 1:43.9 closed the meet even up. Del Rio Joe Bought by Schreiner An interesting fact to horse breeders is the recent purchase of Del Rio Joe, champion Quarter horse, by Charles Schreiner II of Kerrville and Dallas, from Robert M. Denhardt, secretary of the American Quarter horse associa tion and Instructor in Agricultural Economics at Texas. A. & M. The price was said to be a “fair fig ure.” Del Rio Joe was grand cham pion at the Stamford Quarter horse show last July 4. That he is a true breeder may be seen by the fact that one of his colts placed third in his class at the Fort Worth Fat stock show last month. Also, Joe is a good roping horse. He was used by “champion cow boy” Fred Dalby in the Saddle and Sirloin rodeo last fall. A survey by students at Sarah Lawrence college resulted in $325,000 slum clearance grant for Bronxville, N. Y. Individual advanced research work in psychology is being con ducted by 12 undergraduate honor students at City college, New York. State Highway Pistol Team to Meet Aggie Shooters The State Highway Police Pistol team from Austin will be the guests of the Aggies, as the cadet pistol team winds up its current schedule. Don Lawrence will lead the po lice team, and will attempt to sur pass his record on the 25 yard police course with the .22 caliber pistol.. The Aggie team has won 15 out of 23 matches this season, and hop es to put a grand climax to their successful season by taking the policemen into camp. Freshmen Meet Houston Squad Today Swimmers from Stephen F. Aus tin High School in Houston will compete here today against the Campus Club. The Campus Club is composed of all men out for the freshman swimming team and is captained by newly elected Arthur L. Lapham of Jacksonville. The meet is scheduled for 3:00 and will serve as a proving ground for the Adamson coached tankers. Both clubs boast talented swim mers and promise a good showing. SWC Lead Will Depend On Outcome of the Fracas Basketball Spring Training Now in Progress Recently Appointed Coach Marty Karow Is Training Aspirants Officially starting last Monday, spring basketball training is now in progress with the new coach Marty Karow instructing varsity cage aspirants. The training will continue until the latter part of May. The Varsity has five lettermen returning, Bill Henderson, Fred Nabors, R. B. Bayer, Art Jarrett, and Charlie Stevenson. Handicap ping the team will be the loss of Dog Dawson and Sammy Dwyer. Mike Cokinos and Ray Klutz should figure prominently in Coach Karow’s plans for they have both put in good games in the past sea son. Promising freshman prospects are Jack Robinson and Jamie “Lit tle Dog” Dawson taking the part of the leading candidates. Fresh man Andrew Cokinos has signified his intentions to go out for basket ball and if he does, it will be the first brother team the A. & M. cage courts have seen in a long time. Recently elected captain of the 1942 basketball team, lanky Bill Henderson will lead the cagers next year. The Aggie quintet are taking things a bit easy this week be cause of Coach Karow being with the baseball team in Austin. They will resume their heavy drilling next week. Campus Parking Lot Reworked The various parking lots located on the campus have recently been reworked in an effort to make them mare attractive. The work has been carried on by student labor under supervision of the landscape art department. A screening effect is given to the lots by placing a short row of shrubs immediately outside the taller ones thus eliminating the plain appearance of the lots. All the plants which have been used have been propagated in the col lege greenhouse at a saving of sev eral hundred dollars, according to N. M. McGinnis, professor of land scape art. The only expenses con nected with this work has been the cost of setting out the shrubs which is done by student labor. All the parking lots on the campus have been screened except the one next to the agricultural building and it will be eliminated in the near future. Beaumont Mothers’ Club to Give Banquet Entertaining students from Beau mont and the surrounding area, the Beaumont A. & M. Mothers Club will give a banquet in the banquet room of Sbisa hall at 12:30 Sunday. Paul Lowry, president of the Beaumont A. &M. club on the cam pus, pointed out that boys from Beaumont did not have to be mem bers of the club in order to come. He also said that the boys could bring three guests each. A group from the Sproule school of dancing from Beaumont will contribute a program of dances, and the Singing Cadets of the col lege will present several numbers. Colonel Ike Ashburn will be the main speaker. Instructor Thurman Randall To Conduct Three Day Rifle Classes Dates Are April 29, 30 and May 1; All Aggies Invited Holding classes in rifle instruc tion, Thurman Randall, director of the National Rifle Association, will be on the campus April 29, 30, and May 1. Randall is the holder of six world records and has shot 196 consecutive bulls eyes at 200 yards. He is recognized as one of the na tion’s outstanding riflemen. Randall will be assisted by Lee Braun of Austin and Willett Kuhn of Bridgeport, Conn. Kuhn is also one of the superior riflemen in the country. All Aggies are invited to join the classes and receive training for rifle instructorship. There will be a cost of 75 cents to every man to cover the cost of ammunition and targets. All persons interested are asked to contact J. W. Potts of the extension service. His tel ephone number is 4-6324. Potts especially asked that all persons call soon so that an early check can be made. The classes will be held fi’om 8 to 10 in the morning and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and they will use the rifle range under the stadium. Before and after the Dance ... .Bring your date where the food is delicious and the service is prompt. College Courts Coffee Shop East Gate * Tilt to Pit League Leading Hurlers Together By Mike Haikin Coach Marty Karow and his de termined Texas Aggie nine left the campus Friday afternoon as they trod on to Austin and Carter Field for a one game stand against the powerful Texas Longhorns this afternoon. The game was original ly set for Friday, but due to the wet grounds, the officials of both schools decided to advance the date to Saturday. This game is important in more than one way. In the first place the Southwest Conference lead is in the balance on the outcome of the fray. Then, too, the game will pit two of the leading hurlers in the league. Lefty Bumpers and Melvin Deutsch have been fighting it out for top honors since last year, and both are eager and look ing for a victory. Bumpers has fared better in the won and lost column this year, but Deutsch has been more consistent. Both have been defeated once—Bumpers by Rice, and Deutsch by S. M. U. Lefty showed more brilliance in his victory column by pitching 23 consecutive scoreless frames for two shutouts, while Mel was pounded good and hard in his vic tory over Rice and T. C. He also holds a win over the Mus tangs. Captain Marion Pugh and Mar- land Jeffrey are the hard-hitters on the team and will attempt to lead the cadet offense, Jeffrey, who partols the right garden, is the leading Aggie hitter up to date. Pugh, too, has a respectable average, and is leading the cadet team in circuit blows. Bill Buc- (Continued on Page 4) W. J. Douglas, Jr. INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance Commerce Bldg Phone Bryan 2-6605 IT — Attention Aggies! See us for that Cap- tain’s and Second-in- Command’s watches. We can save you mon ey. .. . See us for that diamond engagement ring and wedding ring or a matched set . . . $24.75 up CALDWELL’S Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas Your Credit is Good.