The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 24, 1941, Image 3

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Schmidt Addresses
Fish and Game Club
Karl P. Schmidt, head curator of
zoology, Field Museum of Natur
al History, Chicago, Illinois, with
his son and Mr. Barber of Hot
Springs, Arkansas, were recent
visitors on the campus of A. and
M. College.
Schmidt is an internationally
known authority in the field of
reptile study having done extended
field work in Central and South
America as well as the United
Monday afternoon he addressed
a meeting of the graduate-senior
seminar in fish and game, and
in the evening the regular meeting
of the Fish and Game club.
Extended conferences were held
with members of the fish and
game department, with special ref
erence to plans for the annual
meeting of the American Society
of Mammalogists in Chicago in
University of San Marcos in
Lima, Peru, is the oldest university
in the new world.
Get Ready For The
Jones Barber Shop
North Gate
' ^
OK, It’s a
... if you’ll bring her here
for dinner or a snack. She
will also enjoy learning the
game of pocket billiards.
We’re open practically all
the time.
Over Lipscomb’s Pharmacy
Turkey Raisers’
Course Scheduled
Here This Summer
Texas turkey raisers will soon
be talking turkey—as well as eat
ing it—for three weeks of turkey
talk is scheduled for July 21 to
August 9 when Dr. V. S. Asmund-
son, noted turkey authority of the
University of California, begins
the first intensive course in turkey
production ever held at A. & M.
Members of the teaching, re
search and extension divisions of
the college will assist Dr. Asmund-
son in teaching the course and a
number of special lectures will like
ly be included. Prof. D. H. Reid,
poultry husbandry department
head, has said.
The course will include lectures
on feeding, breeding, marketing
and on general management. Prac
tice periods will consist of work in
breed identification, selection of
the breeding stock, grading market
turkeys, processing turkeys for
market, visits to successful breed
ing farms and demonstrations of
improved methods of care and
management with modern equip
ment. Eight hours a day will be
devoted to lectures and to practice
periods. College credit will be giv
en to all but poultry majors. A
small fee will be charged those en
rolling for the course.
The facilities of the poultry di
vision of the Experiment Station
are being made available to those
taking the course, R. M. Sherwood,
chief, has said. In addition, Mr.
Sherwood and his assistants will
deliver a number of lectures dur
ing the three weeks course.
All Texas turkey breeders and
agricultural workers who have a
part in bringing to market more
than three million turkeys yearly
are urged to attend part or all of
this school. Those interested
should write the college poultry
department for further details.
Need $3,200?
Here’s Another
Civil Service Quiz
An examination for positions as
automotive spare parts expert, pay
ing $3,200 a year, has been an
nounced by the United States Civil
Service Commission. Employment
will be in the War Department un
der the Office of the Quartermaster
General. Qualified persons are urg
ed to file their applications at once,
although applications will be rated
as received at the Commission’s
Washington office until further
Seven years of responsible ex
perience in the automotive industry
are required. Not more than 3
years of this experience may have
been in the capacity of mechanic;
and at least 3 years of the exper
ience must have been in both the
control and the management of
spare parts for a major manufact
urer of automotive equipment. Un
der certain condition, college study
in engineering may be substituted
for part of the general experience.
The maximum age limit for appli
cants is 55 years.
Appointees will requisition stocks
of spare parts for corps areas and
depots and will instruct regarding
the reclamation or repair of parts,
units, and accessories. They will
also review complaints and make
remedial recommendations, as well
as performing other duties relat
ing to stocks, inventories, and mor
tality tables. \
Full information as to the re
quirements for this examination
and application forms may be ob
tained at the post office in this
Let’s Get Away From It All
Tommy Dorsey
Friendly Tavern Polka
Sammy Kaye
Alvino Rey
G’bye Now
Vaughn Monroe
The Things I Love
Teddy Powell
Sun Valley Jump
Glenn Miller
Harmony Haven
Charlie Barnet
Reid Named Texas
Fair Vice-President
D. H. Reid, head of the poultry
husbandry department, has been
named honorary vice-president of
the State Fair of Texas for the
tenth year, according to an an
nouncement just received from
Harry L. Seay, State Fair Presi
Professor Reid has actively par
ticipated in the state fair activities
each year and during the Texas
Centennial he directed all the poul
try work and was responsible for
the introduction of egg laying con
tests and other displays.
The poultry department displays
a large number of birds at the
state fair each year.
The Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station has begun five re
search projects on the utilization
of commercial feeds in growing,
I fattening, and finishing livestock
| and poultry for the market, ac-
j cording to a Texas magazine.
A & M’s Veterinary Medicine
School is Largest on Continent
School Is Only
One of Its Kind
In the Southwest
A Battalion Feature
Largest of North America’s 12
schools of veterinary medicine is
that of Texas A. & M.
The only school of its kind in
the southwest, a current enroll
ment of 376 students from 34
states and nations, and a contribut
ing factor in national defense, the
school is headed by Dean R. P.
Marsteller, graduate of Ohio State
University and the University of
Today, as in the past world war,
veterinary medicine is of prime im
portance to the various branches of
the armed service.
A unit of the Surgeon General’s
division of the Army, the work of
the Veterinary Corps today in
cludes the inspection of meats and
dairy products, laboratory work
and general animal activity both
in war and in peace time.
Previous to 1938, graduates from
the nation’s schools of veterinary
medicine were commissioned as
first lieutenants in the Medical Ad
ministrative Reserve Corps.
Although this is no longer the
case, many of A. & M.’s graduates
become reserve officers through
the channel of advanced military
Since the A. & M. school of vet
erinary medicine was organized in
1916 by the famed Dr. .Mark Fran
cis, 240 men have graduated from
the school, 73 will graduate this
June and, of that number, more
than 200 have reserve commissions.
Outstanding in the school’s work
—aside from the education of
slang-phrased “boss doctors”—is
the vast service to Texas stock-
men and horse breeders.
The college’s veterinary clinic
handles more than 7,000 cases a
year treating livestock and small
animals. Although the principal
purpose here is to provide actual
cases for classroom demonstration,
this also acts as an important ser
vice for statewide assistance to
diseased farm animals including
“In this way,” Dr. Marsteller
pointed out, “A. & M.’s school of
veterinary medicine has an oppor
tunity to assist in the improvement
of public health.”
“ In the field of research, too, the'
school is an important factor.
Greatest contribution in this field
was Dr. Francis’ development of
a method to immunize cattle from
tick fever by innoculation.
One west Texas cattleman put
it this way: “Dr. Francis’ work in
solving the tick fever problem was
the greatest single factor in sav
ing the Texas livestock industry.”
Six departments make up the
school, including veterinary anato
my, hygiene, medicine and sur
gery, parasitology, pathology and
bacteriology, and physiology and
Leading to the degree of Doctor
of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.),
the five-year course consists of a
year of preparatory work and four
years of veterinary study.
The so-called “society trade,”
consisting of the pet animal trade,
although one of the most lucrative
branches of the veterinary prac
tice, is actually only a small part
of the trade’s service to the state
and nation.
A. & M. graduates in veterinary
College Veterinary
Clinic Treats 7,000
Sick Animals Yearly
medicine begin work in such widely
varying fields as meat, milk and
food inspection—an important fac
tor in public health; research work;
commercial production of curative
and preventative biologies; service
in the Veterinary Corps of the
Army; work in and for boards of
public health, state and federal bu
reaus of animal industry and med
ical centers; and foundation train
ing for other fields of biology.
During recent years the A. & M.
veterinary medicine school has in
vestigated and diagnosed the dis
eases of wild life and particularly
those of game animals, birds and
The economic significance of the
sport and the industry associated
with the field of wild game and
fish is tremendous. Millions of dol
lars are spent each year for the
sports of hunting and fishing. Ev
en further, some diseases of the
OF ’42—
We wish to invite you to in
vestigate among fellow stu
dents, to determine your boot
purchase. You will find it is
not advisable to delay.
We offer you the finest boots,
plus fast and convenient ser
vice attention.
Holick's Boot Shop
“A. & M.’s Oldest Firm” - - Estab. 1891
Eco Professor
At TU to Be Guest Of
United Science Club
The United Science Club is mak
ing plans for a meeting to be held
on May 12th or 13th and has in
vited Dr. R. H. Montgomery of
the department of economics at
the University of Texas to give
a talk on “The Relation Between
Natural and Social Sciences.”
The United Science Club is a
composite club consisting of mem
bers of the following science clubs
at A. & M.: Biology, Pre-Med,
Entomology, Fish and Game,
game animals and fish are of im
portance where public health is
Housed in a $150,000 plant and
capably staffed, A. & M.’s school
of veterinary medicine is fast be
coming one of the outstanding in
stitutions of its kind in the world.
Kream and Kow, Junior Collegiate
F. F. A., Student Chapter of the
American Society of Agronomy
and the Student Chapter of the
American Vet-Med Ass’n; and has
a total membership of over 400
students who are interested in the
contests sponsored by the Colleg
iate Division of the Texas Academy
of Science. These contests consist
of research papers which are read
at the meetings of the Academy
and prizes which are awarded to
the best ones. The United Science
Club at A. & M. is for the pur
pose of giving students a chance
to practice preparing and present
ing these papers by holding com
petitions among themselves.
The Club is also considering an
invitation from the East Texas
State Teachers College at Com
merce, Texas, asking the A. & M.
club to attend the regional meet
ing of the Texas Academy being
held there on April 25-26 to pre
sent research papers and be the
guests of the College.
m wms
tThis is Detroit de
livered price an din
cludes ell Federal
taxes end all stand
ard equipment.
Fran sportation,
state and local taxes
(ifany), extra. Fluid
Drive $25 extra.
Prices subject to
change without
DROP in and drive the brilliant new Dodge.
See how it feels to shift gears or not, just as
you wish! And that’s only one of the thrills you
get when you Fluid Drive with Dodge. And
this great advancement costs so very little...
Main at 23rd St. - - Bryan, Texas
Normangee, Texas
Madisonville, Texas
Caldwell, Texas
I AAD ought to know. Look at the wall behind him—personal military
JLo/ history. Photo of the troop. Dad by himself, very proud in his old-style
choker-collar blouse. And his decorations—the Order of the Purple Heart,
Victory Medal, Croix de Guerre with palm.
“You savvy quick, soldier,” he says to his son as that chip off the old block
in the new uniform proffers Camels. "These were practically ’regulation’
cigarettes with the army men I knew. Lots.of other things have changed, but
not a soldier’s ’smokin’s.’ ”
Right! Today/ and for more than 20 years, reports from Army
Post Exchanges show that Camels are the favorite. And in Navy
canteens, too. Camels are preferred.
• • •
Just seems that Camels click with more people than any other cigarette —
whether they’re wearing O.D., blues, or civvies. You’ll savvy, too—and quick
—with your first puff of a slower-burning Camel with its extra mildness, extra
coolness, and extra flavor, why it’s the "front-line” cigarette!
The Smoke of Slower-Burning Camels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR and
28% Less Nicotine
than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested—less than
any of them—according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
# What cigarette are you smoking now?
The odds are that it’s one of those included in
the famous "nicotine-in-the-smoke” labora
tory test. Camels, and four other largest-sell
ing brands, were analyzed and compared...
over and over again ... for nicotine content
in the smoke itself! And when all is said and
done, the thing that interests you in a ciga
rette is the smoke. YES, SIR, THE SMOKE’S