The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Seven Candidates to “Do or Die" in Election Today
Smitham and Cathey Win
Runoffs in Junior Election
Will Be Made
Town Hall Manager
And Social Sec’y
Alden Cathey of Fort Worth, “G”
Infantry, and Fred A. Smitham of
Dallas, “B” CWS, were elected
yesterday to fill the positions of
Social Secretary of the senior class
as Town Hall Manager respective
ly •
The election was a runoff for
the two highest candidates of the
primary which was held last week.
Cathey received 176 votes while
Lewis Kercheville received 104.
The count for Town Hall Mana
ger was not separated by such
a wide margin as Smitham receiv
ed 146 votes and Billy Bolton re
ceived 134.
R. L. Heitkamp of New Braun
fels, “A” Field Artillery, was elect
ed to the position of Longhorn
editor for next year in the primary
election when he ran against Ben
nie Hancock.
The number of votes cast in yes
terday’s election showed a decline
as compared to those cast last
week. Inclement weather was given
as the probable reason for the
decrease in balloting.
Aggie Band to
Piay at East Texas
C. of C. Convention
The A. & M. Band, the Allen
Military Academy Band, the Bryan
High School Band and the Lamar
Junior High School Band will leave
for Corsicana, Texas, by a special
train at 8:30 this morning to par
ticipate in the East Texas Cham
ber of Commerce Convention being
held there.
At the convention the bands will
demonstrate that the county is one
of the most outstanding in this
region in educational facilities and
opportunities. The Bryan and Bra
zos County organizations also will
be represented in a parade at Cor
sicana by a float on which Miss
Beverly Ann Sparks, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sparks of
College Station, who will appear
as the Sweetheart of Brazos
County. Her escort will be Jack
Miller of Troop C Cavalry.
Funds for the trip were raised by
a music festival held by the four
bands last Friday in Forrest Field
at Bryan. The festival was plan
ned and sponsored by Mrs. Lee J.
Rountree, director and past pres
ident of the chamber of commerce;
W. D. Wilkerson, superintendent of
the Bryan High School; and Hugh
Emerson, director of the Bryan
High School and the Lamar Junior
High School Band.
Confirmation Classes
Begin at St. Thomas
Chapel This Evening
Confirmation classes for this
spring, at St. Thomas Chapel, will
begin this evening at 7:15
p. m., meeting in the Chapel, ac
cording to an announcement by
the Rev. Roscoe Hauser Jr., Stu
dent Chaplin.
There will be a series of six
lectures in the course, in which in
formation about the Church and
Prayer Book will be given, along
with the history of the Church.
The final class will be concerned
with the use of Symbolism.
Bishop Quin will visit St. Tho
mas Chapel on the night of Thurs
day, May 1, for the sacred rite of
confirmation, for those who have
received the instruction. This is
the primary purpose of these class
es, but they are open to anyone
who may be interested in learning
something of the Episcopal Church
and the Book of Common Prayer.
Junior Winners
R. L. Heitkamp
Nine Pre-Meds
Make Inspection
Trip to Galveston
Nine pre-medical students made
an inspection trip to the University
of Texas Medical Branch in Galves
ton during the past week-end where
they visited the various class rooms
and laboratories and the John
Sealy hospital.
Beginning Saturday morning the
students made a tour of the school
which included a class in diagnosis
of diseases, the anatomy, pathol
ogy, embryology and histology lab
oratories, pathological museum,
chemistry laboratories and class
rooms and the bacteriology lab
oratories. After the students had
inspected the school, they were
shown through the John Sealy hos
pital, now under the supervision
of the medical school, where they
witnessed an operation for the
relief of arthritis. Following the
operation, the students visited the
negro wards, the children’s wards
and other departments in the hos
While in Galveston, the students
were the guests of the Phi Chi,
Theta Kappa Psi and the Nu Sig-
(Continued on Page 4)
Candidates Seeking 1941-42 Student Positions
Billy Bryant
In view of the fact that I am
a candidate for the office of Jun
ior Representative of the Student
Publications Board, I take this
means of introducing myself and
expressing my feelings toward this
I feel that I have been closely
associated with the corps and its
activities during my two years here
at A. & M. and through these as
sociations and acquaintance I be
lieve that I will be able to very ef
ficiently serve them in the capaci
ty of Junior Representative on the
Publications Board. Also I possess
an intense interest in the work
that this office carries with it and
the activities of the corps.
Again, let me remind you of my
sincere desire and my capability
for this office. I will do my utmost
to represent the corps on every oc
casion that avails itself if I am
T. R. (Tom) Vannoy
In announcing my candidacy for
the office of junior representa
tive on the Student Publications
Board, I am aware of the res
ponsibilities and duties that ac
companies the office. I feel that
I am qualified to serve because
of my work on The Battalion since
last September in the capacity of
editorial assistant.
If the cadet corps sees fit to
elect me to the office, I will en
deavor to use my judgment bas
ed on a number of year’s exper
ience in newspaper work to fur
ther the policies of the student
publications and make them truly
representative of the efforts of the
cadet corps. I will extend my ef
forts towards giving all campus
organizations ready access to the
student publications.
In view of the fact that the stu
dent publications find their way
(Continued on Page 4)
H. E. (Gene) Norton
I have attempted to see as many
of you as I could since I filed for
this office; however, it is an im
possibility to reach everyone on
this campus in such a short period
of time.
I believe that I am well qualified
for this office, and I can assure
you that I will, to the best of my
ability, fulfill the duties of this
office if I am elected by the mem
bers of the corps in today’s elec
I believe that everyone that pos
sibly can, should vote in today’s
election. Regardless of whether you
vote for me or for one of my op
ponents, every student should take
a part in this election.
I would like to take this oppor
tunity to thank all of those who
have helped me during this camp
aign, and I will appreciate any
help that you can give in my behalf
in today’s election.
► Charles Babcock
This was intended to be a state
ment of one man’s beliefs—my own.
I am indued to hesitate in set
ting down such beliefs, however,
for throughout my campaign, I have
not followed any platform, pro
gram, or policy. Nevertheless, I
will state my thoughts and ideas,
for they actually exemplify what
I will attempt to do if I am elect
First of all, I am very much in
favor of improving The Battalion
newspaper. A newspaper which
represents 6500 boys deserves an
All-American rating, and we can
achieve that rating through hard
Second, I believe that we have
one of the finest college annuals
in America, and I will do all that
I can to keep it that way.
Third, I will earmestly endeavor
to bring the other student publi-
(Continued on Page 4)
Future Farmers
Overrun Campus On
Smith-Hughes Day
Between 1,000 and
1,300 Boys and Teachers
Present for Contests
Between 1,000 and 1,300 Future
Farmers of America took over the
campus in the annual Smith-
Hughes Day, the State Vocational
Agriculture Judging Contest held
here yesterday.
All phases of farm life and farm
production judging was taken up
and the team winners and individ
ual winners are as follows:
Cotton Classing—
1— Taylor
2— Caldwell
High Man—Charles Synazke of
Soil Conservation—
1— Stephenville
2— Cotulla
High Man—Guy Thompson of
Entomology Contest—
1— Tomball
2— Corsicana
High Man—John Boyd of Tom
Dairy Cattle—
1— Bay City
2— Cleburne
High Man—Dari Hicks of Ban
1— Breckenridge
2— Terrell
High Man—Joyce McIntyre of
1— Waxahachie
2— Alexander
High Man—Billy Oakley of Ter
Farm Shop—
1— Taft
2— Throckmorton
High Man—Earl Maline of Taft
1— Corsicana
2— Breckenridge
High Man—Pope Chance of Sils-
Wild Life—
1— Taft
2— Stephensville
High Man—Aran Park of Taft
1— Junction
2— Doole
High Man —Billy Allen of Junc
E. M. (Manny) Rosenthal
The interest in today’s election
has been growing every day during
the past several weeks and prob
ably for the reason that the cand
idates from on the campus and
the candidate from off the campus
have been working and election
eering every night. All of us have
had the same ends in view. Of
course, the first was to go out and
get votes for ourselves but the
second is surely the most impor
tant; that is, get as many of the
corps as possible out to vote. We all
want the election to accurately
reflect the feeling of the corps.
No matter which of the candi
dates is elected today the Battal
ion will have an editor next year
that can handle the job, (but
naturally I am a little prejudic
ed. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be run
ning for the position of Battalion
In the first place I have worked
on the paper and magazine for a
longer continuous stretch of time
than either of my opponents. In
other words I worked both semes
ters last year and BOTH semesters
this year, and it was the second
semester of this year when the
junior editors were being educated
for next year’s senior positions.
Another qualification that I have
is that I have been a junior edi
tor on the paper this entire year
and was appointed as one of
the two junior editors on the mag
azine. These jobs followed a year’s
work as reporter on the paper and
contributor on the magazine.
What specific things I will do
(Continued on Page 4)
D. C. (Bug) Thurman
For the past two years I have
worked on The Battalion newspa
per staff in the positions of repor
ter and junior editor aiding in
making the newspaper one of which
A. & M. College may be proud.
I have conscientiously supported
all policies which I believe are
for the benefit and betterment of
the college and after the best in
terests of the Aggies. It is my
opinion that a college newspaper
is to serve and aid the students
by presenting as nearly as possi
ble a complete news coverage of
the college and its activities. If
I am selected by the Aggies as ed
itor of The Battalion’this will be
my objective.
My experience with newspaper
work has been extensive in that I
spent fifteen months working in
all capacities for a weekly news
paper after graduating from high
school and at one time was a cor
respondent for a leading West
Texas daily.
I will be guided by the will of the
corps in furthering the interests
and fame of Texas A. & M. College.
A&M Has Champion
Milch Cow at Dairy
In her lifetime, Colantha Lad
Princess, a Holstein of the College
dairy herd, has produced enough
milk to fill 4,750 ten-quart pails
and allow enough over to feed the
cat. Her latest official production
figure is 103,084 pounds of milk
with 3,582 pounds of butterfat pro
duced in eight lactations.
Tom Gillis
Our student publication is to
reflect and guide student opinion
on matters conceiming the corps.
Through wide activity and work
ing with the corps I have learned
what we need and want as stu
dents. Through long newspaper
experience, including this year
writing a personal column for every
issue of the paper, a knowledge of
making-up and putting out a news
paper has been acquired. With a
combination of this campus activi
ty and publication experience, I
would put out a Battalion vig
orously supporting Aggie tradi
tions and things the corps needs
and allowing better use of the
newspaper’s columns for all stu
dents. The Battalion will be the
student’s newspaper, publishing
their news fairly and completely,
actively supporting and leading
the corps to worthwhile activities.
Marstellar Judges
Horse Show at Mexia
Dr. R. P. Marstellar, dean of
the school of veterinary medicine
of Texas A. & M. College, was
judge of the horse show held at
Mexia Saturday. He was accom
panied by Mrs. Marstellar and by
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pelot. Dr. M.
M. Brown of Mexico, was chair
man and master of ceremonies at
the horse show.
Some fine animals were display
ed, Dr. Marstellar said, and ex
cellent horsemanship was exhibit
ed by the handlers of the animals.
Polls Will
Open at 7:45
This Morning
Editor and Student
Representative Posts
To Be Voted Upon
Winding up strenuous campaigns
with speeches before the corps at
yell practice last night, seven cand
idates presented final pleas for
votes in today’s general election.
The offices of The Battalion ed
itor and Junior Representative on
the Student Publications Board will
be voted upon in a general elec
tion in which every member of
the corps is eligible to vote. To
day’s election is the primary. A
run-off, if necessary, will be held
Working without the usual elec
tion ballyhoo of signs and posters,
the candidates have carried out
quiet but effective campaigns in
their efforts toward election. The
outlawing of printed matter was
made last year by the Election
committee in order to reduce can
didates’ campaign expenses and en
courage more men to file for of
Each voter must present himself
at the polls in the Academic Build
ing between the hours of 7:45 a.M.
and 5:30 p.m., submitting at the
time his maintenance receipt for
the second semester.
Brief statements from the var
ious candidates have been submit
ted and accompany their pictures
elsewhere on the page.
The ballot as printed to be voted
reads as follows:
E. M. Rosenthal
D. C. Thurman
Tom Gillis
Billy Bryant
Tom Vannoy
H. E. Norton
Charles Babcock
Howell Elected
President Of AACR
At Chicago Meeting
Four-hundred Members
Were Present at the
Twenty-Ninth Meeting
E. J. Howell, registrar of the
College, was elected president
of the American Association of
Collegiate Registi'ars at their
twenty-ninth annual convention
in Chicago from April 14 to 17.
Howell has for several years
been an active member of the as
sociation and served as vice-pres
ident in 1938.
The organization is composed of
some 800 members from colleges
and universities throughout the
United States and Canada.
While attending the conven
tion Howell took an active part
in its program by serving as a
member of the Regional Associa
tions Committee and by conduct
ing an open forum talk on the
last morning of the meeting.
There were approximately 400
members of the organization in
attendance with Joseph C. Mac
Kinnon of Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology acting as pres
ident and Ernest C. Miller of the
University of Chicago as secretary.
The theme of the speeches at the
convention was based on the part
of collegiate registrars in nation
al defense. Two of the main speak
ers on national defense were Dr.
Clarence Stephen Marsh, Vice-Pres
ident of the American Council on
Education and Col. Carlton S. Dar-
gush of the Selective Service Sys
The purpose of AACR is to pro
vide, by means of annual confer
ences and otherwise, for the spxead
of information on problems of
common interest to its members
and to contribute to advancement
in education in America.