The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 19, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4-
Official Notices ,:o " on B,dl R " y,l,ly
April 18 & 19—Gas Life Production—
Conference—Mr. J. P. Hays
ly :
celer in
information and
Any student desiring to serve as coun-
ler boys
id appli<
Alfred Payne at the new area YMCA.
cation blanks from
Mclennan county feed
The Annual “Spring Feed” of the Waco
and McLennan County A. & M. Club
will be held in the banquet room of the
old dining hall at 12:45 Sunday, April
20. No admission charge. Fun, fellowship,
food and election of next year’s officers.
EXAM IN C. E. 300S
The Special Examination in C. E. 300S
will be held in the Civil Engineering
Building at 1 p. m. Saturday, May 3,
1941. Only those students who have re
ceived authorization are eligible.
J. T. L. McNEW
Head, Department of Civil Eng,
The Texas Highway Department has
again indicated that it will employ a few
students during the summer for duty at
Highway Courtesy Stations or Tourist In
formation Offices. To be eligible a student
must be a classified sophomore or junior
with a satisfactory scholastic standing, and
tit It
Those interested and eligible will please
ry i
having an approved student labor applica
tion on file with this offi
lay J
Chairman, Student Labor
Sophomore students in agriculture par
ticipating in the Dairy Cattle Judging
Contest Saturday, April 19, will be ex
cused from classes. Such students should
report at the Dairy Barn at 8 o’clock.
A. L. DARNELL, Professor of
Dairy Husbandry
MEMORANDUM: The list of students
who have been selected to return to their
high schools to talk to the graduating
posted on the bulletin
quested permission to return will examine
the list for their names and follow the
accompanying instructions.
Cadet Colonel
LOST—Gold high school ring. F.A.H.S.
Notify Kesner, room 226, dorm 2, or phone
4-1143 for reward.
TYPING—Thesis, reports, application
letters. Reasonable rates. See Michael Beck
man, Geology Dept., College Station,
Mrs. Michael Beckman, 208A E. 33rd St.,
LOST—Geophysics spiral notebook. 880-
CBXM. Name I. C. Baucom. Return to
Box 396. Postage will be paid.
Church Program
Pint Presbyterian Church, College Sta
tion, Norman Anderson, Pastor.
9:45, Sunday School
11:00, Horning Worship. Sermon Topic:
"Guarding Our Loyalties”.
7 :00, Student League.
8:00, Evening Devotions and Fellow
All services in tha Y.H.C.A. Chapel. A
cordial welcome to all.
Kurt Hartmann, Pastor
iUther League devotional meeting Sun
day morning at 10 in the mess hall par
Services at 7:80 Sunday night in the
Y. M. C. A. parlors (2nd floor of Y
You are welcome to attend the Luther
League meeting and the service.
Above is Jim Tom Anderson, Mesquite, and Connie Lindley,
TSCWian from Fort Worth, who will reign as king and queen of
the forthcoming Cotton Pageant and Ball.
Cattlemen and Barnyard Frolicers
Have Big Time Dancing Friday Night
seniors is now posted on
board in Ross Hall. Students who re-
“She always takes a
shine to men in
. . . and everyone takes a
shine to our service sta
tion attendants! They
do their jobs well.
Stop here for that
Satisfying Service.
Dial 4-4684
The A. & ML Lutheran League will
meet in the Y chapel Sunday afternoon
at four o’clock. Everyone is urged to
be there.
Rev. R. C. Hauser, Jr., Chaplain
8:30 a. m.—Holy Communion.
9:30 a. m.—Church School and Student
Discussion Class.
10:45 a. m.—Holy Communion and ser-
Services are held every Sunday morning
at 11 A. M. in the Y. M. C. A. parlor.
College Station
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 10:60 a. m.
B.S.U. Council 1:15 p. m.
Training Union 7:00 p. m.
Evening Worship 8:00 p. m.
Prayer Service 7:50 p. m. Wednesday
Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor
Henry Hatcher, Education & Music
R. B. Sweet, Minister
Sunday: 9:46 a. m., Bible classes; 10:46
morning worship; 7:00 p. m. after-sup
per discussion group; 7:46 p. m. the even
ing worship.
Wednesday : 7:16 p. m.. Prayer Meeting.
Everyone is invited to attend all these
William Harvey Andrew, Pastor
A cordial welcome awaits every Aggie
here at all the services.
Sunday School • Dan Russell
"A. & M. Class” 9:46 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:60 A. M.
Baptist Training Union 6:40 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:80 P. M.
Free busses to the Church leave both
Y.M.C.A.’s and Project House Area at
9:20 every Sunday morning.
Just Received!
^'tyle 9711, shown here,
is a new Edgerton comfort
pattern of cork calf with
brown calf trim, done in
the moccasin manner.
We d like to show it to you!
Other- Edgertons $5 to $6
‘Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
The I. Ae. S. will meet Monday
night at seven o’clock in the Chem
istry lecture room, at which time
the film “The History of Aviation”
will be shown.
Also the society’s representative
for the Cotton Ball will be elected.
All are invited to attend.
By Allen Madeley
Gay clothes, hot music, and good
dancing was the social order of
things Friday night. At Sbisa
the gaily-dressed members of the
Saddle and Sirloin Club and the
Kream and Kow Klub swung out
with their University of Texas Glee
Club dates. Danceable ryhthms
were furnished by Ed Gerlach and
his orchestra.
Preceding the Cattlemen’s Ball,
the Saddle and Sirloin Club pres
ented the Texas University Girl’s
Glee Club in a program at the As
sembly Hall.
At intermission medals were
presented to the members of the
senior livestock judging team and
to the members of the senior dairy
cattle judging team. Those receiv
ing livestock judging medals were:
M. B. Calliham, R. T. Foster, L.
J. Gentry, J. T. Rice and L. F.
Dairy judging medals were pres
ented to B. B. Fowler, J. K. Adams,
C. F. Baird, and N. B. Yarling.
Up in the Agricultural Engin
eering Building hayloft the A.S.
A.E. held their Sixth Annual Barn
yard Frolic. Brogans, straw hats,
and coveralls took the place of tux
edoes and Number 1’s. Further at
mosphere was lent by hay and farm
implements which surrounded the
dance floor. Ed Minnock and the
Aggieland orchestra provided
the musifc for the jiggin’ and
Clubs to Sponsor
Conference May 12
The Texas Federation of Wom
en’s Clubs will sponsor a Confer
ence on Latin-American Relations
to be held here May 12, 13 and 14.
It is hoped that many of the
mothers will remain a few days
after the Mothers’ Day celebra
tions on the 11th.
The conference will be opened
at noon Monday with a speech of
welcome by President T. O. Wal
ton. Also on the program will be
musical numbers by the College
Women’s Choral Club and the Sing
ing Cadets. The program and other
arrangements for the conference
are being made by J. Wheeler Bar
ger, head of the department of
agricultural economics, J. J. Wool-
ket, professor of modern langu
ages, and V. K. Sugareff, professor
of History.
Meetings of the conference will
be held in the Reception Room of
Sbisa Hall and in the chemistry
lecture room. Meals for the vis
itors will be served in the Mess
Hall Annex.
Annual Profs
Banquet Set for
Wednesday, April 23
The annual banquet of the local
chapter of the American Associa
tion of University Professors will
be held next Wednesday evening,
April 23 in Sbisa Hall. This affair
climaxes the year of activities of
the local chapter. The banquet is
open to all members of the college
staff and other residents of Bryan
and College.
Each year an outstanding edu
cator and speaker is brought to the
campus for this occasion. The
speaker for this year will be Dr.
Robert L. Sutherland, Director of
the Hogg Foundation, Austin. Mus
ical entertainment at the banquet
will feature Mrs. W. G. Huey with
piano selections and Mrs. C. H.
Groneman with violin numbers.
Dr. Sutherland will talk on the
subject “Unorthodox Educational
Opport’jsiities in Texas, which
should be of interest to a large
group of local people. Tickets for
the banquet are now on sale by a
number of the members of the As
Chem Society
To Meet Wednesday
The thirteenth meeting of the
Texas A. & M. Section of the
American Chemical Society will be
held Wednesday, April 23, 1941 at
8 p. m. in the main lecture room
of the Chemistry Building, A. &
M. College, College Station, Tex
as. An informal dinner for mem
bers of the section and guests in
vited by authority of the program
committee will be held at the Ag
gieland Inn at 6:30 p. m.
All interested are invited to at
tend. Those who have a paper
they wish to present at a future
meeting should communicate with
the Chairman of the Program Com
mittee. At the regular meeting on
Tuesday, May 13, papers will be
presented by local chemists.
AH Department,
Extension Service
Plan Short Course
The animal husbandry repay
ment in cooperation with the Ex
tension Service will sponsor a
short course on the operation of
frozen food lockers and the pres
ervation of foods by freezing. The
short course will be held in the
animal industries building at A.
& M. on May 5 and 6.
The short course is for the bene
fit of operators of frozen food
lockers and all persons interested
in the operation or installation of
such plants. From the 125 frozen
food locker plants in operation
and the 35 that are now being
planned throughout Texas, about
75 persons are expected to attend
the course. The course will feature
K. F. Warner of Washington, D.
C., who is the Extension Meat
Specialist of the U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture.
The course will discuss the pro
cessing of fruits and vegetables,
possibilities for killing plants
next to lockers, sanitation, records,
and bookkeeping, methods of in
teresting city patrons, the cause
and control of changes taking
place in frozen meats and foods,
recommended methods of cutting
bee fand lamb for lockers, machine
operations and methods of plan
ning new plants.
Air Corps Wants 10 Percent of
A&i Military Graduates as Pilots
Approximately fifty A. & M.
seniors who are graduating in June
with the reserve officers commis
sions will be able to transfer to
the Air Corps Reserve as second
lieutenants according to a letter
received by the Commandant’s Of
fice from the War Department.
The Air Corps is in need of of
ficers for duties in connection with
supply procurement and is par
ticularly interested in those grad
uates who have majored in aero
nautical engineering, mechanical
engineering and business admin
The students who have already
received their commissions or are
planning to receive commissions
may, upon acceptance, apply for
transfer to the Air Corps Reserve.
These applications must have the
recommendation of the student’s
senior instructor and will be ac
cepted between May 1 and May 15.
With approval of the Chief of the
Air Corps these students will be
transfered to the Air Corps Re
serve as second lieutenants without
certificates of capacity.
All applications must give the
student’s name and arm of service,
the course in which his degree is
to be awarded, his major and mi
nor subjects and have the recom
mendation of his senior instructor.
The following are excerpts from
the War Department’s letter to
the Commandant’s Office:
“Corps Area and Department
Commanders are authorized to
Profs Take
Civil Service
Exams With Pupils
Students and professors were on
equal terms at examination time
when seven members of the staff
of the Department of Agronomy
took the Civil Service examina
tions for Junior Professional As
sistant along with the seniors ma
joring in agronomy given in Bryan
last month.
Since a great many students
taking agronomy courses are in
terested in qualifying for govern
mental positions under the Civil
Service, much emphasis is placed
on training students for thjs ex
The Department of Agronomy is
charged with supervising this Civil
Service work and training men for
certain of these examinations
dealing with the various phases
of agronomy. Therefore, it seem
ed quite natural that the staff of
the Department of Agronomy
should keep in touch with these
examinations and take as many
as possible.
First, if the staff members ac
tually take the examinations they
are much better prepared to give
students in their classes the type
of training that these examinations
call for. Second, there is an occa
sional opportunity for the profes
sors to improve their positions by
actually taking appointments un
der the Civil Service in some of the
professional positions.
It is regarded as even more val
uable to have staff members hold
such technical positions for a year,
after which they come back and
resume their teaching with a
much more varied background and
a wealth of experience.
For a number of years Texas
A. & M. has rated high in the to
tal number of men who have qual
ified for this type of employment.
recommend annually the appoint
ment as second lieutenants in the
Air Corps Reserve, non-rated, of
not to exceed ten per centum
(10%) of the prospective Reserve
Officers Training Corps graduates
who have qualified for commis
sions in some other section. It is
desired if possible to obtain 800 to
1,000 Reserve officers annually
from this source.
“ . . . Preference will be given
graduates of aeronautical engi
neering, mechanical engineering
and business administration.”
General Election—
(Continued from Page 1)
The annual political yell prac
tice will be held Monday night
following supper on the steps
of the YMCA. At this time all
candidates will address the cadet
corps and make an appeal for
Candidates in the races for the
two positions include:
E. M. (Manny) Rosenthal
D. C. (Bug) Thurman
Tom Gillis
Tom Vannoy
Bill Bryant
H. E. Norton
Charles Babcock
Rare Cheese Sale
And Exhibit to be
Dairy Show Feature
A cheese exhibit and sale which
will feature unusual and foreign
varieties of cheeses will be an add
ed attraction of the Spring Dairy
Show which will constitute a part
of Ag Day, scheduled for May 3,
A. V. Moore, professor in the dairy
husbandry department, said Wed
“The Kream and Kow Klub is
sponsoring the sale of these
cheeses,” Moore said, “because it
will give an opportunity of pro
curing varieties of cheeses not us
ually on sale locally.”
A wide selection of domestic
cheese such as American Cheedar,
Brick and Coon shelf cured (smok
ed) will be on hand to supply such
Among the rarer cheeses will be
Chantelle, similar to the Port du
Salut of France, not now available,
having a full rich flavor and semi-
soft body; Gouda, domestic Dutch
cheese, sweeter and milder than
American Cheddar, and Gjetost, a
sweet goat milk cheese. Also listed
are Leyden, Nokkelost, Gruyere,
Camembert, Sap Sago, and Reg-
iano varieties of cheeses.
The exhibit and sale will be
held in a special display room in
the south end of the main dairy
Leadership Course—
(Continued from Page 1)
Benson, who helped establish 4-H
Club work in the United States,
will give intensive instruction to
persons interested in rural youtn
groups such as 4-H Clubs, Future
Farmer chapters, rural Boy Scout
troops and F.S.A. groups. Mr. Ben
son is now national director of
rural scouting for the Boy Scouts
of America.
The other instructor obtained
for the school is V. K. Brown, di
rector of the playgrounds of the
Chicago Park Board. Mr. Brown
will give attention to recreational
problems and leisure time activi
ties for employed and unemployed
youth. Teachers and recreational
workers for governmental and pri
vate organizations such as the
are expected to be particularly in
terested in the June 23-28 pro
Morning periods will be devoted
to lectures, and the afternoons will
be spent in demonstrations, round
tables, and field trips. Persons in
terested in obtaining college ciedit
for the course may do so under
certain conditions, according to
Mr. Russell.
In 1939 Texas produced 9,988,-
000 gallons of ice cream.
n — iy
m. ^
Best Hamburgers
in Aggieland!
Served to you with
the friendliest and
snappiest service.
Home of Delicious
Quick Lunches
Baked Ham Sandwiches
(Continued from Page 1)
officers making the inspection and
will be accompanied by Col. T. A.
Spencer and other officers.
“These annual inspections are
to determine the War Department’s
rating given the entire unit for
the year,” Capt. Lively said. “The
War Department then allots con
tracts, materials, instructors, and
provides funds according to the
ratings maintained by these an
nual federal inspections.”
Members of the inspecting staff
will spend the mornings of Wed. es. Facilities for instruction, stabl-
April 30, and Thurs., May 1, in | es, indoor range, outdoor range,
the various military science theory j supply room, motor shed, class
classes observing the methods of | rooms, drill fields, armory and
instructions and testing the know- | other equipment will also be in
ledge of the students. ! spected.
Wednesday afternoon will be | A review for the inspecting of-
spent by the inspecting staff by I ficers will be given by the corps
observing drill and practical class- j Thursday afternoon.
(Continued from Page 1)
large attendance is expected be
cause of the close contact of Che
valier with current events.
The dates for the other lectures
have not been set. The first lec
ture called “America Weighs In”
is a study of what National De
fense means to american engineer
ing. The other two talks are “En
gineer and His Job”, a glimpse of
conditions under which the modem
engineer must Work, and “Engi
neer and His Neighbor”, showing
some thoughts on the human side
of engineering practice.
For a real mid-evening Refreshment, visit the
North Gate
When the day seems long, refresh
yourself with our delicious sodas and ice
cream. We serve snappy snacks that
you’ll like.
Georges Confectionerg
In Clear
New Summer
12 to 13.50
March off to sleep pampered by the luxury feel
of these eminently well tailored pajamas. All regular
sizes to 48.