The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 05, 1941, Image 3

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    Bumpers Holds Owls to Two Hits as Cadets Win 10-0
Today’s Horse Show to Be Greatest Ever
Held at College Station; Texas Undefeated
Spring is here and with it came'f
the Texas Relays in Austin, the
Cavalry Ball, and a scribe longing
for Denton environment. This leav
es yours truly for the working
This morning the greatest horse
show ever held at College Station
will commence at 9:30. This year
it will be an all day affair with
the afternoon performance schedul
ed for 1:30.
Show horses, cow ponies, and
polo mounts will go to make up
the display.
The event which will probably
draw much of the spectator’s in
terest, as is will depend on the
spectator, will be the Novice Polo
The Stetson
of Tomorrow-
Here is the "hat of
tomorrow” in our store, is the modern,
streamlined Stratoliner
that does wonders for your
get-up! See the Stetson
Stratoliner...see the hat of
tomorrow, today. And a
fitting touch is its sleek,
exclusive, useful hat box!
Brush Brown
Strato-Blue, Putty Beige
Other Spring Stetsons
$5 to $7.50
Kensington Hats
(made by Stetson)
7 ♦ T TN
Strangers to the horse game will
be given a horse to ride, a mallet,
and a ball. The first of the con
testants to knock the ball across
a line some 75 or 100 yards away
from the start will be judged the
winner and probably rushed to
come out for the team.
Coach of the polo team, Major
Stevens, tried to name your scribe
as one of the entries but educa
tion calls we’re glad to say.
While on the fast moving game,
it’s interesting to note that the
two teams the Aggies met in Hous
ton last Sunday will enter the
Southwest Intra-Circuit Polo
Championship playoffs today with
twelve and thirteen goal ratings.
The Aggie team will split and
play an added attraction to the
Cavalry week-end celebration and
horse show as they meet tomorrow
on Jackson Field, out on the air
port toad.
Texas became the only unde
feated team of the Southwest in
baseball this week with the sea
son still in its infancy.
Baylor faced the Ponies and with
Bob Miller on the mound fell
behind, allowing three hits, four
walks, and three runs off the
sophomore. Joe Terry was called
to the mound and the Bears cams
out on top 12 to 7.
The following day they handed
S. M. U. their second defeat.
Bill Henderson claimed the Class
A Intramural heavyweight title
Thursday night, taking a three
round decision from Dub Sibley.
It was an even match with Sib
ley taking punches and then rush
ing the tree-top end to deliver
many to the bread basket.
In the long run, height of the
boxers made the difference as in
the Mike Cokinos-Bob Taylor
Another sport went on the list
here this week with the forming
of the Sailing Club. It is spon
sored by the Houston Yachting
Club, the organization which held
the first inter-collegiate race last
Notes falling from the loose pag
es of the little black book . .
Ronnie Brumbaugh, end of the T.
C. U. grid squad, was selected as
the president of the student body.
. . . Jimmy Davis dropped the
accent he picked up in Michigan
with the tank team for a while
Thursday night when the Class A
semi-final fights got a bit hard
to handle . . . the special hurdle
event planned for the Texas Re
lays today will be won by a ghost
runner . . . Wolcott of Rice, Gate-
wood of Texas, and Farmer of
Texas Tech were the three the
race was originally planned for.
. . . all of the stars are on injury
lists, Wolcott with a pulled muscle,
Eddie Fitzpatrick
SMU Netters
Beat Cadets
By 4-3 Score
Kresdorn Win
Singles Matches
With a win over the Texas Chris
tian Horned Frogs earlier this
week, the Aggie netmen took to
the clay courts yesterday afternoon
only to meet defeat at the hands
of the S.M.U. Mustangs.
It was by the same count that
only the day before the Ponies
topped the Oklahoma University
stars in Dallas, 4 to 3.
Xavier Fernandez, of Lima,
Peru, won the first single for the
Aggies with A1 Krezdorn claim
ing the second.
Dick Gillette and Ralph Eads
joined to claim one of the doubles
for the cadets.
Summaries for the afternoon’s
play are as follows:
Fred Higgenbotham (SMU) beat
H. R. Gwin (Aggies),' 6-0, 6-4.
Fernandez defeated Billy Wat
kins, 6-3, 6-4.
Phil Baird (SMU) defeated
Ralph Eads (Aggies), 6-4, 6-4.
John Shipman (SMU) defeated
Dick Gillette (Aggies), 6-1, 7-5.
Krezdorn defeated Elgere May,
6-4, 6-4.
Higgenbotham and Wilkins de
feated Fernandez and Gwin, 6-1,
Gillette and Eads defeated Ship-
man and May, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2.
Cadet Golfers
Defeat Baylor on
Waco Course, 4 to 2
Coach Frank Anderson’s golfers
moved up the ladder another rung
Thursday as they defeated the
Baylor linksmen, 4 to 2, on the
Lakewood Course in Waco.
It was the two Henrys, Hauser
and Richards, who came through
to add the final touches to the
rounds. In the doubles that morn
ing they beat Joe Price and E. H.
Grim, one up.
Hauser topped Crim in the singl
es, 4 and 3, and Richards won from
Price, 2 up.
Johnny Roberts, who starred for
the Whites in the first charity
football game and who earlier this
week beat Judson Womble out of
his spot on the Aggie team, team
ed with Bob Warne to win the
second doubles match, 3 and 2,
from Dick Ray and Bruce Heitt.
In their singles, Warne lost to
Heitt, 6 and 5, and Roberts lost
to Ray, 2 and 1.
This was the second win for
the cadet golfers within a week
as they won from Rice Institue
in Houston, 4 to 1.
It’s time out for the Aggies for
a few days with the next scheduled
matches with Texas Tech here
March 16. Two days later they
meet the Southwest Conference
Champs of last year, Texas Uni
versity. This will also be played
on the Bryan Country Club Course.
Gatewood with the flu, and Farmer
with the mumps . . . Harold Hen
sley swam in the nationals with
a “skin rash,” commonly called
here at Aggieland the measles.
YES, sly as the wise
old fox . . . everyone
is going there for
real hair cuts these
Record Crowd Expected Tonight
To Witness Intramural Boxing Finals
By Mike Haikin
A record crowd is expected to
be present at DeWare Field House
tonight when the pugilists of dif
ferent weight classifications fight
it out for the college crown. Some
1200 screaming cadets were pres
ent at the semi-final matches
Thursday night that saw some of
the best fights of the current
season come off.
Most of that crowd, however,
came out to see the Henderson-
Sibley bout, which was designed to
be the feature match of the even
ing. Instead they were a bit disap
pointed in that the gridiron stars
did not come out and slug it out.
Henderson won the bout with ease
as Sibley attempted an “Arturo
Godoy” style, which is crouching
as close to the mat as possible.
This makes the fifth sport event
in which Henderson has been suc
cessful. All ’that is left now is the
pingpong championship.
Riordan of C Cavalry and Dun-
phy of Hdq. Cavalry will open the
proceedings in the 119 lb. at 7:45.
Other Class A championship fights
that follow include: 129 lb.—High
tower C F.A.) pitted against Goe
bel (C Coast); 139 lb class—Reid
(Non-Military) against Link (G
Coast); 149 lb. class—Tennison (C
F.A.) versus Drake (E Coast);
159 lb. class—Taylor (3rd Hdq.
F.A.) taking on Jacobs (E Coast);
169 lb. class—Taylor (E F.A.)
putting up gloves with Blankenship
(G Infantry); and 179 lb class—
Ramage (K Infantry) fighting it
out with Andrews (C Coast).
Of Track Team
Leaves for Relays
The second half of the Aggie
thinly clads leave college this
morning for the fourteenth run
ning of the Annual Texas Relays
in Austin.
Both the varsity and freshmen
teams will enter with some eight
een boys making the trip.
Clyde Littlefield’s Longhorn
team will be the favorites in the
majority of the events with the
Aggies, Rice, L.S.U., Tulane and
Oklahoma A. & M. fighting for
the remainder.
Roy Bucek will be the university
class favorite in the high hurdles
with Pete Owens of Howard Payne
issuing a word of warning due to
Bucek’s sore leg.
Champions of the past will meet
in the shot put event with Jack
Wilson of Baylor, holder of last
year’s record, and Jim Thomason,
the ’39 champ, on hand for compe
Special events with old timers
of the track will add to the pro
gram which is the first named
meeting of track stars each year.
The Class B boxing finals start
off with Haines (Art. Band) trad
ing punches with Brown (B F.A.) in
the 119 lb. class. They will be
followed by Ivey (I Infantry) and
Loving (H Coast) in the 129 lb.
Class; Cokinos (A F.A.) and Con
ner (I F.A.) in the 149 lbs. class;
Geise (A Cavalry) and Maroney
(E F.A.) in the 149 lb. class;
Singleton (E Engineers) and
O’Neal (1st Hdq. F.A.) in the 159
lb. class; Beckley (I F.A.) and
Simmons (E F.A.) in the 169 lb.
class; and Eldridge (A Infantry)
and Kirkpatrick (K Infantry) in
the heavyweight class. The winner
of Menefee (E Coast) and Ormon
(F Infantry) will fight Graves
(E Coast) for the 179 lb. cham
pionship. Graves and Menefee are
The playoffs in Class B water
polo have long been started, and
the finals will probably come up
sometime next week. D Cavalry
and 3rd Hdq. Field Artillery ad
vanced into the quarter-finals as
both eked out a victory over F
Coast and Hdq. Signal Corps, re
spectively. B Coast proved to be
more potent in their match with B
Signal Corps as they came out with
a 2 to 1 win.
Pistol Team
Leaves Today to
Fire Houston Matches
Lieutenant T. B. Strother’s Ag
gie pistol team leaves today for
Houston to fire shoulder matches
in the Bayou Rifle Matches.
For the past two years the ca
dets have claimed the L.U.C. Kauf
man trophy. In 1939 the trophy was
won by C. A. Kennemer. The
following year it was won by
Lewis and Bob Shiels.
This year’s team again has the
services of Lewis and Kennemer
who will enter the contest as
heavy favorites.
The team making the trip to
Houston is composed of team cap
tain C. A. Lewis, Gene Shiels,
Lloyd Mayfield, L. C. Kennemer,
H. C. Warner, W. D. C. Jones and
R. T. Cook.
Aggie Polo Team
To Have Intra-Squad
Game This Afternoon
With their last bit of stored
energy after the Cavalry Ball and
annual horse show, the Aggie polo
team will stage an intra-squad
game tomorrow afternoon on Jack-
son Field at 2:30 p. m.
The game promises to be fast
moving with a bit of grudgery
thrown in to add its part.
Named the Zig and Zag teams
for the day, the former will be
composed of Raley, Maloney, Rice
and McDonald. The Zags will be
made up of McGowen, Barry, Braid
and Hart.
Aggies Turn on The
Power in Fourth Inning
And Pugh Handle
Infield Job Well
Lefty Bumpers yesterday on Kyle
Field ran his record to 22 scoreless
innings by closing out Cecil Gregg’s
Rice Owls, 10 to 0.
Twenty-eight men faced Bump
ers. He allowed but two hits and
walked but two .men, while Don
Kennedy who started the game for
the bayou team was sent to the
showers in the sixth inning.
For three frames the game
went scoreless with the Aggies
threatening once in the second with
three men aboard.
The start of the home half of
the fourth saw Francis double
with Pugh walking just behind.
Scoggin got on by error to score
Francis with Jeffrey singling out
to score Pugh. Buchanan struck
out and Carden was forced out on
fielder’s choice to score Scoggin
and Jeffrey. Bumpers flew out to
retire the side with the count
standing 4 to 0. From there on it
belonged to the Aggies with the
Owls threatening but one time—
this in the ninth inning when Cosa
boarded third with Kaiser on sec
Three In 5th and 7th
In the fifth inning, Lindsey
doubled with Francis singling and
going to second on error. Lindsey
scored on the play and on the
next series of pitches, Pugh walk
ed with Jeffrey following two
behind to score Francis and Pugh.
On third, Jeffrey tried to steal
home but was played out by
Rice catcher Barrow.
(Continued on Page 4)
Come on out tonight
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