The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 01, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4-
Official Notices
April 4—Cavalry Ball, Sbisa Hall, S
P. M. to 1 A. M.
April 4—Industrial Education Club Ben
efit Show and Rural Sociology Ben
efit Show, Assembly Hall.
April 6—Easter Cantata, Guion Hall, 3:60
P. M.
April 7—Concert, Singing Cadets, Guion
Hall, 7:30 P. M.
April 8, 9, and 10—Highway Short Course,
Mrs. J. T. L. McNew.
April 10—Ross Volunteer Queen's Ball,
Sbisa Hall, 10:00 P. M.
April 11—Ross Volunteer Captain’s Ball,
Sbisa Hall, 10 P. M.
April 12—Ross Volunteer Corps Dance,
Sbisa Hall, 9 P. M.
Fellowship Luncheon each Thursday
boob at Sbisa Hall.
Student Aid
1. Agricultural Economics
2. Agronomy
8. Animal Husbandry
4. Biology (Wildlife)
5. Engineering
6. Forestry
7. Range Management
8. Soils
Junior Professional Assistant
1. Junior Agronomist
2. Junior in Animal Nutrition
Made of extremely soft
Norse, this plain toe, one
buckle oxford is amaz
ingly comfortable and
durable. . . Its heavy
oil treated sole can “take
See our smart assort
ment of two-tone tan
snort shoes. You’ll agree
that they are “Tops” in
$3.95 - $5 - $8.50
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
8. Junior Biologist (Wildlife)
4. Junior Economist
5. Junior Engineer
6. Junior Forester
7. Junior Range Conservationist
8. Junior Soil Scientist
All senior students who have taken any
of the above examinations and who are
interested in interviewing the SCS rep
resentative should leave their name at
the Placement Bureau, Room 133, Ad
ministration Building, not later than 5
p. m., April 1. The SCS must have this
information on hand in advance and,
therefore, it is imperative that the senior
students do this immediately.
Association of Former Studente
There will be an important meeting of
the Advertising Staff of The Battalion
Tuesday evening at 7:80 in the Battalion
Office. Keith Hubbard.
All Saddle and Sirloin club members
who want fancy shirts and sashes for the
Cattlemen’s Ball should get their orders
in before April 4. Come by Room 46,
Puryear, to place your order.
The regular meeting of the A. & M.
Dames Club will be held Wednesday even
ing, April 2nd, at 8 p. m. in the parlor
or the Y.M.C.A. building. Dr. Jessie
Whitaker will discuss Meal Planning and
Budgeting. AH students’ wives are cordial
ly invited to attend.
The Newcomers’ Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. M. S. Brooks, 104
Davis Street, Bryan, at 2:30 p. m., Wed
nesday, April 2nd. There will be an elec
tion of officers.
LOST—about three weeks ago, a green
Eversharp fountain pen bearing name F.
M. Casso. Please return to Casso, E-16,
Hart Hall and collect reward.
WILL THE PERSON that picked up a
black bag on the hitch-hiking corner in
Taylor Sunday afternoon please call or
notify H. M. Friedrich, American Legion
Hall. Phone 4-8819. Reward.
WANTED—Ride for three to Denton
or Dallas and return. Leaving noon Sat
urday. Come by or see Oxford, Room 222,
Dorm. 2.
FOR SALE—Choice residence lot, 75 x
150 ft. on Lee Avenue in South Oak-
wood. Adjoining Consolidated School. Call
LOST—A brown suede jacket on Tues
day, March 4. Left under east side of
football stadium during Class B intra
mural horse-shoes. Please notify "Fish”
Farrell. Phone 4-9204. Room 122, Dorm 8.
(Continued from Page 3)
the fourth, fifth and sixth frames.
From there on out, the Bruin in
field settled down and a pitching
duel between Golden and Bump
ers followed.
Baylor finally cashed in on four
hits and a walk for two runs in
the twelfth stanza. Golden, who
already collected four hits, open
ed with a walk, but was picked
off first by Carden. Miller and
Lummus followed with singles.
Then came the controversial point
of the game. With two men on,
and two down, Jimmy Witt hit
one in front of the plate. Carden
threw him out, but the umpire
ruled it to be a foul. Karow then
had some hot words with the “blue
boys”, but it was no avail. Witt
promptly singled to score Miller.
Baylor 30020000000 2-7
A & M 00211100000 0-5
Dial 4-1182
East Gate
I; = li
It's True, Aggies ...
. .. that Zubik’s prices on uni
forms have taken no advance
due to unsettled conditions in
the wool market.
It's True Too . . .
. . . that we will still give you
the same high quality mater
ials and workmanship that we
have always given in the past
—so let us suggest that you
order your Junior uniform
and Senior boot breeches now
to avoid confusion later . . .
Quality Uniforms - Guaranteed Fit
At The Right Price
Uniform Specialists
1896 — 45 Years of Tailoring — 1941
^ ■ ■ —^
Southwest Sweethearts for V T Round-Up
Highlight of three-day Round-Up festivities, annual homecoming for University of Texas alumni April
4-6, will be the presentation of these six co-eds—sweethearts of their respective Southwest Conference
schools. Their are:
T. C. U.: Florrie Buckingham, Sulphur Springs senior, student body secretary-treasurer and four
years’ class favorite.
Arkansas: Connie Collins, Little Rock Senior, R. O. T. C. regimental sponsor majoring in business
S. M. U.: Martha Kate Newman, Dallas senior and yearbook beauty.
Baylor: Bonnie Ruth Slawson, Corsicana junior and three-year Baylor beauty.
Rice: Lida Picton, Houston senior and yearbook beauty.
A. & M.: Rachel Corder from Burnett, student of Southwestern University, Georgetown, and former
student of Texas State College for Women.
The six favorites will be presented Friday night, April 4, at the traditional Round-Up Revue and Ball
as attendants to the Sweetheart of Texas, soon to be named by the University studenty body. The Texas
favorite, however, will be kept secret until her presentation.
In its twelfth year, the Texas homecoming schedules three days of open houses, a parade, intercol
legiate tennis matches and the colorful sports carnival, Texas Relays.
Measles Epidemic Is Annual Spring
Affair But ’41 Is 338 Per Cent Greater
Funeral Service—
(Continued from Page 1)
marked the last resting place of
Skippy was brought from the
Houston dog pound by Sam Rankin
last February and according to sev
eral members of K company was in
ill health when brought to A. & M.
“Dr.” Pinky Caraway, senior vet
erinary medicine student from Tay
lor who was the chief physician on
the case before the dog’s death
last Friday afternoon said that the
dog was too far gone before it
was given medical attention.
J. H. “Bull” Durham was chief
mortician and was in charge of
the funeral arrangements.
(Continued from Page 2)
gies exactly what happened to his
On the other hand, she couldn't
afford to fluff Carol and lose her
regular job. What to do?
• • •
The way out was a masterpiece—
but not until Lois did a two-hour
hide-out to avoid being near-kid
napped by Carol when he passed
through College Station on his way
to Navasota.
Lois first sang the A. & M. dance
until intermission. Then, at an 80-
mile-an-hour clip, she zoomed to
24-mile distant Navasota and sang
that dance until its end at 2 a. m.
Sunday morning!
Which is good work if you can
do it.
Attractive and a better-than-av-
erage dance band singer, Lois’ fa
vorite number is “Perfidia,” she is
20 years old, and allegedly does
not drink or smoke.
Most comment on Bill’s band con
cerned his male vocalist, Micky
Dowd. Many cadets pointed out
that they believed him to be the
best male singer to hit the cam
pus in many social seasons.
The Engineers Ball was one more
excellent addition to an already suc
cessful social season . . . Bill, by
the way, pays his instrumentalists
and vocalists $10 a night with a
$50 weekly base guarantee . . .
His home in Evanston, Illinois, he
attended Wisconsin U. two years
as a chem major . . . The lad with
the Dracula-like laugh was Lee
Simmons . . . Bill’s outfit pre
sented the third between-the-halv-
es stage show this year. Popular
with cadets, last year saw only one
such show—Bernie Cummins’ acts.
The annual spring upswing in
measles prevalence is evidence from
reports to the State Health De
partment by more than 300 city
and county health officers through
out the state.
The prevalence of measles is 338
per cent higher than the normal
prevalence, figured on a seven-
year median, according to Dr. Geo.
W. Cox, State Health Officer. There
were 1,416 cases reported for the
eleventh week of the year and the
median number of cases for the
week over a seven year period was
Since measles is a disease which
should always be given careful
nursing, with isolation of the pa
tient to protect others against the
disease, and since it is character
istic of the disease that it usually
becomes more prevalent in the
spring season, the State Health De
partment issues this warning—
guard yourself against measles,
and if you contract this disease, go
to bed immediately, call your phy
sician, and see that cases are
promptly reported to the local
health officers, and that your home
is properly placarded.
The stage of measles preceding
the eruption is frequently mistaken
for a common cold, and as the dis
ease is highly communicable at
this stage the germs are widely
spread because, as a rule, we take
no common-sense precautions eith
er in treating or protecting others
from a common cold. Measles
causes a congestion and . inflam
mation of the respiratory tract, the
delicate membrane that lines the
eyelids and the accessory sinuses—
these conditions make complications
of the disease fairly common. Com
plications may take the form of
bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute
inflammation of the middle ear.
Crop Contest—
(Continued from Page 1)
Genetics Department, is the sup
erintendent of the contest. G. W.
Griffin, Federal Grain Supervisor,
will be in charge of the grading of
grains and hay, and the other
judges are to be designated by the
participating schools. T. E. Mc
Afee, Instructor in the Agronomy
Department, will represent Texas
A. & M. as an official judge.
(Continued from Page 1)
gie of the class of 1910 and World
War flier, in compliance with the
desires of the Board of Directors.
The airport has come as the
result of a legislative act which
has been in progress for the past
several weeks and received the ap
proval of the House last Thurs
day morning. Immediately after
the governor had signed it Dean
Gibb Gilchrist gave the word for
immediate construction.
Construction for the project will
include building two new runways
of at least one mile in length which
will give the college airport a
first class rating with government
(Continued from Page 1)
pression. Sales had dropped badly
because boys just wouldn’t pay
five cents for an ordinary sack
of peanuts but there was where
the concessionaire foxed them. He
went down to Houston and bought
a supply of paper sacks of a small
er size. Three of these smaller
sacks would hold exactly what two
of the regular ones would, but
it had the attraction of seeming
like more. At three sacks for a
dime, they sold like hot cakes. Two
boys would go together, buying
three sacks for their dime; they
could then eat one sack apiece and
have one for defensive purposes,
but it was still the same amount
of peanuts.
There is something strange about
the peanut racket. If you buy them
from Walter or Archie or whoever
sells them at the time, and offer
them their own peanuts, they al
ways refuse. It may be from po
liteness or it may be because they
know what has gone into their
produce. But try offering them to
some of your friends in the show
and see what happens.
Princeton university is offering
a series of five public lectures on
“The Impact of Totalitarianism
upon the United States.”
Compulsory chapel attendance is
threatened at the University of
Rochester as the result of poor
attendance at weekly chapel.
English Teachers May Horse Show—
Attend Waco Meet (Continued from Page 1)
The conference of college teach
ers of English in Texas will meet
in Waco as the guests of Baylor
university April 25 and 26, Dr.
Geo. Summey, Jr., head of the
English department, said Wednes
day. A group of teachers will at
tend if suitable arrangements for
class lectures can be made.
Dr. Ernest Bembaum of Illinois
university, a well-known authority
in the field of romantic literature,
will be the principal speaker of the
meeting, and will discuss “Roman
tic Literature in the Light of
Modern Sciences.”
Approximately 3 0 0 English
teachers from the state’s colleges
are expected to attend.
Soph Dairy Contest
To Be Held April 19
The annual Sophomore Diary
Cattle Judging Contest will be
held here on April 19th.
All students taking agriculture
that have taken sophomore judg
ing work or that are taking it now
are eligible to compete. The awards
to the first, second, and third high
men will be in the form of medals
donated by Bryan business firms.
In. the past there have been
from forty to eighty students com
peting in the contest.
Professor Louis E. Buchanan of
the department of English at
Washington State is collecting rare
first editions of the late Eigh
teenth and Nineteenth centuries.
Bertha Nell Koenig
Public Stenographer
Dial 4-4244
Casey-Burgess Bldg.
College Station, Texas
Field Artillery Regiments.
Outside of the arena, several con
tests and classes will be run off.
These include the rescue race, bunt
team, cow horse and polo pony
reining class, polo novice class and
the polo pony bending race.
Through the efforts of the korse
show committee, entrants from the
Texas university Bit and Spur
Club will fill out an imposing en
trant list.
Cups and other prizes will be
purchased with money contributed
for the show.
“I don’t want it for the
car ... I wanna drink it
Certainly sir, we’re glad
to let you have a drink.
We enjoy being of ser
vice to you even when
you don’t buy our fine
oil, gas, and other mer
Aggie Service
North Gate
Dial 4-4684
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She Didn't Mean It!... But We Do!
When clothes get soiled, we ask you to turn to us
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