The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1941, Image 2

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Page 2-
The Battalion Something To Read
Tha Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, u.nder the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1940 Member 1941
Pbsocided Go!!e6iate Press
Bob Nisbet
George Fuermann
Keith Hubbard
Associate Editor
Advertising Manager
Editorial Assistant
Tom Vannoy
Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist
J. B. Pierce, Phil Levine :— Proof Readers
Sports Department
Hub Johnson Sports Editor
Bob Mytrs Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon
W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors
Circulation Department
Towny Henderson Circulation Manager
W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth _ Assistant Circulation Managers
F. D. Asbury, E. S. Henard Circulation Assistants
Photography Department
Phil Qolman — Photographio Editor
James Carpenter, Bob Crane, Jack Jones,
Jack Siegnl Assistant Photographers
George Fuermann Acting Managing Editor
George Woodman Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
Tom Gillis D. C. Thurman V. A. Yentzen
Reportorial Staff
Lamar Haines, John May, Z. A. McReynolds, J. D. Mehe-
gan, L. B. Tennison, Mike Speer, James F. Wright.
Tacts in Review'
COPIES OF THE PAMPHLET, “Facts in Review,”
issued by the German Library of Information in
New York City continue to flood the country and
The Battalion office. The pamphlet, whose appear
ance is almost as regular as the phases of the moon,
is as subtle a piece of propaganda as can be found.
Its clever wording evidences the master touch of
the propagandist expert.
Why does this country continue to allow the
publication of material designed for the overthrow
of the democratic form of government? Why doesn’t
the F. B. I. or the Dies Committee put a stop to its
distribution? The answer is Several-fold.
Someone in 1775 said in substance, “I disagree
with what you say, but I’ll fight for your right to
say it.” That remai’k is the basis for the demo
cratic principle of free speech and the reason why
this country, as a democi'acy, cannot at this time
deny freedom of speech and of the press to anyone—
not even to Nazi-sympathizers. The presence of
“Facts in Review” is another proof that democracy
in the United States still exists.
“Facts in Review” is not so radical a publication
that it makes direct attacks advocating the over
throw of the democratic form of government. Its edi
tors naturally are too wary for that. Such would
be just cause for its confiscation, war or no, but
what it does is paint Nazi Germany as a land of
paradise and a brother to all nations. It accuses
Britain of conspiring to draw America into war
and of being the aggressor in the current war.
Its objective is to promote overthrow of U. S. gov
ernment not by criticising it but by the indirect
method of praising and advocating the dictatorship.
Not until the United States declares war on
Germany can such publications be stopped for not
until then will its publication be a violation of the
law. Its editors will see that it remains within the
letter of the law. Such a thorn-in-the-flesh is the
price we pay for neutrality.
On the other hand what harm can the pamphlet
do and what can it hope to accomplish? Pro-Amer
ican citizens scoff at the sheet and toss it aside;
those “on the fence” daily come into contact with
tons of anti-nazi material poured through news
papers and magazines; pro-Nazi, in the face of this
counter-propaganda, would be pro-Nazi—with or
without “Facts in Review.”
Paradoxically the continued publication of the
German Library’s pamphlet is the symbol of con
tinued democracy and the standing indication of
“A STUDENT’S OPINION of a student’s opinion on
the answer to strikes.”-
Someone (we have never known who he was)
once advanced the belief that persons of extremely
great intellectual capacity tend to share a common
train of though in many instances.
We are sure that there are a number of truly
great men associated with Texas A. & M. college
who have never been given their just due. Let us
pause and recognize a member of our student body
who should by all rights fall in that category.
Mayo Thompson, ’41, seems to have made a
very thorough study of a current problem, the
serious differences now arising between employer
and employee in the large industrial centers, which
is likely to become one of the largest stumbling
blocks in the path of our present defense program.
The proposal offered by Thompson is most
timely and his interest in the problem and the at
titude he takes are most commendable.
However, the most striking element of this
proposal is its noticeable likeness to a suggestion
offered by one Dr. William M. Leiserson of the
National Labor Relations Board.
Both of the above-mentioned men seem to have
a mutual interest in one of the popular weekly
magazines—Mr. Thompson as a reader and Dr.
Leiserson as a writer. We are justly proud of them
in our midst. We would refer the reader to the
March 22 issue of Colliers Weekly (page 74) so that
he may more clearly and better appreciate these
soft words of praise.
Plagarism is a nasty word. Do you not think
so, Mr. Thompson? Quotation marks are SO easy
to use.
Senior, ’41
Fifty-six major meetings drew 59,000 persons
to the University of Hlinois in the last academic
Good Reading in the Bible
Whatever else the Bible may be, it is certainly
a whole library of fine things to read, sufficiently
varied to suit any taste—well almost any. We all
remember, of course, the touching and romantic
“short story” of Ruth, who followed her young hus
band ba<jk to his strange country, only to lose him.
No other story that I know has a “happy ending”
of such quiet dignity and rightness. Certainly no
other story contains such a satisfactory mother-
in-law as Naomi, to whom, by the way, is given the
“best lines”: “Entreat me not to leave the . . . .”
A thrilling play could be made of the familiar
book of Esther, the courageous heroine of a court
drama of intrigue. In fact such a play has been
made of it by Racine, one of the masterpieces of
French literature. Another Bible drama, perhaps
even more thrilling, is not so well known. It is
built around the scarlet figure of Queen Jezebel,
probably the meanest woman in literature but also,
somehow, (perhaps because of her amazing mean
ness!) a fascinating creature. When she does poor
Naboth to death to get his beautiful vineyard, you
want to kill her. (1 Kings, Chapter 16). But when,
after a long and thoroughly misspent life, her richly
deserved punishment approaches, the old harridan
meets it with such brazen nerve that she almost
wins you over. “And when Jehu (her worthless son’s
triumphant slayer) was come to Jezreel, Jezebel
heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her
hair, and looked out at a window.” (2 Kings, Chap
ter 9). Poor brave old thing! “And he said ‘Throw
her down.’ So they threw her down—: and he trod
her underfoot.” Grim stuff, but a good story.
Job, I believe, is the oldest book of the Bible,
written about the time that Socrates and Plato were
serenly working out Greek philosophy. Beside being
an interesting story, it tries (I think) to solve the
problem: “Should a good man expect to receive his
reward for goodness in the form of earthly bless
ings?” or, to put it another way, “When misfortunes
rain down on you, should you take this as proof
that you have done something to deserve them?”
Job’s answer is “No!”
But aside from its narrative and philosophical
interest, Job is worth reading for its truly magni
ficent language: “The Lord gave and the Lord hath
takfen away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
“Where the wicked cease from troubling, and the
weary shall have rest.” “When the morning stars
sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for
joy.” Hast thou given the horse strength ? hast thou
clothed his neck with thunder?—He paweth in the
valley, and rejoiceth in his strength.”
If you are tough-minded enough to stand pess
imism, profound but undaunted, read the Ecclesiastes,
with its ripe sophistication, its grand organ music,
its weary refrain: “Vanity of vanities, saith the
Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” If you
like Ecclesiastes, you are grown up.
J. G. Quick has been registrar at the Univers
ity of Pittsburgh for more than 25 years.
Carnegie Corporation, granting $650,000, led
last year’s donors to Harvard university.
As the World Turns...
George fuermann
“Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster
A Bird’s Eye View . . . Latest of
the gag-terms given birth by the
current war situation is “Khaki-
wacky”—meaning women who are
crazy about men in uniform . . .
Jay Dudley, Peck Clark and John
ny Olsen are telling the believe-it-
or-not story of a
recent hitch-hiking
trip to Houston.
No. 1 in line for
a ride was a cadet
attired in dress
uniform. Hanging
from his side, of all
things, was a slide-
rule, “I’m going to
show my girl how
Fuermann ^ Works,” Was his
only comment . . . J. Wayne Stark,
Aggie-ex and a former associate
editor of The Battalion who is
now working toward a law degree
at Texas university, recently en
tered that school’s political arena
by filing for editorship of the Cac
tus, Texas U.’s annual publication.
Observers from the Forty Acres
say that he has a good chance, but
there’s one thing which looms large
in his path. For the past 22 years
the Cactus editorship has been held
by a fraternity man. Wayne is an
independent . . . Many A. & M.
employees, particularly in the mess
halls, have already been drafted.
By June 1 more than 100 will be
gin the year’s training . . . Jay
Cowan, Dallas freshman, is the
cadet who’s doing most of the
better-than-average commercial art
work you see around the campus.
His best job thus far is the 4x8
foot mural that gives Martin Grif
fin’s office a bambo and South
Sea island atmosphere . . . Out of
the groove of normalcy is the ca
det who sits in one of the rural
sociology classes and blows smoke
rings throughout the prof’s lec
tures . . . Battalipn Magazine Ed
itor A. J. Robinson is coming up
with one of the mag’s best issues
in many years. In the main, it’s
theme is based on T.S.C.W.
• • •
examinations, the freshman was
asked to relate his pre-college ath
letic exploits to the assembled
“Well,” the cadet drawled, “I
did a good bit of football playing
in high school.”
“Where did you go to high
school?” he was quizzed.
“San Jacinto High in Houston,”
he replied.
“Did you make all-city?”
“Were you any good?”
“Then how come you made all
“That’s Houston!”
• • •
be by one of the finest orchestras
in the south.
One of the ten best shows of
1940 is being shown tomorrow for
the benefit of the Economics Club.
NOIS,” which was voted sixth by
a composite group of movie critics
and reviewers.
For the important part of Abe
Lincoln, they picked a natural in
Raymond Massey. The tall, lanky
fellow has a face so homely that
it is ugly, and with a beard and a
slight stoop he looks like Abe in
the flesh. As in his real life, Abe
got into plenty of scrapes with
the town toughs but was always
able to save his face by either
whipping them or outwitting them
with his tolerant, human philoso
phy. His drawling delivery is so
slow as to be sometimes painful
but it is always worthwhile to lis
ten to what he has to say.
This show is a good biography
of a great man. The parts are well
played and it shows Abe growing
up from youth until the time of his
first election as president. It is
well directed and presented.
New York University’s reserve
officers’ training corps has given
basic and advanced courses to 699
Dr. Froelich G. Rainey of the
University of Alaska has discover
ed a town-site indicating a non-
Eskimo race lived 100 miles above
the Arctic circle thousands of years
Latest addition to the A. & M.
contingent of members in the Roy
al Canadian Air Force is Louis V.
Girard, C Company Infantry soph
He reports at Ontario March 31;
received his papers from Leslie
Bland Dufton, British vice-consul
in Houston; and hopes to be flying
in Britain within six months.
Behind his entering the R.C.A.F.
is the usual story of Americans
entering that service. For more
than a year he had attempted to
become a flying cadet in the U. S.
Air Corps. Bad teeth, however, pre
vented him from passing the rigid
American physical examination.
“Don’t worry about your physi
cal,” he was told in Houston. You’ll
pass okeh in Canada.”
a • •
Bob Groulx
Sold, Featured and
Guaranteed By
n Bu!
Can Buy ]
Filtered Smoking in
Cigarette or Cigar
Holders is bringing
extra joy to armies of
t smokers. Ifs the wisest
dollar you ever spent.
$22.50 to $41.00
$5.75 to $17.00
One of the best of the current
stories going the rounds concerns
an A. & M. freshman who was be
ing interviewed some months ago
concerning his qualifications as a
potential “Fish Sergeant.”
As is usually the case in such
He’s one cadet who has already
completed most of his training in
Canada. Now on sick leave (was
hospitalized for a month with
scarlet fever and a mastoid opera
tion), he recently visited the cam
pus as he passed through college
on his way home—Harlingen.
Recently married to Dorothy By
field in Columbus, Ohio, he expects
to receive his commission soon;
does not expect to be sent to Britain
because he’s married; will prob
ably remain in Canada as an in
structor; now receives $160 a
month; will receive $240 after re
ceiving his commission; and visited
the military organization of which
he was formerly a member, I Bat
tery Field Artillery, while on the
campus March 12.
Thom McAn Shoes
Premiums guaranteed by United States Govern
ment under Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of
Oct. 17, 1940, on $5000 term, ordinary, limited pay or
endowment Life Insurance Policy if policy has been
in force and a premium paid 30 days or more before
entry into military service. Approximate monthly
premium for $5000, Age 22, 30 payment life esti
mates to pay up in 22 years . . . $10.05 monthly.
THE BATTLE OF GREECE is in the making. Hitler
is not apt to attack Greece until he has exhausted
every possible diplomatic device to disarm Turkey
and Yugoslavia. Hitler’s agents are endeavoring
to bring these two countries within the Axis orbit,
or to insure their absolute neutrality in the battle
of Greece. Both of these countries
have promised > to remain neutral as
| long as their territory is not in-
| vaded.
Still, Hitler does not feel safe
p while both, Turkey and Yugoslavia,
| keep large armies mobilized. Nei-
| ther the Turks nor the Yugoslavs
appear anxious to surrender their
independence to the German army.
They have been encouraged by the
heroic exploits of the Greeks against
the Italians and the landing of
British troops in Greece. German
diplomacy in these two countries is chiefly interest
ed, like in the neighboring states, either to demobilize
their armed forces completely or reduce them to
a size which the German army can easily control.
If the British are re-enforcing the Greeks with
large numbers of troops and mechanized equipment,
and Hitler is preparing to attack Greece, it looks
like an admission on his part that the English
might survive an all out German attack during this
spring and summer. A victory for the Anglo-Greek
forces in Greece might well mark the beginning of
the end of the war. And with the increased aid from
America, such an end is within the realm of pos
sibility. Some people, though, seem to think that
the battle of Greece is a side show.
The “Business-as-usual” status in our economic
outlook has been greatly affected by world condi
tions. Two-thirds of the world is in a death strug
gle. It is a struggle between the “haves” and the
“have nots.” Our economic relations with the world
have been so disrupted that we are beginning to
feel the pinch.
Cotton exports fell last January to a new low
of 60,000 bales as compared with a million bales in
the same month of 1940. Our industries are being
geared to produce ships, munitions, and food for
all those countries that oppose the totalitarian
states. President Roosevelt has decided on a total
victory for the democracies. A “super-mediation”
board has been suggested to deal with strikes. The
rise in prices in some commodities is closely watch
ed by the administration. Mandatory priorities have
been established on aluminum, machine tools, and on
other materials as soon as the need arises. A broad
licensing system has been established on exports.
Over 2,500 articles are now under government
control before exported. Our whole economic set
up is being streamlined to meet the war demands
of the democracies, “Business-as-usual” is fast be
coming the business of producing war materials.
For exact rate and application fill in below
Inquiries invited.
The Houston Symphony Orches
tra is the Town Hall presentation
for tonight and its reputation is
all that is necessary to know that
the performance will be worth
while. The upperclassmen who have
heard them in past years know that
the orchestra makes a special ef
fort to please the Aggies because
of sentimental attachment to the
place. They play a program largely
made up of requests which were
turned in to Town Hall several
weeks ago.
The whole orchestra of 77 musi
cians is going to come here this
time. This feat was formerly im
practical because of the size of the
Guion Hall stage but that has now
been remedied by building an ex
tension onto, the front of it. Di
rector Ernst Hoffman has always
made a hit with his audiences be
cause of his pleasant manner as
well as for the fine music of his
Don’t let the word symphony
scare anybody away from this or
chestra. Their music, while classi
cal and fine, is not heavy. The
program is made up of music
which Hoffman thinks Aggies will
like and which they have actually
requested, and the presentation will
Date of Birth
Life Insurance Broker
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