The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 18, 1941, Image 2

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The Battalion
Tha Battalion, official newspaper of the Airrieultural and
Haehanlcal College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Bntered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, wider the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1940 Member 1941
Associated Gol!e6icite Press
Bob Nisbet Editor-in-Chief
George Fuermann Associate Editor
Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager
Tom Vannoy Editorial Assistant
Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist
J. B- Pierce, Phil Levine Proof Readers
Sports Department
Hub Johnson Sports Editor
Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon
W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors
Circulation Department
Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager
W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers
F. D. Asbury, E. S. Henard Circulation Assistants
Photography Department
Phil Qolman Photographic Editor
James Carpenter. Bob Crane, Jack Jones,
Jack Siegal Assistant Photographers
Bill Ciarkson J Managing Editor
Jack Hendricks Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
Lee Rogers E. M. Rosenthal
Repertorlal Staff
Jack Aycock, Jack Decker, Walter Hall, Ralph Inglefield,
Pom Leland, Beverly Miller, W. A. Moore, Mike Speer, Dow
Freedoms We Defend
“IN THE FUTURE DAYS which we seek to make
secure, we look forward to a world founded upon
four essential human freedoms.
“THE FIRST is freedom of speech and ex
pression—everywhere in the world.
“THE SECOND is freedom of every person to
worship God in his own way—everywhere in the
“THE THIRD is freedom from want, which,
translated into world terms, means economic under
standings which will secure to every nation a
healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants . . .
“THE FOURTH is freedom from fear, which,
translated into world terms, means a world-wide
reduction of armaments to such a point and in
such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a
position to commit an act of physical aggression
against any neighbor . . ,
“That is no vision of a distant millennium. It
is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in
our own time and generation. That kind of world
is the very antithesis of the so-called “new order”
of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with
the crash of a bomb. To that new order we oppose
the greater conception—the moral order . . .
“The world order which we seek is the coopera
tion of free countries, working together in a friend
ly, civilized society. This nation has placed its
destiny in the hands, heads and hearts of its mil
lions of free men and women, and its faith in
freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means
the supremacy of human rights everywhere ...”
These above are the words of President Roose
velt, in his message to Congress, January 6, 1941.
In this address, the President has expressed
the opinion of the American people concerning our
position on the world situatioii today. The rights to
individual which we have maintained for over one
hundred and fifty years are at stake in the world
combat in progress. None of these essential free
doms can be assured until the totalitarian powers
have been forced to accept the theory that their
style of government is not to the advantage of the
general public.
Quotable Quotes
■“The basic policy originally laid down for the
civil pilot training program contemplated that it
should be justified on educational and economic
grounds alone, apart from the great significance
which it held in connection with national defense.
Any of the young people who have gone through
the course can attest to the educational values of it.
Economically, it directly benefits the manufacturer
of small planes, the struggling instructors, and de-
dounds to the benefit of air transportation through
the increased interest in aviation which would nat
urally result. Now that we are in a period of fren
zied expansion of aircraft plant capacities, I fore
see perhaps a greater economic value in the cushion
which will be provided against the slump which
inevitably will follow the cessation of hostilities.”
G. Grant Mason, Jr., member of the Civil Aero
nautics board, cautions against a short-sighted view
of the civil pilot training program.
“Today as formerly, war requires a just cause,
a good to be obtained that will far outweigh the
evils which inevitably and necessarily follow. In the
modern world no search can reveal a cause pro
portionate to the destruction wrought in every
order, physical, political, social, moral and spiritual,
by a war such as the last. A war, completely mo
dern in character and universal in scope, is, Pope
Pius XI has said ‘so monstrously murderous and al
most certainly suicidal’ that for a statesman or
government initiating aggressive war to attempt
to assign to it a proportionate cause is vain even to
the point of folly and malice.” Dr. John K. Ryan,
assistant professor of philosophy at Catholic uni
versity, holds that modern aggressive war as an
instrument of national policy cannot be justified in
the light of the tradition of the Catholic ethic of
war. —Associated Collegiate Press
A Students Opinion On The Answer To Strike
RECENTLY THERE have appeared in The Bat
talion a series of articles on strikes, their abolish
ment, their justification, and how they affect the
present defense program. This is my candid opinion
for handling strikes through the present national
Emergency. I am against extreme schemes for
abolishing or curtailing strikes, or the right to
strike. So, I believe, as anybody who has more than
a superficial knowledge of capital-labor relations.
The gist of my proposal is that we extend through
out United States industry the operative principle
of the Railway Labor Act. That principle, the main
spring which makes the RLA work so well, is the
waiting period between the time a lot of workers’
indignation boils up over some real or supposed
injustice and the time an actual strike occurs. Dur
ing that period, RLA experience has shown, pas
sions are extremely likely to cool off on both sides;
and before that period ends, a fair settlement is
extremely likely to be reached.
Can’t we get going on such an arrangement
pretty soon? There should be appropriate enabling
legislation, after which labor, capital, and govern
ment should get busy bringing order and goodwill
out of the present chaos of strike threats, hurried
settlements, occasional, and actual strikes—all to
the accompaniment of confusing and inflammatory
screams from extremeist bystanders.
I believe labor, being as patriotic as anybody
else, will welcome any fair plan for cutting strikes
to a minimum while this emergency lasts.
Mayo Thompson, ’41
Man, Your Manners
Affairs of the Heart
To those who are young an “affair of the heart”
means love, but to those of us who are getting older
it is pretty apt to mean that the heart isn’t for loving
and generous impulses only. An “affair of the heart”
after forty is almost certain to mean heart disease.
For the benefit of the young we’ll go into detail about
getting engaged which is a pretty important affair
of the heart to them.
The Proposal—No matter how long a young
couple have known each other or how long they
have been in love, neither one (especially the girl)
should take it for granted that they will be married
until the young man has made a definite proposal,
and it has been accepted. The young man should an
nounce their decision to the young lady’s father
(mother or near relative). This is necessary even
though the girl may already have told her parents.
Announcement—When the announcement is to
be made public, whether or not the wedding date is
settled upon, intimate friends and relatives may be
informed a few days in advance personally or by
notes. If the announcement is to be a surprise, they
should be asked to tell no one.
The Ring—It is, of course bought by the man
and usually is a solitaire diamond, although this
is not necessary. He may choose it himself or ask
the girl to aid in its selection. Should the engage
ment be broken, each must return all valuable gifts
received from the other; this includes the ring.
Parties—The families and friends of the young
couple may entertain them at parties, large and
small, and the parents of both should arrange to
have other relatives meet at informal gatherings
in their respective homes.
Conduct of Engaged Couples—It is only natural
that an engaged pair should not wish to have dates
with others, but if the situation is unavoidable and
consent has been granted, either may attend parties
with another, but for appearance’s sake, not too
often with the same person. Most engaged couples
are considerate of those around them and do not
give public demonstrations of their affection for
each other.
As the World Turns...
A BALKAN WAR is now a probability. A few
weeks ago such a war was just a possibility, but
the landing of a British force in Greece guarantees
that Greece will make no trade with the Axis. The
landing of this force has also strengthened the de
termination of Yugoslavia to stand
against the demands of the Axis.
At the same time it is reported
that the Russian bear is growling
—rather timidly it is true, but
growling just the same. Britain
could ask for nothing better than
the development of major fighting
in the Balkans, for such a contest
would make practically impossible
the all out attack on Britain which
the Nazis have promised, and at
the same time would greatly de
plete the Axis supplies of oil and other essential
President Roosevelt’s speech was well received
in Britain. It was also well received in the other
countries which will probably gain from American
activity. The Axis powers could think of no better
answer than that American aid would not be in
time. Hitler declared Sunday that the Axis will
win in spite of American aid to Britain. It is in
teresting to note, however, that he did not set a
date for the German victory. Not long since he was
talking in terms of victory within a definite period,
but now it seems that it has been postponed, and
merely rests somewhere in the future.
President Roosevelt made no startling state
ments. He did not say that American ships would
be used in getting supplies to Britain, but did make
one or two statements which can be interpreted to
mean that our ships will be used. It is even possible
that he implied the use of American naval vessels to
protect ships ferrying American goods to Britain.
The Japanese minister is on his way to Berlin.
His disposition probably had a change for the worse
when he learned that six American warships had
dropped in on a New Zealand port for a courtesy
call. It is officially just a courtesy call, but is
timed in such a way as to make Japanese dreams
less pleasant. It is just possible that the navy de
partment had such thoughts in mind in ordering
the ships to visit South Pacific waters.
Athletes are potentially better automobile driv
ers than nonathletes, according to tests at Penn
sylvania State College.
Senior scientist with the Byrd expedition is
Dr. F. Alton Wade, a 1926 graduate of Kenyon
Stephen F. Austin High School Band
The band will present its first spring concert tonight at 8:15 at the Bryan high school auditorium. The proceeds of the program will
go into the band fund for expenses of entering the state band contest in Alvin, April 4 and 5, including entry fees, traveling and other ex
penditures made necessary.
M-G-M is going to make a man things are pretty hard to beat for
out of Robert Taylor yet if they down to earth comedy with one
don’t look out and his latest picture person carrying the weight of all
is a long step in that direction.
“FLIGHT COMMAND” has him as
both a lady’s man and a man’s
man, but since the show is so
heavily filled with Naval Air Corps
doings, the man’s part seems to
In fact the Naval Air Corps
pretty much monopolizes the sit
uation. Even the woman element
happens to be the squadron com
mander’s wife, and when Taylor
meets the woman, there is sure to
be trouble. The trouble is raised
because the commander and his
wife are practically worshipped by
the squadron, and Taylor is just
an upstart flying cadet in a mass
of old timers anyway. The wife,
played by Ruth Hussey, is just
being nice to Taylor but the other
flyers misinterpret their friend
ship. He has to save a life and test
a fog landing instrument to
prove to the fellows that he is a
right guy.
This show is good. It is an
authentic picture of flying with
the Navy and it has some thrilling
climaxes without being cheaply
VATE DETECTIVE” is only the
beginning of more detective serials
to follow. The detective in this
case is a pretty good one too, Lloyd
Nolan. And he has a neat little
eye-full for the woman 4n his cases,
Marjorie Weaver. The police chief
is overly dumb, which makes No
lan look overly smart. This is the
first of a new series, and Nolan
is able to throw a little life in a
grade B detective story. There is
no sense in avoiding this detective
stuff but it is not worth much ex
tra effort to see.
And another of the Maisie series
is coming off the reel at the As
sembly Hall today. These Maisie
The short courses to be offered
during the summer have been
scheduled as follows: June 23-28,
County Superintendent Conference
combined with the Texas School
Administration Conference; July
7-13; Farm Security Administra
tion Conference; July 13-18, Farm
ers Short Course; July 20-25, Fire
mens Short Course; August 18-23,
Coaching School.
the laughs. “MAISIE WAS A
LADY” is no exception.
She has the always-smart exter
ior that hides a heart of gold, she
reforms a drunken playboy, Lew
Ayres. For some snappy come
backs from a girl who knows all
the answers and even wrote part
of the questions, Maisie is hard to
Tuesday — “M I C H A E L
TECTIVE,” with Lloyd No
lan, Marjorie Weaver, Joan
Valerie, Walter Abel and
Elizabeth Patterson.
Wednesday, Thursday —
with Mary Lee, Rufe Davis,
Jed Prouty, Joan Woodbury,
“Alfalfa” Sitzer, Jimmie Jef
fries and Ralph Bowman.
Tuesday 3:30 & 6:45—-
featuring Ann Sothern, Lew
Ayres, Maureen O’Sullivan,
C. Aubrey Smith and Joan
Wednesday, Thursday 3:30
& 6:45 — “FLIGHT COM
MAND,” starring Robert
Taylor, Walter Pidgeon,
Ruth Hussey, Paul Kelly and
Nat Pendleton.
Dr. A. Benbow
Phone 375
Astin Building - Bryan
East Gate
Dial 4-1182
Dick Lewis Will
Escort Rachel Corder
Dick Lewis, Alpine, B Chemical
Warfare Service, has been selected
by Rachel Corder to be her escort
at the Round-Up at Texas Univers
ity April 4, 5 and 6.
Miss Corder, Burnett, was sel
ected to represent A. & M. College
at the Round-Up and was allowed
to select her own escort
Harvard University in the last
year received gifts totaling $4,-
I’m going to
On Old College Road
Juniors and seniors at Purdue
university elect prom committee
members by voting machine.
Columbia university’s libraries
report an increase of 4.5 per cent
last year in use of their books.
15^ to 5 p.m. -— 20£ after
“Michael Shayne,
Private Detective”
“Gun Dog’s Life”
“Donald Duck”
Artie Shaw & Orchestra
■ - •
Assembly Hall
Last Day
Crime does not pay . . . “Respect The Law”
3:30 and 6:45
Dan-davifs In the slcyt Dor.-d.W/j in lov»l Meal these
zooming, diring eagles of the U. S. Nary as they soar
through the romance of a beauty two pals loredl
ncrvut wm
A Frank Borzage Production; Directed by Frank Borzage /£f
Wednesday - Thursday, March 19-20
Selected Shorts
3:30 and 6:45
t *
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