The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 15, 1941, Image 3

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-With Hub Johnson-
Tonight in the P. L. Downs Jr.
Natatorium the Aggie tankers will
take on the Southern Methodist
The meet last Saturday gave
Texas the upper hand in the water.
The one tonight will tell the tale
as to whether or not S. M. U. and
possibly Baylor will take more
points away from the Longhorns
than the Aggies next Saturday in
the Southwest Conference meet
to be held in Austin.
If such be the case, Coach Art
Adamson will have his first try at
that title in many a year.
It’s been nine straight years that
Texas has splashed away with the
honors and Harris McClamrock of
the Texas squad who was closed
out three times last week says
that it will be ten before it’s over.
Howard Shelton, varsity center
and president of the Aggie T Club,
who acted as host of the largest
T Dance ever held at Aggieland
last night was one of the three
honor appointed officers to the U.
S. Army.
Final word is pending an eye
examination. If he passes, he’s “in
the Army now.’’ If he is rejected
and chooses to come back next
year, he can start as No. 1 center
for the cadets.
A second game in the Beaumont
Exporter series will be played this
afternoon commencing at 2:30 p.
Homer Norton and the football
gang must have liked Louisiana
After The
Are you usually hun
gry or thirsty ? After
eating one of our tasty
sandwiches, you will a-
gree that we serve the
best. A cup of hot coffee
always hits the .spot.
Meet your friends at
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Borrow the cash you
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215 S. Main Bryan
Track Team Exporters
Gets Real Test n r „
Today in Ft. Worth Squeeze Out
Rollins Depending
On Bucek, Thomason,
Ricks for Many Points
After suffering two straight set
backs at Laredo and San Antonio,
respectively, the Texas Aggie track
team will attempt to salvage their
first contest when they compete
with top-flight teams, including
Texas University, in the Southwest
meet at Fort Worth today.
Coach Dough Rollins’ thin-clad
team will depend on their ace
hurdler, Roy Bucek, to amass them
enough points to place high in the
standings. Bucek annexed the 120
yard high hurdles in the Laredo
meet in 14.7 seconds, only three-
tenths slower than that set by
Freddie Wolcott, former ace hur
dler with the Rice Owls. He will
attempt to better his time in this
meet, and thus break Wolcott’s
The cadets came through with
third place honors in the meet
last year with Texas University
hogging the whole event. This year,
the story appears to be the same.
Texas has a bigger and faster
team, while the Aggies have lost
some noteworthy stars, inculding
Ed Dreiss, ace hurdler, John Mc
Lean, long distance runner, and
Red Cecil, whose specialty was the
100 yard dash.
Jim Thomason, cinder captain,
should also add some points to the
Aggie cause in the shot-put event.
Jim won the championship in
1939 but lost it last year.
Albert Ricks, surprising sopho
more ace, will be the cadets’ con
tribution to the pole-vault event.
Although placing second in the
San Antonio event, Ricks showed
promise in becoming the top pole
vaulter in the conference. He dead
locked with Small of the Steers for
the runner-up honors.
and the southern hospitality as
well as the corps trip New Year’s
Day of ’40 for they’ll go back
three times starting next year to
play L. S. U. in Baton Rouge, La.
This will not be the first time
these teams have met as the Ag
gies claimed one game in 1906, 22
to 12, and another in 1923, 28 to 0.
In “cow town” today Captain
Jim Thomason will lead his de
termined cinder and field follow
ers into the Annual Southwest
meet. Texas will be the heavy fa
vorite but with Bucek in the hurd
les, Thomason in the shot, Hender
son in the half mile, Watkins in
the high jump, Ricks in the pole
vault, and Smith in the dashes, the
Aggies will come through with an
accountable score.
Aggies Arrange
Schedule With LSU
An arrangement of a three year
schedule between the Texas Aggies
and the Louisiapa State Tigers
at Baton Rouge has been announc
ed by Homer Norton.
In scheduling the Louisiana
school, only one open date is left
for the 1942 schedule. The date is
due to be filled within the next
few weeks or so.
Aggies 3 to 2
Pitches Superb
Game for Cadets
By Mike Haikin
The Beaumont Exporters of the
Texas League pushed over 2 runs
in the final inning to come from
behind and nip a hustling Texas
Aggie nine, 3 to 2, in the first of
a two game series played here
Some superb pitching by Lemuel
(Lefty) Bumpers went unheralded
as the cadets muffed two straight
balls in the final inning and let the
Exporters trickle in a couple of
runs. Bumpers, himself, was res
ponsible for the first error, as he
dropped Bengochea’s high fly. Mc
Laren then followed with a double
to score Bengochea. Johnson hit
an easy grounder to Glass, but
Henderson dropped the throw, with
Johnson scoring on the error.
The surprising thing concerning
Bumpers was that he didn’t allow
any walks. His fasVbreaking curve
was coming in there, and but for
the first and ninth stanzas the
Exporters were completely sub
dued. He struck out four men.
Eadon started for Beaumont, and
pitched three innings of hitless
ball. He was followed by Crowe
and Sparks, who allowed 2 runs
and five hits between them.
The Exporters looked like they
were going to tee of on Bumpers
in the first period. Wessing open
ed the game with a sharp double
to score Wessing but was out try
ing to stretch the hit into a double.
The inning promptly ended as both
Hopac and Wood grounded out.
From there on until the sixth
inning it was a tight pitching
duel between Bumpers and Eadon
and Crowe. In the first five inn
ings the cadets left seven men
stranded on the sacks. Then they
finally teed off on Crowe. Rogers
opened the sixth with a lusty
triple into left field. With the
count two and two on Pugh, “Dook-
ie” connected and sent the ball
reeling into right field for two
bases, with Rogers coming in for
the tying run.
The Aggies forged ahead in the
eighth. With one out, Henderson
got a free pass to first. Scoggins
struck out, but Jeffrey followed
with a bingle to left sending Hen
derson to third. Henderson went
on to score as Smith muffed Buch
anan’s slow-rolling grounder.
Then came that fateful inning.
Roy Peden will be on the hill for
the Aggies today as the cadets
and the Exporters conclude their
two game series. Game time will
be 2:30.
The cadets showed a fancy field
ing ball club yesterday afternoon,
but lacked hitting ability. The
pitching of Bumpers was magnifi
cent, and if he continues his bril
liant work, the Aggies can just as
well wrap up the “ole” conference
flag today.
Score by innings:
Beaumont 10000000 2—3
A. & M. 00000101 0—2
MARCH 15, 1941 PAGE 3
Star Jumper
Albert Ricks Destined to Go Far
Under the Guidance of Coach Rollins
Staring with the freshman track
team last year, Albert Ricks came
to the varsity team this year des
tined to go far with the help of
Coach Dough Rollins and team
mate Pete Watkins.
In Laredo last Saturday he had
two boils lanced on his left wrist
and went through the meet with
■another under his right arm.
Suffering under such handicaps,
he cleared six feet and two inches
and placed second in the pole
All he could say was, “I came to
enter—so I entered.”
Today he is a favorite in the two
events in the Southwest Fat Stock
Meet in Fort Worth.
Intramural Boxing Gets Underway
As Class B Men Square Off in Ring
Boxing got under way Thurs-'ftake the second. White and Ram-
day night when “Fish” Morrow, A sey gathered one in for the Engi-
Infantry and “Fish” Sanford, E
Field Artillery squared off in the
center of the ring to initiate the
new match gloves. Winner of the
opener was Sanford.
H Field Artillery came through
with a win in horseshoes by ouc-
pitching C Engineers 2-1. White
and Davis accounted for one of the
victories and Pou, Johnson, Schle-
ier, and Smallwood combined to
Speedballers from M Infantry
took a close one from Headquarters
Signal Corps by stopping them 8-7.
F Field Artillery also won by a
one point margin in their game
with 3rd Corps Headquarters and
were on the long end of the 7-6
C Field Artillery claimed a safer
margin in their victory over 1st
Headquarters Field Artillery and
ended the game leading 7-4.
Valentino, Hall, Nalley, and
D’Avy of A Engineers took care of
the necessary two out of three
horseshoe matches and came away
victorious in their contest with E
Field Artillery.
Adamson's Worries in the 220 and 440 Are
Over for 3 Years With Taylor Holding Forth
By Hub Johnson
For the next three years Coach
Art Adamson will be able to sit
back and let the 220 and 440-yard
distance races take care of them
Tonight Robert Taylor (not of
movie fame) will take to the wa
ter for the Aggies in an effort to
lower his records still a few more
Coming to A. & M. from Dallas
and Bonham, Texas, he has been
one of the outstanding water
splashers of the freshman and var
sity teams.
A sophomore, he holds 440-yard
free style records in the Texas
A.A.U., Gulf A.A.U., T.W.A.F.,
Southwest A.A.U., Southwest In
door A.A.U. and played on the
state champion water polo team in
This year he has either broken
a record or lowered his own time
which in the majority of the cases
was the record every time he en
tered the pool.
In the first meet with the Dal
las Athletic Club he set a new
record in the 220-yard free style
and swam the 440 in five minutes
and 23 seconds.
Here at College Station when
Robert Taylor
the two teams met he lowered the
pool record and topped the con
ference marks in both the 220 and
440-yard events.
Against Oklahoma A. & M. he
dropped his 220 record eight
tenths of a second. In this meet
he did not swim in the second
Last Saturday night against
Dick Beeler, Texas University’s
holder of the conference 440-yard
championship and 220-yard record
holder and champion, Taylor drop
ped his 220 record another two and
a half seconds and his 440 ten and
two tenths seconds.
On the water polo team he
plays left back and throws a mean
rubber ball.
He is a student of fish and
game and proves himself much at
home with the fish in more ways
than one.
In history he looks up to Ole
Abe Lincoln and in politics sets
A1 Smith, former Governor of New
York and candidate for president,
as his hero.
Be sure to drop around
tonight for some real
food . . .
Mexican Dishes Our
$100.00 worth of service
with each and every
Sinclair, Buddington
Lead Mustang Swimmers
Bulk of
SMU Splashers
Are Inexperienced
Baylor University has dropped
from the triangle meet scheduled
in the Down’s Natatorium here to
night and leaves Texas A. & M.
and Southern Methodist Univer
sity to battle it out in a dual event.
The two mainstays of Coach
Buddy Foster’s Mustangs will be
letterman Bob Buddington and
veteren swimmer Bob Sinclair.
Buddington is the only returning
letterman and is a free-styler.
Sinclair, holder of the Southwest
AAU indoor record for both the
50 yd. and 100 yd. free-style swim,
swam against the Aggies on two
previous occasions this year for
the Dallas Athletic Club.
Hensley, Aggies, Southwest Con
ference Champion in both the 50
yd. and 100 yd. free style, will be
Sinclair’s competition. In both
previous meetings of these two
men this year, existing pool re
cords have been broken with each
man adding a win to his credit.
Montgomery, another Dallas
Athletic Club member of the
S.M.U. tankers, is expected to
bring in some points in the 100 yd.
breast stroke. He has swam in
competition with Ponthieux, Ag
gies, in the two dual meets with
the DAC and holds two wins over
the Cadet breast stroker.
The balance of the swimmers
from S.M.U. will be sophomores
and first year men who will be in
the swim for the experience.
Others swimming for the Aggies
will be Daxis, breast stroke and
free style; Japhet, back stroke;
•Stephens, breast stroke; Smith,
free style; Dwelle, free style;
Renaud, free style; Kiel, free style;
Goodman, free style; McKey, free
style, Junior Southwestern AAU
50 yd. champion; Johnson, free
style; Taylor, holder of all Texas
records in both 220 yd. anc( 440
yd. free style except Southwest
Conference; and Bubba Reeves,
diver, State High School Champ
ion, 1937.
Uncle Ed has a new
sandwich that is a sen
Come out now and try
this new delicious baked
ham sandwich that is a
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