The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1941, Image 2
G T) p J? ^ 33 V bD -Z, £ JZ O, PZ m t! (X The Battalion STUDENT TEI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE Th« Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, wider the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates npon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1940 Member 1941 Plssodoled Collegiate Press Bob Nisbet George Fuermann Keith Hubbard _ Editor-In-Chief Associate Editor Advertising Manager toy ._ inson Ing Editorial Assistant Staff Artist Tom Vann on . J. B- Pierce, Phil Levine Proof Readers Sports Department Hub Johnson Sports Editor Bob Mytrs Assistant Sports Editor Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors Cirenlatton Department Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers V. D. Aabury, E. S. Henard Circulation Assistants Photography Department Phil Golman Photographic Editor James Carpenter, Bob Crane, Jack Jones, Jack Siegal Assistant Photographers TUESDAY’S EDITORIAL STAFF Bill Clarkson Managing Editor Jack Hendricks Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors Leo Rogers E. M. Rosenthal Reportorial Staff Jack Aycock, Jack Decker, Walter Hall, Ralph Inglefield, Tom Leland, Beverly Miller, W. A. Moore, Mike Speer, Dow Wynn. Neatness Minded ONE OF THE TOPICS for discussion at the last meeting of the Student Welfare Committee was the problem of keeping the campus in a neat condi tion. It is obvious to any observing person that this is a problem of timely significance. It is also obvious to any thinking person that it is a problem which cannot be solved at a Welfare meeting. We do not mean that the discussion was out of place there— far from it. The committee is to be commended for taking an interest in the problem. What we do mean is that any solution of the problem must arise in the cadet corps itself. Each individual must consider it his personal duty, so far as his own actions are concerned, to keep the campus more free from paper and trash. The Care and Maintenance of Grounds Depart ment keeps several men employed all the time pick ing up paper. But it is evident that they can’t keep up with 6,000 students. We do not believe that the “littering habit” is intentional with anyone; rather, merely the result of thoughtlessness. So let’s become “neatness-minded”. Don’t throw candy and cigarette wrappers on the ground. Us ually it is just a short distance to some waste can. Let’s make Aggieland as neat as any other col lege. Let’s show visitors that we 6,000 boys can be as neat as any other group.—Allan Madely. Quotable Quotes “WE KNOW THAT THE WAR in Europe will not permanently solve any problems for American young people. And come what may, we agree that America must be strong. This means not only military powers and armaments, but also genuine internal soundness. In this there is no more impor tant element than the correction of our glaring deficiencies in employment, education, guidance and health for youth.” Howard Y. McClusky, asso ciate director, American Youth commission, places America’s principal problems within her own bor ders. “Through the thousand years of university one fact has stood out: universities have flourished when their teachings were relevant to the times; universities have withered when they clung to out worn disciplines and traditions. But lest we rashly innovate for innovation’s sake, we must remember that universities have also sickened when they en tered rashly upon new ventures irrelevant to the problems of their times.” President James B. Conant of Harvard university sees danger in drastic educa tional change. “We have a new conception of citizenship with which to deal; our task is to produce the public in dividual who participates, rather than the private individual who calls for his rights. We need to lay emphasis in these days on responsibilities as well as privileges or our experiment in democracy will soon be ended.” Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, national selective service director and president of the Uni versity of Wisconsin, upholds the draft as part of the democratic way. OPEN FORUM THE MAIN PURPOSE of this writer’s article in last Tuesday’s Open Forum was to emphasize the lack of information regarding the employers contri bution to the problems of labor and capital. This referred not only to the press and radio in general, but in particular to the column of AS THE WORLD TURNS in the Saturday edition of the Battalion. Before proceeding, the writer would like to apologize for his erroneous inference that the columnist was in favor of the abolition of labor unions as a result of his persistent criticism of their activities. How ever, the main issue that the writer attempted to bring out, that of information regarding employers’ illegal acts being minimized or totally ignored, went unanswered as far as this writer could discover. The writer did not deny that labor in this case had committed illegal acts, but tried to point out that neither had the company been guiltless. The present strike at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation cannot be considered as a separate and isolated in cident, as the following sequence of events in its employer-employee record reveals: 1. From 1933-1936 this company spent $72,- 285.52 for purposes of labor espionage and indus trial munitions used in strike breaking, rather than accept the demands of its workers for the right of collective bargaining under the NIRA and Wagner Acts. 2. In 1936 and 1937 it contributed $10,000 per year to the National Association of Manufacturers, together with other large firms, to finance a pro gram fostering company unions and local vigilante committees. (Up to 1933 its normal assessment in this organization had been $750 per year.) This was the answer of this company to the declaration of Congress that it was to the best interests of the country to legalize the right of collective bargain ing. (Based on testimony before a Senate Commit tee, Document No. 6, 76th Cong., 1st SS, pages 51, 114, and 144.) 3. It has fought to the limit in the courts every decision of the NLRB, all of which were de cided in the favor of the workers, and in which the Supreme Court has upheld the board in the only case to reach this tribunal so far. 4. In view of this past record, it was perhaps acting true to form, when in the present difficul ties, the president of the corporation suggested to Mr. Knudsen that the proper way to deal with the workers was to call out the militia. According to the article in Time, Mr. Knudsen leaned over the con ference table and warned the company officials “That would be pure murder”. In his last article, the columnist suggested that the workers could have secured a just settle ment of the dispute by using their rights of collec tive bargaining. The writer would like to suggest that it takes two to make a bargain, and if the company has always refused to recognize this legal right, how much faith could the workers be expected to have in such a procedure? It was further sug gested that it is an axiom of the law that parties must come in the courts with clean hands. In view of the record of this company, did the columnist mean to infer by the absence of any statement to the contrary, that the Bethlehem Steel Corporation has clean hands, in view of the above facts ? Wouldn’t it make a stronger case in demanding obe dience to the law on the part of the workers, if the employer were also specifically required to do the same? Equality before the law is also generally regarded as another axiom of democratic processes. In conclusion, the writer would like to say that he agrees with the columnist that the strike should be a weapon to be used only in last resort, but if employers refuse to recognize the legality of peaceful means of settlement, then certainly they cannot be considered entirely guiltess when violence does break out. The writer has yet to see in the column under question a single admission that an employer in any case has ever done wrong. Infor mation on this point is conspicuous by its absence, and the thesis of these two articles is that the vio lations of law by the employee have been emphasiz ed, while those of the employer have been largely ignored. Perhaps when we take away the right of individual companies to have their own private po lice and arsenals, insist on peaceful means of sett ling disputes, develop public police forces which will impartially enforce the law, we will have a much better case for ourselves in insisting that the mem bers of labor unions obey the law in all cases. All that the writer insisted on was equal treatment of both parties before the law and in the court of public opinion. SVERRE I. SCHELDRUP Instructor in Economics As the World Turns. By DR. R. w. STEEN LOVE OF SELF GOVERNMENT has long been a characteristic of the Dutch. For many years they were governed by Spain or by Austria, but they have never submitted gracefully to the rule of out siders. They were always damaging the aggressor by acts which would now be described as sabotage, and were ever ready to break into open rebellion when an opportunity of fered. The situation in Holland to day is similar in many ways to that of long ago when the ances tors of the contemporary Dutch were opposing Spanish rule. Ger many has overrun Holland, but it has not yet made good Nazis of the Dutch people. It seems that acts of sabotage occur with great frequency, while some German sol diers have been killed, and it seems steen that all kinds of information con stantly makes its way to British hands. When the opportunity offers the Dutch will probably be one of the first peoples to rise in revolt against their German rulers. The lease-lend bill has finally been passed by the Senate. The House will waste little time in agree ing to the Senate amendments, and the bill should reach the president for his signature on Wednes day. With the passing of this bill America becomes in fact the arsenal of the democracies. Germany resents the measure, as can readily be understood, and everyone should now be willing to admit that America has a definite interest in the outcome of the war. We have now gone so far that we could never convince a victorious Germany that we were neutral during the conflict. Even if our army and navy are never used, it is now our war, and one which Germany must not be permitted to win. Japan still seems to offer the surest chance of American intervention. The Japanese foreign min ister will visit in Berlin this week, and there he will doubtless be told to speed up his activity in the Pacific, so as to interest America there. He will doubtless want Germany to obtain some kind of a pledge from Russia, and Germany may be able to obtain this. However, Japan should know as well as anyone the value of a promise made by Russia or any of the three members of the Axis group. Amer ica is not anxious to fight Japan, but America is not anxious to see Japan expand too rapidly in the Pacific. Undue Japanese action would reduce Amer ican aid to Britain, but that will doubtless re main our major interest for some weeks to come. There is a rumor, but only a rumor, to the effect that Germany will promise Japan that Germany will declare war on America as soon as fighting begins between America and Japan. tPlll IBlLBC RiPT»Cff& | 'JMEBrEfKi ’/sir J Lit (A f* 11- iQw- \n» , $200WILL BE PM TO THE ARREVJ Of "And when I knew him, he wasn't worth a dime!” State Health Department Maintains Health Units in Military Troop Areas Establishment of health units in areas where military troops are concentrated has been a specific responsibility of the State Health Department in the National De fense Program, Dr. Geo. W. Cox, State Health officer, announced. These health units designed to maintain the health of the civil ian population in areas adjacent to military reservations have regula tory public health control of all the territory within a radius of five to fifteen miles from the reser vations proper. The personnel of these units, specially trained in the technique of military and public health, guard against insanitary practices in the production and distribution of milk and food supplies. Special atten tion is also given to water supplies and sewage disposal within the area. Housing codes have been set up to minimize hazards which might under ordinary circumstances exist. Permits are required for the construction and operation of re tail establishments within the area showing that sanitary regulations have been complied with in all de tails. The control of the communicable OnWTAW 1120 kc. — 2677 meters diseases is the primary objective in the establishment of these health units. The presence of military per sonnel within the civilian areas necessitates constant control mea sures to keep communicable dis eases under check and avert any possible epidemics inside the reser vations or in the surrounding area among the non-military popula tion. These full-time public health units adapted to areas adjacent to military reservations have been es tablished around Camp Bowie at Brownwood, Camp Barkeley at Ab ilene, Camp Wolters at Mineral Wells, and in the five-county area surrounding Camp Hulen at Palac ios. Additional public health per sonnel has been added to the exist ing health unit at Corpus Christ! for special work in the territory surrounding the U. S. Naval Base and to the health unit at El Paso to serve the teritory surrounding Fort Bliss. It is anticipated that within the near future several additional mili tary health units will be estab lished in areas of the State where military camps are in existence and in areas where ship yards, airplaiie factories and related defense es tablishments necessitate the con centration of large bodies of civil ian or military population. When the “N ORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE” and one of- the Texas Rangers get together there is bound to be some good scrapping around. Sure enough there are some rather bloody bat tles and they look really bloody and gory in technicolor. The films has so many starts that they run over one another. Lots of pictures have thee major stars like this one but when back ed by seven minor stars of such proportions, you’ve got something. Each character has a part all his own to work out and keep before the audience but it gets rather con fusing trying to keep up with so many distractions which are not really essential to the story. One of the performances to note is that of Paulette Goddard as the fierce halfbreed girl of the Cana dian northwoods. She talks through gritted teeth when mad and is a ver’, ver’ bad girl who no care who knows it. She strings along Robert Preston, Preston Foster, Texas Ranger Gary Cooper, and almost half the cast of the Mount- ies. Beautiful, blonde Madeleinq Carroll seems slightly out of place in such a rugged setting. Her beauty is for a more civilized back ground. The show has vivid ■ color and dashing melodrama. There are too many people to try to keep up with all of them so take the best few. The show is good all right but not so good as the super-special it has been played up to be. For most law-abiding wives, there’s no such thing as “TOO MANY HUSBANDS.” Jean Arthur has them and rather enjoys the situation. The show is old and a slapstick comedy that is not worth seeing twice but it is pretty good the first time. The story follows an Enoch Ard en plot of a lost but a returning first husband who finds, wifey married to his former business partner. Without giving her time to explain he rushes in and wants to start over where he left off. When told of the marriage the two husbands have some nice com petition to show her which she should accept permanently, how ever, the law finally settles the questions of the two husbands. Jean Arthur rather enjoys being pursued by two ardent husbands and slyly encourages both Fred MacMurray and Melvyn Douglas to try for her hand. This is what puts the comedy slant on the show. It will be decent comedy for those who haven’t see it before but it will be stale stuff for a second showing. Cm™ 15^ to 5 p.m. — 200 after LAST DAY W. C. FIELDS —in— “The Bank Dick” Also “Information Please” Fox News TUESDAY ONLY Based u a story by louts J. Vance ■ A Columbia Mctun Also Carl Hoff Orchestra Cartoon COMING SOON LIMITED ENGAGEMENT FULL LENGTH GONE WITH For Eye Examination and Glasses, consult Dr. J. W. Payne Optometrist 109 S. Main Bryan Tuesday, March, 11, 1941 Via Texas Quality Network (not carried on WTAW) 6:15 a.m.-6:30 a. m.—Texas Farm and Home Program—Ruby Mash- burn, Extension District Agent; Tildon Easley, Agronomy Depart ment. 11:25 a. m.—Sign-On; Weather, News. 11:30 a. m.—Father Flanagan’s Boystown. 11:45 a. m.—Serenade in Tango Time. 12:00 noon—Sign-Off. Wednesday, March 1, 1941 6:15 a. m.-6:30 a. m.—Texas Farm and Home Program—D. H. Reid, Head,. Poultry Husbandry Depart ment; Hobgood Price, Agricultural Engineering Department; Fred Rennels, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. 11:25 a. m.—Sign-On; Weather, News. 1:30 a. m.—George E. Sokol- sky, Commentator (National Asso ciation of Manufacturers). 11:45 a. m.—Kitchen Clock. 12:00 noon—Sign-Off. 1:15 p. m.-l:30 p. m.—Texas School of the Air. WHATS SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Tuesday — “THE LONE WOLF MEETS A LADY,” with Warren William, Jean Muir, Eric Blore, Victor Jory and Roger Pryor. Wednesday, Thursday — “TOO MANY HUSBANDS,” featuring Jean Arthur, Fred MacMurray and Melvyn Douglas. AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Tuesday 3:30 & 6:45 — “GO WEST,” featuring the Marx Brothers, John Carroll and Dianna Lewis. Wednesday, Thursday 3:30 & 6:45 — “NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE,” star ring Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll, Paulette Goddard, Preston Foster, Robert Pres ton, George Bancroft, Lynne Overman, Akim Tamiroff, Walter Hampden and Lon Chaney, Jr. Assembly Hall LAST DAY for G&sf A METRO •GOLDWYN* MAYER Picture 3:30 and 6:45 Comedy... News /PSTARS! 2 LOVE STORIES! /B^THRILLS! GARY COOPER JPLEINE CARROLL PAUIETTI GODDAROi PRESTON FOSTER Princeton university’s income for the last fis cal year exceeded expenditures by $5,079. NECKTIES for SPRING Choose your spring ties from our large assort ment of the newest col ors and latest designs. Two Nationally Known Lines BOTANY and ARROW $1.00 THE EXCHANGE STORE AN AGGIE INSTITUTION ROBERT PRESTON GEORGE BANCROFT WALTER HAMPDEN, AKIM TAMIROFF LYNNE OVERMAN IN CHANEY, JR. / p =r CECIL B. DeMILLE’S NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE Tcchn/coior ! Produced and Directed by CECIL B. DeMILLE Wednesday - Thursday 3:30 and 6:45 Cartoon... Orchestra A Paramount Picture i * i y • f 'i ' * & i v> * * • k * f» *> r* ■*