t i f * (t) ' «> w t ^ f ¥ *! Longhorns in Hot Water at Swim Meet Here Tonight * * * * ***** ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * * Sports Day Festival Begins 1:15 This Afternoon Second Piacings Will Possibly Decide Winner — With Hub Johnson Dawson, Duncan, Dwyer and Lang fought a hard battle for their final game on Forty Acres Thurs day. night but it was all in vain. In their years, the Aggies have never starred on the courts of the Southwest but these four have played with fight and determina tion. Champions meet tonight in Downs Natatorium as Harold Hen sley the ’40 champ and Harris McClamrock the ’39 champ of the 50 and 100 yard dashes meet to decide the bearer of the ’41 crown. Adamson has his strongest tank team in many years and will be near the top if not on it when the final score is marked up. A loss tonight does not necessarily mean Texas will take thg title but it will make them the favorite. Bay lor and S. M. U. might come through to take some of their points. Last night the track team open ed their season in the Border Olympics in Laredo. Today they run in an invitation meet in the Alamo Stadium in San Antonio. Look for Roy Bucek and Albert Ricks to be the sparks of the cadet thinly clads this year. The Texas Dairy Products As sociation will meet in Fort Worth April 9 and 10. \ ictot » u “It’s Always You” Tommy Dorsey “I Drempt I Dwelt in Harlem” Glenn Miller “You Stepped Out of A Dream” Sammy Kay “Anything” (Tommy Dor sey’s New Theme Song) Tommy Dorsey “Dancing In The Dark” Artie Shaw Ash about the new RCA Victor Long Life Needle HASWELL’S BRYAN Track Team Enters Meet In Alamo City Bucek Looms as Star Hurdler from A&M and Southwest The Texas Aggie track team continues its jaunt around the country when it stops at the Alamo City today to participate in a San Antonio' invitation meet which will be composed of selected teams. Prospects for the track team this year seems to be better than eyer before with such talent as Captain James Thomason, Roy Bucek, “Bama” Smith, and Pete Watkins, gracing the cadet lineup. Of the four, Roy Bucek is prob ably the most sensational. He is the star Aggie hurdler, and prom ises to develop into the leading timber topper in the land. Last year, competion proved to be too much for Roy, with such stars as Freddie Wolcott, Boyce Gatewood, and the Aggies’ own Ed Dreiss, cluttering the southwest confer ence. This year all have graduated, and Bucek is destined to take Wol cott’s place as the top hurdler in the conference. Jim Thomason should also add a few points to the Aggies’ cause. He was formerly the shot-put champ in this conference but suf fered a setback in the last cam paign. This year, he is out for another fling, and will make it his business to regain his former title. Others making the trip include the following: Pete Henry, star discuss thrower; Ralph Henderson, long-distance runner for the ca dets; Jimmie Knight and Carleton Bush, who run the relays for the Ag'gies; and Albert Ricks, soph omore star of the high jump, pole vault, and broad jump events. T.C.U. Gridders to Play Kansas in 1942 T. C. U. and the University of Kansas will meet on the gridiron in 1942 and 1943, on a home-and- home basis. The Jayhawks will play in Fort Worth Oct. 10, 1942, and the Horn ed Frogs will open the 1943 sea son in Lawrence, Sept. 25. The game will be the first be tween T. C. U. and a Big Six school. “We are pleased to have the University of Kansas on our list of football opponents,” Coach Dutch Meyer comments. Be at Your BEST for the Dance With a GOOD HAIRCUT By Visiting Y.M.C.A. BARBER SHOP or the VARSITY BARBER SHOP STOP by Now For Your HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE Do all your spring hard ware shopping in this one convenient store. You get the best tools made—you pay the lowest price. Hammer Saw Copen Saw Chisel Plane 40*? 75*? 30*? 60*? _ $1.49 Hatchet Brace Pliers HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR YOUR EVERY NEED PARKER-ASTIN HDW. CO. Phone 2-1541 Bryan Football Game With 1941 Squad Is Festival Climax Day’s Activities Will Also Include Baseball And Water Polo Games Rain, snow, or sun will not ham per the annual Sports Day Festiv al, which will get under way at 1:15 p.m. All preparations have been completed, with football, base ball and water polo taking the spotlight this weekend. All proceeds will go to the “T” Club whose dance will be held here next week. The water polo game will open the proceedings, with a tilt between the varsity and picked members of the corps being in the offing. Following that, a regular nine inning intrasquad game will be offered by the baseball team. This will be the first chance for the “twelfth” man to get a preview of how the team will fare in the con ference race. Such players as “Lefty” Bumpers, John Scoggin, Jack Lindsey, “Dookie” Pugh, Roy Peden, and Bill Black should fur nish ample thrills to the baseball hungry fans. Serving as a climax for the day, a full length football game be tween picked players will be offer ed. The game will be given as a preview of the 1941 gridiron squad and will give the pigskin minded fan a chance to see what kind of re placements Coach Homer Norton has molded in place of the nine members of his star studded cham pionship teams. Only two members, Derace Moser and Jim Sterling, are left from the team that amass ed a total of 20 victories out of 21 tilts. What possibilities the team possesses will be the question ans wered tomorrow. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Water Polo—1:15 to 1:35 p.m. Baseball—1:45 to 3 p.m. Football—3:10 p.m. Introduction of players and coaches. B squad. A squad. 50 yard dash: Guards Tackles Ends Centers Backs Winners of above races—50 yard dash Kicking drill Passing Drill Fundamentals Formations to be used next fall and mechanics of 1 or 2 plays Game There is a ten minute interval between each event for the pur pose of going from one place to another. Each event will start promptly at the scheduled time. BATTALIONA— MARCH 8, 1941 PAGE 3 Intramurals Procrastinators Have Until Six For Entering Intramural Wrestling BY Bob Myers Very few entries have been made for boxing up to date and the deadline is just a matter of hours ^ w away. All outfits that plan to have men in the mat- |' ches must have .them weighed in Ifl at the Intramural office by 6:00 p.m. today. All entry cards for soft ball that have not been turned in will be Myers accepted at the In tramural office for a limited time this morning. Three games ended in one-sided 2-0 scores but not because of the lack of enthusiasm of the losing players. All games were fought to the last ditch and were repre sentative of the spirit shown in all intramural games. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE 3rd. Hq. Field Artillery C Field Artillery G Field Artillery E Engineers E CoaSt Artillery A Signal Corps G Infantry B Coast Artillerymen Adams, Driess, King, Whitmore, Trotter, and Cox teamed up to take a 3-0 decision over L Infantry in their horseshoe match. Horseshoe pitchers from E In fantry capitalized on their ability and cunning to down D Engineers 2-1. Zerr, Brittian, Pankey, and Yancey threw winners for the “paddlefeet” and Shurley and Bur- rus took in one for the “slide- rulers”. Speedballers came through with four games before the weather brought things to a standstill. H Coast Artillery defeated C Field Artillery 8-5 with their consistant play, B Signal Corps took D Field Artillery 6-2, B Field Artillery won over A Signal Corps in a hard fought game, and the Machine Gun Cavalry mowed A Infantry down 4-1. G Coast Artillery brought F In fantry to the net in their well earned 2-1 volleyball game, as did G Infantry over C Engineers in their contest that ended in a like score. Some late wrestling results: Jones, F Fied over Phillips, B Inf. Conner, I Field over Mayer, 2hq. Field Bergin, H Inf.' over Hatfield, Ihq. Field McMinn,' B Inf. over Benitz, C Cav. Halton, H Coast over Mercer B CWS Ball, G Field over Dixon, F Field Crist, F Eng. over Kerr, Hq. Cav. Newton, F Field over Stantzenberger, B CWS Decker, D Field over Laney, 4CHQ McCarthy, G Coast over Cupples, 2hq. Field Edwards, I Field over Dubose, E Field Vick, C Eng. over Law, E Eng. Pittman, C Cav. over Hall, H Field Perkins, F Eng. over Creatum, F Field Wells, D Cav. over Goodman, 3hq. Field Mouser, I Field over Cowling, H Coast Prowell, E Field over Honea, H Coast Barrier, D Cav. over Mauldin, K Inf. Clubb, A Inf. over Foote, G Inf. Hopkins, B Eng. over Schumann, E Eng. Beckley, I Field over Sparkman, D Field Howard, H Inf. over Glaze, 2hq. Field Montgomery, G Coast over Bates, E Inf. Radley, I Field over Jenkins, A CWS Durham, G Field over Riley, B CWS (forfiet) Cokinos, H Field over Pinkerton, F Field Denny, B Eng. over Drake, E Coast Coffee, B Sig over Wilson, E Eng. Crawford, F Eng. over Sparks, F Field Tennison, G Field over Monteith, H Coast Scheumack, E Eng. over Pittman, C Cav. Donnell, E Field over Gray, C Eng. Kiser, M Inf. over King, B Coast Ogdee, G Field over Crown, H Coast Fritch, M Inf. over Cook, B Inf. Wade, B Inf. over Jones, A Coast Simmons, E Field over Caloin, B Sig. Hooks, E Eng. over Ivey, I Inf. Possibilities for First Places Appear Evenly Distributed For the second time this week, Texas University and Texas A. & M. meet on the athletic field of battle. Tonight the Longhorn mer men will swim against a deter mined Aggie team in what prom ises to be one of the best meets of the year. The meet will be held in the P. L. Downs, Jr., Natator ium at College Station and is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Main eventers will be the four free-style distances, in which are entered only the best swimmers of both teams, and the breast stroke that should feature a photo finish between Beeler of Texas and Ponthieux of the Aggies. Hensley, Aggies, holder of the Spring Training Over Today With Sports Day Intra-Squad Football Game Eyes of the Texas Aggies will be focused for the first time this season on their championship team of ’39 and ’40 when they cli max their 30-day training per iod with an intra-squad game as a feature attraction in the annual Sports’ Festival today. The “twelfth man” will get a chance to see what Coach Homer Norton has molded in the way of replacing nine lettermen of his two-year champions. Only Derace Moser, triple-threat back, and James Sterling, stellar end, are back from the starting lineup which defeated the Fordham Rams in the Cotton Bowl. Norton certainly has a big job on his hands replacing Kimbrough Thomason, Pugh, Robnett, et al. However, all is not lost, as some promising freshmen and former in eligible gridsters are well reinforc ing the squad. Among those show ing great promise in developing into big threats include Dennis Andricks, powerful 220-lb. line plunger, Leo Daniels, swivel-hipped broken field runner, Dick Sharke, one of the best blocking backs on the squad; Willie Zapalac, who is destined to take up where Kim brough left off; Bob Williams, sturdy and hard running back; and Jake Webster, power runner and place kicking artist. Norton’s main trouble lies in his tackles and passers. Loss of Ernie Pannell and Chip Routt left the Aggies with only one proven tackle, and that’s Martin Ruby. The other tackle spot is being taken up by Euel Wesson. These two are the only experienced tackles on the squad. Bob Tulis, ineligible las?, year, is showing up well at prac tice and is giving Wesson a hot fight for the position. Passers on the squad are few and far between. Some of the more prominent pass throwers include Derace Moser, Marshall Spivey, “Butch” Bando, and Tom Pickett. The spring training this year has not been filled with intra-squad games as has always been the fashion. Instead, fundamentals on blocking, tackling, and passing have been given daily to the hard-work ing gridsters. Practice will continue through March 12, whereupon the boys will hang up their togs until Fall train ing. In a frozen food locker, if tem peratures rise above zero, odors may transfer from one to another. Texas Gagers Defeat Aggies 53-36; Annex Third in Conference Loosening a barrage of field goals on the hapless Texas Ag gies, the Texas Longhorns took the final cage tilt of the season in Austin, 53 to 36 Thursday night to gain undisputed possession of third place in the conference race. The Longhorns grabbed an early lead in the first period which they never relinquished. Starting out with a 9 to 8 lead, they stret ched it to 27 to 18 at the half. Captain Chester Granville and “Slue” Hull hit the bucket time and again to take down scoring honors for the Steers, with 19 and 13 markers respectively. How ever the cadets weren’t to be out done in the scoring department, as their ace cage star, Bill “Jitter bug” Henderson, came through with 8 field goals and 4 gratis shots for a total of 20 points. In a preliminary tilt, the Texas Yearlings thoroughly thumped the Aggie Fish in a fast moving af fair. It was the sixth straight set back for Coach Manning Smith’s crew, and left them without a vic tory this season. •[=]□[=] □[=•! Texas ranged third among all the states in the number of federal credit unions established in 1940. The Farm Credit Administration issued 131 Charters in New York, 75 in Pennsylvania, and 55 in Tex- WantToWinHer? • Shower her with at tention—bring her here for food that’s whole some, for music that will put sweet swing in her heart. HRDLICKA’S tOi. ■Conference championship in both 50 yd. and 100 yd. free style is scheduled to defend his record time against McClamrock, who held the two championships in 1939. (Continued on Page 4) wetw a At STETSON USE Mobilgas FOR FULL POWER- LONG MILEAGE Drive in at our sign of the Fly ing Red Horse for a tankful of Mobilgas. You’ll like the quick response . . . smooth accelera tion . . . full power and long mileage that Mobilgas gives. In traffic, or on the highway, Mo bilgas delivers Balanced Per formance. Let us fill ’er up with Mobilgas, today! Aggieland Service Station East Gate - Ph. 4-1188 You look better and feel better in a Stetson Play boy. Reason...its lines are informal, flattering; its weight is almost nil. So, too, the price See these new spring Stetsons at our New Col lege Store, North Gate. 7 t T TV WIMBERLEY STONE DANSBY CLOChlERS Let Us Fix Your Radio EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK STUDENT CO-OP North Gate Phone 4-4114 | Come on America! It’s Dancing Time | A H0ST 0F ENt ERTAINERS CORPS DANCE tonight D0[=]«