The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 1941, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, wader the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $8 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1940 Member 1941
Plssocioted Collegiate Press
Bob Nisbet Editor-in-Chief
George Fuermann Associate Editor
Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager
Tom Vannoy Editorial Assistant
Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist
J. B. Pierce, Phil Levine Proof Readers
Sports Department
Hub Johnson Sports Editor
Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon
W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors
Circulation Department
Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager
W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers
P. D. Asbury, E. S. Henard .'. Circulation Assistants
Photography Department
Phil Golman Photographic Editor
James Carpenter, Bob Crane, Jack Jones,
Jack Siegal Assistant Photographers
Earle A. Shields Managing Editor
T. R. Harrison Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
Will O. Brimberry W. C. Carter Don Gabriel
Reportorial Staff
Charles Babcock, Herbert Haile, Paul Haines, Carl Van
Hook, J. J. Keith, Z. A. McReynolds, Beverly Miller, Ehrhard
Mittendorf, Jack Nelson, L. B. Tennison.
National Anthem
Its Proper Respect
“OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE . . . ’’—the opening
words to the national anthem. The Band plays them
every night at retreat formation in front of both
mess halls—one of the highlights of each day and a
thrilling experience for visitors to the campus.
Yet there have been seen too frequently this
year both students and campus people in the vicinity
of the formation sitting through the piece in cars.
They should get out of these cars while the Star
Spangled Banner is being played. Of all things
campus citizens and most especially students of the
college should know the proper respect for the flag
and the national anthem. Visitors naturally look to
local citizens to decide what should be done. What
will they think if they cannot find any two execut
ing the same gesture?
The item is small, but “little drops of water,
little grains of sand make the mighty ocean and
the spacious land.” Failure to salute or stand at
attention or remove one’s person from an automobile
is in no means indicative of lack of patrotic spirit
or of love for the country—by no means. It does
indicate ignorance—gross ignorance.
Civilians upon hearing the Star Spangled Ban
ner should remove themselves from their automo
bile, stand at attention facing the flag with their
hat, if any, placed over their heart.
Students in uniform should stand at attention
saluting or not saluting as they choose. However
if in a group, the group should concur. If covered
and in uniform it is imperative that a cadet salute.
And unless in formation a cadet should not execute
parade rest, but he should halt and stand at at
Students not in uniform give civilian respect.
Such items are small but not beneath correct
THIS WRITER fully appreciates the viewpoint of
OPEN FORUM’S correspondent of Tuesday last,
but nevertheless feels constrained to point out sev
eral inaccuracies which crept into that letter, in
which the ready sympathies of its author impelled
him to defend the Bethlehem Steel strikers against
the implied criticism in As the World Turns of Satur
day March 1.
In the first place, the writer in OPEN FORUM
had absolutely no justification or warrant for im
plying that As The World Turns believed in the abo
lition of labor unions. In the second place, the
statements of the letter in regard to the Bethlehem
strike were incorrect.
The question of wages did not directly enter
into the strike situation, nor was the right of
collective bargaining an issue. As a matter of fact
neither of these questions is justly capable of caus
ing strikes under the present labor laws, for if the
majority of workers in a particular plant desire to
organize and bargain collectively, ample machinery
is provided by law in order that the objective may
be attained without a strike. The strike today is us
ually the weapon of a minority in an attempt to
intimidate the majority of employees and is not,
under those circumstances, directed against the
employer at all. The incident which furnished the
excuse for the Bethlehem strike was the refusal of
the company to permit several hundred employees
accused of sit-down and slow-down tactics to re
enter the plant. A majority of the employees went
on strike, charging a lock-out on the part of the
company. If these employees were in the right this
controversy could also have been settled by the
NLRB without the necessity of a strike. While
picketing the plant violence and intimidation (both
prohibited by law) were used to prevent non-strikers
from entering the plant. (See photographs in the
March 10 issue of Life.). According to the company
officials none of the demands of the strikers were
granted to end the v strike, both sides agreeing to
submit the question involved to federal mediators.
In regard to the stand taken by Mr. Knudsen
of the O.P.M. the writer in OPEN FORUM either
failed to keep up to date or was not quite frank
with his readers. Mr. Knudsen did oppose any move
to outlaw strikes, but on the 28th of February he
recommended to Congi-ess that legislation be adopt
ed regulating the right to strike on defense con
tracts. If voluntary conciliation failed, he recom-
mended that strikes be prohibited unless sixty per
cent of the employees voted for the strike, in a secret
ballot held in the plant involved. Mr. Knudsen
further recommended that in the event the em
ployees approved the strike there be a compulsory
delay of thirty days to provide additional oppor
tunity for federal mediation.
The people of the United States unquestionably
desire that labor be given every means of safe
guarding its rights, but it is an axiom of law that
a plaintiff must come into court with “clean hands,”
and this must apply equally to employee as well
as employer. It is therefore essential to the best
interest of labor itself that workers shall not be
compelled to cease work by means of illegal in
timidation and force. Furthermore, if that irrespon
sible union leadership, which the writer in OPEN
FORUM mentioned, insists upon setting the momen
tary interests of labor above public defense and
public rights it may find itself in the same position
as French labor, which placed its right to strike
above national safety and as a result has lost all
its rights to a foreign dictator.
A1 B. Nelson.
The Collegiate Review
One of the nation’s foremost Jesuit institu
tions, Fordham university, is in its 100th year and
has graduated more than 20,000 students.
Water color paintings by two Iowa State col
lege women were recently accepted by the Joslyn
Memorial in Omaha, Nebraska.
University of Minnesota has 1,756 teachers on its
academic staff and 1,317 employes in the various
divisions of its non-academic staff.
Sixty per cent of the 11,000 University of Tex
as students earn all or part of their way through
“in de Fall nature bumps off de leaves.”
George Fuermann
‘Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster
Price leveling effects of the corn loan program
have moved the center of U. S. hog production east
ward, Iowa State College experts say.
—Associated Collegiate Press
I Heard the Preacher Say
A fire, a mist and a planet
A crystal and a cell;
A jelly fish and a saurian
And caves where the cave men dwell;
Then a sense of love and beauty
And a face turned from the clod;
Some call it evolution
And others call it God.
The infinite tender sky,
The ripe rich tint of cornfields
And the wild Geese sailing high;
And all over the upland and lowland
The charm of the goldenrod.
Some of us call it Autumn,
And others call it God.
Like tides on a crescent sea
When the moon is new and thin.
Into our hearts high yearnings
Come swelling and surging in;
Come from the mystic ocean
Whose rim no foot has trod.
Some of us call it longing,
And others call it God.
A picket frozen on duty,
A mother starved for her brood,
Socrates drinking the hemlock,
And Jesus on the rood,
And millions who humble and nameless
The straight hard pathway plod.
Some call it consecration,
And others call it God.
—Author Unknown
As the World Turns.
ITALY HAS DECLARED WAR against another
enemy. An army of Ladybugs has attacked the
orchards in Italy and the government of Benito
Mussolini has ordered their extermination. Since
these insects are defenseless Mussolini apparently
hopes to retrieve a portion of the reputation which
was shattered by the Greeks and
The Princess Hohenlohe must be
m deported according to the final de
li 1 cision of the Department of Justice.
£ V The Princess was accused of being
IHI one of the chief Nazi agents in the
H§ United States and was granted sev
eral opportunities for hearings, with
liH the final result that deportation was
57 ordered. If the Department of Jus
tice can be as successful in affecting
Nelson a final settlement of the Harry
Bridges case it will be for the good of the nation
as a whole.
The strike at the Orange, Texas, shipyard, has
at last been settled after holding up work on twelve
new destroyers for a week or more. Every just
demand of the strikers could have been settled
without recourse to the strike, and without injury
and delay to national defense, if the employees had
been willing to use the machinery provided by the
Italian consulates at Detroit and Newark have
been ordered closed by the U. S. Department of
State in retaliation for the closing of U. S. Con
sulates in Naples and Palermo, Italy. The Italians
have also forbidden U. S. diplomatic officials travel
ing outside the city of Rome without special per
Many Dutch are being executed by the Germans
for continued resistance to German orders and for
passing information on to the British secret agents.
The Way of Things. .' . Freshman
Johnny Berry who made the dis
tinguished student list last semes
ter, wrote his mother concerning
the feat. Shortly thereafter—his
mother having received the cus
tomary congratu
latory letter from
the dean—an item
appeared in his loc
al newspaper which
read, in part “. . .
and having made
the honor roll dur
ing the first term,
Johnny has been
rewarded by not
Fuermann being required to
attend afternoon classes this sem
ester.” . . . One of the Field Ar
tillery professors quizzed his stu
dents concerning the definition of
drift—the error in aim caused by
the rotation of the projectile.
“Drift,” a cadet answered, “is what
they’re doing to get men into th#
Army.”, . . . .Newest of the quips
thrown at freshmen knocking at
an upperclassmen’s door is, “Come
in if you’re goodlooking!” . . . .
Eai‘1 Veezey, an A. & M. senior un
til last September at which time
he enlisted in the naval training
program, is the first Aggie to be
come an ensign reserve under the
new plan. He’s now visiting on
the campus and in another week
will embark for duty in Hawaiian
• • •
One of the Field Artillery jun
iors recently received the following
letter, allegedly from Linda Dar
nell—at least, that was the name
signed to the thing.
“I hesitate at writing you for
I feel I don’t know you well
enough to ask you to do this favor
for me. You see, my studio has
informed me that I am to play the
leading role in a new film which
is connected with the present war
situation. Due to the nature of
this role, the publicity depart
ment feels that it would be well
for me to be seen at some weekend
social event at A. & M. college
when I am in Texas the middle
part of April.
“From the list of eligible es
corts furnished me, I picked you
for several reasons—mainly be-
case you are listed as being a
member of the Ross Volunteers
and because I already know you,
if but slightly.
“I wish you would let me know
as soon as possible if you can
be my escort for the weekend of
the Ross Volunteer dances. May I
impress you to answer promptly,
Those Marx Brothers are snoop
ing around again with their wicked
chucklings and mad schemes. This
time they “GO WEST,” with the
intent of helping to clean up on
the local boys. According to the
picture, they really take the west
in hand, so much so that when a
native of the country is foolhardy
enough to mix it in a scene with
them he is quickly reduced to
mincemeat by the dialogue.
There are two conflicting opin
ions about the Marx Brothers.
Some people think they are scream
ingly funny, and the rest think
they are idiotic. Whichever class
you happen to fall in, you will
think this one goes the fartherest
of their last few pictures in that
There isn’t much room for a
story with the Marx brothers over
indulging in clowning. What there
is of it concerns young love and a
deed to some possible railroad
property. At one time the deed is
given as an I. O. U. for a bottle
of beer but the Marx brothers
fly to the rescue and filch it back.
First grade slapstick is the es
sence of the whole thing. If you
like it you can’t find a funnier
show. The rest will think it is the
looniest that the brothers Marx
have made in two years.
“SECOND CHORUS” is unique
in that it has pretty Paulette God
dard as a dancing partner for Fred
Astaire. She is new to this danc
ing game but Astaire has enough
experience and versatility to pull
please, for my studio must make
arrangements for my trip some
weeks in advance.
Linda Darnel
“P.S. My studio will, of course,
pay all our expenses for the week
end, but I will warn you that you
will have to submit to being
photographed quite a little while
acting as my escort.”
The letter was postmarked Hol
lywood, but one thing makes it
look more than a little fishy—
Darnell is correctly spelled with
two‘Ts;” the Aggie-received letter
was signed with one “1”.
through wherever she lets down.
The show is nonsense put to the
rhythm of a fast tap dance with
Artie Shaw furnishing some of the
Gag Shot — by Jimmie Mundell
Assembly Hall
Today -12:30 Only
Two Reel Comedy . . . “Bar Buckaroo”
6:45 and 8:30
^ ,a lO ■ • BrS ™ l mE,
15? to 5 p.m.-
-20? After
The pic below was taken by The Houston Post’s ace photographer,
Jimmie Mundell at last weekend’s Field Artillery Ball and, according
to Maestro Russ, is “the best off-the-record picture ever made of any
of my gang.”
Kneeling at songstress Phyllis Lynne’s left is Russ, in back of
Phyllis is trombonist George Henry and on the lovely’s right is Ray
Students Shown
Film Called ‘The City’
The film “The City” was shown
to all architecture students yester
day afternoon at 3:00 to show the
advantage of planning a city be
fore beginning to build it.
It showed first a city that had
no plan or organized procedure in
its layout, and then it showed a
city that was completely planned
and laid out before a single build
ing was started, thus showing
the importance of forethought and
the necessity of detailed planning
of every part of the city before
any construction is started.
After the film was presented
Mr. Kamrath, prominent architect
from Houston, gave a talk on some
of the problems confronting the
- !
Turkey eggs should be gathered
at least twice a day, and three or
four times a day is better.
“Murder Over
New York
as Charlie Chan
Latest News and Short
Late News and Cartoon
A Paramount Picture with
Artie ShawCharles Butterworth
Burgess Meredith PioM t< Sons Morros
Directed by H. C. Potter*Original Storj by Frank Cantt
Selected Shorts—“Occupation” and
“Feminine Fitness”