The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
DIAL 4-5444
NO. 60
Show Results
Phil Chauvin
Wins the Grand
Champion Award
Official results have now been
tabulated in the second annual Lit
tle Southwestern Livestock Show
held Monday night. The show was
inaugurated last year in an attempt
to give to the boys of A. & M. who
are interested in the field of ani
mal husbandry an opportunity to
become better acquainted with one
show ring, one of the important
phases of the livestock industry.
The show gives the boys exper
ience and practice in actual fitting,
training and showing of animals.
An award of a pair of cowboy
boots donated by Central Boot Co.
of San Antonio went to Phil H.
Chauvin of College Station as
Grand Champion Fitter and Show
Results of the events are as fol
Horse Department
Class Percheron Stallions: John
ny Bonner, Corsicana, first; H. E.
Brown, Rock Springs, second; and
M. C. Williams, Higgins, third.
Class Percheron Fillies: C. W.
Post, Midland, first; J. S. Burn
side, Houston, second.
Class Percheron Mares: Charles
Beasley, Abilene, first; C. L. Gid-
dens, Leander, second; R. C. Cox,
Las Cruces, N. M., third.
Champion horse showman—
Johnny Bonner.
Sheep Department
Class Fat Lambs: H. J. Rich
ards, Jacksboro, first; Charles
Bodie, San Angelo, second, and H.
N. Mogford, Menard, third.
Class fine wool sheep: A. E.
Hosch, Belton, first; Joe Lemley,
San Angelo, second; and Charlie
McCarrol, Junction, third.
Medium wool sheep: P. H.
Chauvin, College Station, first; A.
B. Higgins, Lampasas, second; S.
P. Martin, Mason, third.
Champion sheep showman: P. H.
Swine Department
Class Poland-China Barrows:
Wayne Maddox, Miami, first; Har
ris Swafford, Rankin, second.
Class Duroc Barrows: Walter
Lasley, Stratford, first; W. 0.
Fillingim, Canadian, second; and
Allen Madeley, College Station,
Class Hampshire Barrows: Fred
Dalby, Aspermont, first; Ernest
Pickens, Canadian, second; and
Carl Rickter, San Antonio, third.
Champion hog showman: Walter
Cattle Department
Class Hereford Heifers: M. J.
McMillian, Mason, first; G. C.
(Continued on Page 4)
Special Courses
To be Offered to
College Students
Training Will
Qualify Students for
Aerial Navigation Officers
College students who meet the
prescribed requirements will be
offered a course of training to
qualify them as aerial navigation
officers according to a bulletin Fri
day from the War Department.
The status, as well as pay and
allowances of cadets undergoing
this specialized non-pilot training
in navigation, is the same as that
for cadets receiving pilot training.
They are designated “Flying Ca
dets” and, upon satisfactory com
pletion of the course, as well as
an additional period of training
with tactical or other Air Corps
units, are eligible for commissions
as 2nd Lieutenants, Air Reserve.
The entire training period will
cover approximately nine months.
Applicants for this course must
meet the general requirements as
flying cadets. They must be un
married citizens of the United Stat
es between the ages of twenty
and twenty-six inclusive, of good
character, sound physique, and in
excellent health.
The training as “Navigator” is
designed to qualify candidates as
navigator-gunner members of com
bat crews. Students will first un
dergo instruction in an aerial gun
nery school. This will be followed
by a course in navigation, attention
being given, among other subjects,
to day and night navigation flights,
the use of instruments, maps and
charts, dead reckoning procedure
and problems, and celestial nav
igation theory.
Meats Judging
Team to Leave for
Fort Worth on Sunday
The Meats Judging Team will
leave Sunday for the Fort Worth
Fat Stock Show where they will
participate in the contest to be
held there March 10 through March
The entire group who came out
for the judging team will make the
trip and includes C. D. Ramsel,
Worth Parker, Bland Harrison,
“Shorty” Fuller, Bill Hampton, Jay
Pumphrey, John Hardin, Rankin
Jones, H. W. Beckley, John Sleeper,
W. W. Cummings, J. P. Passons,
J. D. Jorden, Thomas Pappas,
Jake Fritch, and Nicks Cannon.
The entire group will judge Mon
day, March 10, as practice for the
contest to be held Tuesday, March
11; then four of this group who
are chosen as the team will judge
nine classes of carcasses and cuts
made up of three classes of beef,
three classes of lamb, and three
classes of pork. Reason will be
written and given on each class.
C. E. Murphey, professor in
Animal Husbandry, is the coach.
White, Appearing Here March 12,
Won Fame Through Story of Xmas
Editor’s note: The following is a conden-4-fallowed a trail in the deep SHOW,
sed version of a story written by William „ . , . ,
Li. White and broadcast by him from Talking in whispers, W6 passed
Helsinki while it was under bombard
ment on the Finnish Front Christmas
Eve 1939. The broadcast inspired the
famous play “There Shall Be No Night”
by Robert Sherwood.
White will appear here under the aus
pices of Town Hall on March 12.
W. L. White speaking to you on
this Christmas night from Finland,
the country where our legend of
Santa Claus and his reindeer first
began. Reindeer still pull sleighs
in the north of Finland tonight,
carrying supplies to the little na
tion's army which is fighting to
press back the great army which
would come in. But if part of our
Christmas story began in Finland,
in Finland is also the country
where Christmas ends, for beyond
the line of its armies lies that great
land where there is no Christmas
anymore and where the memory
of its stories is dimming fast.
And this is why, since I have come
from a front line post-of-command
of this Finnish army, I can tell
you tonight about this last Christ
mas tree. . . .
Even without our guide we might
have found the last Christmas tree
by following the sound of big guns
from far off. Presently when they
were close, we left our cars and
places where the white snow had
been gashed deep by shell craters,
and at last we came to the front
line post-of-command. Beyond us
was no real front line but only
machine gun nests, dugouts and a
few shallow trenches, a place where
it was not safe for any man to
crawl who had not first seen the
country by clear light of day.
We asked an official what the
men would have for Christmas din
ner and he told us their mess kits
would be filled with warm thick
pea soup, rich with pieces of
mutton and pork, with plenty of
bread spread thick with butter, and
for dessert, porridge with sugar.
And then, because it was Christ
mas, the army had sent up four
Christmas hams, which would be
sliced and eaten with the bread.
But tomorrow the men would
get their presents in this dugout
and also the Christmas tree would
be saved for them to see. The tiny
tree was standing near the stove.
Little red and white wax candles
had been tied by men’s clumsy
fingers to its branches. Also tied
to the green spruce twigs were a
(Continued on Page 4)
Aggie Representative
Miss Rachel Corder of Burnett who has been selected as the
A. & M. Sweetheart to participate in the Round-Up at the University
of Texas on April 4, 5, and 6.
Bernie Cummins Scores Hit With
Coast Artillerymen at Ball Last Night
As the highlight of last night’s
fifth annual Coast Artillery Ball,
members of the junior class of
the regiment presented Lieut. Col.
F. A. Hollingshead a portable radio
as a farewell token of their esteem.
Col. Hollingshead has been at
A. & M. for four years as in
structor in the Coast Artillery
Corps and has been transferred to
Hitchcock, Texas, for duty there.
Members of the Coast Artillery
regiment and their dates danced
from 10 until 1 with the music of
Bernie Cummins arid his orchestra
in Sbisa Hall. Jeri Sullivan, song
stress with the orchestra, made the
evening more enjoyable by her
vocals. Walter Cummins, Bernie’s
brother, attracted comment by his
guitar playing and singing.
Cummins made a long start on
his claim as the best orchestra to
play here for the second consecu
tive year. Last year in a Backwash
poll his band was chosen as the
The Coast Artillery ball is given
each year by the junior class honor
ing the seniors of the regiment.
Juniors who were in charge of ar
rangements included Jimmy Gold-
ston, Beverly Byrd, Tom Gillis,
Robert Frost, Jimmy Rivenbark,
Dow Wynn, Henry Rollin, Ransom
Kenny, Raymond Read, Harry
Whitmore, Don Gabriel, Jack J.
Smither, G. R. King, Luke Moore,
D. J. Flynn, Lawrence Dubose, W.
R. Grady, and R. G. Skidmore.
Sbisa Hall was decorated for the
occasion with the guidons of each
of the batteries in the regiment.
The band stand was draped in
Poultry Husbandry
Students Get Birds
Ready for Stock Show
Students taking poultry hus
bandry have been busy this week
fitting poultry for the 20 exhibi
tion and production White Leg
horns and Barred Plymouth Rocks
which are being entered in the
Fort Worth Fat Stock Show.
The birds are being entered as
individuals and pens, a pen being
made up of two pullets and one
The Fort Worth Show is the
third one in which the poultry de
partment has participated this
year. The others were the Abilene
Poultry Show and the Houston Fat
Stock Show. Almost every bird
entered in these two shows placed
in the high three individuals of
each breed.
heavy maroon and white material
with the Coast Artillery Insignia
highlighted on the background.
Programs for the dance con
tained a history of the Coast Ar
tillery regiment here at A. & M.
They were made of colorless cel
luloid wrapped around a ridged
silverfoil metal insert with the
regimental insignia imposed in ma
roon on the celluloid. Favors given
to dates for the occasion were in
the form of a silver bracelet with
a pendant Coast Artillery orna
Coast Guard
Officer Talks
With 75 Students
Lieut. M. A. Whalen, graduate
of the Coast Guard School at New
London, Connecticut, interviewed
approximately 75 students Wednes
day in an effort to enroll new
members in the Coast Guard.
Lieut. Whalen held various group
discussions from three until five
o’clock in the afternoon concern
ing the requirements for entering
the school and the routine of stud
ies and activities during the period
of training. In addition to this a
film was shown on the life of a
Coast Guardsman in the school.
In order to be eligible for en
trance to the school an applicant
must have 15 units of high school
or college credits with Algebra,
plane geometry, trigonometry, Eng
lish, physics, and chemistry re
In order to receive an appoint
ment to the academy the applicants
must take a competitive examina
tion which is to be held May 14,
1941. This examination is open to
young men between the ages of
seventeen and twenty-two.
The course of instruction is ba
sically scientific and engineering
in character. In addition to this an
nual cruises are made to foreign
Pay of a cadet while undergoing
instruction is $780 per year, plus
an allowance for subsistence. Af
ter graduation a cadet is eligible
for a commission in the Coast
Guard as Ensign.
Any one desiring detailed re
quirements for entrance and des
criptive information may obtain it
by writing the Commandant of the
U. S. Coast Guard at Washington,
D. C.
College Station City
Election Will Be April 1
Various Campus
Needs Discussed
At Welfare Meet
Roads Around Campus
And Picture Concession
Subjects of Evening Talk
The Student Welfare Committee,
comprised of 17 faculty members
and 23 students, convened last
Wednesday night in Sbisa Hall to
discuss the various campus prob
lems that have recently arisen,
announced Dean F. C. Bolton, pre
siding officer of the committee.
The first problem of discussion
was the necessity of improving
the roads and streets leading to
and from the campus. Three op-
posng factors to the problem were
brought to the committee’s atten
tion. First, the City of College Sta
tion does not have sufficient funds
to improve the roads and streets.
Second, the city is not liable for
upkeep on most of the roads ly
ing on the outskirts of the campus
which come under the supervision
of the Texas Highway Department.
Third, the small number of tax
payers who use the streets and
roads on the edge of the campus
do not justify the proposed im
provement. Action on the issue was
temporarily suspended.
The second topic of discussion
was the possibility of forming a
picture frame concession to be han
dled by a student. In view of the
fact that so many organization
pictures and frames for them are
sold each year such a concession
should prove profitable. Qualifica
tions for the concession holder were
also discussed but no definite ac
tion was taken.
The problem of obtaining addi
tional parking space for student’s
cars was next brought before the
committee’s attention. The com
mittee was then advised that this
project was already under way and
that no further action on the part
of the Student Welfare Committee
was necessary.
Next came the discussion of a
feasible plan for aiding visitors
in finding their way about the
; campus. Several possible plans
were submitted to the committee
but none were definitely accept
The last topic of discussion by
the committee was the urgent prob
lem of keeping the campus in a
neater condition, specifically around
the post offices and other like
areas that come under the daily ob
servation of outsiders.
A&M to Offer
Special Defense
Courses Next Year
Beginning next year A. & M.
will offer several courses spon
sored by the Engineers Defense
Training program of the Houston
Engineers Club. These courses will
be given three nights a week and
three or four hours a night.
The courses will be of an advanc
ed college nature and will include:
mechanics and strength of mater
ials, aeronautical engineering, con
crete inspection and testing, struc
tural steel design, machine design,
production engineering, advance
structure analysis, soil mechanics
and foundation, highway engineer
ing, aero dynamics, heating and
ventilation, sanitation and public
health, and petroleum production.
Baptist Church
Grant Upped to $50,000
At a meeting of the Executive
Board of the Texas Baptist Gen
eral Convention this week in Dal
las $50,000.00 instead of the
original $25,000.00, was granted to
the Baptist Church at A. & M. for
the purpose of erecting a beau
tiful and adequate building.
An architect has already been
selected and work on the plans
and specifications will begin im
Grad Student Is
Father of Twins
Born This Week
Lewis Wannoni, graduate stu
dent from Caracas, Venezuela, is
the father of twins bom this week
at the Wilkerson Memorial Clinic
in Bryan. The twins, both girls
weighed five and one-half and six
pounds. There were named Maria
de Lourdes and Maria de Concep
Wannoni graduated from the
University of Venezuela in 1938
and came to A. & M. last Sep
tember to take work in the Muni
cipal and Sanitary Engineering De
Shuffler to
Conduct Concert
On Monday Night
The Record Concert in the Music
Room of the Library will be con
ducted next Monday evening at 7:15
by Bob Shuffler, sophomore of L
The concert is one of a weekly
operation of the new phonograph
series intitled “The Music I Like
and Why I Like It.”
This program will mark the first
mechanism, which has been install
ed in the Music Room by the Elec
trical Engineering Department and
Radio Station WTAW. The unit
consists of a new motor and a new
pickup with a permanent sapphire
Servicing of the phonograph
from time to time by the Electri
cal Engineering Department and
WTAW has been very valuable in
providing the students and faculty
with such a musical service. Dr.
T. F. Mayo said.
Film Sunday
To Show Problems
Of the Cotton Farmer
Seeds of Prosperity, a dramatic
portrayal of the problems of the
cotton farmer and his everlasting
battle against the threatening
scourge that menaces his crops,
will be presented at the Assembly
Hall Sunday afternoon at 1:00 and
2:30 at the Free Show.
It is a one reel film showing the
tremendous effort science is mak
ing for the benefit of the farmer,
industry and the nation as a whole,
and the fight against the boll wee
vil and such diseases as anthrac-
nose, angular leaf spot, soreshin,
and boll rot.
3 Councilmen,
City Secretary
To Be Selected
Voters Ur^ed
To Elect Men From
Three Separate Areas
College Station voters are to
elect three councilmen and a city
secretary in the election to be
held April 1. Mayor Frank G. An
derson suggested that the voters
elect their councilmen from three
separate areas of the city.
“If one councilman was elected
from the Oakwood or West Park
Areas, one from the College Hills
or Northeast Corner Area and one
from the business or residential
area of the North Gate,” the Mayor
stated, “Not only would a balance
of power be maintained but the
councilmen would be better able to
serve their respective parts of the
city through their daily observa
A city secretary will be elected
with the three councilmen. This of
fice involves little secretarial work,
since the city council decided some
time ago that it needed a full
time secretary, and employed an
assistant city secretary. The city
secretary only has to authenticate
ordinances, contracts, and other
official documents, and is an office
which carries with it no salary.
Mayor Anderson extended a vote
of thanks to the retiring council-
men, S. A. Lipscomb, J. A. Orr,
and George Wilcox, and also the
retiring city secretary, Sidney L.
Naval Officer
To Give Physical
Exams on March 20
Lieutenant Charles M. Parker,
Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, comes
here March 20 to give medical ex
aminations to candidates for flight
selection, according to an an
nouncement from the military de
partment yesterday.
Those students who pass the
physical exam will be sent before
a navy selection board and given an
opportunity to enter the Naval Air
Service at Pensacola, Florida, in
June, July, and August classes.
Anyone interested in taking the
physical examination has been re
quested to turn in his name at
room 17 Ross Hall to the sergeant-
Students who graduate from the
school will be commissioned as
officers in the Naval Air Corps.
Mrs. Pageant Director Smith
Is Old Hand at Such Things
-f-work at her new job of director.
She claims that if her plans work
By E. M. Rosenthal
After choosing Mrs. Manning
Smith as Director of the Cotton
Ball and Pageant which will be held
May 2, the members of the Ball
Committee realized that unless they
out that the major details and
particularly the costuming of the
King and Queen’s Court will be
completed by the end of this
“I want this year’s Pageant to
be the liveliest ever,” Mrs. Smith
said, “and I plan to make this
true by having a lot of good music
with a lot of pretty girls.”
Mrs. Smith, who was Juanita
Cowsert before her marriage, at
tended both the University of San
Antonio and Texas University and
graduated from the latter in 1937.
While at the school in San An
tonio she was chosen as one of
the student body’s ten outstanding
girls, as yell leader and as the
most popular girl of her class in
1935. She not only has been in
the Cotton Pageant herself, as
Duchess from Junction in 1937, but
also has been directing similar af
fairs for several years.
Mrs. Manning smith
made an exceptional choice for
queen that the regal miss would be
outdone in both spirit and looks.
Mrs. Smith is already hard at
At Texas University Mrs. Smith
majored in physical education and
was president of the Physical Ed
ucation Major’s Club. The year she
was chosen as a Duchess for the
(Continued on Page 4)