The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 04, 1941, Image 2
Page 2- The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, tunder the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1940 Member 1941 Associated Gol!e6iate Press Bob Nisbet Editor-in-Chief George Fuermann Associate Editor Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager Tom Vannoy Editorial Assistant Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist J. B. Pierce, Phil Levine Proof Readers Sports Department Hub Johnson Sports Editor Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor Mike Haikin, Jack Hollimon W. F. Oxford Junior Sports Editors Circulation Department Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager W. G. Hauger, E. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Managers F. D. Asbury, E. S. Henard Circulation Assistants Photography Department Phil Golman Photographic Editor G. W. Brown, John Carpenter, Joe Golman, Jack Jones Assistant Photographers TUESDAY’S EDITORIAL STAFF Bill Clarkson Managing Editor lack Hendricks Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors Lee Rogers E. M. Rosenthal Reportorial Staff Jack Aycock, Jack Decker, Walter Hall, Ralph Inglefield, Tom Leland, Beverly Miller, W. A. Moore, Mike Speer, Dow Wynn. Scars of Past Generations “WHAT WAS THAT? You want a story of my life since I came to A. & M. College? Yes, I’ll tell you, but it’s a sad story. When I first came to College Station I was very pretty. Oh, I know it’s hard to believe now because I’m old and my face is scarred, but then my make-up had been put on by an expert, and I was young and gay. “When I first arrived, I was put in the Aca demic Building. The first week a boy came in and sat down. He ran his hand over my face lightly, mur muring something about my being pretty. Then during the second week, another came in and began to write a few English notes on my face, but he forgot how to spell “heroes.” He wrote on my face, then scratched it out and wrote it another way. I bear the scar to this day. During the next few weeks, similar incidents occurred. Then one day a boy came in and sat down, and glanced at my beautiful face and smiled. “Humm”, he said. And taking out his pocket knife he began an operation. He cut his initials deep into my flesh, and they are still there. Then the next day, another boy filled my flesh with ink. Ugh! the ugly, black stuff! I smell it yet. The next boy muttered, ‘What a shame’. But the boy who sat in my seat the next day was ut terly indifferent. He was too busy writing notes even to notice me. “And so, my friends, that is the way it has been down through the years, first one and then another adding scars, scars on my face that you can see, and gears on my heart that only I know. “I can bear it, but I’m afraid for my descend ants. I am sturdy pioneer stock, but these last few generation seem to be getting soft. I don’t think they can take it. So, gentlemen, there is one way you can keep from sending us to an early grave and that is—DON’T CARVE ON DESKS.” OPEN FORUM LAST SATURDAY, your columnist of “As The World Turns” was at a loss to understand why the workers at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s Lack awanna plant should all of a sudden decide to go on a strike. In his current series of articles, he has from time to time been quite critical of the ac tions of union workers in their relations with their employer and the general public. However, if we are to assume that the employer, because of the absence of any statement concerning this side of the question in his column, has had nothing to do with the strikes in industry or other labor prob lems, there are several things it may not be amiss to bring us at this time. If the columnist will take the trouble to go over to the Library he will find a fuller discussion on all this material quoted, and many other items besides. There is no doubt in the writer’s mind that the leadership of labor unions have much to answer for because of their unwise policies of the past and the present. But there is about as much justification for the aboli tion of unions for this reason as there is to abolish banks because some of their officers have misused their trust and authority. In his last article your columnist is particular ly concerned about the employees of the Bethle hem Steel Co. striking, since this company has immense amounts of defense contract, and no ap parent reason for striking. (Last Saturday, accord ing to an INS dispatch, the company agreed to reach a settlement at meetings beginning next Tuesday, based on acceptance of practically all the demands of th^e strikers.) The two most impor tant demands of the workers relate to considera tion of general wage levels, and recognition of their right of collective bargaining as provided by the National Labor Relations Act. According to the investigation of the Senate Committee on Rights of Labor, this firm has used illegal means to pre vent workers from acquiring these rights. In con nection with their demands for wage increases, it may be interesting to note that last year this firm had the highest net profits in its history, amounting to over $14 per share of common stock. Mr. W. S. Knudsen testified last week before a Senate Judi ciary Committee that strikes have interfered very little with the defense program, and that legisla tion to outlaw strikes would “make the situa tion infinitely worse”. (Newsweek, March ) u page 40.) His co-worker, Mr. Sidney Hillman, further testified that, since the present defense program began, industrial accidents have caused the loss of four times as many man-hours of work as those caused by strikes. Despite the wide degree of pub licity given by the press and the radio with re spect to strikes (and failure to give same amount of publicity to strike settlements), the official fig ures of the situation given by those in charge seem to tell a different story. In July, 1935, Congress passed, and the Presi dent signed, the “Wagner Labor Relations Act. This law declared it to be the policy of the Federal Gov ernment to allow workers to “select representatives of their own choosing”, and to “bargain collectively” with their employer. In order to make these rights legally effective, the law further provides that it is an unfair labor practice on the part of the em ployer to interfere with, intimidate, or discriminate against, any group of workers attempting to se cure their legal rights. The immediate supervision of the act is entrusted to the National Labor Re lations Board, whose decisions are subject to court review finally resting in the United States Supreme Court. After the law went into effect, particularly from 1935 to 1939, employer groups used every means within their power to sabotage the act, al most completely ignoring the decisions of the NLRB. According to the results of the investigation car ried on by this United Senate Committee headed by Senators LaFollette and Thomas (Utah), these em ployers used, in an illegal manner, such things as tear-gas bombs, sub-machine guns, labor spies, and “agents provocators” to prevent unionization of their workers. (Senate Document No. 46, Part III, 75th Congress, 2nd Session; Document No. 6, Parts I, III, IV, 76th Congress, 1st Session.) Just one item that may be considered typical is that regard ing the Pinkerton Detective Agency which sup plied over 1200 individuals to private employers, presumably to act as private police to “protect” their property. Of these, over 300 were used as la bor spies, gaining membership in bona fide unions by underhand means, and a large number were found to have had criminal records. (Page Mr. West brook Pegler). As a result of this unfavorable pub licity, the Pinkerton Agency decided to quit this rather unsavory part of its business. Also the N. LfR.B., whose decisions are generally regarded as be ing biased and presumably not in accordance with the facts, has been quite uniformly upheld by the United States Supreme Court, some of the lead ing decisions being written by Chief Justice Hughes himself. (See N.L.R.B. vs. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., 301 U.S. 1; N.L.R.B. vs. Fansteel Metallurgi cal Corp., 306 U.S. 240; N.L.R.B. vs. Republic Steel Corp., 60 Supreme Court Reports 806.) For a re cent analysis of the work of this organization by one who is neither a unionist nor an employer, read Professor R. R. Brooks’ volume entitled “Unions of Their Own Choosing.” Space does not permit any further discussion at this time, but the writer hopes that enough has been suggested to indicate that an intelligent' and broadminded approach toward the solution of em ployer-employee relationships requires that all known facts be made available. Mere recital of the abuses of unionism “a la Westbrook Pegler”, with out consideration of the abuses of the employer, will only add fuel to the fire instead of quenching it. S. I. SCHELDRUP Instructor in Economics As the World Turns... By DR. R. W. STEEN A WAR ON two fronts was the nightmare of Im perial Germany. When war came in 1914 it was a war on two fronts, and in the end Germany was beaten. Nazi Germany has also feared a war on two fronts, and so far has been able to avoid such a contest. Developments in the Balkans indicate that she may now have to fight such a war after all. Turkey apparently intends to stand by Britain, and has taken the occupation of Bulgaria as the signal to begin bombing attacks in Ru mania. There is no way of predict ing what will happen, but it is en tirely within the bounds of possi bility that German demands upon Greece will bring an English ex peditionary force into that coun try, and that the resulting fight ing will bring Turkey into the war. Such a’war will of course in crease the drain upon Germany’s vital supplies, and will at the same time reduce her striking power at Britain itself. Bombing the Rumanian oil field will be a diffi cult task. It would take something close to a direct hit for a bomb to seriously damage a well, and there are thousands of wells in the field. Damage can be done to storage tanks and transportation facili ties. Refineries in the vicinity can also be bombed. However, Britain would not have to destroy the field to interfere with the German oil supply. The field, one of the most important sources of German oil, produces only 26,000,000 barrels of oil annually —about the equivalent of Texas production for twenty days. Any reduction in production will be felt, and a large reduction might be critical. This is Texas Independence Week. Sunday, March 2, was Texas Independence Day, and also Sam Houston’s birthday. Appropriate ceremonies were held at Washington-on-the-Brazos where the declaration of independence was issued 105 years ago. By some quirk or other it is also “Eat More Meat” week, so proclaimed by Governor O’Daniel. The proclamation indicates clearly the remarkable difference between this country and most of the European countries at the present time. Here we are urged to eat more meat, while in many of the occupied countries people are facing starvation and meat is not to be had under any condition. Inciden tally, a war would change conditions in this country too. Hooverizing, in the last war, meant eating less meat—not more. Nearly one-half of the twenty-one million Amer ican youths between sixteen and twenty-four live on farms or in villages. Forty-seven whole farm and ranch demonstra tors cooperating with the Texas Extension Service improved the family’s water supply systems dur ing 1940. These improvements included new wells dug, addition of windmills, pumps, tanks, and pip ing of water in and out of the house. Steen THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1941 BACKWASH By George Fuemnn “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster Touch and Go. . . . Aggies lis tening to Bob Hawk’s “Take Lt or Leave It” program aired from Houston via CBS Sunday night heard one of the month’s best gig gle items. Bob mentioned that a day earlier he had visited the Rice Institute campus and while there was told of a re cent speaker who had addressed the student body. It seems that the well-meaning ora tor’s subject was Fuermann the four letters of the school’s name-—“R” for right eousness, “I” for integrity, “C” for cooperation and “E” for energy. Just as the poor man finished his address, someone in the rear of the audience murmured, “Thank God this isn’t the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas!” . . . Saturday is the day of the fifth annual all-sports day events which this year is being guided by T Club President Howard Shelton and Tommie Vaughn. The cause is a good one and every cadet who can do so should be on hand for the show. . . . One of the entomology students, setting down the prereq uisites of bug collecting on a re cent quiz, “A long-handled net, a pair of hornrimmed glasses and a pair of Boy Scout shorts really make you look the part.” . . . . Life photographer Francis (Nig) Miller, who photographed the Soph omore Ball and the corps review a couple of weekends ago, appears in the current issue of the mag in one of his own articles. Incident ally, he returned to Aggieland once again last Friday to round out his work with shots taken at the Field Artillery Ball and a picturization of an A. & M. mess hall “air raid.” . . . The writer has 11x14 prints of 50 of the shots taken on the cam pus. Those cadets who were pictur ed by Life are welcome to see the pictures. • # • R. Morgan & Co. Tops in the field of dance enter tainment was Russ and his 18 asso ciates of music making. Cadet opin ion concerning the orchestra is al most hash. “He’s better than last year,” one student said. “He’s not nearly as good as last year,” came from another. “Just about the same as he was at last year’s Senior Ring Dance,” others said. Although Backwash’s committee guiding 19- 41’s orchestra poll hasn’t been heard from, it seems to be a safe guess to say that Russ went over with a bang where the Field Artillery and the entire corps is concerned. In a tie for second in last year’s poll, he should have a good chance at the No. 1 spot this year. The old American folk song, “Star Dust,” blitzkrieged into the No. 1 spot on the Aggie Hit Par ade this past weekend. “Dolores” rode second place and the famed Morgan theme song, “Does Your Heart Beat for Me?” came in third. This mythical rating is based on the number of requests made for a particular song at each dance. Saturday afternoon Russ played golf with modern language prof Joe Woolket versus David McMinn and the Y.M.C.A.’s business secre tary, Bob Lowry. “That was the first game of golf I’ve played in five years,” Russ said, “but we beat ’em.” Russ’ musicians make an average of $100 per week plus additional money from occasional movie shorts, recordings, commercial brefadcasting find transcriptions;. The orchestra begins a six-week stand at Hollywood’s Paladium Thursday night. Incidentally, the orchestra recently made a Uni versal short which should show at one of the local theaters within six or eight weeks. The band netted $2000 for making the short—just in case you’ve ever wondered about such things. • • O Phyliss Lynne When Russ played at A. & M. last spring his vocalist was Car olyn Clarke, but Carolyn got mar ried and quit singing commercially. Maxine Conrad was next, but she’s now engaged and her boy friend wouldn’t let her make the cross country trek. Thus blonde Phyliss Lynne did the feminine work this time. For merly with Paul Pendarvis, she has been with Russ five weeks, had ten requests for dates while here, accepted ^one’ of them, is 21 years old, is only a fair singer but blessed with a lovely personality and said, “I loved dancing with the Aggies even though I couldn’t take more than one step with each of them. I’ve never seen so much cut ting-in on a dance floor and was a little bewildered by it—but it was wonderful.” Phyliss makes $75 a week with Russ, sings less than most vocal ists because Russ doesn’t believe in featuring a feminine star and her home is in California. Most Aggies thought she was tops and one was chagrinned when she told him, “I don’t drink or smoke, but I love gum.” • O • The Accident The Sunday before Russ arrived at A. & M. the truck which carries his instruments and four of his men was in a serious accident near Chipley, Florida. Ace drum mer Johnny May broke his leg and three other members of the or chestra received hospital treatment. Result: Manager Clyde Trask had to go ahead of the orchestra and borrow instruments for future en gagements. Aggieland Orchestra did the loaning at A. & M. To fill May’s shoes, Shep Barrier of Beaumont was employed. He did a better-than-average job and the The best way of how not to “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” is shown by Jack Benny and Fred Allen at the Assembly Hall Wednesday and Thursday. The enjoyment of these two comedians over the air is heightened by seeing them on the screen, and seeing them also provides other means for getting laughs. Of the two comedians, Ben ny seems to outshine Allen. He is more natural in his masterly way of making remarks seem like or dinary conversation. Allen has to work a little harder on his method of delivery and it is easier to tell when he has a gag line coming. The plot runs through a sort of You-slap-me-and-I’ll-slap-you tech nique which has been used by these actors over the air for some time. It is greatly intensified as each tries to ruin the other’s show by hiring away his cast and by all means foul and fair. Really the remarks and jokes are the main things because the plot is just something to hang them onto, and as the main thing of the entertain ment they are plenty attractive. Rochester, as he has been in Benny’s last few shows, is a healthy percentage of the show. With a concrete-mixer voice and a good deal of versatility he sings and dances and acts just plain funny. This show has a double portion of laughs with whipped cream and break may lead to a permanent top flight job. Shep, by the way, at tended A. & M. for three weeks at the beginning of the 1939-40 long session and was a member of the third combat train, Field Artillery. chocolate, and if laughter is good for what ails you, this will do the job. The title to the show playing at the Campus Tuesday and Wednes day came from the old song title “MARGIE.” It is sort of a farce- comedy which isn’t a story but just a series of comical situations about the difficulties of young song writers. Rapidly maturing Tom Brown and Nan Grey try to write their songs and get along both professionally .and romantic ally. 15c to 5 p.m. — 20e after Today and Tomorrow “MARGIE” —also— Cartoon - Novelty Thursday Only Greer Garson Laurence Olivier —in— “Pride and Prejudice” This film sponsored by P.T.A., A. & M. Consolidated School Assembly Hall Last Day “DR. KILDARE’S CRISIS” 3:30 and 6:45 The Most Powerful of the Kildare Stories Selected Shorts - - News Wednesday - Thursday Gifts for the Girl Friend We have just received a new ship ment of Aggie Insignia Jewelry. You can make the one and only very happy by sending her one of these: Lockets $2.25 - $8.00 Compacts $2.00 - $5.00 Bracelets $2.00 - $8.00 Pins $1.00 - $2.25 Come by today and make your selection. The Exchange Store 'An Aggie Institution’ It: Paramount Pictur* with j MARY MARTIN verree teasdaie . the merry VIRGINIA DALE mi ROCHESTER W Shorts - Pop Eye in “My Pop’ Also “Motorcycles” 3:30 and 6:45 each day 0 > > i * r * ‘i * r * AGG FOR Do the 1 it wi Tt too r urda saw to A but ■ Th agaii Her< Dwy for bene seen dowi s J T a v f * * V ’ * | 1 ( 1 r *