The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 18, 1941, Image 4

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Official Notices
Deadline for Official Notices is S :80
p.m. on days before publication, that is,
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Notioes
should be concise, typewritten, double
spaced, and signed.
Feb. 17 to 21 inc.—Waterworks and
Sewerage Short Course.
Feb. 21—Sophomore Dance—Sbisa Hall
—-0:00 p. m.
Feb. 21—C. E. Society Benefit Show—
Assembly Hall.
Feb. 28—Field Artillery Ball—Sbisa
Hall—10 p. m. to 2 a. m.
Feb. 28—A.LE.E. Benefit Show—Assem
bly Hall.
The meeting place for English 832,
New Editing, has been changed from
the Agricultural Engineering Building to
Boom 133, Animal Industries Building.
The general faculty will meet in the
Chemistry Lecture Room at 7:30 p.m.
today. This faculty consists of:
President, Vice-President, the Deans, all
full-time teachers and officers, the pro
fessional staff of the Registrar’s office,
the Library, and the Museum, the Comp
troller, the Director of Publicity, the
Director of the Agricultural Experiment
Tommy Dorsey
“One O’Clock Jump”
Metrome All Star Band
“There’ll Be Some
Changes Made”
Vaughn Monroe
“Southern Fried”
Charlie Barnett
“You Forgot About Me”
Artie Shaw
“Beau Night in
Hotchkiss Corners”
Artie Shaw
“Musical Americana-
Raymond Paige
R.C.A. Victor
Correct Dress for
The Dance
You’ll want to look your
best for the dances this
spring. We suggest that
you stop in and see our
fine stock of Tuxedos.
They are correct in every
detail . . . Midnight blue
with gros grain lapels .
. . . full drape models in
double or single breasted
We carry a complete
stock of correct dress ac
cessories and Tuxedo Ox
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
Station, the Director of the Agricultural
Extension Service, the Director of the
Forest Service.
F. C. Bolton,
United Air Lines Transport Corporation
has just advised the Department of Aero
nautical Engineering that they are ac
cepting applications for their student pilot
training course. In order to be eligible
students must have completed two yean
of college work as well as the CAA Sec
ondary Civil Pilot Training Course. Any
student at A. & M. who can meet these
qualifications is requested to secure an
application blank from Mr. Howard W.
Barlow, Head of the Department of Aero
nautical Engineering.
Candidates for baccalaureate and ad
vanced degrees to be conferred on May
30, 1941, may now make application for
the degrees in the Registrar’s Office.
Ass’t. Registrar
Mr. Clarence Henry of the Chicago
Board of Trade will speak at 7:30 Tues
day night in the Ag. Enginering lecture
room. The public is invited.
The Biology Club will meet Thursday
night, February 20, at 7:00 o’clock in the
lecture room of the Science Hall. The
club will be honored by having as its
speaker of the evening Dean T. D.
Brooks. Also there will be a short busi
ness meeting at which next year’s officers
will be elected. Cigars will be served.
The Campus Study Club will meet this
afternoon at 3 o’clock in the parlor of
Sbisa Hall for a program on Central
America. Miss Sadie Hatfield will be the
guest speaker.
The regular meeting of the A. & M.
Dames Club will be held Wednesday even
ing, Feb. 19th at 8 p. m. in thq lecture
room of the Petroleum Building. Mr. C. E.
Murphy will show a very interesting and
informative motion picture dealing with all
phages of the use of meat. All members
are urged to attend.
The Agronomy Society will meet Tues
day night at 7:30 in the Ag. Eng. lecture
room. Mr. Clarence Henry of the Chicago
Board of Trade will speak. Everyone is
K .K. K.
There will be a meeting of the Kream
and Kow Klub at 7:30 Tuesday night in
the Creamery lecture room. The meet
ing will be important and all members
are urged to attend.
There will be a meeting of the Tri-
State Club at 7 o’clock in the New
Y. Important business is to be discussed.
There will be a meeting of the Geology
Club Wednesday night in the Geology
Building at 7:30 at which time Mr.
William Cogen of the Shell Petroleum
Company will lecture on “Heavy Mineral
Correlation in the Gulf Coast.
The Denton County boys will meet Feb
ruary 18 in 63 Leggett, at 7 p.m.
The Collin County Club will meet in
room 107, Academic Building tonight at
7 o’clock.
The Lamar County Club will meet to
night in the Academic Building. Bring
50 cents if you want a club picture.
Tilford H. Morgan
WILL THE AGGIE who borrowed my
fountain pen in the post office last Thurs
day afternoon, please return it to me. J.
B. Wolf, room 401, dorm 2.
ject House 13. Good food. Phone 4-4474.
Conly Shurtleff, Manager.
LOST—15 jewel Bulova wrist watch
with blue crystal. Reward. Russell Hard-
age, P. H. No. 10.
Managing Editor—
(Continued from Page 1)
work on the Longhorn when he
was seriously injured on a hunting
trip while home for the Christmas
holidays. Ele, the one who has
caught the brunt of the evil spir
it’s wrath, had to resign from
school the first semester and
was unable to return for the sec
ond. Therefore the Student Publi
cations Committee had to look a-
round for a third editor-in-chief
of the Longhorn. Their choice was
the managing editor, Morton Rob
To fill Morton’s old position Lo
vell Kilpatrick was picked. Five
days later the “ole spirit” struck
again for it was only yesterday
that Lovell was pronounced to
have the measels by Dr. Marsh at
the college hospital.
Now the entire Longhorn staff
is threatening to go on strike, but
Robinson is trying to hold them to
gether by promising them a spec
ial Longhorn room at the hospit
al if they all catch the measles.
Here’s to the red spotted Long
horn of ’41.
Brotherhood Week—
(Continued from Page 1)
He has taught in the neuro-psy
chiatry department of Baylor Med
ical College in Dallas since 1934
and is rabbi of Congregation Shea-
rith Israel in the same city. He has
traveled and lectured in many sec
tions of the world.
Father Kirwin is a musician, a
newspaper columnist and a civic
worker in addition to his pas
torate at the St. James Church of
Port Arthur. He writes for the
Port Arthur Daily News, is a vio
linist and in charge of grammar
and high school divisions of the
parochial school. The St. James
church, recently completed, is a
magnificent $100,000 structure.
Hastings Harrison, Southwestern
director of the National Confer-
Civil Service—
(Continued from Pag* 1)
forty-fifth birthday.
Student dietitian, student physio
therapy aide, $420 a year less a de
duction of $360 a year for subsis
tence and quarters, Army Medical
Center, War Department. Upon
successful completion of the train
ing course at the Army Medical
Center, graduates will be eligible
for retention in the service. A 4-
year college course with special
study is required for entrance to
the examination. Applications may
be accepted from senior students
now in attendance at institutions
of recognized standing, subject to
their furnishing, during the life
of the register, proof of successful
completion of the required college
course prior to September 1, 1941.
Applicants must have reached their
twentienth but must not have pass
ed their twenty-eighth birthday.
Under and minor library assist
ant, $1,440 and $1,260 a year. Some
training in a recognized library
school, a recognized library ap
prenticeship course, or certain paid
library experience, is required.
Consultant in social services, va
rious grades, $4,600 to $3,200 a
year, Children’s Bureau, Depart
ment of Labor; Bureaus of Public
Assistance, and of Research and
Statistics, Social Security Board.
Completion of a 4-year college
course including or supplemented
by 1 full year of graduate or
undergraduate study in an accredit
ed school of social work is required,
plus appropriate experience. Ap
plicants will not be given a written
Translator, various grades, $2,-
300 to $1,800 a year. The duties of
this position are to make close
idiomatic translations from or into
one or more of the following lang
uages: Dano-Norwegian, Dutch,
French, German, Hebrew, Italian,
Magyar, Modern Greek, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish, Yiddish. Applicants must
have reached their eighteenth but
must not have passed their fifty-
third birthday.
Bilingual stenographer, $1800
a year. Optional language groups
are (1) Spanish and Portuguese,
and (2) English and Portuguese.
The duties are to take and to trans
cribe oral dictation over a wide
subject matter in the optional lan
guage groups. Applicants must
have reached their eighteenth but
must not have passed their fifty-
third birthday.
Full information as to the re
quirements for these examinations,
and application forms, may be ob
tained from College Station and
Bryan, Texas, Secretary of the
Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex
aminers, at the post office or
customhouse in this city, or from
the Secretary of the Board of U.
S. Civil Service Examiners, at any
first- or second-class post office.
LSU, Sulfur Co.
Hold Conference Here
Dr. Charles Upp, Clyde Ingram
and O. E. Goff of Louisiana State
University; Dr. P. D. Peterson and
W. H. Mecom of the Freeport Sul
phur Company, were in College Sta
tion Friday, Feb. 14, to confer with
members of the Poultry Division
of the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station concerning poultry
experiments being conducted by
the Louisiana and Texas Experi
ment Stations on the use of sul
phur in poultry rations.
Those representing the Poultry
Division of the Texas Station were
Ross M. Sherwood, J. R. Couch
and L. E. James. The A. & M.
college poultry department was
represented at the conference by
Prof. D. H. Reid, department head;
Prof. E. D. Parnell, Morton Rosen
berg and Alex Warren.
Following the conference visits
were made to inspect the poultry
equipment at the college poultry
farm and the experiment station
poultry laboratories.
After a long controversy on con
tinuance of sororities at the Uni
versity of Rochester, second-term
freshman rushing has been adopt
Kansas State college is one of
the few in the nation to offer a
course in explosives as part of its
engineering training for defense.
ence of Christians and Jews, will
come here with the three speakers.
A YMCA secretary for twenty-
three years at Beaumont, Corsicana
and Tulsa, Mr. Harrison has been
in charge of the regional head
quarters of the interfaith organi
zation since February, 1939.
Highway Economics Conference
Will Be Held Here, February 24-28
Conference on Highway Eco-*
nomics will be held at College Sta
tion, February 24 through 28 by the
School of Engineering in cooper
ation with the Highway Research
Board of the Division of Engin
eering of the National Research
Council. The conference is being
held to enable highway adminis
trators and engineers engaged in
planning, building, and mainten
ance programs who have many
problems based upon fundamental
principles of economics.
Dean Gibb Gilchrist of the school
of engineering and Roy W. Crum,
director of the Highway Research
Board, are to be co-directors of the
Invitations have been extended
to members of the Highway De
partments of Mississippi, Louis
iana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kans
as, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado,
and Texas, as well as to the mem
bers of the Public Roads Adminis
tration staffs of districts centered
at Denver, Colorado, Kansas City,
Missouri, Montgomery, Alabama,
and Fort Worth, Texas.
This conference has been arranged
as a result of a similar meeting
held at Iowa State College last
year at which the School of Engi
neering offered its services to the
Highway Research Board to hold
a conference for the Southwest.
Speakers at the conference from
A. & M. include J. T. L. McNew,
head of the department of civil
engineering, J. Wheeler Barger,
head of agricultural economics, T.
A. Munson, professor of hydraulic
engineering, S. R. Wright, assis
tant professor of municipal and
sanitary engineering, F. C. Bol
ton, dean of the college, and Gibb
Gilchrist, dean of the school of
Topics to be discussed are the
Economic Setting of Highway
Transportation, Marketing Factors,
Financial Practices and Trends,
Highway Cost Analysis, Funda
mentals of Value and Deprecia
tion, Distribution of Motor Vehicle
Taxes among Classes of Vehicles,
Development of Highway' Trans
portations, and various other re
lated subjects to the economics of
highway transportation and cons
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced ex
aminations for the positions list
ed below. Applications wil be ac
cepted at the Commission’s Wash
ington office until the closing dates
specified. Where two dates are
given, the extra time is allowed
for applications sent from Colo
rado and States Westward. All sal
aries are subject to a 31/^% retire
ment deduction.
Marketing specialist (transpor
tation), $3,800 a year, Agricul
tural Marketing Service, Depart
ment of Agriculture. Experience
On Kyle Field—
(Continued from Page 3)
For many years participants of
the hardwood alleys have tried to
find the cause to enter a tourna
ment of one sort or another.
Last year such a tournament
was created but then fell through.
Managers of the “Y” alleys have
offered their help in forming a
schedule again if a number of
teams request it.
Teams are made up of five men
and no substitutions can be made.
Scoring will be at the will of the
majority of the teams entered.
Organizations desiring to enter
teams should have their intramural
manager or representative get in
Swimming Team—
(Continued from Page 3)
to 1 with Reynaud of the cadets
accounting for four of the goals.
Here is the record of the meet:
Medley Relay . . .Smoot, Mont
gomery, and Sinclair (D.A.C.)
Time—1 minute and 44.4 sec
220 Free style . . .Taylor (A. &
M.), Moore (D.A.C.), Win
chester (D.A.C.). Time—2 min
utes and 22.5 seconds.
50 yard Free Style . . .Hensley
(A. & M.), McKey (A. & M.),
Green (D.A.C.). Time—24-
Fancy Diving. . . .Reeves (A. &
M.), Craig (D.A.C.), Noman
100 yard backstroke . . .Smoot
(D.A.C.), Cockerell (D.A.C.),
Conway (A. & M.). Time—1.10.
100 yard Free Style. . . .Hensley
(A. & M.), Sinclair (D.A. C.),
McKey (A. & M.). Time—
55.1 seconds.
100 yard breast-stroke. . . .Mont
gomery (D.A.C.), Davis (A. &
M.), Stevens (A. & M.). Time
440 yard free style. . . . Taylor
(A. & M.), Green (D.A.C.),
Moore (D.A.C.). Time—5 min
utes and 28.5 seconds.
240 yard free style relay. . . .
Hensley, McKey, Davis, and
Taylor (A. & M.). Time—2
minutes and 2.4 seconds.
in the freight traffic department
of a common carrier is required.
Closing dates are February 27
and March 3, 1941.
Agricultural program analyst,
various grades, with salaries rang
ing from $2,600 to $5,600 a year,
Bureau of Agricultural Economics,
Department of Agriculture. Certain
college study plus experience in
agricultural program planning ex
tension, research, or administration
must be shown. Closing dates are
February 27 and March 3, 1941.
Accountant and auditor, various
grades, with salaries ranging from
$2,600 to $3,800 a year. Experience
in responsible accounting and
auditing positions is required.
Closing dates are February 13 and
17, 1941.
Junior supervisor, tabulating
equipment operators, $1,800 a
year; junior supervisor, alphabetic
card-punch operators, $1,620 a
year. Supervisorory experience in
one of these fields must be shown.
Closing dates are February 13
and 17, 1941.
Public health nurse, $2,00 a
year; graduate nurse, general staff
duty, $1,800 a year; Indian Field
Service, including Alaska, Depart
ment of the Interior. Applicatina
will be accepted until further no
Chemical engineer (any special
ized branch), various grades, with
salaries ranging from $2,600 to
$5,600 a year. Completion of col
lege study in engineering plus ap
propriate experience is required.
Applications will be rated as re
ceived until further notice, but
qualified persons are urged to ap
ply at once.
Full information as to the re
quirement for these examinations,
and application forms, may be ob
tained from College Station, Texas,
and Bryan, Texas Secretary of the
Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex
aminers, or from the Secretary of
the Board of U. S. Civil Service
Examiners, at any first- or second-
class post office.
Dr. A. Benbow
Phone 375
Astin Building - Bryan
touch with your writer in room 201
number 4.
Pete Cantu, the artist who at the
first of the year drew character
sketches of a few of the football
players, has drawn a review of the
Aggie teams of ’39 and ’40. The
drawing also has a complete rec
ord of the scores of each season.
This is an early prediction—in
fact too early—so we’ll just call
it a warning—watch out for the
Texas Aggies next year.
Mid-term exams spared the ca
dets this year and the winter
spring training is well under way.
Moser and Sterling can be named
as starters for the ’41 version
with the other nine spots having
competitors three deep.
Let Us Fix
Your Radio
North Gate
Phone 4-4114
Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization
n—r.——.i — n—n —— n — n — „ — „ —
We have the most attractive new
car deal ever to be offered . . . Call
Bryan 2-1333 and ask for any of the
following salesmen and they will gladly
explain the deal:
Henry Helweg
W. R. Nance
Harry Hooker
V. Nance
Ray Smith
Marvin Aikin
Jess Foster
Pat Patterson
Bruan Motor Co,
Bryan, Texas
Order Now and Save!!
When you go on active duty in June you will need Gabardine
Shirts and Elastique (Ice Cream) Slacks. Prices on these materials are
rising every day. Place your order now — only a small deposit required.
Delivery will be made when you specify — either before you leave
in June or mailed to you wherever you are stationed.
“Made by Mendl & Hornak”
Expert Workmanship — Dependable Quality
North Gate
r i
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t n
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1 ¥
r e
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l t
> *