The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 18, 1941, Image 1

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DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
VOL. 40
NO. 52
Killed in
Auto Wreck
Three Students
Also Injured When
Automobiles Collide
A former resident of College Sta
tion and ex-student of A. & M., El-
dridge McCall, was killed about
1:08 a.m. Sunday morning in an au
tomobile collision midway between
Somerville and Lyons on Highway
36. Also injured in the wreck were
three students of A. & M., J. H.
English and D. S. White of Gates-
ville and John W. Brumbelow of
A coupe driven by McCall and
carrying English, White, and Brum
below collided with a coach driven
by Frand Sebesta of Caldwell, with
Henry Adamek of Snook as a pas
senger. Sebesta and Adamek escap-
ed injury except a few slight scrat
ches and bruises.
Because a watch on the person of
McCall stopped at 1:08, it was con
cluded that that was the time of the
wreck. McCall, English, White, and
Brumbelow were carried to the
Sarah B. Milroy Hospital at Bren-
ham by an ambulance of the Woods
funeral home of Somerville. Mc
Call died soon after reaching the
Eldridge McCall was the son of
L. J. McCall, a resident of College
Station and Farm Superintendent
at the Feeding and Breeding Sta
tion. Eldridge graduated from
Stephen F. Austin high school in
1936 and attended a junior col
lege for a year. While at A. & M.
he studied in the industrial engin
eering department for two years,
after which he accepted a job teach-
manual shop training in the Tom-
ball High School. He had been at
this position since last summer.
Four Ex-Aggies
Receive Praise
From Air School
Four ex-Aggies, Jack H. Rudy,
Anthony Tirk, Jr., Dan E. Kelly
and James M. Parker Jr. received
commendment recently from the
Air Corps Training Detachment,
Ryan School of Aeronautics at
Lindberg Field, San Diego, Cali
Merril H. Carlton, 2nd Lieut.,
Air Corps Public Relations Offices,
said that Parker, Rudy ,and Tirk
had all been selected Flying Cadet
Corporals of their classes and that
Kelly had been selected as Flying
Platoon Sergeant.
Carlton said that these men were
selected because “our flying cadet
ofifcers must possess that quality
so necessary to carry on the esprit
de corph and furnish the military
background for the lowerclassmen
under supervision of the Air Corps
Sophomores, Juniors
Wanted on Adv. Staff
All sophomores and juniors
who would like to work on The
Battalion advertising staff may
inquire at the Student Publications
office, The Battalion office or see
Keith Hubbard in Room 37, Law
Hall, Hubbard announced today.
As Architects Rhumbacated
Spanish-flavored festivities at the annual Architect’s Ball last Friday night in Sbisa hall.
Reading in the usual order, “Tourista” Joe Bourn, Dallas, and Clarence Hall, Marshall, try to interest Senorita Mary Catherine Watson
in a buggy ride; and Louis Tregre, Baton Rouge, La., receives a murderous thrust in the solar plexus from Paco Ruiz, Tampico, Mexico.
—Photo by Phil Golman
Brotherhood Week Is To Be Observed February 27
Fourth Annual Sophomore Ball Scheduled
For Night of February 27; Ed Gerlach’s Orchestra
Bus Load Of
TSCW Girls Will Be
On Hand For Occasion
The fourth consecutive annual
Sophomore Ball will be held from
nine until twelve Friday night,
February 21, at Sbisa Hall with
Ed Gerlach and his Houstonians
There will probably be a spec
ial bus from T.S.C.W. with dates
for the dance. There are still a
few girls who will come on this bus
for whom dates have not been ar
ranged so that any sophomore who
wishes to make a date see Ed Gor
don, Room 106, Dorm 6; Maurice
Harrington, Room 107, Dorm 5 ,or
Jack Miller of “C” Cavalry, Billy
Bryant, sophomore class president,
The first four ramps of Law Hall
will be vacated for the girls to stay
in over the weekend. Rooms may
be arranged for through the Com
mandant’s office any time this
week. The charge for a room for
both Friday and Saturday nights is
fifty cents.
Tickets for those sophomores who
failed to buy them this past week
may be purchased at the door Fri
day night for $1.10.
Special guests who are invited in
clude the senior class, the Presi
dent, deans ,and other college of
ficials, and all army officers on
duty at the College.
Managing Editor
Of Longhorn Stricken
III to Carry on Jinx
By E. M. Rosenthal
There seems to be some doubt
as to the fact that there will be
a 1941 Longhorn published, at least
this is the feeling which can be
noticed in the picture cluttered-
office of the Texas A. & M. annual
office. All the junior and senior ed
itors and other workers on the
Longhorn are walking around in
a fog during the day and are afraid
to fall asleep at night for fear
they will be the next caught by
the evil spirit which seems to
haunt their every move.
First there was Bill Becker who
was elected to head the publica
tion this year, but by some stroke
of fate he was forced to resign
in order to become Cadet Colonel.
The other editors now feel that
their nemisis or haunting spirit
was kind to Bill and didn’t wish
to harm him so she saw that he
got this other position.
Second came Ele Baggett who
was selected to fill the vacancy
left by Becker. However, he had
no sooner gotten into the deep
(Continued on Page 4)
Houston Mothers
Club Plans Dance
During RV Holidays
The Houston and Harris County
A. & M. Mothers’ Club plans to
hold a dance for the Houston and
Harris County students during the
R.V. holidays. Mrs. Joe Spiller of
Houston, president of the club, is
acting as entertainment chairman
of the club.
The club sponsored another so
cial event Sunday from 3 to 5
p.m. when the annual cooky show
er was held in Sbisa Hall. Music
for this occasion was furnished
by an 11-piece all-girl orchestra
from Houston. Approximately 500
persons attended the shower. C. J.
Bland, vice president of the club,
presided at the affair because of
the absence of the president, James
R. Lane, who was called out of
town to attend the funeral of the
father of Paul Egner, secretary
of the club.
Many Houston A. & M. mothers
were present at the party who made
a special trip from Houston. The
shower was the largest in the
history of the club.
Team of Interfaith
Speakers To Discuss
Nat’l Unity Theme
National Unity will be the theme
of the A. & M. college observance
of nation-wide Brotherhood Week
to be held Thursday night, Feb
ruary 27.
Featuring the program, a team
of interfaith speakers will discuss
this theme. They will be introduced
by Hastings Harrison, regional di
rector of the National Conference
of Christians and Jews.
The team members are Dr. Jas
per Manton, who will speak on
“Possibilities and Limitations of
an Interfaith Movement”; Rabbi
Raphael Gold, “What is the Gen
tlemen’s Agreement of the United
States of America?” and the Very
Rev. James M. Kirwin, “Struggle
for Religious Liberty in America.”
Chairman of the meeting will be
Alfred C. Paine.
Dr. Manton is pastor of the
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Dal
las, and holds degrees from the
Theological Seminary of Chicago
and the University of Chicago. He
is moderator of the synod of Texas
of the Presbyterian Church, U. S.
A. He was charter member of the
Sherman Rotary club and is a mem
ber of the board of trustees of
Trinity University.
Dr. Gold, who holds a doctor of
medicine degree, has also studied
in rabbinic academies of Europe
and was ordained in 1916 after
completing his study at the Jewish
Theological Seminary in New York.
(Continued on Page 4)
Dallas Girl Named A&M
Duchess of Bluebonnet Fete
Water Works,
Sewage School
Opens This Week
Registration Began
Monday; Approximately
300 Expected To Attend
Registration for the Twenty-
Third Annual Water Works and
Sewerage Short School began on
Monday of this week in the lobby
of the Y.M.C.A. The school is
under the direction of Prof, E. W.
Steel of A. & M. and will continue
throughout the week with many
conferences and lectures of interest
to water and sewerage plant op
erators throughout the state.
About 200 persons have regis
tered for the course and by the
end of the five-day’ session ap
proximately 300 persons are ex
pected to be attending the meet
ings. The short course is divided
into three sections: a water sup
erintendents section, under the di
rection of Roy Matthews of Al
bany, Texas; a sewerage section,
directed by Engineer W. D. Sta
ples, city-county health unit of
Bryan, Texas; and a laboratory
section, under the supervision of
Dr. C. H. Connell and Irving M.
Dietz of the Department of Mu
nicipal and Sanitary Engineering
at A. & M. The laboratory section
will meet in various laboratories
of the Municipal and Sanitary En
gineering Department and the
Chemistry Department, where the
enrollees will actually make analy
ses of water and sewerage.
The short course will hold its
annual banquet in the College Mess
Hall on Thursday night. Engineer
D. B. Dickson, President of the
Texas Division, Southwest Section
A.W.W.A. will preside at the meet
Ross Volunteers
Will Have Major
Part in Function
Miss Floylee Hunter of Dallas, a
Hockaday senior, has been selected
to represent the A. & M. cadet
corps as its duchess at the elabor
ate Texas Bluebonnet Festival to
be held in Navasota March 28 to
Miss Hunter will be escorted by
George Mueller, A. & M. Senior
from Dallas.
Each year the Texas Bluebon
net festival requests The Battal
ion’s editors to serve as a commit
tee to select A. & M.’s duchess. Miss
Hunter was selected on the basis of
her recent election to the Vanity
Fair section of The Longhorn by
Cecil B. deMille.
As is customary, she selected
her own escort.
Miss Audrey Louise Jones, grand
daughter of Jesse H. Jones, sec
retary of commerce, and daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Tilford
Jones of Houston, will be crowned
queen of the event.
“I’m too excited to say anything
now,” was Miss Hunter’s only
comment when notified of her se
Last year’s duchess from A. &
M. was Miss Daphne Salois, also of
Dallas, who was escorted by J. M.
As is customary, the Ross Volun
teers will play a major part in the
three-day event. The Ross Volun
teers will act as official escorts
for the queen’s court in which Miss
Hunter will take part.
Woodpecker Menaces
Browning Collection
At Baylor University
A bull in a china shop hardly
could have been worse.
For no woodpecker ever had a
choicer selection of furniture to
tempt his hammering bill than the
sturdy little bird which somehow
got into the $500,000 Robert
Browning collection of the Baylor
University library.
There he was, perched atop one
of the eight $1500 solid mahogany
book cases, when library attendants
arrived for work. With a shriek,
one co-ed spied him, then ran for
From chandelier to bookcases to
picture frames to chairs and tables,
and then back again the chase
went on. Once the bird, capable of
getting some nhsty whacks at
fragile art objects in the room,
alighted on Italian altar pieces,
and again he stopped momentarily
on the hand carved frame of a
noted Barrett Browning portrait
which has been exhibited in Paris
and London.
Each time the mop-brigade kept
the woodpecker on the go.
At 2 p. m., the invader was cap
tured—he collapsed behind a music
Civil Service
Announces List
Of Student Jobs
Therapy Aides, Library
Assistants, Dieticians,
Translators Are Sought
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced that ap
plications will be received for the
positions listed below. Applications
must be on file at the Commission’s
Washington office not later than
the closing dates given below. The
first date in each ease refers to
applications received from States
east of Colorado, and the second to
those received from Colorado and
States westward. The salary in
each case is subject to a 3L4 per
cent retirement deduction. The age
limits do not apply to veterans re
ceiving veteran preference, up to
the retirement age.
Occupational therapy aid, junior
occupational therapy aide, recrea
tional aide, $1,800, $1,620, and
$1,800 a year, respectively. Option
al branches for the occupational
therapy aide positions are: (1)
Arts and crafts, (2) trades and in
dustries, and (3) gardening. Appli
cants will be rated on their educa
tion and experience. They will not
be given a written test, except
those who are given a general test
in lieu of high-school education.
They must not have passed their
(Continued on Page 4)
Texas Aggies Swell Ranks of Uncle Sant’s Air Corps
Largest class of flying cadets-
ever to complete their basic flight
training at Randolph Field, Texas,
graduated from the “West Point
of the Air” during Christmas week.
Two hundred eighty future pilots
of the expanding air corps includ
ing four former students from
Texas A. & M.College were trans
ferred to the Advanced Flying
School at Kelly Field for a final
ten weeks instruction before receiv
ing their wings and commission as
Second Lieutenants.
■ W. L. Evans, W. C. Milton, C. A..
Montgomery, M. Word, J. I. Hop
kins, W. C. Willes, Jr., W. B.
Hendrick, H. P. Hardegree, J. B.
Harshey, V. C. Denton, D. E. Bras
well, J. J. Keeter Jr., listed in order
of their respective pictures, above,
were among the 12,000 new Air
Corps officers to be adde dto the
newest branch of national defense
during the coming year.
Classes start training every five
weeks under the accelerated train
ing schedule that transforms young
college men between 20 and 27 into-
full-fledged military aviators in
thirty-five weeks. Sixty-five hours
flying time on primary training
planes prepares them for the sec
ond phase of training either at
Randolph Field or one of two other
basic flight schools.
More than 350 low wing mono
planes with a top speed of 175
miles an hour are in daily use at
Randolph Field alone where 4200
Cadets will be trained this year.
Seventy hours additional flying
■time is logged during the secondary,
phase of training, much of it at
night or under the instrument
flying hood.
An innovation in the general
Air Corps training program was an
nounced recently. In addition to
training fliers, 3600 aerial navi
gators and bombardiers will be
turned out during each calendar
year. These graduates will receive
the same pay as a Flying Cadet
during training, $75 per month, in
addition to quarters and food. They
will be commissioned as Second
Lieutenants as will the pilots. Pay
of the navigation officers and bom
bardiers will be the same as for
pilots, $205 per month plus quar
Certain selected college men with
a technical education will get a
nine month’s course in engineer
ing and airplane and engine main
tenance. Physical requirements are
high, it was pointed out, but not
as high as for those applying for
pilot training.
. Three Flying Cadets from A. &
M. College of Texas soon will be
wearing Air Corps wings. They
are among the 335 future pilots
of the army air arm who are sch
eduled to complete their basic
flight training at Randolph Field
Texas, the “West Point of the Air,”
on February 7.
They include Flying Cadets:
James R. Griffin, Blooming Grove,
Tex., ’40, B.S.; McGehee Word,
Alice, Tex., ’38, B.S.; Joe William
son, Edinburg, Texas, ’36-37.
Aggieland Selected
To Play For Cotton
Ball and Style Show
The Aggieland Orchestra has a-
gain been selected for the eighth
consecutive year to play for the
Agronomy Society’s annual Cotton
Ball and Style Show on the night of
May 2. The agreement was made
yesterday between Johnny Rob
inson, manager of the Cotton Ball,
and Tommy Littlejohn, the Aggie-
land’s leader.
According to the agreement, Lit
tlejohn and his orchestra will play
for the style show at the big gym
from 8 o’clock until the show is
over, which will be around nine
thirty, and then will go to Sbisa
Hall to play for the ball from ten
till two.
Robinson said the reason the
Society again chose the Aggieland
was that the orchestra had gone
over so well in the past.