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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1941)
Page 4- Official Notices Deadline for Official Notices is 8:80 p.m. on days before publication, that is, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Notices should be concise, typewritten, double spaced, and signed. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Jan. SI—Faculty Dance—Sbisa Hall— 9:00 P. M. to 12 midnight. Make That Valentine Gift of Jewelry Call and let us show you the many new spring creations of jewelry. Diamonds - Watches Jewelry CALDWELL’S Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT A. & M. COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 28 JAN. 41 CIRCULAR NO. 27: 1. Those STUDENTS who desire may complete their registration through the COMMANDANT’S OFFICE provided they have paid their fees beginning at 8:00 A. M., 27 JAN. 41. 2. DORMITORY STUDENTS and DAY STUDENTS must register for the same room, address, and organization to which they are now assigned. ORGANIZATION COMMANDERS are directed to see that this order is complied with. 3. ORGANIZATION COMMANDERS are directed to have those students who do not intend to register for the second semester check out through the COM MANDANT’S OFFICE in order that their record may be cleared before their de parture from the COLLEGE. By order of the COMMANDANT CAA PRIMARY APPLICANTS Will the following men who have been sent for the preliminary physical examiniation report to the Aeronautical Engineering Department Thursday, Jan uary 30th. If they do not report, their applications will be discarded. Standish, Gus Kelly, Andrew Bruzos Craft, Wiley Harold Byrd, William Hervie Davis, Lamar Walter, Jr. Dudley, Jay Noman Gober, Lonzo M. Houston, Isaac Thomas Lasley, Walter, Jr. Rankin, Sam Harrison Ross, Fred Raymond Dew, Joseph Knoblauch Miller, Archie Boyd Pietsch, Carl Paul Merrill, Wiley Hendrix, Jr. Roach, Jack, Jr. P. R. HIGGINS CAA PRIMARY APPLICANTS Will the following men report to the Aeronautical Engineering Department for their preliminary interview for CAA Pri mary Training in the afternoon on Jan uary 31 and February 1. Bender, William Henry Brient, Russell Roy, Jr. Church, Walter Lee, Jr. Eidson, Arthur Clint Ferguson, Grayer Woodrow Keeter, Elmar Hilton Loyd, Paul Blalock Lynch, Addison Haisley Morgan, Jack Francis Peavey, John Randall, Jr. Woodridge, William Vernon Smith, Landgrave Thomas Dollison, Charles Herman JEverett, Le Roy Branch, Jr. Parrish, Raymond Arnold Muellee, Wayne L. P. R. HIGGINS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Members of the Texas A. & M. Federal Credit Union and interested employees of the College will hear W. J. Edmond- ston of Dallas, managing editor of the Texas Credit Union League, at the Union’s annual meeting scheduled Thursday at 7 p. m. in the lecture room of the Animal Industries Building. The speaker, a for mer student of the A. & M. College, has had 10 years’ experience in credit unions, according to Dr. Ide P. Trotter, president of the local organization. SENIOR ENGINEERS Those senior engineering students who have secured an application for employ ment with the Carter Oil Company and have not turned this blank in to the Placement Bureau should do so at once. PLACEMENT BUREAU Association of Former Students LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 JANDARY SALE Our semi-annual Clear ance Sale ends Saturday . . . take advantage of this opportunity to save money on our stocks of nationally known mer chandise. Fashion-Park Suits Varsity-Town Suits Michaels-Stern Suits Rockora Top Coats Michaels-Stern Topcoats Men’s Dress Slacks Lounging Robes Californian Coats Catalina Sweaters Manhattan Shirts Manhattan Pajamas Shirtcraft Shirts Shirtcraft Pajamas Long Sleeve Sport Shirts Kaynee Sport Shirts Kaynee Pajamas Hansen Gloves Ladies’ Gloves Ladies’ Bags Ladies’ Sweaters Ladies’ Belts flTaldropg(8 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan SCHEDULE OF CLASSES The following changes have been made in the Official Schedule of Classes for the second semester: Agr. 410—Sec. SOIL MWF8 — Wl-5 Biol. 101—Sec. 501P MFW4 — T10-12W1-3 Chem. 301—Sec. SOOT TThS8 — Wl-5 Land. 305—Sec. 500P TThlO — - V. P. B. 242—Sec. 295R MWF10 — ThS10-12 E. J. HOWELL Registrar CLASS SCHEDULE CHANGE The following changes have been made in the Official Schedule of Classes for the second semester: Biol. 101—Sec. 7P-T-MWF4—WF8-10. Bjol. 101—Sec. 8P—MWF4—M8-10Th 10-12. Biol. 101—Sec. 9P—MWF4—Tl-3Th3-5. Biol. 101—Sec. 601P—MWF4—T10-12F3 -5. Biol. 112—Sec. 17W—MF2—WF10-12. Biol. 112—Sec. 38 W—TTh8—M1-3W3-5. Biol. 344—Sec. 500S—ThS9—T8-10F1-3, Chera. 218—Sec. SOOT—Withdrawn. Chem. 301—Sec. 500T—TThS—Wl-5. Chem. 302—Sec. 145V—TThSlO—Tl-5. E. J. HOWELL Registrar. SUBSISTENCE ROLL Approximately $800 of the 2nd Quarter ROTC Subsistence Roll is still in the Fiscal Office. Please call for this money at once as a deadline will be set soon. PACKAGE The President’s Office is holding a pack age containing three meat steels, from Russell Harrington Co. Will the depart ment ordering these, please call for them. SECONDARY CAA TRAINEES AND GRADUATES Word has been received that there is a possibility of an instructor’s training course being offered this next semester. Grad uates of the secondary (Restricted Com mercial) course who are able to fulfill all of the requirements are eligible for the student instructor’s course consisting of twenty-five to thirty-five hours of instruc tion and methods of flight instruction un der the supervision of an approved in structor. The ground course consists of ap proximately twenty hours devoted to an alyzing and explaining flight maneuvers. Applicants must have obtained their nine teenth but not their twenty-seventh birth day and must be recommended for this training by the flight operator from whom they received their secondary training. All those interested are requested to call at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering any time from January 28th through the 30th and leave their application. P. R. HIGGINS CAA SECONDARY APPLICANTS Will the following men report to the Department of Aeronautical Engineering for their preliminary interview for Second ary Flight Training in the afternoons from January 28 through the 30th. Bowles, Carey Edwin, Jr. Grady, William Richard Hagood, Douglas Roy Hall, Clarence, Jr. Johnson, Clyde Bayless, Jr. Kelly, Patrick Ledoux Levine, Samuel W. Luckenbach, Austin Albert Morris, Robert C. Minnock, Jack Edmund Nichols, Doyle Rowland Pela, Emil Cecil Homing, James Alfred Shelton, William Ellington Shiner, J. L. Stroebele, Herman Albert Webb, Eugene Edward Welling, Conrad Gerhart P. R. HIGGINS CHANGE IN CONFLICT SCHEDULE R. S. 315 The conflict examination schedule for R. S. 315 has been corrected to read 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8. H. L. Heaton Ass’t Registrar ANNOUNCEMENT The schedule of classes for the second semester is now available for distribution at the Registrar’s Office. E. H. HOWELL Registrar THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1941 Owing to the requests of students to repeat I. Eng. 401 — Industrial Engin eering — this course will be tentatively scheduled for 10 o’clock MWF during the second semester. This course supersedes M. E. 419, de scribed in the catalogue, and is requir ed in the Mechanical Engineering curri culum. Other juniors and seniors will be allowed to enroll in this course subject to the approval of the head of the Industrial Engineering Department. JUDSON NEFF, Head Industrial Engineering Department Room 220, Petroleum Engineering Building VACANCIES IN FLYING CLUB Vacancies are now present in the Ag gie Flying Club. This club makes it pos sible for members to fly much more economically than at regular prices. It should be of special interest to C.A.A. graduates who wish to keep up their fly ing time. Members may make week-end cross-country trips in the club ship. All those interestsed should see A1 M. Nelson in the M.E. Building. PERSONNEL SHEETS Printed personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at Room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience. DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Elliott, R. E. Gochicoa, C. A. Phillips, R. F. Riggs, R. R. Roberts, Ben H. Shields, E. A., Jr. Sweeney, R. L., Jr. PLACEMENT BUREAU Association of Former Students APPLICATION PHOTOS Application size photographs which ac company printed personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for htese at Room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience. Appelt, Leslie L. Balmer, T. A. Carson, Ray, Jr. DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Elliott, Robt. E. Ellis, Ollie M. Fowler, Henry F. Gochicoa, C. A. Hall, T. G. Higgins, Walter S., Jr. Hough, Leonard E. Lane, James R. Lawrence, Oscar V. Mayfield, Wm. L. Murray, J. G. Riggs, Russell R. Roberts, Ben H. Shields, Earle A., Jr. Sweeney, R. L., Jr. PLACEMENT BUREAU Association of Former Students NOTICE All members of the Horticultural So ciety who plan to order keys, please turn in your name at once so orders may be placed. Felix Scott Sec. Hort. Society NOTICE PARIS & LAMAR COUNTY CLUB BOYS The Longhorn Picture of the Lamar County A. & M. Club will be made Friday, January 31 at 12:45 p.m. on the Y steps. Seniors wear boots and serge, Juniors, serge, and Sophomores and Fish wear cotton shirts. Every member please try to be there promptly. JUNIOR COLLEGIATE CHAPTER OF F.F.A. MEETING The Junior Collegiate Chapter of Future Farmers of America will meet tonight in the Agriculture Engineering lecture room at 7:30. POULTRY SCIENCE CLUB The Poultry Science Club will have their Club picture taken Thursday, Jan uary 30, at 12:45 p.m. in front of the Agricultural Engineering Building. Wear Number 2 uniform with cotton shirts. FRIENDS NEED CULTIVATING Cultivate your friends in either English, Spanish, or German at the Fellowship language table every Thursday, Sbisa Hall. This week the Fellowship Luncheon will initiate a German table led by Herr Clifford M. Simmang of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Roy L. Donahue, Chairman Fellowship Luncheon Classified FOR SALE—A 1939 4-door Studebaker President sedan. Cost $1635 new. Priced now at $596.00. Original owner. 1% years old. Excellent condition. Call Bryan 730 or Bryan 415. RIDE TO DALLAS—Leave College 2 o’clock Friday, return Tuesday or Wed nesday. 1936 Oldsmobile with radio. $2.00 round trip, $1.00 either way. See Jim Gil lespie, 120 No. 12. FOR RENT—Front room with twin beds. 229 Milner Drive, College Hills. Board next door if desired. Phone 4-1167. WILDLIFE CONFERENCE All persons interested in attending the Sixth Annual North American Wild life Conference at Memphis, Tenn., the week beginning Feb. 17, meet with Dr. Walter P. Taylor in Room 824 of the A. & I. building Monday afternoon at 5 o’clock to discuss plans concerning transportation. Legal Notice ORDINANCE REGULATING CONNECTIONS TO THE SEWER SYSTEM Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas Section 1. Every owner of a building or part thereof occupied by people for any purpose, any part of the day or night, situated on any city block in the city, where a public sewer is laid and maintained within 150 feet from the near est lot line on which said building is lo cated is required to install within said building or part of building a water clos et or water closets and have them connect ed to the sewer. Owners of building com ing within the terms of this ordinance and located on acreage tracts shall be required to install a water closet or water closets and connect same to the sewer if the said building at its nearest point is within 250 feet from the sewer. Said water closets shall, when required, dis charge into a septic tank which shall in turn discharge into the sewer. Section 2. All workmanship and mater ials used in installing water closets re quired under this ordinance shall com ply with the requirements of the City Plumbing Ordinance. Section 8. Written notice shall be giv en by the plumbing inspector to property owners violating Section 1 of this ordi nance, said notice to inform the prop erty owner that the water closet shall be installed and sewer connection made not later than sixty days after date of the notice. Section 4. Contractors and others who employ workmen outside of buildings shall provide water closet facilities acceptable to the plumbing inspector, within twenty- four hours of time of notice of such re quirement. Said facilities shall be main tained in sanitary condition. Section 5. Any person, firm, or corpor ation who shall fail to comply with, or shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemean or, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense, and any day that any person, firm, or corporation shall maintain a condition that is in violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to file complaints in the city court against all violators of this ordinance as the expiration of per iods set fourth in the notices mentioned in Sections 3 and 4. dyers hatters AMERICAN-STEAM DRY ♦ ♦ CLEANERS’ PHONE 58 5 BRYAJf Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization Prescription For Exam Jitters If the approaching exams have made you jittery, then calm yourself—our potent little review books are sure fire cure for exam nerves. They’re written by understanding professors for the express purpose of clarifying, emphasizing, and digesting your every subject through review. Directions: The medicine may be taken in large doses before and after meals and in the interim with perfect safety. It is not habit forming except among the wise who know the secret to obtaining high marks. COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES at LOUPOT’S TRADING POST North Gate OFFICIAL NOTICE There will > be a short meeting of the Architecture Society Thurs day night, 7:15 in the lecture room. Dance arrangements are to be completed. Since the 1935-36 fall planting season, 1849% miles of shelterbelt have been planted in northwest Texas. Wheller county has the largest concentration of belts with 334 miles. wish. And there’s absolutely nothing new to learn...just less to do! Ask your Dodge dealer for a demonstration of this exciting optional feature! HASWELL MOTOR CO., Inc. Main at 23rd St. Bryan, Texas BOBO MOTOR COMPANY GIDDINGS, TEXAS PALMER MOTOR COMPANY NORMANGEE, TEXAS STANDLEY MOTORS MADISONVILLE, TEXAS The SMOKE of Slower-Burning Camels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR and LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested — less than any of them — according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself I .^IVE of the largest-selling cigarettes were tested and com- JT pared by scientific analysis of the smoke itself ... and the brand that smoked with less nicotine was the brand that burned slowest—Camel! Yes, Camel’s costlier tobaccos are slower-burning... for more flavor, more coolness, more mildness...and less nicotine in the smoke. 28% less nicotine than the average of the 4 other brands tested. Try Camels. You’ll know they’re slower-burning. You’ll know by the assurance of modern science that in Camel’s milder, more flavorful smoke you’re getting an extra margin of freedom from nicotine. And extra smoking, too (see right). R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem. North Carolina CAMEL BY BURNING 25% SLOWER than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested—slower than any of them—Camels also give you a smoking plus equal, on the average, to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! THE 'SLOWER-KURN’H CIGARETTE