The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOL. 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 25, 1941 Z725 NO. 45 Most Valuable Player Award Given To Marion Pugh Tour Duty Is Affected By New Ruling Seniors Must Report to Officer Of Day Every Hour In order to increase the military efficiency of A. & M., important changes affecting all classes have been made in the method of con ducting tour duty according to an announcement Friday by Lt. Col. James A. Watson, Commandant. The new order affects juniors, sophomore, and freshmen as well as seniors. In commenting on the change Col. Watson said, “the old system was too unmilitary; there was no sense to it.” The new order states that se niors will not be required to walk off demerits but will be required to remain on the campus and re port to the Officer of the Day each hour that he is being restricted. This will be a formal report con ducted in a military manner. Un derclassmen will be required to walk off demerits as usual, but the tour area has been changed from the Cavalry stables to the parking lot immediately north of the Petroleum Building. Col. Wat son stated that all tour duty will be conducted in a strict military manner. The new area was chosen because it is much better than the stables as it is secluded, dry, and within easy access to all. Arrangements have been made so that the Animal Husbandry Pavilion may be used during inclement weather. Explain ing the changes the Col. said, “now seniors can spend their time profit ably” while on tour duty. Wright Called To Active Duty At Fort Riley, Kansas H. E. Wright, instructor in hort iculture, has been called into active service in the United States Army and he will report next week to Fort Riley, Kansas, where he will be attached to the 314th Cavalry. Wright majored in horticulture and received his bachelor of science degree in agriculture at A. & M. in 1934. After graduation, he bought a citrus farm in the Rio Grande Valley and successfully op erated the farm for four years. He came to A. & M. in the fall of 1938 as an instructor in the Horti culture Department and he has taught in the department since that time. Unusual Fox Squirrel Donated To the A&M Museum A fox squirrel with unusual col oration which has frozen for two years has been mounted by Randolf L. Peterson, F Battery, C. A. C., senior from Roanoke, and will be placed in the permanent collection of the Texas Wild Life Co-opera tive Association. Instead of the customary gray color on the back, the fur is white. The face of the squirrel is mask ed, for the white color begins above the eyes and extends to the base of the tail. Some coloration is apparent along the spine, but the belly has a normal red colora tion. The squirrel was killed by Joe Taylor in the vicinity of the Nor- mange State Park in the fall of 1937. Since that date, it has been kept below zero temperature at the Nash Drug Store in Normangee, Texas. The specimen was donated to the museum by Joe Bert Nash, soph omore from Normangee. 20,500 NYA Youths Get Jobs In Last Six Months During the past six months 20,500 youths have left National Youth Administration Projects in Texas for jobs in private industry, military service, and other types of employment, according to J. C. Kellam, state NYA administrator. This rapid turnover, Kellam said, is making way for other boys and girls who are unemployed; be tween the ages of 16 and 24, in clusive; out of school and who need the work experience provided on NYA projects. On NYA projects in Texas 22,621 boys and girls now are receiving work experience in manual types of work and on resident centers, local production projects, and con struction projects. Peak employ ment of twenty-five thousand youths will be reached by Jan. 15. This number represents the begin ning of the increased employment of jobless youth authorized by Congress in October with a $32,- 500,000 supplementary appropria tion. T Club Benefit Picture Show Is Sunday Afternoon The Cotton Bowl game and the Rice-A. & M. battle will be the big attraction of the annual “T” Club picture show. The pictures will be held at the Assembly Hall tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock, it was announced by Howard Shel ton, president. The New Year battle between the Fordham Rams and the Aggies should prove to be of great interest to students as it was the hardest fought battle for the cadets last season. Pugh’s sensational pass to “Bama” Smith is only one of the many thrilling plays to be seen on the screen. In the Rice tilt, the Aggie reach ed their definite peak for the 1940 season. The passing of Jeffrey and Pugh, and the pass snagging of Henderson are just a part of the thrills that will be shown. Loveless, Martin Lead Seaboard Sales Ford Munnerlyn, district manag er in this territory for Seaboard Life Insurance Company of Hous ton, received a telegram from Burke Baker, president of that company, congratulating Munner lyn and his associates on the year just closed. The telegram said: “Congratulations to you and your associates on leading our entire or ganization in new paid business and in gain in insurance in force for the year 1940. Congratulations, also, to Sid Loveless on being com pany leader in net production for the year, and to Paul Martin for having largest paid volume of any representative of our company during 1940. “Your Agency now has over $4,000,000 insurance in force on lives of citizens of that district and graduates of A. & M. College who are now scattered throughout the world. Your fine work helped make this the best year in the his. tory of our Company.” Munnerlyn has just returned from a three-day meeting of Sea board managers in Houston, and reports that his company made new records during 1940 in new, paid business, in gain in insurance in force, increase in assets, and additions to policyholders’ surplus. “We are proud to have a part in the excellent record our company made during 1940,” Munnerlyn said. Old Laundry Building Is Taking On The Aspects of a Modern Aircraft Lab Most Valuable ( PbtCjC'fL Army Will Give Draftees, Enlisted Men Opportunity To Become Officers The army is preparing to open- the way for draftees and enlisted men to become commissioned of ficers in order to give the nation’s land forces more junior officers, it was announced Thursday by Sec retary of War Henry L. Stimson. •the first of four successive courses of three months each will begin about July 1. The age limit was set up to 36. At present the policy sets the maximum age of 30 for commissioning combat officers. While word of the plan had not reached Eighth Corps Area Head quarters, Fort Sam Houston, it was explained by Army officials that the probable procedure for enlisted men and draftees hoping to try for commissions will be to make their applications to their unit commanders. The application then will be for warded through military channels to the corps area headquarters and from there to the War Depart ment for final approval. The Secretary of War said that There are 27,200 officers on ac tive duty, it was explained, in cluding those in the Regular Army, National Guard, and Organized Re serve Corps, and by June it is planned to have more than 97,000 in order to officer the land forces of an anticipated 1,400,000. Further provisions for applica tion to the schools for officers in cludes the necessity that candidate complete at least six months ac tive field service and must have three months service remaining be fore they are to be discharged. One of the greatest current tech--fan nical points of interest on the A. & M. campus is the old laundry building. It has been converted into the aeronautical engineering building to house the aeronautical engineering department, headed by Howard Walter Barlow. Aside from offices and class rooms housed in the building, a modem laboratory, suitable for giv ing efficient, practical training to the students, is under construction and is now nearing completion. The Army Air Corps, independ ent air lines, and aeronautical pub lishing companies have been the major contributing forces in the expansion of the laboratories. The United Airlines alone have contributed to the department sev eral types of equipment valued at approximately $5,000. Among these contributions is a three way cons tant speed propeller of the type used on transports.. From the Army Air Corps have come four 450 horsepower pursuit engines to be used for construction al purposes and valued at $5,000 each. The Army Air Corps also contributed a P T 3A trainer, built in 1929. The trainer was orig inally used by Consolidated Air craft for primary pilot training. The Army further contributed parts of P-12 pursuit planes used in class work to give the students an opportunity to study the planes’ construction. Barlow stated that estimated value of $10,000. other parts given by the Army have Other equipment housed in the laboratory include the framework on an Eagle Rock, two place bi plane built in 1927 with an OX liq uid cooled engine of 90 horsepower, and a typical illustration of the tube-like construction of air craft. The Myers trainer, used for the C. P. T. advanced training, that just recently crashed here at the C.A.A. training field, has been loaned the college by the Ca det Aviation Co. for research work. Students have completely tom down the engine and will reassem ble it in the laboratory. Further study of the modem all metal con struction of the plane wall soon be made. The first floor of the building has been devoted to laboratory benches and equipment to be used for re search work by the students. The first floor will also be used for a small airplane lab which is now under construction. The second floor will be divided into two sec tions; one will be used for the senior design room while the other section wdll be made into a con ference room. As further equipment the depart ment will subscribe to several aero nautical publications. These publi cations along with the engine and necessary manuals may be found on the second floor in the confer ence section. Fireman Save My Child A&M Volunteer Department Is One of State’s Best Equipped By Tom Gillis “Fire! Fire!” is not a useless cry at College Station, thanks to the efforts of 17 volunteer fire men who know just what to do about it. When the siren atop the Buildings and College Utilities offices begin to scream, it is a matter of only a few minutes be fore one of the three trucks rolls out of the garage manned by the volunteers who have gathered in answer to its notes. And as the name volunteer im plies, these men receive no pay for their time and services spent in learning and fighting fire. They serve because they want to and because they are of service to their community. C. E. Bullock, who stays at the station at all times, is the only salaried member of the force. His duties are to keep the equipment in good working order and ready to roll at a moment’s notice. He opens the doors and starts the three trucks when the alarm is sounded and he does this so rapidly that -he can start all three trucks be-" fore Chief F. B. Brown, college elec trician who works in the same building, can get to the garage. All the rest of the men are em ployees of the B. & C. U. office and are hence within short dis tances of the fire equipment at all times. Fortunately, fires don’t happen often, but when one is reported, the telephone operator who receives the call turns on the wailing siren and phones the location of the blaze. From there on it’s up to the men who drop whatever they are doing and come running to the station. No thought is given to what clothes they happen to have on or what business they were do ing because that doesn’t matter when something is burning. As soon as the compliment of 4 or 5 men for any of the trucks arrives at the station, that truck rolls out and heads for the trouble. And in short order the others follow. Fire fighting is not just some thing that you can pick up as you go along. There is definitely a team work and a knowledge of pro cedure that is necessary to fight even a grass fire. The members of the A. & M. Volunteer fire depart ment, along with about 600 others from all over the state, are taught the principles and methods of modern fire methods at a five day training school short course held here each July. You can’t fight a fire without any equipment either, and the var iety and extent of the equipment here is more than most people suspect. The station here is better stocked than most fire halls in cit ies of this size because of equipment held here for the annual training short course. The three trucks which the department possesses include one 750 gallon pumper with 1500 feet of running hose, one 500 gallon pumper with 900 feet of hose, and one hook and lad der truck with 300 feet of ladders. Always taken along to any fire are the stretchers, first aid boxes, inhalators, axes, shovels, nozzles, and firemen’s togs of boots and slickers. Thomason and Henke Win Best-Blocking Trophies Monday Afternoon Classes Are Held Today As Make-Up Regular Monday afternoon class es will be conducted this after noon to complete the Saturday afternoon make-up sessions brought on by the early dismissal for Christ mas holidays. This announcement was issued from Dean Bolton’s office with the morning paper. As scheduled these special class es will run as were conducted last Saturday. Classes scheduled for Monday at 1 p.m. will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. Of the four days of classes lost by early dismissal, one was made up by returning Thursday noon, two are being caught in the final examination schedule period, and the other day remaining has been taken care of by the Saturday af ternoon classes as have been an nounced. Plans Underway For A Saturday Midnight Show Plans to run a midnight show every Saturday night at the As sembly Hall were announced re cently by J. Gordon Gay, associ ate secretary of the Y. M. C. A. The plan at present is to begin the show at 10:30 p.m. after the second run of the regular Satur day night show. At present two shows have been booked for this purpose, one of which was shown last Saturday night. Whether or not these late shows will become a regular part of the Assembly Hall’s regular weekly program will depend on the avail ability of attractive pictures as well as attendance. Due to the fact that the time for the show to begin is around an hour or more before the customary run of other midnight shows a large enough attendance is ex pected to justify the permanent inauguration of the plan. Of Cotton Bowl Game Broadcast as Surprise By Hub Johnson Battalion Sports Editor Marion “Dookie” Pugh, who started writing his record on the West Coast against Santa Clara season before last, was named the most valuable player of the 1940 Texas Aggie football team by Toast master Dough Rollins last night at one of the largest grid dinners ever held in Sbisa Hall. Jim Thomason and Charlie Henke were named the best blockers of the backfield and line, respective ly, and were presented with the A. G. “Bert” Pfaff trophy. Thom ason was also named co-captain at the end of the season, teaming with center Tommie Vaughn. Cotton Bowl Broadcast Immediately after the invocation by E. J. Howell, Registrar, the teams and visitors had the sur prise of the evening thrown at them. The first minutes of the third quarter of the Cotton Bowl game were broadcast from out of no where and the Aggies in six min utes topped the play that Ford- ham had offered in the other fif ty-four. A recording had been made of the entire game and this part chosen for the banquet entertain ment. Guests Numerous Visiting coaches, players, news men, and officials of the Cotton Bowl game were introduced. Among these were Dan Rogers, James Stewart, Dick Arcade, Mack Bos- wel, Felix McKnight, and others. Cross Country and Fish Colonel Frank G. Anderson, coach of the cross country team, presented awards to four letter- men. These were Mayer, Wilmeth, Elmore, and Laney. Coach Hub Me Quillen presented freshmen football players with their numerals. Varsity Awards Gold footballs for watch chains were presented the team by Dean E. J. Kyle, chairman of the Ath letic Council, on behalf of the Council. This honor is paid every championship football team. Maroon jackets trimmed with (Continued on Page 3) Aggies Will Have fo Survive Only One Friday the I3ih During Year Superstitious Aggies who are al-+ ways carrying a lucky rabbit’s foot and deliberately dodging black cats breathed a sigh of relief as they ex amined the 1941 calender. That day of days, Friday the 13th, which is so ominous comes but once this year. Most Aggies are superstitious, but they will be glad to know that a year of salvation has arrived, for 1941 brings a year of new promise. Unfortunately Friday fell on the 13th of two months last fall and the jinxed day might have had some re mote effect on another jinx we can remember on November 28 at Aus tin. Since 1930 we have survived Friday the 13th 16 times. The year 1942 has something which only occurs once in every twelve years, three Friday 13’s will appear on the calendar that year. “Black Friday” this year will be Friday, June 13th, and by that time, school will be over for the summer. Before Friday falls on the 13th this year, the Aggies will have passed through two sets of fin al exams, held half a dozen or more reviews, a whole spring series of corps dances, taken dozens of pop quizzes, had spring fever, celebrat ed Mother’s Day and a multitude of other important events. Between now and that fatal date we may enter a war, graduate the argest class in Aggie history, pass under five full moons, and have a chance to attend church on any one of 20 consecutive Sundays. A. Harris Co. To Present Styles, Models for Cotton Ball A. Harris and Company of Dal las has accepted an invitation to participate in the Cotton Ball by furnishing their latest styles and models, according to an announce ment by J. S. Mogford, sponsor of the annual affair. A designer and publicity agent will be sent to A. & M. next week to study plans and arrangements that student members of the Ag ronomy Club made regarding the pageant. They will work in coop eration with each other so as to produce a show far better than previous pageants as far as color, styles and make-up is concern ed. A. D. Jackson Addresses Animal Husbandry Seminar The animal husbandry seminar class had as its main speaker at its meeting this week A. D. Jack- son, chief of publications, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, who related his observations in connection with the cattle industry during his life time. Mr. Jackson pointed out the value of hybrid vigor in crossing cattle and he discussed the different op portunities in livestock breeding work „ with hybrids.