The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 21, 1941, Image 4
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Jan. 24—Fish and Game Club Benefit Shows—Assembly Hall—3 :15 and 6 :30 p.m. Jan. 19—Charity Football game—Kyle Field—2:30 P. M. Jan. 24—Football Banquet—7 :00 P. M. Jan. 26—Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Ben efit Show—Assembly Hall. Jan. 31—Faculty Dance—Sbisa Hall— 9:00 P. M. to 12 midnight. SENIOR MEETING The meeting of seniors enrolled in the second year advanced R.O.T.C. has been postponed until 6:00 p. m. Wednesday, January 22 in Guion Hall. NOTICE Students who have gotten forms for Student Loan applications should turn them in at once. Friday, January 24 will be the last day on which applications can be accepted. ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS APPLICANTS FOR CAA Those who have passed the prelim inary physical examination will please come to Mr. Barlow’s office any after noon this week from 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. for an interview with Captain C. A. Mil ler. HOWARD W. BARLOW NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS Men planning to enter the Graduate School of Business of Harvard Univer sity in February, or who are interested in the National Scholarships and other financial aids at the Harvard Business School'for 1941-42 may secure information from Professor Judson Neff, Room 212, Pet. Bldg. PERSONNEL LEAFLETS Printed personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience: Braswell, C. D. Campbell, J. G. Citzler, A. M. Davis, L. W., Jr. DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Dedman, W. W. Dinwiddle, W. T. Dixon, J. M. Downs, A. S. Emmons, C. D. Hatcher, O. D. Hoorecnt, A. P. H^oten. M E. John, J. W. Lilly, C. A., Jr. Norton, C. P. Owen, W. J. Pinson, J. W., Jr. Rahn, L. W. Riggs, R. R. Robinson, A. J. Rothe, J. H. Smith, E. F. Sweeney, R. L., Jr. Thysell, J. R. Townsend, G. P., Jr. Wittie, L. D. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement Bureau pi j f » - sms ; v ^ If it’s service you need— then we have it. Whether your car is old or new, we know how to service it. AGGIE Service Station Two Blocks East of North Gate APPLICATION PHOTOGRAPHS Application size photographs which ac companied personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience: Allison, C. J. Andrews, D. K., Jr. Appelt, Leslie L. Atkins, James M. Bischoff, A. J. Bloodworth, Morris E. Callihan, M. R. Carson, Ray, Jr. Citzler, Atlan M. Courtney, Frank DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Dedman, Wendell W. Dixon, John M. Downs, Andrew S. Esplin, Lamar Garner, Wm. L. Glasses Irving A. Haines. P. G. Hall, Harris H. Hamilton, A. V. Hendrick, A. J. Higgins, Walter S., Jr. Hobrecht, Alfred P. Hoefs, C. H. Holick, Donald H. John, Jack W. Jones, M. E. Kenagy, John A. Kimball, Sid C. Kyzar, Elmo B. Lewis, Maurice Martin, John E. Mayfield, Wm. L. McAuley, W. J. McElwrath, David W. Miller, Archie B. Motz, Geo. J. Nix, Phillip S. Norton, Corbett P. Provost, F. E. Rahn, Lehman W. Rau, Clyde A. Riggs, Russell R. Robinson, A. J. Rothe, Joe H. Scott, Jerry S. Scott, Welton E. Smith, Edgar F. Sweeney, R. L., Jr. Warnke, Harry F. Watkins, Loy E. Williams, C. B., Jr. Wittie, L. D. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Placement Bureau January SALE You’ll find a host of real values waiting for you during our January Sale. ' Save Money Now on These Nationally Known Brands Fashion-Park Suits Michaels-Stern Suits Varsity-Town Suits Rockora Topcoats Varsity-Town Topcoats Dress Slacks California Coats Catalina Sweaters Manhattan Shirts Manhattan Pajamas Shirtcraft Shirts Shirtcraft Pajamas Outing Flannel Pajamas Kaynee Sport Shirts Kaynee Pajamas Kaynee Boys’ Suits All Ladies’ Accessories at Substantial Savings Long Sleeve Sport Shirts at Sale Prices f llaldropfl(8 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Civilian Defense— (Continued from Page 1) 4. Camp Sanitation. Graduation from College with an Engineering degree or sat isfactory evidence of ability to carry advanced college work. 5. Engineering Drawing. Graduation from high school with at least two years of mathematics or completion of Freshman course in Engineer ing in college. 6. Machine Design 3 years of college training. 7. Materials Inspection and Test ing. Completion of not less than 2 % years of College work in Engineering or equivalent in training and experience. 8. Metallurgy. 3 years of College training. 9. Production Engineering. 3 years of Engineering course or equivalent. 10. Production Supervisor. 3 years of Engineering course or equivalent. 11. Water and Sewer Plant Op erators. Graduation from an Engineer ing College or equivalent ex perience. Other courses may be offered from time to time depending up on the demand for training or the need for additional trained person nel. Also arrangements have been made to offer several courses along this line during the summer session of school. Small Animal Specialist Speaks To Veterinary Class Dr. J. G. Horning, small animal specialist from Houston, spoke to the Veterinary Anatomy Class 211 Saturday morning, emphasizing the role of veterinary practice as an art. Other topics discussed dealt with importance of a sound knowledge of veterinary anatomy when the pratitioner happens to be called upon to give medico-legal testi mony. Dr. Horning has had a wide and and varied experience as a prac titioner of veterinary medicine. He was veterinarian for the Virgin Is lands for several years, where his duties required him to inspect ship ments of livestock, meat and milk, teach veterinary science to a class of vocational agriculture and to care for all of the animals on the islands. ISCU Exchange America’s Nineteenth Ranking Play To Be Presented At T S C W Robinson— (Continued from Page 1) from his job as Ele Baggett, edi tor of the Longhorn, was accident ly shot during the holidays. Bag gett is expected to be back in two weeks. Although these two main stays of the Longhorn are absent, the annual is progressing and un less something further happens will appear as scheduled in the middle of May. Director AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING CAA Primary trainee applicants •whose names are listed below are requested to report to the Aeronautical Engineering Department in the afternoons from Jan uary 21 to 24 inclusive, for first inter views : Adams, J. K. Byrd, Edwin E. Bell, Elmer C. Beilin, Philip S. Byrd, William Hervie Cherry, J. Harold Criswell, Ralph Munger Craft, Wiley Harold Dew, Joseph Knoblauch Draper, Lovis Copeland Dudley, Jay Norman Eudaly, Ernest Rogers, Jr. Fisher, Stephen Marvin Fitch, David Robnett Flowers, Archie Ingram Gober, Lonzo M. Grafors, William Henry Harvey, Frank Blocker Higbee, William Walker Hill, Curtis Wayne Houston, Isaac Thomas Hughston, Jefferson Arch Huser, G. A. Jenkins, A1 Neofus Jordan, Franklin William Kelly, Andrew Bruzos Key, Dwight Campbell Lasley, Walter, Jr. Maddox, Lawrence Allen, Jr. Matzner, Otto Rudolph Merrill, Wiley Hendrix, Jr. Miller, William Newby, Henry Lee Nicol, Billy Jack Perkins, Albert, Jr. Pettit, Edward York Rhea, Boyd B., Jr. Salm, Louis Charles, Jr. Saunders, J. D. Sullivan, Ben Frank Villamil, Jorge Arturo Wooldridge, William Vernon HOWARD W. BARLOW Employment— (Continued from Page 1) ($23 a month), the work is hard, and like all other jobs, there are five applicants for every one of the 183 student janitor jobs. Largest employer of cadets is the tremendous A. & M. mess hall system, the largest single-unit feeding establishment in the world. Two hundred and sixty-four stu dents are employed in the two mess hall at an average salary of slightly more than $18 a month. Most of these men are waiters, an easier job than most and one which takes comparatively little time—conse quently a job is much in demand. Key factor in maintaining the college’s high student employment program is the federal govern ment’s annual National Youth Ad ministration appropriation. Since 1935, when N. Y. A. appropriations were first made, more than $350,- 000 of federal money has been spent at A. & M. to give students part- time employment. Only Texas University receives a larger annual appropriation than ing the 1939-40 long session, $71,- A.E.S. MEETING There will be an Agricultural Educa tion Society Meeting tonight at 7:30. All Junior and Senior students taking Ag. Ed. are urged to attend and hear an im portant panel discussion. ATTENTION PRE-MEDS A business meeting will be held Thurs day night at 7:0O P. M. in the Biology Lecture Room for the purpose of decid ing on the dates for speakers, inspection trip, banquets, etc. It is important that all members be there. PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM The bi-weekly meeting of the Physics Colloquium will be held January 21, 7:16 P. M. in the physics building, room 39. Dr D. F. Weekes will speak on “Geophysical u Take it from an old hand that there is no better place to get excel lent food at such reason able prices. Mexican dinners, quick lunches and sandwiches of all kinds. E-TEX CAFE On College Ave., Bryan Exploration by Seismic Methods and Rep resentation of Experimental Observations by Algebraic Methods”. The talk will be illustrated by motion pictures of field operations. All interested are invited to attend. Physics Staff A.I.E.E. The A.I.E.E. will have its picture made for the Longhorn on the steps of Guion Hall Friday, January 24 at 5:00 o’clock. Only members will be allowed to be in the picture. All members will wear number two uniforms with cotton shirts. COLLINS COUNTY CLUB There will be an important meeting of the Collins County A. & M. Club Tues day night at 7:00 o’clock in Room 107, Academic Building. ARTS AND CRAFTS MEETING The Arts and Crafts Group of the Col lege Women’s Social Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred W. Jensen on Wed nesday, Jan. 22, at 9:80 a. m. Mrs. Kel- shaw Bonham will have the program on Basketry. Everyone is requested to bring an ice pick and an old pair of scissors. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB The Campus Study Club will meet at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon in the Chem istry Lecture room. A program featuring Ecuador and Colombia and the art of Lat in America will be given. Illustrative slides will be shown. A. & M. DAMES CLUB The regular meeting of the A. & M. Dames Club will be held Wednesday evening, Jan. 22, in the parlor of the Y. M.C.A. building at 8 p. m., the regular time. Ruth Neeley will review “My Name Is Aram” by William Saroyan. This is a very important meeting as we will have the election of new officers, and all members are urged to attend. BRAZOS CO. RESERVE OFFICERS The Brazos County Chapter of Re serve Officers’ Association will have regular meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00 o’clock in the Pet. Eng. Bldg. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON TABLES FOR LADIES: at the Fel lowship luncheon this Thursday noon— but newly-weds may still sit together if they behave PAN, MANTEQUILLA, CAFE Y NATA; will be familiar sounds at the Spanish table during the Fellowship Luncheon each week. ROY L. DONAHUE Classified LOST—Leather pocketbook. Had driv er license, money and check. Reward for returning to Harrell Beavers, American Legion Hall. LOST — Log Log Sliderule, be tween North Gate and Academic Build ing Thursday, January 16. Reward for return to R. M. Mullinix, Phone 4-1163. FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house. Five rooms. Across from Grant’s Gulf Station. Frank Visoski. LOST—One brown overcoat. Left on corner in Taylor, Sunday, January 19th. If found please contact Ellsberry, 409 No. 6. Reward. WANT TO RENT—Furnished efficiency apartment for two on or near campus. Call M. N. Burrus, Milner Hall, phone 4-1158. FOR RENT—Apartment. New 5 room. Completely furnished. Call Bryan 543. 304 E. 22nd Street, Bryan. 895 was given the college in the form of N. Y. A. funds. This ses sion the figure has upped to $73,- 305. N. Y. A. appropriations to the entire collegiate world last year totaled $14,039,268. Second division of A. & M.’s stu. dent employment, and larger than the N. Y. A. division, is the de partmental division. This year the college’s 54 departments will pay 1002 students approximately $150,- 000 to do half a hundred jobs. Third, and least of the three di visions of the college’s student em ployment, is the concession field. Concessions include the sale of radios, shower shoes, stationery, candy and 25 commodities to the student body. These concessions pay from $25 to $400 a year, depending on the demand for the particular article and the business ability of the concessioner. Basis for giving student jobs at A. & M. is a three-fold plan. Prime consideration is a student’s need for a job in order to remain in college. Then comes his scholastic standing and, finally, where pos sible cadets are given jobs which parallel their professional course of study. Unique in American colleges and universities is the A. & M. wage theory. Student employment offi cials frankly admit that they are not interested in trying to help a cadet earn all of his college ex penses. Their main concern is the student who has earned as much as a hundred dollars through sum mer labor (or whose parents can afford to furnish that amount of money), but who is unable to ob tain a college education through his inability to obtain the remainder of his college expenses. “By help ing these men,” Horsley said, “we are able to aid more men than we would otherwise find possible. In this way we can spread our money over a greater number of students and thus be responsible for an al most 40 per cent increase in the number of students able to secure a college education at A. & M. than if we were primarily interested in helping fewer students earn all of their college expenses.” Many cadets manufacture furni ture and metal appliances which they sell through local markets. One cadet has invented a drawing table which he sells to student architects and which has proved successful enough to interest com mercial manufacturers. “The greatest need in student labor today,” Horsley pointed out, “is some sort of aid to returning- graduates who are more than 25 years of age. In most cases these men have given up reasonably good jobs to return to college in order to broaden themselves and better fit themseves for their jobs. Gen erally, however, aid is denied these men and even N. Y. A. appropria tions cannot be extended to stu dents over 24 years of age.” The direct contribution of A. & M.’s student employment program to the nation’s current national de fense program is particularly sig nificant. More than 90 per cent of the student employees are enroll ed in the Reserve Officers Train ing corps. Fifteen per cent are cadet officers and will be commis sioned as reserve officers in the United States Army upon gradua tion. Ninety per cent of these men would have been unable to attend A. & M. without part-time employ ment. By Dorothy Schmittgens - Editor, The Lass-0 “A portrait of all womankind,” and showed it at T S C W! “The Women,” America’s nine teenth most popular play—accord ing to the length of its run—was presented by the College Little Theater Wednesday and Thursday nights. It has had 653 productions and has made a great hit throughout America with the women, who has ten to add, “but not all women are like that!” It has been said of this play that every woman can find something in it that applies to herself, and the shoe pinches quite uncomfortably. And why should TSCW be excepted? Aggies Are Headlines Whether it’s of any consequence or not, out of the ten events that were chosen as the biggest Lass-0 headlines of 1940, three of them hinged on Aggieland. January’s first issue in 1940 told the student body of the selection of their fa vorite Southwest Conference foot ball star, Joe Boyd of A. & M. But the headline only began the story —TSCW lost her heart en masse when the tall, broad-shouldered blonde walked upon the auditorium stage to claim his gift. Another new twist to the fem inine angle and Aggie chivalry was added to the Lass-0 news in April. TSCW’S rifle team, headed by Luella McManus, shot an invi tation match at A. & M. and brought home a victory and three medals—their initial and probably their most glorious. Five Aggies, the cream of the College Station crop, took TSCW by storm the week before the corps trip and chose attractive, blue-eyed Mary Margaret McCarthy as their sweetheart. The corps trip with A. & M. is a headliner every year, but the victory and the then un beaten Aggie eleven was nectar of ambrosia—a climax to an al ready perfect weekend. Archduke Felix Speaks Twenty-four year old, single, and a romantic past added to the glam our built around the Archduke Fe lix of Austria who spoke here Friday night on the question, “Is a United States of Europe Pos sible?” Believing that the people of Nazi-oppressed Europe will soon be free, Archduke Felix feels that they must reconstruct Europe in this generation along genuine dem ocratic lines. His close studies of current political and economic con ditions in Central Europe make the significance of his views ob vious. Spring highlights of TSCW’s so cial calendar that may directly af fect A. & M. are: Lowry Club Dance Feb. 8 Mary Swartz Rose Club Dance Feb. 15 Round Table Dance Mar. 8 Biology Club Dance Mar. 14 Red Bud Coronation Dance Mar. 22 Pan American Forum Dance Mar. 28 Sophomore Dance Mar. 29 Freshman Dance April 5 Army Daughters Dinner Dance April 19 Physical Educational Pro fessional Club Dance..April 25 Junior Dance April 26 -TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1941 The Surplus Marketing Adminis tration of the Department of Agri culture announces that an esti mated 2,000,000 pounds of butter were bought with blue stamps in September. Approximately 100,000 cows would be required to produce the milk needed. On Kyle Field— (Continued from Page 3) Buchanan is acting as their scout and has approached Martin Ruby for a part time job in exchange for his services. Ruby aided Dr. Jones with the Maroon heavies and is doubtful whether he could learn enough from the two coaches to play good. For further informa tion, ask those concerned. More here and there . . . Roberts did an excellent job of drawing the covering men away from “Big John” Tompkins on the first touchdown play for the Whites . . . according to Eddie Brietz both Boston College and Villanova have scheduled games with Auburn on the same afternoon next season . . . the new rules might change the game a bit but not quite that much . . . the great Doc Jones pulled a great one at the start of the second half Sunday with all eleven of his men huddling on their own 25 yard line to allow Fuller to give the ball to Cowan . . . the Whites formed another huddle around them to break up the play. . . . . . “Lizzie” came from the west stands during the last minute of play with the coast and field artil lery seniors forming the squad . Senior Formal May 3 Robertson Elected Miss Elizabeth Robertson, as sistant in publicity department, di rector of Austin Hall, and the pres ident of the student body in 1938- 39, was elected president of the National Student Federation of America at their annual meeting at New Jersey College for Women Dec. 27-31. One of the oldest and most con servative of student organizations, NSFA delegates voted to withdraw from the American Youth Congress on the charge that its influence is mostly radical. Five TSCW dele gates were sent to the convention besides Miss Robertson. They were Violet Beville, vice president of the student body, Sara Tray, sec retary of the student body, Naomi Boutwell, president of the student body, Margaret Green, representa tive of the senior class, and Minnie O. Gilliland, secretary of the ju nior class. White & Maroons— (Continued from Page 3) ler showed great running ability in carrying the ball for Doc Jones squad. Duncan Runs 60 Yards Then in the fourth quarter Bob Duncan broke through the line to block, catch and carry Ful ler’s pass for the winning touch down. The try for extra point was no good. F. L. Lebus and Roberts were stellar men for the Whites with Holder and Duncan the outstand ing linesmen. For the Maroons, T. O. Mann, Edmondson, Fuller, and Schwarzenback showed outstanding games. Both teams played nice air games and were outstanding on quick kicks. All men on the two teams saw service. Both teams were evenly matched with seven first downs each. The starting lineup was as fol lows : Maroons— Pos. Harris L.E. Lovoi L.T. Elwell L.G. Campbell C —Whites .. Francis _ Fowler Kraras Holder Is Your Watch Keeping Correct Time? A good watch is worth repairing. Our expert work is less expensive than buying a new watch. Come by today for an estimate. C. W. VARNER JEWELER Bryan Have you tried those Safe-T-Way Cabs? They get you there quicker and more comfortably. Special Cab only 25< Courteous and efficient Service at all times. SAFE-T-WAY Phone Bryan 1400 College 4-4004 ■ *•* dyers matters AMERICAN- STEAM IAUNDKY GLEANER DRY ♦ SHONE 58*/ Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization Let Us Fix Your Radio EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK STUDENT CO-OP North Gate Phone 4-4114 mpi Phillips R.G. Duncan Carson R.T Johnson Carden R.E. Bailey Cowan L.H. Newby Scroggins F.B. Beevers Fuller Q.B. Lebus Edmundson R.H. Thompkins Officials: Penberthy, Burgess, Elkins, White. Attention Armij!! Here is a good chance for YOU to get a real bargain. Cash money or your car on G.M.A.C. plan talks mighty loud at the Big Auction Sale Saturday. Re conditioned used cars of all kinds — Fords, Pontiacs, Chevrolets, Nashes and others will be sacrificed to the highest bidder. Come out to ZAK Pontiac Co. used car lot past the Y on Highway 6, Satur day, 2:00 p. m. Zak Pontiac Co.