The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 21, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
YOL. 40
NO. 43
High Man
In Judging
Martin, Parnell,
Sterling, Cox, Other
Students In First Five
Marvin McMillan, freshman of
H Company Infantry, took first
place Saturday in the livestock
judging contest at College which
started at 8 a.m. and lasted near
ly all day. McMillan out-pointed
all the other freshmen, in the con
test with a score of 555 out of a
possible 600 points. He was high
man in the entire contest, cattle,
sheep and hogs. He is taking Ani
mal Husbandry and hails from Ma
son, Texas.
Close behind McMillan came
E. J. Martin, Odessa, Texas, with
551 points to place second in the
contest and tie with McMillan and
R. C. Cox of Las Cruces, New Mex
ico, for first in cattle, second in
sheep and third in hogs.
The five high men in the con
test were McMillan, 555 points,
Martin, 551; C. E. Sterling, 541;
G. C. Parnell, 540; and Cox, 539.
These men will be awarded medals
for their success.
The highest five men in cattle
judging division were McMillan,
Martin, and Cox each with 144
points; Parnell, with 142 points;
and R. M. Parker, 141 points.
The highest men in the sheep
judging contest were McMillan, 143
points; Martin, 141; C. L. Thaxton,
140 points; Cox, 136; and R. L.
Haines, 136.
The contestants who placed high
est in the hog judging division
were McMillan and Walter Hold
en, 140 points; D. A. Schmidt, E.
J. Martin, and W. O. Adams, each
netting 139 points.
The highest men in the horse
judging contest were A. L. Hogge,
144 points; R. R. Halmark, 143;
Parnell, 142; L. M. Martin, 141;
Sterling and J. V. Hales, with 140
Civilian Defense
Training Courses
Begin February 10
Plans for beginning the new
civilian defense training courses in
National Defense Engineering are
nearing completion and the courses
will be started on February 10, ac
cording to information received
from Dean Gibb Gilchrist of the
School of Engineering.
These course will be offered by
the School of Engineering in co
operation with the United States
office of Education for the purpose
of providing engineering training
for men with the necessary exper
ience and fit them to hold positions
that are vital to the present de
fense program.
The period of training in the
various courses will cover twelve
weeks, and there will be no tuition
costs to the trainees as the ex
penses of instruction, equipment
and materials will be met by the
United States Office of Education.
They will, however, be required to
furnish their own text books, note
books and provide their own ac
commodations for board and room.
All courses to be offered are in
fields of work where a shortage of
trained men is acute and while
neither the College nor the United
States Office of Education guar
antees employment, the trainees
will be given training to suit the
needs in definite industrial fields
where shortage of trained men
The various courses that will be
offered and their minimum quali
fications are:
1. Aeronautical Engineering.
3 years of specialized design
and approved experience or B.
S. degree in Civil Engineer
ing or Mechanical Engineering,
or Electrical Engineering or
Architectural Engineer!ng
from a recognized college.
2. Aircraft Inspection
3 years of college work in En
3. 3 years of College Engineer
ing training.
(Continued on Page 4)
T U Editors In Aggieland
THURSDAY: Top, left, in the usual order; Texan associate editor
Jack Dolph, editor Boyd Sinclair and associate amusement editor
Jeanne Douglas beginning the afternoon’s work. Top, right; Sinclair,
Battalion make-up man, A. W. (Red) Guill, Battalion associate editor
George Fuermann and Dolph discussing front page lay-out.
Bottom, left: Battalion editor Bob Nisbet and Sinclair working at
the editor’s desk. Bottom, right; Fuermann and Dolph completing edi
torial page make-up.
"Masters of Hospitality-”
Say The Texas Editors
From The Daily Texan
YOUR TEXAN EDITORS have just returned from Aggieland,
where they were invited by the editors of The Battalion, the
student publication of A. & M., to edit one issue of that news
We went to visit the Aggies with several purposes in mind,
but the main one was to find out what we thought was the best
and most noteworthy feature about those students of Texas
A. & M., the Aggies.
We did.
Yes, we kept our eyes open. And, incidentally, we had
our eyes opened.
The best and most noteworthy feature about each Aggie
we met was the fact he was a master of hospitality. This ap
plies to every man we met on that 1,400-acre campus.
We will just have to break down and admit there can
not be found on our campus a spirit as friendly as you will
find in Aggieland. We do not mean by that that the students
of the University are not as friendly as the Aggies. They
are just not as quick as they at letting the fact be known.
As an example of Aggie friendliness, our party was walk
ing down an Aggie street when a gust of wind blew the hat
from the head of a cadet. We picked it up for him. Before
we could hand it to him he had stuck out his hand to every man
in the party with the words, “I’m ‘Fish’ Swift,” in such a way
that you wouldn’t ever be able to forget “Fish” Swift. That
seems to be the spirit of each cadet.
The welcome which the Aggies give you overwhelms you
just a little bit, for it is a sincere and friendly interest in you,
who you are, and what you are doing?
To every member of our student body who has never visit
ed Aggieland, we say, “Go sometime, if you can.” It would be
a splendid thing if each student in both schools could visit one
another as we did A. & M. There is one thing of which we are
sure. No Texas student could return without having experienc
ed one of the finest examples of friendliness he has ever exper
Bob Nisbet, editor, and George Fuermann, associate editor,
of The Battalion, will come to the Forty Acres February 3
to edit one issue of The Texan. We hope our welcome will out
shine theirs. But we will be going some if it does.
Aggies To March
To Breakfast With
Music Next Term
Marching to breakfast to a ca
dence set by the blare of bugles and
the roll of drums will be a new
experience for the Aggies soon af
ter mid-term. At that time the
two newly organized drum and
bugle corps will start playing for
breakfast and dinner meal for
Until the addition of the new
dormitories the band furnished mar
tial music once a day for the en
tire cadet corps, but when the liv
ing facilities were enlarged and
the new mess hall built it was im
possible for the whole corps to
have music by the band.
So a solution was arrived upon
whereby all units would be able
to have music for meal formations.
And from this area came the or
ganization of A. & M.’s first drum
and bugles, four field drums and
one base drum.
Bob Harle and Ed Floore, Band
seniors, will be in charge of train
ing and conducting the corps. Both
units will drill together until they
are amply trained to play at meal
formations. The initial practice was
held Monday.
The members of the corps have
been chosen from the drum and bu
gle corps of the band, with the sel
ection based on their willingness
and ability to play. Members of
this organization will be paid for
playing from a fund that has been
created at the College for that
English ‘Refugee’ Taken
By Immigration Officials
Was One of Six Deck Hands Who
Jumped Ship From Galveston in October
Sixteen Ex-Aggies
Enrolled At Moffett
Field as Flying Cadets
Sixteen former students from
Texas A. & M. are members of the
new class of flying cadets at Mof
fett Field, Army Air Corps Train
ing Center, officials at the field
announced recently.
Out of 146 young men who are
in their second stage of training at
this school, 65 are from Texas. The
University of Texas at Austin sup
plied 13 former students to take sec-
cond place in the list of schools and
colleges from which the cadet grad
uated. A score or more of other
Texas schools were represented, as
well as schools in every section of
the country.
Those men who formerly attend
ed Texas A.&M. are J. P. Anderson,
W. H. Ardis, C. D. Beck, L. H.
Bowman, A. J. Buck, E. D. Easley,
R. C. Hannah, O. Hillberg, P. P.
Menzies, M. E. Moore, D. A. Rob
inson, J. M. Rowland, R. D. Russell,
R. E. Sherman, D. P. Simpson and
D. A. Story.
Band, RV’s
Go to Austin
This Morning
Thousands of Texans
To Attend Governor’s
Inaugural Ceremonies
The Aggie Band and the Ross
Volunteers left for Austin this
morning at 6:15 to help put on a
real show for the thousands of
Texans that will attend the inau
guration of W. Lee O’Daniel, begin
ning at 11:30.
Upon their arii’val at 10:00 a.m.,
the band, followed by the R. V.
Company, will parade up Congress
Avenue to the Capitol, where the
band will participate in a fifteen
minute program to be given in front
of the Capitol Building. The “R.
V.’s” will proceed to the Governor’s
office and will escort him to the
inaugural stand, where they will
form their famous “saber arch.”
After the ceremony is over the
traditional barbeque to be held in
front of the Governor’s mansion
will begin.
After the barbeque the Aggies
will be free to attend the reception
and inaugural halls until 2 a.m.
Wednesday morning when they will
return to College Station.
Tickets For
Sophomore Ball
Are Now On Sale
Tickets for the Sophomore Ball
are now on sale and may be obtain
ed from Joe Maples, Room 106,
dorm 11, for $1.10 each.
Billy Bryant, class president, has
requested that one sophomore from
each organization get the amount
of tickets he thinks can be sold in
his outfit.
An attempt is being made to ob
tain some big name band, and all
sophomores who plan to attend the
Ball are urged to purchase their
tickets as quickly as possible so
that an approximation of the net
intake can be made and some or
chestra decided upon.
Robinson Taken
Away From Longhorn
Job By Appendectomy
Martin Robinson, managing edi
tor of the Longhorn, is recovering
rapidly from his appendicitis op
eration of Saturday, January 18.
Ten o’clock Friday night Robinson
had an appendicitis attack and by
one o’clock he was being operated
on in the College hospital. He is
expected to be up and around in
about eight days.
Robinson is the second of the
Longhorn staff to be taken away
(Continued on Page 4)
A & M’s Student Employment Set-Up
Is Among Most Extensive In Nation
By George Fuermann
Today, as in years past, student
employment in the nation’s col
leges and universities is a factor
of tremendous importance to an
estimated 27 per cent of American
collegians. A recent survey made
by student employment officials of
Texas A. & M. college reveals that
27 per cent of the nation’s colle
gians earn all or part of their col
lege expenses through part-time
student employment.
At A. & M. the proportion is
slightly higher. Of the college’s
6500-member student body, 29 per
cent are employed on-a part-time
A. & M.’s 2011 employed cadets
earn collectively during the nine-
month long session more than a
•quarter million dollars. To earn
this money they serve as techni
cians and announcers at the college
radio station, serve as librarians,
mechanics, gardeners, paper grad
ers, taxidermists, auditors, printers,
stenographers, airplane mechanics,
janitors, experimental and research
workers in the fields of science and
agriculture, live stock handlers and
fill a hundred other jobs in the
main college, the Texas Extension
Service and the Texas Experiment
Director of A. & M.’s student
labor department is W. R. Horsley
who recently succeeded Lieutenant
O. R. Simpson when Simpson was
called to active duty in the Marine
corps November 5.
A survey of the department’s ap-
-fplications made by Simpson reveals-fremain in college and get their
that applicants are almost evenly
divided as to residence; 43 per cent
of the applicants having indicated
rural residence and 57 per cent
indicating urban residence.
Where family income was con
cerned, 91 per cent of the appli
cants indicated a total annual in
come of less than $2000. Officials
interpreted this figure to mean in
come from all sources. Even furth
er indicating the applicants’ need
for jobs, 54 per cent of the men
showed four or more dependents in
the family.
“These figures,” Horsley said,
college education. Ninety per cent
of these men would be forced to
leave college tomorrow if their jobs
were taken away from them.” He
further stated that similar surveys
at other institutions had shown
parallel results.
One of the salient factors of A.
& M.’s student employment is the
student janitor set-up. A. & M. is
the only major American college
or university which is entirely jan-
itored by students. These men work
three hours each day except Sun
day. They’re on the job at 6 a. m.
for an hour, and they do a two-
Eversden and One More in Tulsa Only Ones
Apprehended to Date; Four Still at Large
By Lee Rogers
Authorities put an end to one of the current attractions at College
Station yesterday when they arrested James Eversden, self-allegedly
an English refugee who had come to Texas in search of employment.
In reality he was a deserter from an English merchant marine force
that had sailed originally to New York and then to Galveston to
aid in sailing a vessel back to Britain.
When the boat docked in Galveston, Eversden and five other sea
men sneaked ashore and vanished. He came to College Station during
■f’the Christmas holidays and con
vinced a great many people that
he was not needed for military
service in England and for that
reason had been allowed to come
to the United States.
Eversden secured a job at Ca
sey’s Confectionery, but seemed
to show no great desire to work.
He was pathetic enough in his
tale of the hardships of England
that he had no trouble winning the
sympathy of many people on the
campus as well as residents of
College Station and as a result
had no difficulty in securing an
ample wardrobe and a walking
cane which became a permanent
part of his dress.
When it was learned that he had
not registered as an alien in Amer
ica J. F. Casey advised him to do
so, but he seemed reluctant about
doing so. It was then that he de
cided to join the United States
army and made several inquiries
at the Military Department.
Casey, becoming suspicious of the
boy, reported him to the Alien
Board in New York City, who in
turn investigated and suspected
him to be one of the missing sea
men. The Board contacted authori
ties in Houston and prompted a fur
ther investigation. Authorities ar
rived here yesterday afternoon with
a picture of Eversden and made
the arrest.
Of the six seamen who deserted
he is the second to be apprehend
ed. Another was taken into cus
tody in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the
other four are yet unheard of.
Eversden was taken to Houston,
to await further orders for his re
turn, but he was hesitant about o-
beying without the ever-present
walking cane which belonged to
Jakkula Attends
Engineering Meet
Held In New York
Professor A. A. Jakkula, of the
civil engineering department, left
for New York last Tuesday by
plane, from Dallas, where he at
tended meetings of the Internation
al Association for Bridge and
Structural Engineering and the
American Society of Civil Engi
Professor Jakkula who is a mem
ber of the Applied Mechanics Com
mittee of the American Society of
Civil Engineers was one of five
Texans attending the meetings.
According to Jakkula, one of the
interesting high-lights of the meet
ing was the showing of moving
pictures of the Tacoma Bridge fail
ure taken by Professor F. B. Far-
quharson of Washington Univer
sity. Professor Farquharson also
gave an eye-witness account of the
failure along with the picture.
While in New York, Professor
Jakkula visited Columbia Univer
sity and inspected the various civil
engineering labs. He reports that
there are only eight under-grad
uates as compared to more than
eight-hundred post graduates, most
of whom are working on their doc
tor’s degree. Professor Jakkula re
turned by plane last Saturday.
President Of
American Chemical
Society Visits A & M
The president of the American
Chemical Society, Dr. W. L. Evans,
with Mrs. Evans, visited the Tex
as A. & M. Section on Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Evans were present
at an informal dinner at the Ag
gieland Inn at 6:30 p.m., at which
time Dean Bolton, Dean Brooks,
Dr. Bilsing, m embers of the sec
tion and their wives were present.
At the meeting of the Texas A.
& M. Section at 8 P.M., Dr. Evans
spoke on the Chemical Behavior
of Reducing Sugars in Alkaline
Solutions, discussing the chemical
relations of sugar and the evidence
for their structural formula. Dr.
Evans exhibited samples of sugars
and their compounds. Dr. Evans
made the very important announce
ment of the commercial produc
tion of the sugar fructose from
glucose, glucose being made from
starch, and exhibited samples. Af
ter the meeting, Dr. and Mrs.
Evans were entertained at an in
formal tea at the residence of Dr.
and Mrs. F. W. Jensen, chairman
of the Texas A. & M. Section.
At a business meeting, J. D.
Lindsay was elected chairman-elect,
G. S. Fraps, secretary-treasurer,
and N. E. Rigler, councilor.
“show conspicuously one factor, hour stretch from 5 to 7 p. m. One
That is that a near-hundred per of the higher paying student jobs
cent of A. & M.’s employed stu- I A. & M. in the state of Texas. Dur-
dents depend upon their jobs to j (Continued on Page 4)
G. C. White Called
To Active Duty in Army
Lt. Grover C. White of Bryan,
a member of the Reserve Offi
cer’s Corps, has been called to ac
tive duty in the United States
Army. After receiving his ap
pointment Dec. 25, he came to A. &
M. and is now serving as an ins
tructor in the Military Science
Lt. White was graduated from
A. & M. in 1930 with a degree in
electrical engineering. He was cap
tain of the Headquarters Company,
Signal Corps, during his senior
Milk Specialists
Lecture At Dairy
Short Course Here
Highlighted by talks from Dr.
Otto Hunziker, specialist in milk
manufacturing, and Paul Froh-
ring, president of the Biochemical
Company, the short course in dairy
specialization sponsored by the
dairy husbandry department, has
an attendance of over one hundred
visiting dairymen from various
parts of the state.
The short course, held in the
A. & M. creamery lecture room,
was originated by the Dairy Hus
bandry Department for the pur
pose of helping different dairy
manufacturers from all over the
state who have been writing in to
the college for advice.
Hunziker, prominent book pub
lisher from La Grange, Illinois,
and also author of several text
books used by the dairy husbandry
department spoke on “Dairy pro
ducts and their many uses” which
is soon to be published in pamph
let form.
Frohring, chemist from Cha
grin Falls, Ohio, demonstrated the
use of vitamins in milk in prolong
ing the existing energy, while also
explaining the various crystal
forms that vitamins can be found
Attended by different manufac
turers from several states, the
short course is said to be one of
the best of its kind ever held in
the State of Texas and will be cli
maxed tomorrow night by a ban
quet in Sbisa Hall.