The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1941, Image 4
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices SCHEDULE OP EVENTS: Jan. 20, 21, and 22—Dairy Husbandry Short Course. Jan. 24—Fish and Game Club Benefit Shows—Assembly Hall—3:15 and 6:30 Jan. 19—Charity Football game—Kyle Field—2:30 P. M. Jan. 24—Football Banquet—7:00 P. M. Jan. 25—Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Ben efit Show—Assembly Hall. Jan. 31—Faculty Dance—Sbisa Hall— 9:00 P. M. to 12 midnight. C. E. 300S EXAMINATION Students who have secured permission through petition are hereby notified that the examination for credit in C E 800S (summer practice) will be given on Sat urday afternoon, January 18. 1941. J. T. L. McNEW, Head, Department of Civil Engineering FRESHMAN JUDGING CONTEST The annual Freshman Judging Contest, sponsored by the Block and Bridle Club, will be held in the A.H. Pavilion on Sat urday, January 18, 1941 at 8:00 a.m. All Freshmen enrolled in A.H. 107 the present semester and those students who took A.H. 107 last semester and who have had no additional judging work are eligible to compete in this contest. Excused ab sences for Saturday classes will be grant ed those student participating in the con test. NOTICE Students who have gotten forms for Student Loan applications should turn them in at once. Friday, January 24 will be the last day on which applications can ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS NOTICE If any department or individual on the Campus has by mistake, received the fol lowing issues of ECONOMIC GEOGRA PHY, the Library will appreciate your sending them to us: v. 15 No. 4, October, 1939 v. 16 No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, January, April, July and October, 1940. For some reason our subscription has been going astray and the publisher in sists that these magazines have been prop erly addressed. (Mrs.) A. A. BARNARD Acquisitions Librarian NOTICE Rabbi Abram Vossen Goodman will be the guest speaker of a joint meeting of the Hillel Club and the Bryan B’Nai Brith Lodge in connection with B’Nai Brith Day observance. The meeting will be held at the Lounge Room of the Sbisa Hall Sunday evening, January 19, at 7:15 p.m. His subject will be “Henry Bergson, Frenchman and Jew.” SENIOR MEETING All members of the second advanced R.O.T.C. enrolled under contract who have applied for commission as second lieuten ants in the Officers Reserve Corps will assemble as 5 p.m. Monday, January 20 in Guion Hall. By order of Lt. Col. Watson J. B. Wise, Jr. Major, Cavalry Adjutant MILITARY PAY Any member of the first or second ad vanced course in Military Science who has not received his pay check may do so by reporting to his respective instructor who will have the pay roll in his posses sion. By order of Lt. Col. Watson J. B. Wise, Jr. Major, Cavalry Adjutant AG ENGINEERING 305 Agronomy and Landscape Art students and others interested are advised that one section of Ag. Eng. 305—Terracing and Drainage is being scheduled for the second term. F. R. JONES, Head Agricultural Engineering Dept. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS The City Ordinance requiring all dogs to be vaccinated against rabies and prop erly tagged with a City dog license tag, will be strictly enforced from this date, January 24, 1941. The law enforcement authorities, both 1 on and off the campus, with the co operation of the Veterinary Hospital will pick up and confine all dogs not properly tagged. Owners whose dogs may be picked up can find them at the Veterinary Hospital within four days. Any dog not claimed by the end of the fourth day, will be de stroyed. Owners may repossess their dogs by having them vaccinated for rabies and by obtaining a dog license tag at the City office. Authorization will be issued at that time for the return of the dog. The owner will pay 25c per day for each day the dog is kept in the hospital. JAMES A. WATSON, Lt. Colonel, U. S. Army, Commandant FRANK G. ANDERSON, Mayor, City of College Station, Texas. NOTICE TO SENIORS Seniors graduating at the end of the current semester and desiring teaching positions, are invited to call at the Ed ucation Dept. Office, Room 121 Academ ic Building. W. L. HUGHES, Head Education Dept. PERSONNEL LEAFLETS Printed personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call of these at room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience: Alexander, R. W. Braswell, C. D. Campbell, J. G. Casey, J. M. Citzler, A. M. Corrin, W. G. Courtney, F. K. Davis, L. W., Jr. DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Dedman, W. W. Dinwiddie, W, T. Dixon, J. M. Downs, A. S. Emmons, C. D. Glasser, I. A. Hatcher, O. D. Hensley, Harold S. Hobrecht, A. P. Hooten, M. E. Hough, L. E. Hunt, G. O., Jr. John, J. W. Jones, M. E. Kenagy, J. A. Kimball, S. C. Lane, J. R. Lawrence, O. V. Lilly, C. A., Jr. Martin, J. E. McAuley, W. J. McElwrath, D. W. McMinn, H. W. Murray, J. G. Nix, P. S. Norton, C. P. Owen, W. J. Pinson, J. W., Jr. Prove, E. H. Rahn, L. W. Riggs, R. R. Robinson, A. J. Rothe, J. H. Scott, J. S. Scott, Welton E. Sikes, R. E. Smith, E. F. Stitt, I. B. Sweeney, R. L., Jr, Thysell, J. R. Tims, N. J., Jr. Townsend, G. P., Jr. Vivian, E. A. Warner, J. M. Watkins, Loy E. Willrich, L. H. Wittie, L. D. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement Bureau APPLICATION PHOTOS Application size photographs which ac companied personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at Room 133, Administration Building, at your earliest convenience: Allison, C. J. Adams, L. L. Andrews, D. K„ Jr. Appelt, Leslie L. Atkins, James M. Bischoff, A. J. Bloodworth, Morris E. Cain, Joe H. Callihan, M. R. Carson, Ray, Jr. DeArmond, Geo. W., Jr. Esplin, Lamar Garner, Wm. L. Gentry, L. J., Jr. Haines, P. G. Hall, Harris H. Hamilton, A. V. Harris, James M. Hendrick, A. J. Hernandez, Hector A. Higgins, Walter S., Jr. Hoefs, C. H. Holick, Donald H. Keeter, Charlie M. Korth, C. L. Krocker, R. A. Kyzar, Elmo B. Lewis, Maurice Mayfield, Wm. L. Miller, Archie B. Motz, Geo. J. Post, Julius J. Provost, F. E. Rahn, L. W. Rau, Clyde A. Riggs, Russell R. Robinson, John H. Scott, James A. Sikes, Robt. E. Sweeney, R. L., Jr. Vivian, Edward A. Warnke, Harry F. Wilkinson, Marion Williams, Chas. B., Jr. Wittie, L. D. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement Bureau BRAZOS CO. RESERVE OFFICERS The Brazos County Chapter of Re serve Officers’ Association will have a regular meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00 o’clock in the Pet. Eng. Bldg. A. A. U. P. The local Chapter of the American Association of University Proressors will meet in the parlor at Sbisa Hall, Monday, January 20 at 7:30. An interesting pro gram has been arranged. Refreshments will be served. FISH AND GAME CLUB There will be a special meeting of the club Monday night, Feb. 20, at 7:00 o’clock in Room 115, A. & I. Building. It is ur gent that every club member be present as plans for our benefit show “My Fa vorite Wife”, will be discussed, and tick ets will be distributed. FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next regular faculty club dance will be held in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall on Friday night, January 31 from 9 to 12, midnight. Ed Minnock and his Aggieland Orchestra will play. All faculty members. Experiment Station and Extension Service workers, their wives, sweethearts and friends are urged to attend. INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES I.Ae.Sc. Student Branch meeting will be held in the Chemistry Lecture room at 7:00 P. M. Monday, January 20th. A film from Pan American Airways will be shown. Members and their friends are cordially invited. Those attending are re quested to refrain from smoking in the Chemistry Building. FT. WORTH CLUB The Fort Worth and Tarrant County Club will have its picture made for the annual at 5:51 Monday afternoon on the steps of the old YMCA. Seniors please wear boots and serge shirts. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON TABLES FOR LADIES: at the Fel lowship luncheon this Thursday noon— but newly-weds may still sit together if they behave. PAN, MANTEQUILLA, CAFE Y NATA ; will be familiar sounds at the Spanish table during the Fellowship Luncheon each week. ROY L. DONAHUE Classified LOST—A watch crystal in a white gold frame. The crystal is no good without the watch; the watch is no good without the crystal frame. Reward for return to Vincent O. Johnson, room 75, Milner Hall. LOST—Leather zipper jacket. Left in room 102, E.E. Bldg, or 3rd floor Aca demic Bldg. Saturday morning, Jan. 11th. Return to 419 No. 1. Reward. LOST—One senior’s right spur. Dropped outside mess hall Wednesday after break fast. Please return to Kelley, 306 Bizzell. FOR SALE—’32 Chevrolet Coupe. Rum ble seat. Reasonable. See Walker, 804A, South College, Bryan. -SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1941 Draft— (Continued from Page 1) nomics; Frank G. Anderson, Pro fessor of Physical Education; T. A. Munson, Professor of Civil En gineering; G. B. Wilcox, Professor of Education; J. T. L. McNew, Head of Civil Engineering Department; F. B. Clark, Head of Economics De partment; Ira G. Adams, Profes sor of Mathematics; D. B. Gofer, Professor of English; C. O. Spriggs, Professor of Public Speaking; M. C. Hughes, Head of Electrical En gineering Department; C. C. Hedg es, Head of Chemistry Department; Stoney M. Stubbs, Assistant Pro fessor of Accounting. This bookTOBACCOLAND*U*S*A* gives thousands of smokers like yourself the facts about tobacco and... MILDER, BETTER TASTE To the keen interest of the thousands of men and women who visit our Chesterfield factories, we owe the idea of publishing the book, “TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A.” It is a- comprehensive picture story about the growing, curing and processing of tobacco, telling you why Chester fields are MILDER, COOLER-SMOKING and BETTER-TASTING. Tre are proud of the hundreds of letters from smokers like yourself who have seen “TOBAC COLAND, U. S. A.” Many have asked us to send copies to their friends. We would take pleasure in sending you a copy—just mail your request to Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 7?# y<?u dmak afavefle Copyright 1941, Liggett & Mtehs Tobacco Co. BENEFIT FOOTBALL GAME KYLE FIELD 2:30 P.M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 MAROONS COLLEGIATE SHOPPE “GIFTS FOR YOUR VALENTINE” CANADY’S PHARMACY MODEL CLEANERS BRYAN WYATT’S FLOWER SHOP FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. BRYAN HOLICK BOOT SHOP north gate A. J. TITUS, JR-, INSURANCE SEE US FOR AUTO LOANS TEXAS A. & M. GRILL north gate CITY NATIONAL BANK BRYAN AGGIELAND STUDIO YS WHITES AGGIELAND pharmacy NORTH GATE NORWOOD'S an( * THOM McAN tones BARBER SHOP BRYA N AND college STATION AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY ZUBIK and SONS UNIFORM SPECIALISTS LIPSCOMB PHARMACY COLLEGE INN CAFE and AMUSEMENT CLUB CHARLIE’S FOOD MARKET YMCA & VARSITY BARBER SHOP R. H. BALLERSTEDT, Prop. CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY