The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 04, 1941, Image 3

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Aggies Down Fighting Fordham Rams 13-12
Kimbrough and Pugh Head Shearing Party
As Aggies Defeat Rams in Cotton Bowl Game
Aggie 13-Fordham 12. Another
one point win in a bowl game.
That is the short story of the Cot
ton Bowl Game played in Dallas
last Wednesday.
Down in New Orleans the first
day of 1940 Cotton Price playing
one of his greatest games for the
Aggies smartly booted the pigskin
through the uprights and damned
the Wave 14 to 13.
In Dallas this week Dookie Pugh
took the role and returned to the
gridiron to chalk up the one point
that appeared very small for the
last twenty minutes of the con
We are glad to see you
back again, for it is a
pleasure to serve you
now as it was in the past
New Area
Many a fan left the bowl a little
disappointed because the Aggies
hadn’t disgraced the Fordham
Rams. They were expecting to wit
ness a killing and the Ram refused
to go down.
Two weeks ago the Aggies were
heavy favorites in the dated game
of the Southwest. Then two days
before the starting whistle, the
Eastern squad took a jump to the
top brackets. Many even took the
Rams and gave some points.
The Aggies won the game. On
paper it appears that they were
outplayed. The whole first half
the Nortonmen were carefully tak
ing in the play of the Rams and
then in the third quarter turned
loose their lightning attack.
It was a hard fought game.
Many elbows could be seen flying
wide and a bit of roughing was
evident from the line plunges.
John Kimbrough gave the fans
their money’s worth even if they
bought their ticket from a scalper
for a buck or less. Time and time
again he carried three or four
Fordham players a few extra three
Chipp Routt and Charlie Henke
turned in great games on the line.
Jim Sterling and Bill Henderson
stood up on the ends in regular
fashion. Jim blocked the first Ram
try for conversion.
Tommie Vaughn and Odell Her
man called some good signals on
the defensive and sparked the
attack for the Aggies.
Ernie Panell and Marshall Rob-
nett played hard ball in the line.
They retired from the game and
Aggie play in the fourth quarter.
In the backfield Jim Thom
ason continued to block his sixty
minutes and picked up ten yards
on his lone carry. ‘Bama Smith,
Bill Conatser, and Derace Moser
turned in great ball with the other
$47,700 is reported as the Aggie
part of the gate. . .Fordham car
ried off some $52,700. . . .the
Southwest Conference Association
receives $5,000 for expenses. . . .
Lou De Filippe was treated in a
Dallas hospital for an injured neck
Wednesday night. . . .Rice carried
their basketball winning streak
far into the East until falling to
the Long Island University five
. . . .the Tennessee Volunteers
dropped another bowl game, this
Let Us Fix
Your Radio
North Gate
Phone 4-4114
For years we have
made Ross Volunteer
Uniforms and they
have always satisfied.
We feature Zippers
on these Uniforms.
Mendl and Hornak
Game Was
The Last For
Many Seniors
Injury List
Shows Game Was
Hard Fought Contest
Closing many great football car
eers and two seasons of record
breaking ball for a southwest con
ference team, the Texas Aggies
Wednesday turned back the Forfl-
am Rams, 13 to 12, in the fifth an
nual Cotton Bowl classic.
Throughout the first half of the
game the Aggies were playing de
fensive ball and were forced to
play hard to stop the attack of the
Rams. With floating passes,the
Eastern team threatened large
gains time and again.
Late in the second quarter the
Rams worked their way deep into
Aggie territory and when passes
failed to click, the old statue of
liberty play was called on for the
try. Noble took the hand off and
raced far around his left end
and down the side line. Conatser
charged over from out of nowhere
and threw a block on Noble that
will long be remembered by those
sitting close to the play.
On the next play Filipowicz broke
off tackle for the first score. Ster
ling charged in fast to block the
try for conversion.
Half Ends 6 to 0
Thus the half ended, Fordham
6, Aggies 0.
In the stands there was talk
of the Aggies going down again.
The feeling tended to be similar
to that which filled the stands
late in the Texas game.
Could they come back after a
showing ?
No sooner had the second half
begun than the answer to this ques
tion appeared.
Fordham again, as at the start of
the game kicked out of bounds.
On the second play of the game,
Earl Smith, the hide out expert of
the ’39 Longhorn defeat, appeared
far down the field in the wide
open spaces. Running at his top
speed of 9.6 he gathered in Pugh’s
pass and crossed the pay off line
standing up.
The Aggies had once again re
turned to the style of play they
were known for.
Pugh’s try for the extra point
was wide.
Kimbrough Scores Final
Five minutes later the Aggies
found themselves with the chips
stacking high once more. A slug
ging penalty gave the cadets the
ball on the Fordham one yard line.
John Kimbrough took the call and
the ball. Running hard and fast, he
faded at tackle and then cut a-
round end to go over standing up.
Had he hit the line, three of the
Rams would have gone over with
him for he ran with such power
and determination that seemed to
tell the final story all in the one
Pugh converted and the score
went up Aggies 13, Fordham 6.
This was the six minute period.
This was all the Aggies needed to
carry off the ball game.
Early in the fourth quarter the
cadets threw up a four yard line
stand. Taking over on their own
goal line they punted out of dan
ger. Back came the Rams and from
(Continued on Page 4)
JANUARY 4, 1941
Cadet Polo
Team Runs Into
Tough Competition
Major Burnett’s Transfer
Leaves Team Coachless
By Jack Hollimon
Aggie mallet-swingers found the
going rough in their Mexico City
journey and dropped three encoun
ters to a collection of the out-
stading polo players in Mexico. Ex
tensive travel and the absence of
Bill Braid added to the handicaps
and A. & M. was unable to hold
off the aggregatiosn rating 10 to
15 goals in international polo cir
The first tilt found the Aggie op
ponents composed of civilian play
ers from the Anahuac club and the
Mexican team stifled A. & M. 10
to 5. Rice scored two of the Aggie
goals for team honors.
A selection of military players
next opposed the Aggies and their
experience and ability gave them
a 9 to 1 victory. This game was
well-played and A. & M. had an ex
cellent opportunity to match sticks
with horsemen of world fame.
Teamwork and fast riding over
came the valiant Aggies in the
final game when another quartet
mounted under the colors of the
Anahuac Club climaxed a victorious
series for Mexico by coralling A.
& M. 10 to 1.
This third contest ended the A.
&M. polo schedule for the holidays
and the boys, along with Major E.
M. Burnett, toured Mexico City and
enjoyed the gala Christmas season
atmosphere which was much in
Many gifts and Mexican work,
came back with the club and of
particular note was the buckskin
jacket, fringes included, belonging
to poloist Lee Rice.
This trip terminates the play
under Major Burnett who has been
transferred to Fort Riley, Kansas.
Because of his tireless patience
and effort in behalf of the polo
players. Major Burnett has mold
ed the Aggies into one of the top
flight polo foursomes in inter-
‘ collegiate competition. A. & M.
has made much improvement in the
game during his stay and num
bered among his victories are many
of the most talented aggregations
available in Mexico and the United
A new polo coach has not been
named but indications point to Col
onel Wing or Captain Elwood tak
ing over Burnett’s position on
Jackson Field.
time to Boston College. . . .thus
the Sugar Bowl goes East. . . .
Stanford ran wild in the battle of
Roses while the Nebraska Corn-
huskers threw up a great game
for themselves. . . .the Aggie polo
team took a tumble down south of
the border as they faced some
great Mexican teams. . . .the
swirpming team is now on their
annual trip, this year to Missouri
and Oklahoma. . .Hub McQuillan’s
cagers drew the strong Sooner
Aggies in the Oklahoma City
tournament and fell out in the first
round. . . .$37,500 is a big lump
to look at but it is told that such
an amount is up for John Kim
brough if he goes with the New
York Yankees, member of the
American Professional Football
League. . . .N.C.A.A. has started a
drive to clean up football
coaches at the N.C.A.A. meeting
picked Nebraska, Tennessee, Ford
ham, and Georgetown to win the
bowl games. . . .Paul Lowry and
Tinker Taylor will sponsor the
first College Station Golden Gloves
Tournament late this month.. . .
The dining hall at Farmville, Va.,
State Teachers college uses 240
dozen eggs, 525 gallons of milk
and 900 pounds of sugar a week.
Men outshone the co-eds in soph
omore comprehensive examina
tions at Wheaton College.
100 Rooms - 100 Baths
Fire Proof
R. W. HOWELL, Mgr.
Class ’97
Golden Glove
Boxing Matches
May Be Held Here
An effort is being made by in
terested parties to hold an AAU|
Golden Gloves boxing matches at
College Station this year. The mat
ches will be put on by an inde
pendent athletic council composed
by civic minded individuals who are
interested in the furtherance of
sports in this community.
A good location for the contests
is being sought by the council and
Bryan is being considered. Col
lege Station is the most favorable
and desirable place but if arrange
ments for the ring cannot be
made at the selected date, Bryan
will probably get the bid.
Matches at Aggieland will be a
tremendous asset to both the school
and the participants as it will be
the first boxing matches of this
type held here and also will draw
many of the contestants from the
student body who otherwise would
find it impossible to enter.
By Bob Myers
The beginning of record rifle
firing came to an abrupt end with
the early dismissal of school and
will be continued until noon Satur
day, January 11.
Many high scores were turned
in during the tryouts while sever
al men who fired high scores last
year showed the need of a little
pre-season shooting by dropping to
the lower brackets of scoring.
Men who have made their organ
ization team should get down to the
range as early as possible to take
full advantage of the best possible
conditions and fire while the posit
ions are uncrowded and the ele
ment of time is practically non-ex
Monday marks the beginning date
for Freshmen who do not have cred
it for Physical Education to re
port to the Assembly Hall for their
classes. This includes all Freshmen,
regardless of the method selected to
fulfill the requirements. Fish ath
letes who are members of squads
or any other freshman who has been
excused from classes will report to
the Assembly Hall at their regular
class periods.
Avoid motor trouble
on your trip by letting
us check every detail of
your car . . . batteries,
tires, and accessories.
Service Station
North Gate
Aggies Will Begin Conference
Basketball Play Against Rice Jan 11
While the air has been filled,
with footballs and talk of bowl
games during the holidays, quin
tets all over the country have been
getting in shape for the coming
basketball season. Now that the
outstanding elevens have left the
spotlight in a blaze of glory, in
terest in the collegiate sports world
is centering on playing fields of
hardwood floor.
Five men from Texas A. & M.
will open Southwest Conference
play for the Aggies in Houston in
January against the Rice Institute.
Both teams have completed their
warmup games and the Owls clash
with the University of Texas Tues
day in Austin to start their con
ference competition.
In warm up play, the Cadets
played eight games to cop three
wins and five close losses while
the Owls came through with on
ly two losses in a ten game sched
ule. The only team that both
schools played was Sam Houston
State Teacher’s College. A. & M.
won one game with the teachers
and lost one. Rice turned up with
the same balance by splitting their
pair with the Huntsville team.
Out of the eight matches play
ed by the Aggies, only two saw the
services of Captain “Dog” Dawson
and star ball handler and player
Bill “Jitterbug” Henderson. With
these regulars back in the line-up
after the close of the football sea
son and the stalwart play of the
other five lettermen on hand for
the coming game, Rice will be hard
pressed to hold the top position
that they are in by virtue of their
championship team last year.
Like A. & M., the Owls have sev-
(Continued on Page 4)
Pop Shaw’s Hamburgers
Are As Delicious
As Ever!
Back of Milner
1. To Have a Neat Appearance.
2. To Keep My Clothes Cleaned and Pressed.
3. To Have My Clothes Cleaned and Pressed at-
North Gate — Dial 4-4554
We extend our good wishes to you for a New
Year rich with good fortune and good friends.
Joe Sosolik — North Gate
Sport Shirt Sale
We have a limited
amount of those famous
Allen A Sport Shirts
These attractive
knitted shirts were
$1.00 but now they
are selling at 75£.
Not only are these
shirts of different
colors but also of
different styled necks.