The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 04, 1941, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
psh&ished three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
Bob Nisbet
Keith Hubbard
Hub Johnacm
Toaaasy Henderson
PhC Go 1 man
Sets Tomlinson
J. B. Pierce
X B. Yannoy
. Advertising Manager
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Circulation Manager
Staff Photographer
Staff Artist
Editorial Assistant
Editorial Assistant
Earle A. Shields, Jr Managing Editor
T. R. Harrison Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
W. 0. Brimberry R. B. Pearce W. C. Carter
, Sports Staff
Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor
Jack Hoilimon Junior Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Sports Assistant
Reportorial Staff
Bill Amis, Charles Babcock, Don Corley, W. F. Keith,
Z. A. McReynolds, Jack Nelson, L. B. Tennison.
Board of Directors Attention
TO A BODY OP MEN—the Board of Directors of
the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas—■
who have the proper Aggie spirit and who are as
broad-minded as any similar group in the nation
—The Battalion wishes to express its deepest admir
ation and its sincere appreciation for patiently hear
ing and honestly considering the recent proposal
made by the student body through this publication
and a special committee on the subject of remov
ing charges for visitor’s meals in the mess halls.
In order that it will not be said that the praise
comes only after the Board approved the petition,
it is expedient to say that the committee appearing
before the Board was treated royally (to a banquet)
and given every opportunity to present its arguments.
In substance one Board member said that their
intentions in the beginning were to benefit the
school. We believe that! No harmful decisions could
possibly come from any body of Aggies with serious
intent and possession of all the facts.
The Board proved to the committee that they
were really “big” men when they discussed the case
with them, heard arguments, presented theirs. The
committee learned the reasons behind the orig
inal decision and the arguments on the other side—
learned there was another side. The committee saw
the Board weigh the evidence on both sides and
arrive at a just and equitable decision, reversing it
self without hesitation when the need occured. This
committee learned a valuable lesson and saw the
Board of Directors set the example.
Cotton Bowl AHermdth
voiced comments one way or another on the Cotton
Bowl Game played New Year’s Day in Dallas be
tween Fordham and Texas A. & M. Football sea
son is over and done, but one parting statement be
fore it is forgotten.
In a book titled “Rockne” there appeared the
following quotation: “Crowley (now the coach of
TTordham), who alone of all the “Horsemen” seemed
unaffected by the conditions, listened to the tale of
those first downs which seemed to prove Stanford
better at ground gaining. “Yeah,” he drawled, “and
next year they’re going to award the National
League pennant to the team that has the most men
left on bases.”
Time to Settle Down
FOOTBALL SEASON has been an exciting time
with all the thrills and chills and the fun and laughs,
corps trips and dates. It will leave many and varied
memories to linger for years. But the time has
come in the school year to forget for a time the
joy and excitement of the past months and begin
considering grades and studies.
In three weeks mid term examinations will be
upon us. me to settle down for that home
stretch or the slide into home plate.
It is not too late to pull a low grade up to a
passing average or even into grade-point territory.
Quiz C’s and finals are still ahead, and ample op
portunity is still knocking.
The appeal has been voiced to the corps to set
tle down for a month of serious study.
Don’t Use Big Words
IN PROMULGATING your esoteric cogitations, or
articulating your superficial sentimentalities and
amicable, philosophical, or psychological observa
tions, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your
conversations and communications possess a clari
fied conciseness, a compact comprehensibleness,
coalescent consistency, and a concatenated cogency.
Eschew all conglomerations of flatuent garrulity
jejune babblement, and asinine affectations. Let
your extemporaneous descantings and unpremedita
ted expatiations have intelligibility and veracious
vivacity, without rodomontade or thrasonical bom
bast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity,
pompous prolixity, setaceous vacuity, ventriloquial
verbosity, and grandiloquent vapidity. Shun double
entendres, prurient jocosity, and pestiferous profan
ity, obscurant or apparent.
In other words, talk plainly, briefly, naturally,
sensibly, truthfully, purely. Do not use slang; don’t
put on airs; say what you mean; mean what you
say, and avoid big words.
Quotable Quotes
“The progress of the present day does not
necessarily imply the elimination of private uni
versities, but it constitutes a challenge. If great
universities only offer their traditional instruction
that evades all troublesome issues, if they confine
themselves to studies far removed from the cen
tral problems of society, then they cease to be a
vital force. Their failure may force mankind to re
sort to superficial progress devised by demagogues
and may result in the failure of western civiliza
tion as we know it. By co-operative research, by
methods o fteaching that equip men and women to
think clearly and wisely, we may prevent that dis
integration. The great universities hold the fate of
civilization in their hands. We dare not rest upon
our laurels.’’Cyril James, principal and vice-provost
of Montreal’s McGill university, offers a challenge
to professors and students.—ACP.
IF YOU WERE at the Junior-Senior meeting,
Thursday, Dec. 12, I am sure that you cannot help
but think a great deal of Colonel Watson and on
the way he handled the situation.
Had he seen fit he could have made the situa
tion a very grave one. Instead he in a firm but fair
way got the situation under control so that some
thing constructive could be accomplished. Have we
been as fair with him as he has with us? Do you
not think we should have asked his aid sooner? In
the future, I, for one, think we should have a com
mittee to meet at his convenience to discuss any
problems that may arise that we feel should be
acted upon.
Before this school was as large as it is now it
was possible for the Commandant to know exactly
what the state of affairs was. Recently the situa
tion for a brief while was definitely out of balance,
responsibility, cannot definitely be placed. Hence
forth, I think it should be the Responsibility of the
Senior Class to let him know the desires of the
student body.
D. H. Bratcher, ’41
A. M. James, Jr., ’41
/ Heard the Preacher Say
“I DON’T LIKE WAR, but I want to protect my
Protect “my country”! But where is “my coun
try”? Who has decreed that “my country” shall
embrace only those men, institutions, and events
which lie between the year 1492 and the present?
Who may thus limit and define “my country.”
Where Isaiah lifted up his voice for human
justice, there is my country. Where Plato announ
ced the reality of the spiritual, there is my country.
Where Jesus offered his life for men, there is my
country. Where St. Francis lived the compassionate
life, there is my country. Where Shakespeare swept
the human scene into his dramas, there is my coun
try. Where Darwin discovered the method of the
Creator, there is my country. Where Magna Charta
was signed, there is my country. Where Milton
sang, Where Rembrandt painted, Where Goethe
wrote—there is my country.
W T ho draws these little lines, limiting my al
legiance by accidents of time and space?
Where Gandhi fights a swordless fight for
freedom, there is my country. Where Schweitzer
heals the bodies of black men, there is my country.
Where brave men stand firm against Hitler’s bar
barism, there is my country. Where Kagawa champ
ions the underprivileged, there is my country.
I would protect my country. For my country I
would fight against all enemies. Where is my coun
try and who are its enemies? Where ever men and
women lift the flag of justice, or of beauty, or of
freedom, or of truth, or of peace, or of fellowship,
there is my country.
Who enslaves men in body for the sake of gain,
or in mind for the sake of power. Who tramples on
others’ rights, who closes the doors of opportunity,
who serves the dark gods of superstition and pre
judice, who turns his eyes toward the past, who
denies to other privileges he desires for himself—
he is my enemy. God help me to protect my country
against all enemies!
As the World Turns...
most important development of the holiday period.
The President’s speeches have sometimes been charg
ed with being full of high sounding obscurities but
the most captious critic could not have made that
accusation, with any degree of accuracy, upon this
latest occasion. The president came about as close
to a declaration of war as his constitutional powers
permit and called for complete, all-out aid to Eng
land in her struggle of defense against interna
tional outlaws.
On the actual war front the British and Greeks
in Albania have made constant, if unspectacular,
gains. It is reported, however, from numerous sourc
es, that the Germans are at last sending important
aid to the Italians, and the Italian government has
admitted that German war-planes and transport-
planes have arrived in Albania. In addition the
Italian planes which were sent to take part in the
attack on Britain have been recalled for use in the
Kyosti Kallio, the president of Finland who led
the heroic defense against Russia, dropped dead in
the midst of great public ceremonies in his honor.
J. Warren Madden, former chairman of the
Labor Relations Board, who had not been re-ap
pointed for another term on the board because of
widespread criticism charging that he had been
partial and prejudiced in his attitude, has been
appointed a judge in the federal courts and his ap
pointment has been confirmed by the Senate.
German raiders have been operating in the Pa
cific Ocean in ships “disguised” as Japanese, with
Japanese names and flying the Japanese flag. It
is reported that the Japanese are and have been
outfitting ships for use as German raiders.
President Roosevelt’s report “On the State of
the Nation” to the new Congress, which assembled
for the first time at noon Friday of this week, is
expected to contain recommendations as to the
specific means by which England can best be aided.
By Tom Giltis
km fwmm
**Baekwajfc: Am afitatioa rmanJtinjr from oomo action or occurrence."—Webster.
The Longer You Live, the Older lege officials received an earnest
You Get . . . Cotton Bowl after- plea from the family concerned in
maths are many, but three in par- respect to the bowl fever. Was the A comedy based on an impossible a story of two British lovers dur-
ticular rate going over . . . The fever contageous, the mother want- biological situation is coming to ing World War I. The story has
first concerns the air waves’ hefty ed to know, and had any students the Assembly Hall at noon Sat- been reworked a little to measure
songbird, Kate Smith. Long an died as a result of the disease? urday. The plot, which is the main up to the specifications of World
ardent Fordham Even further, “Are there available drawing card for the feature, shows War II interest and to measure
^ ' ri f fan, Kate is also a facilities to satisfactorily treat the some of the comical and illogical down to get under the specifica-
sincere booster of disease?” The letter ended with, situations which happen when a tions of the censors. It is also a
American patrio- “If the situation becomes serious, biological “TURNABOUT” chang- part of a longstanding MGM plan
tism—to which end we would like to make arrange- es the sex of both people of a to make their star Robert Taylor
she might call time ments to have our son sent home young married couple. The ad- more on the he-man side for his
out to educate the where this strange disease is un- vantages of such a situation for feminine fans. In this they achieve
Rams in the ways known.” comedy are obvious. a degree of success with him as a
of personal con- • • • Pretty Carole Landis is the wife dashing young army officer, but
duct while t h e a TVif f erence for the normal P art of the P icture since no A Sgie is interested in how
national anthem is t; c Lt; j s one 0 £ £- rgt g, 00( j he-manish he becomes, this point
Fu«rmann being played. As Be ^ °f the current mirth-con- ro i es> rp he j agt time ghe wag geen i s wa sted on masculine air. Vivien
the Aggie band played the Star items concerns the A. & M. here, under quite unfavorable cir- Leigh of “Gone With The Wind”
Spangled Banner Wednesday af- professor who made it clear at the cums tances, was in “One Million fame is Taylor’s British ballerina
ternoon, the A. & M. footballers c i ass ’ first meeting last Septem- c.”, but she is much prettier girl friend.
snapped to attention and remain- k 61 ’ that h e did not want students an( j more attractive in the dress Taylor and Leigh conceive an
ed that way throughout the song. r 10 ^ 63 during his lectures. a twentieth century young lady, undying passion for one another
Not so the Fordhams—they were went well until a week or gh e i s the starlet for whom the during a London air raid, but after
either pitching head gear at each so before the Christmas holidays, publicity departments tried so val- causing her to lose her job, Taylor
other or taking part in a good old ^be pi of was mid-way in a lecture j an tiy to get called the ‘Ping Girl’ goes off to the war before he can
fashioned bull session . . . No. 2 w ben he noticed a cadet in the but Life Magazine and several marry her. Here is the tricky job
aftermath concerns Earl (Bama) iea r of the room writing furiously, others gave her such a nice spread that had to be put by the censors
Smith. A few minutes after Bama ^be lecture stopped . . . An em- an( j publicity boost that all their because Vivian takes up street-
made his spectacular touchdown, barrassing silence followed . . . e ff or t s were in vain. John Hub- wallking. The situation is handled
he continually bothered the team’s ^be guilty student looked up. bard, a rather handsome but lesser discreetly, as it had to be to get
popular physician, Dr. P. A. Wood- “I thought I made it clear that known actor, is the normal hus- approved, but no one can fail to
ard, with a “What time is it, Doc?” I wanted no notes taken in my band. get the point of the moral complex
The reason wasn’t long in coming, classes,” the prof pointed out. Their trouble starts when a lov- involved.
Bama, it seemed, had pullman res- That s ok eh, the alleged stu- erg > S p 0 ^ en ds in a wish to change “Waterloo Bridge” is a tragedy
ervations on a train leaving for dent blandly replied, I wasn t p] aces f or a {j a y an( j ^be wish is of World War I. It has some pre-
Frisco City, Alabama at 5 o’clock, taking notes. I was writing a let- grated. The confusion of he’s for sentable acting in it and perhaps
He pulled into Dallas’ Union Ter- ter! she’s and she’s for he’s would be a war time moral which will just
minal at 4:58 . . . Last on the list The lecture—and the letter too terrific to try to explain, but fit the present day.
is the Aggie-concern about Grant- writing—continued mutually un- the climax of the show comes when
land Rice’s article praising the interrupted. the husband finds that he is going
Fordham team and deriding the to have a baby.
Cadets. Observers who are ac- . <rr , i. • u j i
quainted with Rice have pointed Film To Be by
is writing racy novels with some
out that Rice has long been a ghOWH At ACFO
wSfkTownlo/his bi" “that Club Meeting Monday pecu f'f u “ tio h n t s L uc f h £
this one and “The Night Life Of
respec . ^ ^ The picture, “Visualization of the Gods.” “Turnabout” is a light
Air Flow” will be shown at the comedy with no sense at all be-
Prexy VS. J3,wn meeting of The Institute of Aero- hind it, but if you are interested in
The relative fame of college pres- nautical Science Monday night, Jan- a pleasant way to while away the
idents vs. football players is an nary 6. It is the type of film that time without worrying about how
almost untested subject, but the should prove interesting to all, and logical it is, this is a pretty good
eighth grade students in Blanco particularly valuable to those who show to see.
settled the question with a blunt intend to follow the aeronautical Saturday midnight at the Cam-
finality a few weeks ago. professon; in it is shown an en- pus CO mes “WATERLOO BRIDGE”
In a class of 25 boys studying tirely new and different process
agriculture, the instructor asked for determining and portraying ed film> other parts of the meet _
the students to identify the four the flow of air over an object. ing are expected to prove inter _
names he had written on the board. Prior and parallel to the show- ti f in ch
The men were Dr. T. O. Walton, ing of the film, a verbal description ^ew Euless a's will be of ex
the Aggies’ prexy; Dr. Homer P. and explanation of the process will treme importance to all concer ned
Raney, No. 1 man at Texas U.; be given by Mr. Higgens of the with the organization . for e xam-
and John Alec Kimbrough and Aeronautical Engineering Depart- ple> detai]s concerning the Boeing
Jack Crain, both of whom have ment.
played a little football for their
respective institutions.
Here’s the way the students an
1 boy correctly identified Dr.
3 boys identified Dr. Walton
17 boys recognized Cowboy Jack.
25 boys (100 per cent) had Big
Jawn’s number.
• • •
Not Yet
About three per cent of Aggie-
land’s population hails from Puerto
Rico or one of the Central Amer
ican nations. The distance from
College Station to their home towns
being what it is, the lads from the
equatorial region generally com
plete their college education be
fore returning home—the only son-
to-mother contact being via mail.
Which brings things around to
one of the best of the current giggle
items. It concerns the Aggie junior
who had written to the Spanish-
flavored nation of his birth and
related to the family that bowl
fever was running riot at College
Station of late.
Within a month, one of the col-
In addition to the above mention-
Saturday 12:45—;“TURN-|
ABOUT,” featuring Adolphe
Menjou, Carole Landis, John
Hubbard, William Gargan
and Mary Astor.
Saturday 6:45 & 8:30—
“OUR TOWN,” with William
Holden, Martha Scott, Fay
Bainter and Beulah Bondi.
Monday 3:30 & 6:45—
HAND,” starring Myrna Loy
and Melvyn Douglas.
Saturday—“TOWER OFf
LONDON,” featuring Basil
Rathbone, Boris Karloff,
Nan Grey, Ian Hunter and
Vincent Price.
Saturday midnight, Sun
day, Monday—“WATERLOO
BRIDGE,” starring Robert
Taylor, Vivien Leigh, Lucile
Watson and Maria Ouspen-
Scholarship competition and the
Institute’s new Conference’ and
Seminar room will be discussed.
The meeting will start promptly
at 7 p.m., and all are invited to
University of Nebraska’s depart
ment of psychology is conducting
research into effects of diets on
physical development.
— 1
It’s time to have anti
freeze placed in your ra
diator. Call us and we
will come and get your
car and also return it.
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