The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 12, 1940, Image 3
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940- JOHN HENRY MASHBURN, ■raduate of the class of 1940, of Ihildress, was married to Mary .jouise Williamson, daughter of drs. Mary E. Williamson, Satur- lay afternoon at 4:45 in the Church if Christ at College Station with lev. R. B. Sweet as officiant. Washburn is the son of Mrs. Wade Tones of Childress and is teaching industrial Education at Luling, Texas. The bride is a graduate of Southwest Texas State Teacher’s* THE BATTALION MAKE THEM HAPPY with something that will last after Christmas is over. Present them with a watch, Jewelry or other gifts from— C. W. VARNER Bryan - North Gate 43 A. & M. Owned Holsteins Complete Successful Test-Year Forty-three registered Holsteins owned by Texas A. & M. College, produced enough milk during the past test-year to provide 166 fam ilies of four with four quarts of milk daily for the entire year, ac cording to a report of the Hol- stein-Friesian Association of America. The average production per cow was 410.3 pounds butter- fat from 12,173 pounds milk. The average cow in the herd pro duced nearly 2V2 times as much butterfat as the country’s average dairy cow, using U. S. Department of Agriculture statistics as the basis o focmparison. Thirty-one members of this Holstein herd were milked three times daily, the re mainder twice. The highest producer in the herd was the five-year-old , Paulantha Lady Maid that produced’ 18,974 pounds milk with 598.4 pounds but terfat in 335 days on thrfee milk ings daily. The production records obtained by having these cows on test will be useful in planning a breeding program for the future improve ment of the herd. Testing was supervised by The Holstein-Friesian Association of America, Brattleboro, Vt. -Page 3 NOW IS THE TIME . . . ... TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. FOR QUALITY CLEANING AND PRESSING AND PROMPT SERVICE SEND THEM TO CAMPUS CLEANERS Over Exchange Store — In New “Y” DISTINGUISHED GIFTS For Your MOTHER - SISTER - COOSIN (Or The One and Only) 1 Colorful Pajamas of satin or broadcloth. Brilliant shades of wine, blue, rose, and many other tones. A grand selection of styles to choose from. Robes and hostess coats that will thrill the lady fair not only on Christmas morn but for a long time after. Long, sweeping quilted robes of satin in beautiful flowered prints; soft, warm brushed rayon host ess coats in vivid colors, and ever so many other styles. PAJAMAS — $1.98 to $5.95 j ROBES and HOSTESS COATS — $3.95 to $16.95 f Our personnel is always glad to assist you in the selection of just the right gift. A gift from The *\ Smart Shop is sure to please. If Among other smart gift items, we suggest * Costume Jewelry * Bags and Gloves * Cosmetics * Handkerchiefs * Hose and Lingerie * Perfumes or Compacts J®*/HI ART /H«P s iisr,iigfc5 JifcWjgBJSJiJlP PRES.TRESHMAM CLASS-ENTIReIi" ENOINtER- ING CORPS.WORLDWAR,-STARTED ASA DRAFTSMAN, GLENN L. MARTIN CO.-LATER APPOINTED CHIEF DRAFTSMAN AND ASS'T. CHIEF ENGINEER 1920; TRANSFERRED TO DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CQ, CHIEF ENGINEER I925F VICE PRES. CHARGE ENGINEERING 1929; V~<_ RESIGNED 1934 TO HEAD NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC.IN NEW FACTORY AT INGLEWOOD, CAL. ^ Greatest ambition is to head busiest AVIATION PLANT, PROVIDING SURPLUS OF WORK, AVOIDING ANY LAY-OFFS FOR EMPLOYEES. KNOWN AS "DUTCH" WHEREVER LANGUAGE OF AVIATION IS SPOKEN. FAVORITE SPORT: FOOTBALL; HOBBIES-AMATEUR PH0T0GRA- i 1' PHY AND GARDENING. POSSESSES EXTPAORDI- t-f NARY CAPACITY FOR WORK-HAS TAKEN NO FOR- f MAL VACATION IN 20 YRS.INVLNTfD MANY AVIATION DEVICES,TENDING TOWARD PRODUCTION IMPROVEMEKR ' MR. J.H.KINDELBERGER.PRES. AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC., INGLEWOOD, CAL., AND NORTH V AMERICAN AVIATION, INC.OF TEXAS PROMISES THE FIRST WARPLANE OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE OF THEIR NEW$7,000,000 f PLANT NEAR DALLAS BY EARLY APRIL, 1941/PUNT WILL BE LARGEST AIR-CONDITIONED BUILDING IN WORID.WINDOWLESS, WILL OCCUPY MORE THAN 1,000,000 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE, WITH PEAK PRODUCTION 400 FIGHTING PLANES PER MO. EMPLOYMENT WILL BEGIYEN MORE THAN 12,000 MEN, WITH MONTHLY PAYROLLOF NEAR $2,000,000. NORTH AMERICAN'S TEXAS FACTORY Wilt BE FIRST NEW AIRPLANE PLANT, AT A NEW LOCATION,TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM-15 ASSURED BACKLOG TOTALING MORE THAN $50,000,000 WHEN PRODUCTION STARTS NEXT APRIL Annual Houston A. & M. Club Dance To Be Held December 23 at Plantation The annual Houston A. & MA club dance will be held Monday night, December 23, at the Plan tation, president James R. Lane announced today. Louis Panico and his orchestra, coming from Chi cago’s Edgewater Beach Hotel, will play for the event which will last from 9 till 1, Lane said. William T. Grisham is general chairman of the dance, and his committee includes John T. Cox, David Ball Jr., Gus Standish, E. R. Keeton, H. 0. Johnson Jr., Ross Staine, Jack M. Nagle, William A. McKenzie, Roy D. Cassity, F. A. Nice, Richard H. Suman, Raymond R. Read, Douglas S. Barker, Wel don McReynolds, Harry W. Gill, G. B. Beeler, H. W. Heitmann Jr., William L. Shirley, J. R. Spiller, and Grover Mushaway. “This will be the biggest dance ever sponsored by the Houston A. & M. club,” Grisham said, “and in particular are we anxious to have the members of the junior and senior Houston ev-student or ganizations, the members of the Houston A. & M. Mother’s club and Aggie parents present at the dance.” Exclusive use of the Plantation has been obtained by the organiza tion for the dance and admission is by personal invitation. Houston ex-students who wish to attend the function should get in touch with Lane at College Station, Grisham said. Part of the program will be set aside for a contest to select a girl to represent the club as duchess at the annual A. & M. Cotton Pag eant and Ball next spring. Any date of a Houston Aggie who is a member of the organization will be eligible for the honor, Lane said. “The Aggie escorting the girl se lected will also serve as her escort in the Cotton Pageant,” Lane said. He further stated that the judges for the contest would be announc ed in a few days. Officers of the Houston A. & M. club include, besides Lane, C. J. Bland, senior vice-president; Grish am, junior vice-president; Paul 0. Egner, secretary; and A. C. So- Relle Jr., treasurer. Dr. Donald Super, professor of educational psychology at Clark' university, disputes the theory that everyone should have a hobby. The New Shipment of College Jewelry is at AGGIELAND PHARMACY North Gate Texas Fire Commissioner Urges Pre-Holiday Check of Fire Hazards Faced with the danger of a- mounting death toll brought on by the widespread use of highly in flammable Christmas decorations, Marvin Hall, state fire insurance commissioner, today urged Texans to request local firemen to make a pre-holiday check of fire hazards in the home. “Where at all possible, firemen will welcome the opportunity to eliminate the hazards,” Hall de clared. “Firemen have a special responsibility to guard against fire hazards at Christmas, and the own ers of homes and business estab lishments should call upon them to make inspections when in doubt as to the safety of their holiday deco rations.” A Christmas tree kept in a buck of water will retain much of its normal dampness and thus cut down the danger of a hot blaze. However, hte Commissioner warned against placing trees in such a way as to block exits, and admonished against their use near stoves and steam radiators. They should be decorated only with asbestos, glass and metal. The tree alone will make a dangerous fire, without the added fuel of paper, cotton snow and pyrolylin decorations. The wide use of electric extension cords, Christmas tree lights and lights in windows bring new haz ards to every home. SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY Monarch Cake Flour, 2 lbs., 12 oz. size .25 Premier Crushed Pineapple, No. 2 can 15 Trappey’s Cut Stringless Bean, No. 2, 3 for .25 Tomato Juice, 20-oz. can, 3 for .25 Libby’s Pineapple Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 for Peaches, large halves, No. 2 , /2 can Soap, P. & G., large size, 5 bars Grapefruit Juice, 5% oz. can, 1 doz. Armour’s Treet, Special Armour’s Potted Meats, 6 cans .25 .15 .19 .45 .25 .25 Chase and Sanborn Coffee, 1 lb. .22 Royal Gelatin Dessert, any flavor, 3 for .14 MARKET SPECIALS Banquet Bacon, 1 lb. Hams, any brand, ‘A or- whole, 1 lb. Roast, chuck, beef, or baby beef, 1 lb. Spare Ribs, 1 lb. .29 25 22 .18 Oysters, 1 pt. - .30 VEGETABLES Fresh Carrots, 3 bunches .10 California Lemons, 1 doz. .12 California Celery, large .08 Texas Orange, Naval, 200 Size, 1 doz. .16 Texas Grapefruit, 96 size, 1 doz. .15 We will have a full line of vegetables and fruits. We Deliver Phones: 4-1140 and 4-1141 BRAIN TWISTER 1500 Turkeys Are Killed and Dressed In Aggie Meat Lab Does it pay to dress turkeys and ship them to the New York mar ket or it is more profitable to sell them at live weight locally, is the question that several Brazos County turkey raisers intend to answer this week. Under the supervision of L. V. Halbrook, teacher of vocational ag riculture at Bryan high school, a dozen raisers killed and dressed 1500 turkeys at the Texas A. & M. College meats laboratory. They have been graded according to market standards by George P. McCarthy, poultry husbandman of the Texas A. & M. College Exten sion Service, and shipped to New York by express where they will be sold and the proveeds divided cooperatively among the growers. Brazos county produces approx imately 20,000 turkeys annually and in the past has sold them on foot to dealers but in order to find out which is the more profitable, they are shipping one carload to New York as an experiment. George Cargill is president of the Brazos County Turkey Raisers Association and is the man behind the test. Among others cooperating are Sam B. Pate, of Harvey, and Howard Todd, secretary of the as sociation, both raisers of large flocks. By R. R. Lyle Two farmers, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith, have thirty cows between them; they sell them at different prices, but each received the same sum. If Mr. Jones has sold his cows at Mr. Smith’s price, he would have received $320, and if Mr. Smith had sold his cows at Mr. Jones’ price, he would have re ceived $245. How many cows did each man sell ? What price per cow did each receive for his cows? Answer: Mr. Jones sold 16 and got $17.50 per head. Mr. Smith sold 14 and received $20.00 per head. Fish Jones says to Fish Smith: “Wen you are fifteen times the age I was when you were half as old as I am, you will be one-half again as old as I would be were I as much older than you as you are older than I am.” To this Fish Smith replied: “When you will be as much older than you are as you are younger than I was year before last, our combined ages will be fifth.” How old are Fish Jones and Fish Smith. Answer: Fish Jones 18 and Fish Smith 24. Fish Jones says to Fish Smith: “When you are fifteen times the age I was when you were half as old as I am, you will be one-half again as old as I would be were I as much older than you as you are older than I am.” “When you will be as much older than you are as you are younger than I was year before last, our combined ages will be fifty.” How old are Fish Jones and Fish Smith ? Answer: Fish Jones—18 and Fish Smith. 24. Psychology-minded gardners at New York’s City College are work ing on the theory that a “beautiful campus stimullates the appetite for knowledge.” The term “spud”, once a popular equivalent for potato, originated from the initials of a dietetical society, now deceased, called the Society for the Prevention of ^ I THEY’RE favorites for Christ- | mas . . . and they’ll go fast! Don’t wait to place your Christ mas order. Come in . . . see all the Christmas Specials, brought to you byPhilco, the World’s Largest Radio Manufacturer. Select yours now . . . enjoy special easy terms, big trade-in allowances! P&wsrfnvfieecfo/at aSearntflufAt/ PHILCO 608P PHOTO-ELECTRIC RADIO-PHONOGRAPH No needles to change ! Records last 10 times longer. Glorious new purity of tone. Auto matic Record Changer. New Philco Tilt- Front cabinet—no lid to lift, no unhandy compartments. Also, amazing new radio in ventions. Exquisite cabi net of beautifully fin ished Walnut woods. Ji 39.95 And look at :5ese Sensonoml Philco Table Models! PHILCO Shoulder-Strap PORTABLE TRANSITONE MODEL 89C. Plays <ti anywhere on its own 1 power. Amazing tone and performance. complete Kraft Furniture Co 218 South Main PHILCO 235T. 7-tube Superhetero dyne. Built-In Supersensitive Aerial System. Illuminated Horizontal Dial. Handsome Walnut cabinet. $35.00 Bryan