TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1940 PAGE 6 Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS November 25 and 26—Horticulture So- TURKEY ROASTERS We have a large stock to select from . . . Six sizes —Aluminum and Enam eled . . . Self Basting Drip-Top. As low as— 79^ CARVING SETS $2.50 FOOD CHOPPERS 890 PARKER- ASTIN Hdwe. Co. Bryan, Texas Of course you’ll want to look your best for the thanksgiving Holidays. So we suggest “Univer sity Lounge” ... in dou- ' ble or single breasted lounge models . . They’re correct in every detail and tailored in all the fa vored fabrics and colors. $25 to $35 fllaldropfl(3 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan ciety Show—Agriculture Building—8 a. m. to 9 p. m., daily. November 26—Corps Dance—Mess Hall —9:00 p. m. to 1:00 a. m. December 2 to 4, inc.—Dairymen’s An nual Meeting (A. L. Darnell) December 4—Jean Dickenson Concert— Town Hall—Guion Hall—8:00 p. m. December 4 and 5—Municipal Engineer’s Short Course December 6—Tumbling Team Benefit Show—Assembly Hall—3 :15 and 6:30 p. m. December 6—American Society of Civil Engineers Dance—Sbisa Hall—9:00 p. m. SENIOR R.O.T.C. All students who have completed R. O.T.C. work under contract or will com plete their work at the end of this se mester and will graduate from the college this semester will report without delay to the Sergeant-Major’s office, second floor Ross Hall to file application for commis sion as second lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps. MAJOR WISE Adjutant NOTICE The following seniors should call at room 133, Administration Building, for their six application size photographs that are included with their personnel leaflets: Lloyd G. Conrod Raeford G. Evans Brock H. Faulkner Ralph B. Blagraves Randall Henderson Doyle T. Horton M. B. Inman, Jr. John W. Jorns George R. Lewis Tracy B. Medders Edgar L. Pewitt Eckwood H. Reagan Victor E. Schember William L. Shirley Robert S. Stone L. C. Walker Ernest L. Wehner William G. Whitehead LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement Bureau NOTICE Senior Electrical and Mechanical En gineering students who are planning on interviewing the representative of West- inghouse Electric Manufacturing Com pany for employment upon graduation MUST turn in their executed student in terview record blanks before 5 p. m. Wed nesday, November 27. These may be turn ed in at the E. E. Department, M. E. Department or Room 133, Administration Building. LUCIAN M. MORGAN, Director Placement Bureau AGRICULTURIST MAGAZINE STAFF There will be a short, but IMPORTANT meeting of the following boys in 126, Administration Building this afternoon at 5:00 o’clock. Be present and bring any material that you have ready for the December issue of the AGRICULTURIST. Tom Power George Taylor Tom Richey Roland Bing Tom Gillis Lee Rice Walter Cardwell Jack Miller David Pinson V. A. Yentzen Phil Golman Jack Jones Bob Button Ed Douglass Mortan Robinson Graham Purcell Jack Aycock Jack Hollaman OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT A. & M. COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 22 NovJ 40 CIRCULAR NO. 21: 1. The Corps of Cadet will move to Aus tin, Thursday morning, November 28, 1940, via. Missouri Pacific Railroad to parade and attend the A. & M. - Texas University football game. 2. Calls will be sounded as as follows: 1st Call, Reveille (no formation) 5 :00 A. M. Mess Call, Breakfast 5 :03 A. M. Assembly 5 :05 A. M. 3. Units will march to the Missouri Pa cific depot in the order given below which will be followed in entraining. Tactical Officers detailed to ride the trains will accompany their units from their assembly areas to the depot. Troops will march from their respec- tice assembly points at 5:45 A. M. a. Time of departure—6:15 A. M. Tactical Officers—Col. Wing, Major Spiller, Major Fox, Major Hol- linghead. Major McIntyre, Captain Elwood, Captain McCulley. Troops—Band, Corps Staff, Infan try Regiment, Field Artillery Reg iment, Composite Regiment, Cav alry Regiment, Engineer Regi ment, Coast Artillery Regiment. 4. a. Railroad tickets are on sale at the Missouri Pacific Depot and round trip tickets may be purchased for $1.75 each. b. Regimental Commanders will report to their respective Tactical Officers to familiarize themselves with the details of the parade. c. A cadet officer will accompany each organization on the train and senior cadet officers will be stationed in each end of the coaches to see that students do not get off the train when stops are made enroute. Ves tibules will be kept closed. 5. DETRAINING: The special train will arrive in Austin at 9:15 A. M. Organizations will de train promptly upon arrival and march in column of twos to assembly areas, as follows: Corps Staff—Intersection of Congress Avenue and West Second Street. Field Artillery Band—Intersection of Congress Avenue and West Sec ond Street. Infantry Regiment—North Side of West Second Street between Con gress Avenue and Colorado Street, head of column on Congress Avenue. Field Artillery Regiment—East side of Colorado Street between West First Street and West Second Street, head of column on West Second Street. Composite Regiment—East side of Col orado Street between West Second Street and West Third Street, head of column on West Second Street. Infantry Band—Intersection of Colo rado Street and West Second Street. Cavalry Regiment—North side of West Second Street between Colorado Street and Lavaca Street, head of column on Colorado Street.' Engineer Regiment—East side of La vaca Street between West First -Street and West Second Street, head of column on West Second Street. Coast Artillery Regiment—East side of Lavaca Street between West Sec ond Street and West Third Street, head of Column on West Second Street. 6. BAGGAGE: a. Immediately after halting in posi- in position at the parade assem bly area, each squad will make up a squad roll containing all overcoats Y.M.C.A. BARBER SHOP THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP OUR MOTTO: “A Better Haircut Than You Can Get Anywhere!” See Our Hair Oils - Hair Tonics - Shampoos .— — —— ——^ THE BATTALION and raincoats, securely tied in one bundle and tagged with two tags to each roll. Tags will be distributed by Company Supply Sergeants. Hand baggage will be marked with chalk —the name of the owner, organiza tion, and arm ; example, Joe Smith, Troop “C” Cavalry. Rolls and bag gage will be placed in baggage trucks provided. Baggage will be obtained from truck at point of dis missal. Four men will be detailed from each battalion as guards to remain with property and safeguard same during the parade. b. On detraining members of the Band will secure instruments from the baggage coach and proceed to a moving can provided for the purpose, and leave baggage and instrument cases in the moving van. c. Free check rooms for baggage after the parade have been provided at the Chamber of Commerce Building and on West Seventh Street adja cent to the Driscoll Hotel. These baggage rooms will remain open til 12 midnight, Thursday, November 28, 1940. x 7. PARADE: a. Time: 10:00 A. M. b. Assembly: Organization will assem ble in the respective areas desig nated, in column of companies, each company in mass formation. c. Order of March: Corps Commander and Staff Field Artillery Band Infantry Regiment Field Artillery Regiment Composite Regiment . Infantry Band Cavalry Regiment Engineer Regiment Coast Artillery Regiment. d. Formation: Column of regiments, regiments in column of battalions, battalions in column of companies, companies in mass formation at close interval, with a 9 man front. e. Route: Congress Avenue to the cap- itol grounds. f. Reviewing Stand: The Reviewing Stand will be located at the Austin Hotel. g. Colors, Standards and Guidions: Col ors, Standards, and Guidons will be carried. Regimental Standards will salute. After the parade the Colors, Standards and Guidons will be plac ed in the Band van under the su pervision of one Color Sergeant de signated by the Corps Commander. The Band van will be located im mediately back of the Capitol Build ing (north side of Capitol grounds). h. Dismissal: Capitol grounds. 8. UNIFORM: a. No. 1 uniform. b. Non-military students and other students that are not required to purchase a blouse are authorized to wear civilian clothes with coat and tie. c. No. 2 uniform will be non-regula- W. J. Douglas, Jr. INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance Commerce Bldg Phone Bryan 160 Safe-T-Way SERVICE Phone Bryan 1400 Have you a way to take that “little woman” home after the dance? Call us for quick and efficient service. tion for the trip and for the ball game. 9. Time of departure for return from Austin: Special train-—7:30 P. M., Thursday night, November 28. Tactical Officers —Major Spiller, Major Fox. Regular train—10:15 P. M., Thursday night, November 28. 10. To prevent confusion and delay in forming the parade, cadets that do not go to Austin by train will be at the assembly areas of their respective or- 11. Company Supply Sergeants will report to the Commandant’s Office not later than 2:00 P. M., Wednesday, Novem ber 27, and receive twine, tags, and chalk for marking squad rolls and baggage. Color Sergeants will report to the Sergeant Major’s ' office on the 2nd floor, Ross Hall, to receive Colors and Standards, Wednesday, November 27, 1940. Color Sergeants are directed to have Colors, Standards, and Guidons transported to Austin by special train only, November 28, 1940. JAMES A. WATSON Lt. Colonel, U. S. Army Commandant CAMPUS STUDY CLUB The Campus Study Club will meet today at 3 p. m. in the lounge of Sbisa Hall. Mrs. John Astin of Bryan will be the guest speaker. AG ENGINEERS There will NOT be a meeting of the A.S.A.E. tonight, November 26, due to a conflict with the Bonfire dance. The next meeting will be Tuesday after Thanks giving. Fuller Elected Head Of New Home Town Club Cadets from Jim Wells, Brooks, Duval, Kleberg, Live Oak, and McMullen counties met last Thurs day evening in the new Y. M. C. A. to organize a home town club. Officers elected were Jack Ful ler, Alice, president; John Rag land, Alice, vice-president; Bill Coker, George West, treasurer. Plans for a Thanksgiving dance were discussed. DRIVING TO SOUTH DAKOTA and return over Thanksgiving holidays. Can take 4 all or part way and return. If interested call Bryan 715J. FOR RiENT—Nerw four-room apart ment with private bath. Newly fur nished, including electric refrigerator, and garage. Located in College Hills Estates near campus. Ben D. Alexander, 4-8504. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, two rooms, near College. Garage if you want it. S. V. Perritte, Phone 4-8794. FOR SALE—Four Cocker Spaniel pups. Address 802 E. 25th Street, Bryan. Phone Bryan 647. DYERS HATTERS AM EM CAN- S TEAM DRY-CLEANERS PHONE 585 BRYAJ* Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization i ❖ SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES OFFER FAST, CONVENIENT TRAVEL FOR THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS Round Trip Fares: Houston \ $ 3.40 Beaumont 6.40 Ft. Worth 6.00 Texarkana 10.40 Dallas 6.00 Amarillo 18.25 San Antonio 7.00 El Paso 26.95 For Further Information Call 4-1175 Southern Pacific T. H. BLACK, Ticket Agent - H. A. SHAVER, T.P.A. LET’S BEAT THOSE LONGHORNS! Thanksgiving Greetings From Your Favorite Store— LOOPOT’S TRADING POST North Gate MOW EM DOWN ON THANKSGIVING AGGIES and shop at PENNEY’S •Sf^ N,oN ^ Men’s ROBES Warm All Wool Flannel! He’ll marvel at the warmth and light weight of these smart robes! ALL WOOL flannel in rich solid colors. The expensive looking tai loring includes notch or shawl collars, roomy pock ets and fringed sashes. Slen’s ROBES Solid colors, checks and all-over patterns in Whiten- ton blanket cloth! Big pockets. Braided sashes! Lounging ROBES I I i i I ! ! Rayon Satin Trimmed! Dressy robes in fine cotton and rayon j a c- quard! With shawl collars, fringed sashes. w ****** ***1 Ml ■» \X„V/ BETTE DAVIS starred in Warner Bros, current hit "THE LETTER" S&SL.. im ^ ui Every step in the making of Chesterfield Cigarettes is supervised by skilled in spectors. One is here shown examining a "hand" of tobacco before it goes to the stemmery where every part of the stem is removed. {As seen in the new film "TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A. "J m CHESTERFIELD stars a milder BETTER TASTE Made for smokers like yourself Its right combination of the best tobac cos that grow and its modern cigarette making methods, make Chesterfield a completely satisfying smoke, pack after pack. That’s why people call it Make your next pack Chesterfield. They satisfy with their Definitely Milder, Cooler, Better Taste. *,« row1 1 hesteriiela t Ki \(y*rc Tnpirrn Cn. Copyright 1940, Uccnr & Mms Tobacco Co.