The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 23, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
YOL. 40
NO. 30
Activities Committee
Approves Official Club List Be Held On Tuesday
List Gives Time,
Place of Meetings
The following schedule for club
meetings has been approved by the
Student Activities Committee. It is
assumed by the Committee that
clubs have made arrangements for
the meeting places indicated. The
use of Guion Hall for class meet
ings must be approved by the pres
ident’s office or the Dean of the
College. A list of meeting places
for home town clubs can be ob
tained from the Commandant’s of
Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, Y. M. C. A.
Freshman Y. M. C. A. Council,
Y. M. C. A. Chapel.
1 and 3 MONDAYS
Economics Club, Physics Lecture
Mathematics Club, Room 212,
Academic Building.
Round Table Club, Room 319,
Academic Building.
Hillel Club, Lounge, Sbisa Hall.
Saddle & Sirloin Club, A. & I.
Lecture Room.
2 and 4 MONDAYS
Entomology Club, Room 5,
Science Hall.
Accounting Society, A. & I. Lec
ture Room.
Home Town Clubs, List in Com
mandant’s Office
Freshman Y. M. C. A. Council,
Y. M. C. A. Chapel.
Sophomore Y. M. C. A. Council,
Y. M. C. A. parlor.
Student Engineering Council,
To be arranged.
Senior Class meeting, Guion
Junior Class Meeting, Guion
Sophomore Class Meeting, Guion
Freshman Class Meeting, Guion
Jr.-Sr. Y. M. C. A. Council, Of
fice of new Y.
A I Ch E, Chemistry Lecture
A I E E, E. E. Lecture Room.
Petroleum Engineering Club(AI
ME), Pet. Engr. Lecture Room.
Architectural Society, Arch.
Lecture Room.
American Society of Civil Eng
ineers, C. E. Lecture Room.
Ex 4-H Club, Room 132, A. & I.
Fish and Game Club, Room 115,
A. & I. Bldg. *
Jr. Collegiate Chapter of F. F.
A., Room 303, Ag. Eng. Bldg.
Sr. Collegiate Chapter of F. F.
A., A. & I. Lecture Room.
Horticultural Society, Agricul
tural Bldg.
Kream and Kow Club, Creamery
Lecture Room.
Landscape Arts Club, Landscape
Drafting Room.
(Continued on Page 4)
College Film
Club Announces
Program for Year
The A. & M. College Film Club
has announced plans and program
for the school year of 1940-41. A
club roster of five hundred mem
bers is the goal of the film com
mittee. There are approximately
200 of these subscriptions avail
able and all interested students are
urged to join.
Subscriptions will be $1.00 per
member for a series of five major
programs. This amount will cover
all expenses and dates of each
production will be published at a
later date.
The modern Campus Theatre will
house the meetings of the film
club on announced Thursday nights.
The purpose of the club will be
to study films and the motion pic
ture industry. Many foreign films
will be brought to the campus for
each of the major meetings. Some,
of the pictures from which a few
will be selected are: The Harvest
(French), The Baker’s Wife
(French), the Puritan (French),
La Bete Humaine (French), The
Wave (Mexican), Jalisco Nunca
Pierde (Mexican), and Stolen Life
Jean Dickenson, Singing Star, Tells
Of Experiences ,Superstitions, Faults
In addition to her fame as a"
singer, Jean Dickenson, glamorous
young singing star who will ap
pear on Town Hall on December
4th, is indeed an outstanding per
sonality. Probably the most inter
esting of her experiences are those
that she tells on herself.
Miss Dickenson confesses that
she has two bad faults, being late
for appointments and sometimes
forgetting them altogether. As a
corrective measure she carries a
tiny alarm clock in her handbag.
When she leaves her apartment in
the morning she sets the alarm for
her next appointment. When it
goes off she sets it for her fol
lowing one. Sometimes the alarm
rings in subways or buses, startl
ing other travelers. But it fills its
mission—keeping the popular
young soprano on time for all dat
While in the confessing mood
Miss Dickenson admitted to sund
ry superstitions. She picks up pins,
avoids walking under ladders,
thinks passing a dachshund brings
good luck. But she has no feeling
cf panic if a black cat crosses her
path. That common superstition is
one that she does not hold to.
Now one of radios most highly
paid singers, Jean Dickenson re
calls that her first singing job
netted her a corsage and a dollar
and a half for taxi fare. For this
she sang at a breakfast club in
Denver. Jean thriftily took a street
car in both directions and used
part of the dollar and a half to
treat herself and her accompanists
to lunch. With the remainder she
took a chance on a raffled automo
bile, but didn’t win.
At one of Miss Dickenson’s
broadcasts the conductor got so
excited that he waved his baton
wildly and hit her over the head
nearly knocking her out. Fortu
nately it happened during a few
minutes of vocal respite, so the
radio star was able to pull herself
together before her next cue.
At another time an announcer on
one of her radio programs called
her a colored soprano instead of a
“coloratura” suprano. This led to
her being offered a job in the
forthcoming “Brown Skin Follies.”
Indeed we may marvel at the
rapid rise to fame of this charming
young American. However when
we consider her natural charm and
grace both on and off the stage
in addition to her most unusual
voice, we may readily understand
her remarkable climb up the ladder
of success.
Saddle and Sirloin
Club Honors Judging
Team at Last Meeting
The Saddle and Sirloin Club met
Wednesday night to commemorate
the annual occasion of sending the
International Judging Teams to
The program for the evening con
sisted of a barbecue for the club
members and visitors, and short
speeches by E. J. Kyle, Dean of
the School of Agriculture; D. W.
Williams, head of the Animal Hus
bandry department; N. G. Schues-
sler, professor of Animal Husband
Members of the livestock judging
team, which consisted of James
Rice, Tommy Foster, Buster Gen
try, Melvin Calliham, Lester Bran-
des, and M. B. Inman, were intro
duced by Professor R. J. von Roe-
der, coach, who also outlined the
expected route.
Graham Purcell, president of the
club, presented the expense money
for the trip. The money came from
the profits made on the annual
club rodeo which was held several
weeks ago.
Bonfire Dance To
Changed from the traditional-f-many A. & M. students had already
time of Tuesday night to Wednes
day night, the date of the annual
Bonfire dance has been changed
again, and this time back to the
original time on Tuesday night.
Proclaiming the end of foot
ball festivities on the A. & M. cam
pus for another year, the dance is
held each year in connection with
the burning of the mammouth
bonfire, the material for which is
gathered by the freshmen of the
school, to furnish light for the fin
al yell practice before the football
game with the University of Texas.
The dance will be held from 10
to 1 in Sbisa Dining Hall with
Ed Minnock and his Aggieland
Swing band furnishing the music
for the festive occasion. Since
this dance will be the last official
dance until after the Christmas
holidays, freshmen desiring to at
tend will be allowed to go with or
without dates.
The change of dates for the
dance was originally made in view
of the fact that more girls from
other schools would be able to get
away, but it was decided that too
Film Shows
Mass Production
For Camera Parts
Mass production methods in the
manufacture of film and camera
parts were shown Friday, in the
main lecture room of the Petro
leum Engineering Building.
The film gives a story of a
great modern industry, of the many
applications of photography today,
and illustrates graphically the
world wide application and use of
photography and the technological
development to date of this medium
of expression. The picture contains
scenes in camera works where
skilled craftsmen and precision ma
chines under the direction of scien
tists and engineers fabricated pho
tographic equipment — cameras,
projectors, printers, enlargers, etc.
While no attempt is made to fol
low each process continuously an
impressionistic effect is provided
which registers the skill and man
ual dexterity of the craftsman and
the accuracy and precision of the
machines and the methods for the
scientific control of quality.
The film, a sound version, was
supplemented with remarks by In
structor K. M. Loughmiller of the
Industrial Engineering department,
to emphasize the technological sig
nificance of the operations that are
Senior students of Industrial En
gineering have witnessed the film
previously, one of a series being
used in visual instruction to pro
vide a realistic basis for the visual
ization of the industrial situations
as they actually exist in industry.
AVMA Student Chapter
To Hold Annual Barbecue
The Student Chapter of the A.
V. M. A. will hold its annual bar
becue supper at the Veterinary
Hospital Monday, Nov. 25, at 6:30
p. m.
Col. Ike Ashburn will be the
speaker for the program. Also,
movies of the A. & M.-S. M. U.
football game will be shown.
planned to be gone Wednesday af
ternoon and night. Social Secretary
Jack Nelson stated that the dance
would be more a success held on
Tuesday night.
Script for the affair will be the
same as usual, $1.10.
Engineering Dept
Gets New Quarters
The Department of Aeronautical
Engineering has recently procured
an old OX-5 Waco airplane for use
in the laboratories. This is a com
mercial two-seater type of air
plane and will be used by students
in the Department and the CAA
Trainees for ground school work.
The OX-5 engine is 90 h. p., water-
cooled type, and, although out of
date at the present time, illus
trates one specific type of power
plant. In addition to the airplane
about 70 gallons of aircraft “dope”
were also acquired.
The Aviation Division of the
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com
pany has furnished a modern type
of brake-equipped, airplane land
ing wheel, together with hydraulic
actuating attachments and a sep
arate disc-type hydraulic brake.
The Macwhyte Company has fur
nished a sample swaged-end air
craft cable. Additional equipment
is being obtained through the U. S.
Army Air Corps.
All of this equipment will be
located in the old laundry building
which has been assigned to the De
partment for one year by the
Board of Directors.
Huge Lights Will Be
Put on Mess Hall Roofs
Plans Linder Way
For College Station
Symphony Orchestra
The community of College Stat
ion and surrounding area will soon
have its own symphony orchestra,
according to an announcement
made Friday by Lt. Col. R. J.
Dunn, director of the A. & M.
The organization will be com
posed of more than one hundred
pieces, rivalling such symphony
orchestras as those of Dallas and
Houston. The majority of the wind
instruments and players will be se
cured from the college band, but
Col. Dunn wishes that anyone de
siring to play a string instrument
should contact him as soon as
possible. He is especially anxious
to interview anyone who has par
ticular talent as a musician with
any instrument.
The complete organization of
the orchestra will not take place
until after the Thanksgiving holi
days. Practice will probably be
held on Sunday afternoons. Any
one living in Bryan, College Sta
tion, or surrounding area is elig
ible to become a member.
Several trips to other cities with
in the state will be planned for
next spring.
Texas University
Makes Plans For
Thanksgiving Ball
In keeping with the importance
of the occasion, the University of
Texas is planning many special
events to help entertain the stu
dents of both schools both before
and after the Thanksgiving game,
according to a letter received from
John Singleton, student manager
of Texas University dances.
One of the most important of
these events will be the annual
Thanksgiving ball to be held the
night of the game. This year one
of the best known dance bands in
the country, A1 Donahue and his
orchestra, will play.
This year, the Thanksgiving ball
will especially honor the football
teams of both schools, and it is
hoped that each player can be in
troduced at the dance. Invitat
ion is extended to all Aggies to
attend. The admission will be $1.50
couple or stag.
Crop Judging Team
Leaves for Chicago
The 1940 Crop Judging Team,
consisting of E. B. Butler, Monty
Mitchell, Roger Thysell, and James
Scott left Monday for Chicago to
participate in the International
Crops Contest sponsored by the
Board of Trade.
Accompanied by team coach, pro
fessor R. C. Potts, the team left
College Station enroute to Stillwa
ter, Oklahoma, where the team is
supposed to work out in the ag
ronomy laboratory at Oklahoma A.
& M. From Stillwater, the team will
go to Kansas City to enter in the
Intercollegiate Crop Contest spon
sored by the Kansas City Chamber
of Commerce. November 27, the
boys will arrive in Chicago for
the main judging feature, where
they will remain until their de
parture for College Station on De
cember 3.
Boys making the trip were sel
ected on a competitive basis. A ser
ies of judging examinations were
given to agronomy majors and the
three students making the highest
grade with one alternate were
chosen. The Agronomy Society is
sponsoring the trip, financing the
tour with money earned from a
storage lamp concesibn.
Hubbard Elected Prexy
Of Grayson County Club
Keith W. Hubbard of Denison
was recently elected president of
the Grayson County Club. Hub
bard, a major in marketing and
finance, is captain of B Troop
Cavalry and also advertising man
ager of the Battalion.
Other officers elected were vice-
president, Ben Griffith, Sherman;
secretary and treasurer, Jabus
Barker, also of Sherman.
Plans were discussed for the
Christmas dance, but nothing def
inite has as yet been decided, ac
cording to Hubbard.
Electric Fly
Killers Save Vet
Workers Lots of Time
While everybody else on the
campus is kept busy swatting flies,
the attendants at the Veterinary
Hospital are never bothered by the
pesky insects, for the Hospital is
fully equipped with electric fly-
killers. These traps, working on the
principle of the electric fence, very
effectively give a fatal “hot foot”
to any fly which lights on them.
The device is a box-like struc
ture fitted with iron bars through
which an electric current is run.
The moment a fly touches these
small bars it is killed by the elec
tricity. The dead flies serve as bait
and induce other flies to light on
the arrangement and meet instant
death by electrocution.
Neff Reports Steady
Progress at Baylor U
A report of “steady progress in
all phases of school life” was re
ceived by the Baptist General Con
vention of Texas, in session at
Houston, from President Pat M.
Neff of Baylor University.
The total student body of 3797
during the past year, 3187 at Waco
and 610 at Dallas, constitute the
university’s largest enrollment in
its 96 year-old history. Five hun
dred eighty-five degrees were
conferred during the year.
The growth has necessitated ex
pansion of the campus so that 12
acres have beeti added at Waco.
Physical improvements include a
$325,000 dormitory for girls, nam
ed for Catherine Alexander, a ben
efactor; $51,000 renovations of the
Carroll Science hall, and $11,000
renovations of the Carroll library
Constructioii has begun on a Stu
dent Union building at Waco, and
plans are being perfected for the
early erection of a library build
ing at the Dallas branch.
Property values, including
grounds, buildings, equipment and
endowment, are estimated at five
and a half million dollars.
The faculty has been increased
to 125 for 29 departments, offering
249 courses, at Waco; and to 28
full time and 217 part-time mem
bers at the medical units in Dallas.
Band Will Play
At Both Mess Halls
Two super-flood reflectors have
been purchased from Westing-
house and Company and will be
placed on the roofs of each of the
two mess halls soon, according to
an announcement from the office
of the Commandant late Friday
afternoon. These huge lights will
be used to illuminate each area dur
ing the evening formation and re
treat while the A. & M. band is
Although arrangements are as
yet incomplete, the band will be
split into two divisions, with one
division playing at each mess hall.
In the past such an arrangement
has been virtually impossible at
the noon formation because many
band members had classes before
and after the noon hour.
During the winter months, the
band could not play at night, for
it was too dark to read music. How
ever, the new floodlights will pro
vide a means of having the band
play throughout the entire school
year at both dormitory areas.
Since the floodlights will be in
operation within a short time, mil
itary officials are undecided as
yet whether or not the time for
the evening mess will be moved up
as has been the policy in the past.
The college board of directors
has already appropriated funds for
the installation of the reflectors and
bids are being received now. Work
will start on the project at the
mess halls as soon as the contract
has been awarded.
Wallace Speaks At
Economic Club Meet
Hugh Wallace, acting secretary
of the Hands County Association
for Industrial Peace, spoke to the
members of the Economics club in
the physics lecture room Thursday
night. Wallace gave the labor his
tory of Houston during the past
few years which produced condi
tions making the Industrial Peace
organization necessary. The asso
ciation is now engaged in making
a-factual survey of unlawful acti
vities of labor unions and is com
piling records of all civil and crim
inal cases which concern labor tried
in Harris County courts.
Students To Form Local Branch
Of Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
Chef Flunne, Man of Many Experiences,
Turns Out Good Food for the New Area Boys
By Mac Reynolds
A. Gaston Flaune is the 44 year
old chef of the new mess hall, born
in Toulon, France of French par
ents. He’s the man responsible for
the new gravies and soups we have
been getting for dinner here re
cently. Whether you know it or
not these soups and gravies have
probably been responsible for the
healthy roses in your cheeks this
fall. Also because of his new sys
tem, pancakes have become some
thing to eat rather than a possible
patch for a shoe.
Flaune was a helper on a French
Naval submarine cable repair ship
during World War I at the age of
17 when he first started his cook
ing career. Leaving the French
Service at the close of the war he
■attempted to enlist in the regular^
U. S. Navy, but was too young to
take out the necessary citizenship
papers. So he got in the merchant
marine fleet and sailed between
New York City, Brest, and Genoa
until the great maritime strike of
1921 caused him to leave this job.
Continuing his sea lore tramp he
signed up with the United Fruit
Co. for work in Caribbean waters.
It was then that he went from 2nd
baker to chef of some of their
best passenger ships such as the
S. S. Heredia, the S. S. Atenas and
the S. S. Tela.
It was on one of these Central
American cruises while he was
chef on the S. S. Atenas that one
of his cooks got in trouble with
a mug from below. Flaune promptly
had the mug thrown out, and dis
missed the matter from his mind.
A couple of days later when Flaune
was fishing on deck, taking it easy
during some off hours, the big boy
he had thrown out of his kitchen
slipped up behind him and tried
to disjoin the chef’s head with a
lead pipe. Well anyway what hap
pened next was just a good old
rough and tumble fight that was
finally broken up by the crew.
That’s just one of the sea-faring
yarns he often spins around the
mess hall for the boys.
Quitting the sea for awhile he
became a banquet chef in Louisiana
for the Great Southern Lumber Co.
Then 1929 found him as head chef
at the Hotel De Soto in New Or-
(Continued on Page 4)
A Student Branch of the Insti
tute of the Aeronautical Sciences is
to be formed by the students in
aeronautical engineering. At a
meeting held in the Chemistry
Auditorium Wednesday, November
20th, approximately 120 students
in aeronautical engineering voted
to form an aeronautical society and
affiliate with the Institute of the
Aeronautical Sciences. Officers and
Class Representatives from the
three upper classes were elected as
Walter Sullivan, president;
Shreve Hutchins, vice president;
Donald M. Early, secretary; Wil
liam Collins, senior class repre
sentative; Adrian Evans, junior
class representative; Dick Van
Orden, sophomore class represen
tative. A Treasurer and a repre
sentative of the freshman class
will be elected at the next meeting.
At the meeting held Wednesday
Professor Howard Barlow, head of
the Department of Aeronautical
Engineering, spoke briefly on the
aims and purposes of the society
and of the desirability of asso
ciating with the Institute of the
Aeronautical Sciences. Dean Gibb
Gilchrist, Dean of Engineering,
spoke on the contemplated aero
nautical development at A. & M.
College and discussed the airport
development program. Faculty
members participating in the aero
nautical engineering work were in
troduced. Those present were: W.
I. Truettner, P. R. Higgins, James
Trail, and A. M. Nelson. Captain
C. A. Miller, director of the opera-
■tions at the College airport, was
also introduced.
The purpose of the Student Chap
ter is the advancement and dis
semination of knowledge of the
theory and practice of the aero
nautical sciences, and the oppor
tunity to become acquainted with
the personnel and activities of the
Institute, as well as to promote
professional consciousness and fel
The Executive Committee con-
(Continued on Page 4)
Dr. Bonham Making
Lake and Pond Survey
If you would like to know ex
actly what is in your pond or lake,
see Dr. Kelshaw Bonham of the
Fish and Game Department.
Dr. Bonham and his graduate
associates are interested in making
a survey of the ponds and lakes
around College Station and, at no
cost to the owner, they will deter
mine the exact size of the tank, the
amount and kind of microorgan
isms and organic matter in it, and
the number of fish that the body
can profitably feed.
Dr. Bonham says that contrary
to popular belief, a small tank
cannot maintain any great number
of fish. Most tanks are overstocked
which results in small fish due to
the limited food supply. On the
other hand, if the number was lim
ited according to the amount of
food in the pond, the fish would not
only attain a good size but also
would grow much more rapidly.