The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 16, 1940, Image 4

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    Page 4
Official Notices
November 16—A. & M. va. Rice Institute
football game—Kyle Field—-2:30 P. M.
November 16—Senior Class Corps Dance
—Mess Hall—9 P. M. to 12 midnight.
The President’s office is holding a
package from A. F. Schmalzreid Co. of
Ft. Worth. This seems to be samples of
imitation leather. Will the party order
ing these samples please call for same.
Mrs. Williams
The Academic Council has extended the
Thanksgiving holidays for students until
Retreat Monday, December 2, 1940.
F. C. Bolton,
On November 21st the Battalion will
W. J. Douglas, Jr.
Genera] Insurance
Commerce Bldg
Phone Bryan 160
A mighty good place
to bring your friends to
treat them to delicious
sandwiches and cold
Beat Those Owls
"They Hold Their
New Shoe Trimness
For a Longer Time”
shoe/ for men
You’ll enjoy the game in
a pair of Edgertons . . .
there’s a style and lea
ther that will be certain
to please you ... so we
suggest that you stop in
before the game and se
lect a pair of these stur
dy Edgertons.
$5 to $6
Fortunes - $3.95
Nunn-Bush - $9.50
r llaldrop & (5
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station - Bryan
carry an official club roster giving the
names of A. & M. club and the '■l” 1 '
officers for 1940-41. Only those clubs which
have constitutions on file with tne btu-
dent Activities Committee and which have
filed the names of their officers with
this committee will be included on the
roster. Club officers may be filed for
the committee at Room 126 Administra
tion Bldg.
The President’s Office received an old
wooden panel from Crescent Panel Com
pany of Louisville, Ky. Will the party to
whom this belongs please call tor u, l
Mrs. Williamson
There will be an important meeting of
the Big Spring A. & M. Club in Room 110
Academic Building Monday night im
mediately after yell practice.
The next Faculty Club dance will be
held on Friday night, November 22 at the
Maggie Parker Dining Room in Bryan.
Ed Minnock and his Aggieland Orchestra
will play for the dance. Hours from 9 to 12
midnight. All Faculty members. Experi
ment Station and Extension Service em
ployees and their friends are urged to at
The Round Table Club will meet in
room 319 Academic Building Monday night
at 7:30 for the purpose of discussing the
question, “Should Texas increase the tax
on her natural resources”? Anyone in
terested is invited to attend.
There will be a meeting of the Geology
Club Tuesday night at 7:45 in the Geology
Building at which time Dr. Virgil E. Bar
nes of the Bureau of Economics Geology
will speak on “Tektites.” Be there 1
There will be a very important meet
ing of the Saddle and Sirloin Club Monday
night, November 18, in the Animal In
dustries lecture room immediately after
Yell practice. All members should try to
be there.
The Cosmopolitan Club will meet in the
Y.M.C.A. Parlor Sunday afternoon at 3
Rabbi Robert I. Kahn, Associate Rabbi
of Temple Beth Israel, Houston, will be
the guest speaker at an open meeting
of the Texas A. and M. Hillel Club on
Sunday evening, November 17 at 7:30
at the Lounge Room of Sbisa Hall. Rabbi
Kahn will discuss the War and its after-
math. The meeting is open to the public
and a cordial invitation is extended to
all those interested. A business session
at 7:00 p. m. for club members will pre
cede the open meeting.
The monthly meeting of the Student
Welfare Committee will be held in Sbisa
Parlors at 6:15 p. m., Wednesday, Nov
ember 20.
F. C. Bolton, Chairman
Student Welfare Committee
The Agronomy Society keys are now in
the post office. It is absolutely necessary
for those who have keys ordered to pay
the remainder before November 18 as they
will be sent back to the company if
not paid out by them.
Money may be paid to J. T. Anderson,
room 218 dorm 3, or to Mrs. Johnson
in the Agronomy office.
LOST—One green scarf in the vicinity
of Dorm No. 6 or the new mess hall.
Please return to 327 No. 6. Important be
cause of sentimental value.
ROOM, BOARD for 2 boys. $25.00. J. C.
Hubacek, second house back of Grants Ser
vice Station. New Highway 6.
FOR RENT—Small apartment. Utilities
paid. Walking distance of campus. Phone
4-8794. S. V. Perritte.
LOST—Brown check overcoat. Left in
Hearne Sunday night. Call Joe Aycock
4-9004. Reward.
LOST—A Hamilton wrist watch with
no crystal—name J. K. Martin inscribed
on back. If found return to Mr. McNew
at C. E. Building. Reward.
LOST—Yellow gold wrist watch at “T”
practice. Finder please return to room 2,
Mitchell Hall for liberal reward. Louis
RIDE TO DALLAS and return this
week-end. Leave college 2 p. m. Friday.
Leave Dallas 6 p. m. Sunday. 1936 Olds-
mobile with radio and heater. $2.00 round
trip. $1.00 either way. See Jim Gilles
pie, room 120, Dorm No. 12.
FOR RENT—Furnished 4-room garage
apartment for couple; electric refriger
ator. One block south of Community
Center in College Park. Apply 300 Mont
clair or call 4-4164.
Church Program
First Presbyterian Church, College Sta
tion, Norman Anderson, Pastor.
9:45, Sunday School
11:00, Morning Worship. Sermon Topic:
“Guarding Our Loyalties”.
7 :00, Student League.
8:00, Evening Devotions and Fellow
All services in the Y.M.C.A. Chapel. A
cordial welcome to all.
Kurt Hartmann, Pastor
Luther League devotional meeting Sun-
lay morning at 10 in the mess hall par
Services at 7:30 Sunday night in the
Y. M. C. A. parlors (2nd floor of Y
You are welcome to attend the Luther
League meeting and the service.
Rev. R. C. Hauser. Jr., Chaplain
8:30 a. m.—Holy Communion.
9:30 a. m.—Church School and Student
Discussion Class.
10:45 a. m.—Holy Communion and ser
Services are held every Sunday morning
at II A. M. in the Y. M. C. A. parlor.
R. L. Brown, Pastor
Harvey Hatcher, Ed. and Music Director
Sunday School 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:45 A. M.
Training Union 6:45 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:45 P. M.
A Cordial Welcome To AH
R. B. Sweet, Minister
Bible classes 9:45 and Worship Service
at 10:45 A. M. Sunday morning:
After-supper discussion group, 7 p. m.
and the evening worship at 7:45 p. m.
Prayer Meeting 7:15 p. m. Wednesday.
Everyone is invited to attend all these
services. You will be most welcome.
William Harvey Andrew, Pastor
A cordial welcome awaits every Aggie
here at all the services.
Sunday School - Dan Russell
"A. & M. Class” 9:45 A. M.
Morning Worship 10:50 A. M.
Baptist Training Union 6:40 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P. M.
Free busses to the Church leave both
Y.M.C.A.’s and Project House Area at
9:20 every Sunday morning.
Food Lockers—
(Continued from Page 1)
in the patrons’ lockers and are
maintained at zero temperature.
According to C. E. Murphy, the
training received from working in
the locker plant, which is part of
the new Animal Husbandry 431
course, should materially help those
eleven students now enrolled in
the class and those who are to
follow in future semesters. He
maintains that since the field of
frozen foods is comparatively new
that there are great opportunities
for college trained men in the line.
In fact reliable sources indicate that
there are nearly 100 such plants in
Texas and that this figure will
probably be raised to over 625 in
the next few years.
For the purpose of instruction
the students do most of the work
in the locker plant, but they are
carefully supervised by Murphy
and by W. W. Bailey who was
brought to A. & M. specifically to
help manage the plant.
In order to familiarize the stu
dents and the residents in this
vicinity with the plant’s method of
operation an open house is being
planned for the early part of next
Military Engineers —
(Continued from page 1)
gineers here in the worlds largest
military school.
Much interest has been shown
by the students in the Engineer
Corps, in the organization. The
primary object of the chapter is
to foster a closer understanding a-
mong the Corps of Engineers and
the people they will be associated
with in later work. Any person
taking advanced Engineer military
science is eligible to become a
member and is cordially invited to
attend the next meeting.
Chapter officers chosen so far
are: C. F. DeVilbiss, president; Les
Appelt, senior vice-president; Paul
Wright, treasurer; and J. F. Steph
enson, secretary.
(Continued from page 1)
most important states in the na
tional defense program on account
of its extensive coastline and the
long international border on the
south, has 6,375 miles of highways
that have been designated by prop
er national defense agencies as
strategic military highways.
While relating that highways, as
; he base of motor transportation,
have revolutionized tr;.de, com
merce, industry and agriculture in
Texas, and have contributed im
measurably to Texas’ growth and
prosperity, Governor O’Daniel’s
proclamation also added that:
“Recent surveys by cooperating
state and federal agencies have
disclosed that the state highway
system is far from complete and
that it would require an expendi-
Arkansas Stands
One Up Over SMU
In Count On Games
DALLAS, Nov. 15—The Southern
Methodist University Mustangs
will be out to even the records with
the Razorbacks of the University
of Arkansas when the two clubs
tangle in Southwest Conference
competition in Ownby Stadium
In 15 previous meetings between
Razorback and Pony aggregations
the lads from Fayetteville claim a
win margin of 7 to 6 over the
Dallas athletes. Teams have tied
on two occasions. Coach Matty
Bell has seen his Mustangs go down
before Arkansas three times in
his five years at the head of Hill
top football.
Coach Bell has reminded his
charges of the slump which follow
ed their game with Texas A. and
M. last season when the Razor-
backs hopped on them in Arkan
sas, 14-0.
Rough work has been completed
for the week. There were not any
serious injuries following the hard
battle with the Texas Aggies last
Saturday, although End E. L.
Keeton and halfback Johnnie Cle
ment were considerably bruised.
Freshmen Game—
(Continued from Page 3)
DeArment stood out for A. & M.
on defense in this period.
The third period found A. & M.
kicking off to Rice and after sev
eral plays, A. & M. rushed Rice off
their feet and Daniels raced 70
yards for a score that was called
back. Later, Daniels passed to Hol
lis who fought his way to the Rice
three. Andricks, wearing number
37, looking more and more like
Kimbrough as the game progressed
ture of approximately $385,000,000
to bi'ing the Texas highway system
to a standard regarded as modern
in the light of existing traffic de
mands. There are 8,860 miles on
the state system only partially im
proved, 5,600 miles in need of re
construction, 4,836 miles of farm-
to-market roads in need of con
struction, and additional designa
tions pending before the Highway
Commission totalling 3,116 miles.
Safety on the highways has be
come a problem of increasing so
cial and economic importance,” it
also was added. The building of
safety features into the highway
system has become a major item in
highway needs.
The Texas Good Roads Associa
tion is urging observance cf Texas
highway Week in every county,
city and town possible and is busy
with plans for statewide celebra
tion of the week, Datus E. Proper,
executive vice-president of the As
sociation, announced.
On Kyle Field—
(Continued from Page 3)
The feathered bayou boys could
win today and then take the rest
with a bit of lady luck, and they
had this against “little” A. & I.
They have everything to win and
nothing to lose except the ball
Texas—Texas is just the last—
Texas is just Texas in Austin.
The Roses smell sweet and Sugar
a bit of energy but Stuffed Owls
with a bit of tough streak for
Longhorn hide is next on the menu.
Next Wednesday Coach Ander
son will take his cross country run
ners back to Austin where they
dropped their duo-meet with Texas
smashed around left end for the
score, standing up. Conversion fail
Late in the third, Whitworth pul
led a Herb Smith and took the
ball away from Roberts on Rice’s
17 yard line. Woolverton rolled
around right end to score from the
three yard line. He then converted
to make the score 26 to 7.
Aggie reserves came into the
game frequently and proved that
this year’s Fish club is in the same
class with the freshmen of 1937.
The fourth period went off without
a score and A. & M. roundly out
played the Bayou City boys-
In Austin next Thursday, A. &
M. tackles the Texas Shorthorns
in Austin on the official Turkey
Day throughout the nation. The
old traditional Turkey Day game
between the varsities of the two
colleges will come one week later.
Bring 1 your visitors here
for quality food and rea
sonable prices —
Before The Game
After The Game
After The Dance
“Meeting Place For
The Aggies”
this week for the Southwest Con
ference run.
Three schools, Texas, A. & M-
and S. M. U. will enter the run and
it is expected to finish in the named
Once again the cry goes up “Wait
until next year,” for the same team
will return to become the threat
of the conference.
Water will splash throughout the
Christmas holidays again this year
as the water polo and swimming
team take their tour about the
country. It is yet undecided as to
what part of the country they will
go, but hopes are that they will
travel West to the Pacific Coast.
University of Detroit footballers
scheduled games on both coasts—
with Manhattan in New York and
Gonzaga in Spokane, Washington.
Administration of justice is the
oldest function of counties in New
York State.
“Make This Christmas Cotton
Christmas” is a slogan adopted by
the National Cotton Council this
year in its campaign to increase
the consumption of American Cot-
Pinched for ready cash?
Consult us about an auto
mobile loan that will re
lieve you of petty fin
ancial worries.
A. J. TITUS, Jr.
Auto & Furniture Loans
A Brown university expedition
will travel to South America to
attempt to photograph the zodiacal
light of the sun during a total
Blind for the last ten years, 26-
year-old Frances Biery recently
gave an organ recital at the Uni
versity of Chicago.
Over 200
The Largest Used Car
Dealer in Central Texas
1939 FORD Conv. Coupe—
Radio, Fog Lights $0 f C-00
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’em the SMOKER’S cigarette
and watch ’em register /
With Chesterfields
the smoking situation is
always well in hand — be
cause Chesterfields have
what smokers want.
Chesterfield’s right com
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Do you smoke the
cigarette that SATISFIES
Copyright 1940, Liccnr & Mriss Tobacco Co.