The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1940, Image 3

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High Flying Owls With Jess Neeley As
Guide Play Aggies In Last On Kyle Field
Someone ruffled the Owl’s feath-“
ers and they are fighting mad!
Rice has been playing “every
other week” ball, being hot one
week and cold the next. Two weeks
ago a field goal saved them from
disgrace by A. & I. and back they
came last Saturday to down a Ra-
zorback club performing before a
homecoming crowd.
The question still remains —
what’s in store for this Saturday?
Jess Neeley has fired up his
gang, touching the first spark to
the coals early in September be
fore practice opened.
Fred Hartman, Tuffy Whitlow,
T. A. Weems and Bob Brumley are
hard set and determined to spill
Norton’s crew, even here on Kyle
This is the last game on Kyle
Field for the year. Two years ago
in a similar game, ,the Aggies set
the Owls back 27 to 0. Saturady,
well, you call it.
The cross country team was in
Austin yesterday afternoon running
their final duo-meet before the
conference run there next Wednes
day. It stacks up with Texas on the
top, the Aggies running a second,
and the Southern Methodist Mus
tangs in third place.
After months of heavy pounding
by the varsity, Coach Hub McQuil-
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A&M Fish to Tackle Rice Slimes Friday
Slimes Are
Victors of ’39
Gridiron Tussle
Roman And Andricks
Will Lead Fish Attack;
Discoll & Roach Pace Owls
Tomorrow afternoon on Kyle
Field Freshman Coach Hub McQuil-
len’s squad takes on the Rice
Slimes as a curtain raiser to the
week end affair.
The Fish boast an 18 to 0 win
over Allen Academy from a game
played on a rain soaked field,
while the Slimes have behind them
a win from Lamar Junior College
and a hard fought loss to the Tex
as Yearlings.
Last year the two teams slid
all over the Rice Field in Houston
the night preceding the Varsity
fray and the Slimes proved them
selves to be the bettter squad.
Lincoln Roman and Andy And
ricks will lead the Fish attack
against the downy crew with the
line bolstered by Leonard Dickey
at end and Dick DeArment at
guard. Roman was acclaimed all
district back last year while play
ing for Reagan High in Houston.
Dickey and Andricks are junior col
lege transfers from Kilgore Jun
ior College. DeArment is a con
verted back, moved to the guard
spot because of his ability on de
fensive plays.
Wally Driscoll and Buster Roach
are slated to be the fast moving
backs for the Slimes while the
combination of Elliss Hollis to Har
old Stockbridge via the air route
might prove a menace to the Ag
gie freshmen.
Stockbridge received all-state
honors in ’39 playing for Steph
en F. Austin at Houston.
Buddy Moore and Gayle Mc
Laughlin will bolster the Rice de
fense throughout the afternoon.
This will be the freshmen’s last
game at home, the next being play
ed in Austin against the Texas
Blanks lola 20-0
To Cop South Title
The A. & M. Consolidated Tigers
met the lola Bulldogs Tuesday
night Nov. 12 in a rousing game
which gave the Tigers the South
title, and the right to meet Mar
quez Yellow Jackets, North Zone
Winner, for the District 26-B
Although the score was 20 to
0 the Tigers could not get started.
The Tigers fumbled on the first
play of the first quarter and it put
them in the hole all during the first
period. The boys from College
Station were quite butter-fingered
ed. They fumbled seven times, and
lola recovered five of them.
The only threat lola made to
score was on recovering fumble?
and even then there was no real
menace. lola played good defens
ive ball, but was not strong enough
to even threaten the all-powerful
In the game Nov. 22, with Mar
quez for the District Champion
ship, the Tigers are up against their
hardest opponent. Marquez has
lost one game, and the Tigers
have lost one game, namely, to
Crockett. The Tigers are the fav
orites, but there is a possible
chance for an upset.
Ian, Charlie DeWare and Dr. Jones
will send their fish gridders to do
battle with the Rice Slimes tomor
row on Kyle Field.
Andy Andricks will offer his
best for the fish while Leonard
Dickey at end should prove his
worth on the line.
An added attraction might come
about as Harold Stockbridge, all-
state end from Houston, meets Lin
coln Roman of the fish, who played
against him in high school and re
ceived all-conference honors.
The quarter-back club will meet
tonight in Guion Hall. The movies
of the S.M.U.-Aggie game will be
shown, starting around 8:15 p.m.,
just after the Singing Cadet prac
Saturday the Rice students will
have their section bordering that
of the Aggies on the 60 yard line.
It belongs to them and are well
entitled to it.
Complaints have come in as to
the overflow of the cadets into
this section. It is requested that
we please refrain.
A Field Artillery Reports For
Basketball Just Four Months Early
By Bob Myers
A Field Artillery got off a good
one Tuesday afternoon when they
hustled their Class A Volleyball
team together and took off for
the courts. Upon arrival, they dis
covered, much to their surprise,
that they were
only about four
months too early
and that the game
scheduled was
for the “fish” of
Battery A. After
faces resumed
their normal hue,
action was taken
to get the fresh
men down for the
game. The Class B team arrived in
time to play the game but went
down under the guns of D Caval
The first intramural champion
ship of the year went to the fresh
men of E Field Artillery when
they defeated I Field Artillery
in the final playoff of touch foot
ball by a score of 7-0. F Battery
is the present holder of the Class
B flag and it looks like they are
going after a repeat.
3rd Headquarters Field Artillery
F Coast Artillery
C Infantry
2nd Headquarters Field Artillery
A Signal Corps
Keep your eye on G Infantry
to make a good showing in the ten
nis competition. They have some
mighty good players and eased ov
er H Field Artillery 2-0. Rickard
and Smith won one match while
Gafford andMcGuire took care
of the other. The third match be
tween Hill and Cafrol of the In
fantry and Westbrook and Tyler of
the Artillery was a dead heat when
the playing stopped.
I Field Artillery barely took one
away from D Engineers on the
basketball court by a score of
12-11. The game was even up all
the way with Hall and Sims spark
ing the winners with high point av
erages of four each.
Fifth Corps Headquarters, one
of the strongest intramural outfits
on the campus, dropped A Coast
Artillery in a game of football
that ended with a score that
looked like one of the Varsities.
Final count—26-0.
Another team that would stand a
pretty good chance against Rice
this week-end came from the First
Corps Headquarters Hall. They
took their game from K Infantry
Another 3-0 game went to A
Chemical Warfare when they down
ed D Cavalry. Carson, Terrel, Swan,
Overbeck, Pyeutt, and Warnke car
ried the asphyxiators.
In a basketball game that was
won during the last half of play,
A Coast Artillery rang up 29
points to 1st Headquarters Field
Artillery’s eleven. Farrow was the
man that should have been watch
ed and came out top man with
nine counts.
Ball Hustler Wallace Regan led
D Field Artillery in their 26-15
victory over A Signal Corps by
racking up 14 points on his own
hook. The/game was even up at
the half but the artillery got hot
in the second period to put the
game on ice.
L Infantry dropped a game to E
Engineers despite Kerby’s ten
points when Smith got hot for the
“slip stickers” and accounted for
nine points of the 25 points that
towered over the Infantry’s 18.
A&M Picked
Over Rice With
Margin to Spare
By Paul B. Williamson
There are several BIG games
this week, but what we pick as
the BIGGEST is Georgetown vs.
Boston College.
Here are two upstarts who have
never been mentioned in connec
tion with “ivy” or “big ten” leaders.
But they’ve surely gone to town
this year.
On the strength of very high
Ratings, we’ll pick Georgetown
over Boston College and figure that
a “bowl” contender may be decided
in this match.
According to tradition, Michigan
should win in a very close game
over Northwestern in a leading
Down in the boundary between
the Missouri Valley and the South
west, and probably against most
pickers, we’re going to take Mis
souri against Oklahoma.
On the West Coast, those sur
prising Indians of Stanford will
take powerful Oregon State accord
ing to the figures in our book.
Stanford is undefeated and untied.
Oregon State has lost only to
Washington, 19-0. If Stanford gets
by this one, it looks like the Rose
Bowl for them.
In major circles we take Auburn
over L.S.U. And, oh, how the times
have changed—Tulsa over Baylor.
California over Oregon is the sys
tem’s choice in a very close game.
Rather close, will be Navy over
(Continued on Page 4)
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Norton Predicts Rice Game
Will be Tough Fray For the Aggies
Head Coach Homer Norton;"
of the Texas Aggies, has the
jitters again and it is all over the
fact that his Texas Aggies will have
to go up against another tough
opponent when they play the Rice
Owls, undefeated in conference
play, here on Kyle Field next Sat
urday, Nov. 16, at 2:30 o’clock.
“It seems like we never can get
a chance to ease up a bit”, the Ag
gie mentor said after he heard the
Rice-Arkansas score. “Look at
those game statistics figures”, he
exclaimed. “We thought that Ar
kansas had a fine team when they
outgained us two weeks ago but
along comes Rice and outgains them
That makes it look mighty tough
for us, and I’m not just moaning
The Aggie coach then went on
to point out that every team the
Aggies have played this season
has been pointed for them.
“That’s to be expected”, he said,
"but added, “Wouldn’t you think
that some of them would decide to
worry about their traditional
game instead of laying for their
game with us ? They have the best
pass defense in the Conference,
they have a fine running attack,
in fact so good, they don’t have
to use passes; and on top of that
have the best kicker in the Confer
ence in T. A. Weems. That com
bination is enough to cause me
worries without them intending
to play their game of the year next
Saturday”, he said.
While he was being interviewed
he also made it clear that the
coaches, the players and no one
connected with, athletics at Tex
as A. M. is talking br even think
ing about any post season ball
games. “All this talk you see in the
papers is just someone's imagina
tion and we are continuing to think
about and play but one game a
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