The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 05, 1940, Image 1

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    Highlights Of Military Day
Film Shown
Concerning Flying
Boat Construction
On Monday afternoon in the main
lecture room of the Petroleum
Building, the industrial engineer
ing department showed a very in
teresting film from Consolidated
Aircraft Company showing the
manufacturing operations invol
ved in the construction of a large
flying boat for the U. S. Navy.
The film showed the organization
and man-power involved in the,
sheet metal fabrication processes
of the airplane’s construction, the
large number of design engineers,
the lay-out and size of the drafting
rooms, and all the draftsmen nec
essary to provide flexibility and
speed in the work of designing air
planes. The film also showed the
work of inspectors and the tests
which they must make in order to
be sure that every operation on
each piece of metal is accurate to
the drawings. The special proces
ses made necessary because of the
unusual characteristics of the met
al, duralumin, which is used in
air craft production, and the ex
tremely close tolerances used in
the many jigs and fixtures of the
airplane were also vividly por
Although the problems of the
workers and organizations of man
power were brought out to a great
er extent than in most industrial
films, the film confined itself main
ly to assembly operations. The film
covered completely the flow of work
in purchasing and engineering op
erations, through the fabrication
and finally to the completion of the
final tests and acceptance by the
Navy test men.
This film was one of the films
shown as a part of the Industrial
Engineering course 407 presented
every Friday and Saturday. These
films, together with accompanying
lecture notes, give the students an
excellent knowledge of factory
problems and a basis for visualiz
ing the actual situations which are
studied in the classes.
Darnell Is
Honored For 25
Years Of Service
Last Friday night the A. & M.
dairy ex-students held a dinner in
Sbisa Hall in honor of Mr. A. L.
Darnell, professor of dairy hus
bandry at A. & M. college for the
last twenty-five years.
Toastmaster Bassett Orr, Class
of ’24, began the program by in
troducing members of the past
dairy cattle judging teams. A. &
M. had its first dairy judging team
in 1922, judged by Professor Dar-.
nell. E. R. Duke, a member of the
first team, travelled 531 miles
from Amarillo to attend the din
ner. Other members of the teams
included Guy Powell and W. B.
Orr, ’24; G. G. Gibson, ’28; Abe
Crocker, ’29; S. E. Carpender, ’38;
A. A. Price, ’39; C. F. Baird, N. B.
Yarling, B. B. Fowler, J. K. Adams,
’40. Other guests were Judge Sut
ton, president of the Holstein-
Freisan Association of Texas; Her
man Heep, Jersey cattle breeder
from Buda, Texas; Fred Hale of
the Texas Experiment Stiation;
E. E. McQuillen, A. & M. Ex
students Association; Dean E. J.
Kyle, P. C. Colgin, E. R. Eudaly,
Extension Service, F. E. Hansen,
Dr. T. R. Freeman, Professor A. V.
Moore, Curt Scharnberg, and 0. C.
Copeland of the Texas Experiment
R. L. Pugh, Secretary Holstein-
Freisan Association of Texas told
of some of the achievements of
Professor Darnell since he had
first known him. Mr. Guy Powell,
’24, told about their experiences
on some judging trips they had
made together, and Mr. D. S.
Buchannan told of Professor Dar
nell’s good record as a judge.
In conclusion Mr. Darnell was
presented with a beautiful walnut
desk and chair by Rufus Peebles,
representing the ex-dairy students
who were formerly pupils of Pro
fessor Darnell.
Dallas A & M Club To Honor
Dean Kyle And Wife With Dance
The Dallas A. & M. Club is spon.-f of the state. Admission charges
soring an informal dinner-dance
in celebration of its thirty-eighth
anniversary at the Adolphus Hotel
November 8. In keeping with its
'custom of having one special guest
each year, the club is honoring
Dean and Mrs. E. J. Kyle.
An invitation to attend has been
extended to all A. & M. visitors
in Dallas for the S.M.U. game
Saturday by the club. R. T. Shiels,
general chairman, has anticipated
that over 800 guests will be pres
ent for the occasion. Mr. Shiels
emphasized the fact that the event
is informal.
Final details of the evening’s
program have not been worked
out, but there are to be a limited
number of speeches from out
standing personalities. Both groups
of the Dallas club are co-operating
to make the party the largest inj
the history of the club. Reservations I
have been received from all parts |
for the party are $2 per person.
Tickets may be secured from J.
W. Williams, 1813 Clarence street,
Dallas, or through the Association
of Former Students or the A. & M.
Extension Service on the Campus.
Dean Kyle is the oldest member
of the faculty in in point of con
tinuous service to the institutioh.
Entomology Club
Selects Key At Meeting
The Entomology Club selected
design for a club key at a reg
lar meeting last Thursday nig]
The key selected is circular wi
Entomology Club lettered in gc
at the top and T. A. M. C. in rr
roon and white at the bottom,
the center, there will be a rais
gold butterfly.
The key will be used as a cl
symbol for articles appearing
the Agriculturist.
The Battalion
Mary McCarthy Voted Aggie Sweetheart
One of the latest type anti
aircraft guns (upper left)
employed by the 69th coast
artillery, Galveston, which
was an outstanding feature
exhibited here on Military
The nationally known Ben
gal Guards (upper right) of
Orange, Texas, shown in one
of their many spectacular
movements enacted on Kyle
Field last Saturday.
Dean Kyle, Rip Collins and
Lutcher Stark (lower right)
shown sitting on the players
bench just before the Arkan
sas game Saturday.
—Photo by Phil Golman
Colorful Week-end With Military
Day, Arkansas Game, Bengal Guards
Campus Looked
Ready For An Air
Invasion Saturday
“Military” was the word for
it as A. & M. prepared for an ex
pected “invasion” by the Univers
ity of Arkansas. A foreigner might
well have listened for the wail of
an air raid siren and the scream
of bombs had he been passing
through College Station and judged
from the display of antiaircraft
guns, searchlights, machine guns
and other implements of war that
were assembled on the drill field
for the Military Day display.
Brig. Gen. Walter B. Pyron of
Houston, who was guest of honor
for the day, was met at the old
main gate by a mounted Cavalry es
cort and conducted to the football
field from there. At Kyle Field the
roar of cannon crashed out in an
eleven gun salute to Gen. Pyron
to climax the series of military
events and to officially open the
NYA Funds
Increased By 4
Per Cent This Year
During the current school session
Texas A. & M. is receiving a week
ly appropriation of $8,750 monthly,
an increase of approximately 4 per
cent over last year, in National
Youth Administration funds used
to create student part-time employ
This figure, representing an in
crease of approximately $3,000 ov
er last year and bringing the total
session’s allotment to about $75,000,
means that over 700 students are
working on the NYA part-time to
help with their college expenses.
About the same number are em
ployed on the College payroll which
brings the total number of stu
dents working on the campus to
approximately 1400. In addition to
this there are about 200 more work
ing for private individuals here and
in Bryan.
By Lee Rogers -<
celebrations for the afternoon. Bat
tery “D”, field artillery honor bat
tery fired the salute and then with
drew from the position under the
cover of a smoke screen which was
laid by the chemical warfare unit.
A featured attraction of the day
was H. J. Lutcher Stark’s 125 Ben-
Is Presented
Plaque For Work
At a surprise luncheon in Sbisa
Hall Saturday noon, co-workers and
former students of Prof. E. R.
Alexander, head of the Texas A.
& M. college department of agri
cultural education, presented him
with a plaque memorializing his
work for agriculture.
J. T. (Little Dough) Rollins,
teacher of vocational agriculture in
the McKinney schools, presided as
toastmaster. Following the invoca
tion by Dr. T. D. Brooks, dean of
the school of arts and sciences and
the graduate school at the college,
W. B. Cowan, Class of ’38, gave a
humorous portrayal of Prof. Alex
ander in his class room, an act
which brought back fond memories
for his other former students.
His co-workers took two minutes
each to list some of the outstand
ing accomplishments their fellow
educator has to his credit. The
subject of soil conservation was
covered by L. P. Merrill; Extension
Service by Paul G. Haines; the
farmer angle by V. C. Marshall;
the A.A.A by B. F. Vance; and the
school of agriculture by Prof. Hen
ry Ross, serving in the absence of
Dean E. J. Kyle; Robert A. Manire,
state board of education, spoke on
Mr. Alexander’s work in the field
of education.
He was then presented with the
(Continued on Page 4)
Bengal Guards
Perform Expert
Drill Formations
gal Guards from Orange High
School. This all-girl unit, which
has been referred to as the finest
in America, replaced the Aggie
band at the half and put on a
demonstration of marching and
playing that held the crowd in a
a spellbound silence between bursts
of applause.
Things seemed to happen in big
numbers Saturday as the Aggies
defeated the Razorbacks for their
seventeenth consecutive victory
with a score of 17-0 before a
crowd of approximately 10,000.
A follow-up celebration was held
Saturday night in the Annex Room
of Sbisa Hall as Ed Minnock led
his versatile Aggieland Orchestra
in a demonstration of swinj^ and
hot music for nearly 500 couples.
Eighty of the Bengal Guards re
mained at the dance until 11 o’clock
to demonstrate their maneuver
ability on the dance floor as well
as on a drill field.
United Science Clubs
Hold First Meet Tonight
Tonight will mark the initial
meeting of the newly organized
United Science Clubs on the A. &
M. campus. This club is a union
of seven science organizations
which includes the Biology, Entom
ology, Pre-Med, Fish & Game ,and
Kream and Kow clubs, Jr. F. F. A.,
and Agronomy Society.
At this first meeting the aims
and purposes of the union will be
presented, officers will be intro
duced and a summary of the com
ing meeting of the Texas Acade
my of Science which is to be held
in San Antonio on November 7-
8-9 will be given. “Count” V. K.
Sugareff will also speak to the
group on “Totalitarian Rule vs.
Democratic Rule.”
Military Pay
For Seniors
Before Game
2nd. Year Advanced
Students Expected To
Get Pay By Friday
The payrolls for subsistence for
students enrolled in the second year
advance Military Science course,
were taken Friday to the finance
officer, Fort Sam Houston, by
Captain McCulley acting under or
ders from Colonel Watson.
The finance officer at Fort Sam
Houston stated that he would do
everything possible to complete
computation and check of the rolls
so as to return them to the mili
tary department prior to the time
of the Dallas corps trip.
Instead of sending the rolls down
in one unit as has been done prev
iously, they are being sent down
in separate organization units. This
is being done in the hope that if a
mistake occurs in any one unit it
will not prevent the other units
from being returned for a further
check and resubmission, as has hap
pened many times before.
Luther Johnson Is
Shown Appreciation
Congressman 'Luther Johnson,
sixth congressional district of Tex
as, and his wife will be guests of
honor at a dinner to be held in
Maggie Parker’s Tea Room in
Bryan at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. The
dinner is in appreciation of the
services rendered to A. & M. Col
lege and Brazos county in general
by Congressman Johnson and is be
ing sponsored by the Brazos County
Chamber of Commerce. E. E. Yea
ger, Bryan, is in charge of prep
Tickets for the dinner are now
on sale at the post office and Luke’s
grocery store at College Sttaion.
German War
Relics Displayed
In College Museum
German military equipment
which was used during the World
War has been placed on display in
the College museum. The equip
ment has been in the College arm
ory since immediately after the
war, but it has just now been un
packed and put in condition for
The display includes a number
of German infantry and cavalry
rifles, machine guns, sabers, hel
mets, bayonets, organization in
signias, canteens and belt buckles.
An old Springfield army rifle,
model 1844, has also been placed on
Nominee From
Ft. Worth Chosen
Miss Mary Margaret McCarthy
of Fort Worth, one of the Fresh
man class nominees for the Aggie
Sweetheart for the A.&M.-T.S.C.W.
corps trip was picked Monday
night as the corps’ choice for Nov
ember 9th.
The task of deciding who will be
the lady of the day in Dallas was
taken over by Bill Becker, Cadet
Colonel; Tom Richey, senior class
president; Pete Wehner, band com
mander, Bob Nisbet, Battalion ed
itor; George Fuermann, Battalion
columnist; and Buster Keeton, head
yell leader. The committee left Col
lege Station Monday morning and
made the selection in Denton that
night. The girls were presented
on a stage for the group to make
their choice.
Each class had met previously
and selected three girls to take
part in the contest for the honor
of being the cadet corps’ sweetheart
for the day of festivities next Sat
Miss McCarthy will be presented
to the crowd by an Aggie escort
at the half between the A. & M.
and S. M. U. at Ownby Stadium in
The twelve girls selected by the
various classes were Edith Rosen-
quist, Meg Greene, Jean Singleton,
seniors; Jayne Ott, Claudine Shoe
maker, Sara Gillett, juniors; Anne
Andrews, Christine Maddox, Dava
Robison, sophomores; and Betty
Bowman, Anna Ruth Asche, Mary
Margaret McCarthy; freshmen.
Winners Of
Crops Judging
Contest Chosen
Winners of the annual crops
judging contest was announced
Monday by Professor R. C. Potts
of the agronomy department. The
winners are Joseph R. Thysell of
Mandon, North Dakota; Elmer R.
Butler of Graham; James A. Scott
of Childress; and Monty Mitchell
of Quail.
The Agronomy Society, sponsors
of the trip, make the trip possible
through lamp storage for students
during the summer vacation.
The trip will begin November 19,
when the winners and their coach,
R. C. Potts will journey to Fort
Worth, where they will spend the
first night. While in Fort Worth
the team will workout and will
also workout the next day in Still
water, Oklahoma. From Stillwater
the journey will continue through
Kansas City and then to Chicago
where the contest will be held.
After the contest the team will re
main in Chicago for two days to
visit the famed Chicago Board of
Trade, and many other interesting
places. The party will return by
way of Memphis, Tennessee and
Littlerock, Arkansas.
Capacity Crowd Fills Guion
Hall For Fisk Singers Concert
By Jack Hollimon 4
A capacity crowd filled Guion
Hall last night for a concert of the
Fisk Jubilee Singers, and their
tuneful melodies of concert and
spiritual music gained the pro
found interest of the audience.
In a program that began with
a group of five spirituals includ
ing “Steal Away” and “Lord I
Can’t Turn Back”, the singers
thrilled the audience with their deep
protrayal of emotional experiences
of the human soul in bondage and
religious consecration. All of the
troubles of the South were express
ed in these songs of simple wor
ship of God and all those wonders
of a star-filled night when the ne
gro sang along the rivers and the
cotton fields.
In parts two and three of the
program music of concert tempo
found quality in the work of the
Fisk Singers, and their ability
and natural talent gave this sec
tion an honored place in an eve
ning of highlights.
The crown heads of Europe in
cluding Queen Elizabeth, present
Queen of England and the Late
King George and his Queen Mary
heard the Fisk Singers in 1924
while they were on a tour of the
continent. Benito Mussolini, prem
ier of Italy and talented musician
once listened to them in a pri
vate performance and then in re
ciprocation played several violin
selections for their benefit.
An ignominous start in 1871 by
a few negro vocalists for the sake
of a college possessing a student
enrollment well over the quota and
a treasury capable of caring for
only 300 students, developed into an
outstanding enterprise that has
brought fame and financial se
curity to this educational institu
tion of the South. Unrecognized
until they gave the proceeds of a
concert to those people made home
less by the tragic Chicago Fire,
they were taken by Henry Ward
Beecher and presented to a Brook
lyn audience r.