The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1940, Image 4
Page 4 Bengal Guards— (Continued from Page 1) again. A glance at the schedule for 1940 will bear out this point. THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1940 SELECTED THE OFTICIAl SWEATER OF THE Board of football LOt AMOllli Again official honors have been bestowed on Catalina Sweaters by the country’s highest foot ball authority—the fa mous All-American Stars and the coaches compos ing the All-American board of football. CATALINA— Champion of Sweaters Sweater of Champions Select your Catalina sweater from our fine (assortment of slip-ons.. Coat styles or sleeve less styles. There’s plen ty of weaves and colors to choose from. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan On January 1 of this year the Guards were the featured attrac tion between the halves of the Su gar Bowl game in New Orleans. On May 9, 10 and 11 they were the guest artists at the National School Music Competition Festi val in Waco. They journeyed to Chicago to participate as featured performers at the Chicagoland Music Festi val sponsored by the Chicago Trib une on August 16 and 17. Another outstanding event on the calendar was their between halves perform ance at the Corpus Christi-Orange Mexican Dinner Order • Hot Tamales Enchiladas Tacos (Hard or Soft) 9 E-TEX CAFE Highway 6 - Bryan — LAST DAY OCT. 30-31 NOV. 1-2 WED • THUR • FRI • SAT • Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep to the right at the North Gate” 1 15# to 5 p. m. CAMPUS 200 After LAST DAY Clark Gable - Joan Crawford —in— “STRANGE CARGO” Also LATE FOOTBALL NEWS CARTOON • PREVUE TONITE - SUN. - MON. Rosalind Russell - Brian Ahearne —in— “HIRED WIFE” with Virginia Bruce Also LATEST NEWS DISNEY CARTOON SALE THE SERVEL ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR We are offering our refrigerators at greatly reduced prices in order to make room for the 1941 models. COLLEGE PLUMBING CO. J. H. STOCKTON FLOY SAXON College Hills Shopping Village - Dial C.—41173 Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: October 81 to November 2—Texas Nur seryman’s Short Course (Mr. J. F. Ros- borough). November 1—Poultry Science Club Bene fit Show—3:15 and 6:30 P. M. (Assembly Hall). November 4—Town Hall—Fisk Jubilee Singers—Guion Hall—7 :80 P. M. CLUB PRESIDENTS According to college regulations, the presidents of each club must file a list of club officers with the Student Activi ties Committee one month after the be ginning of school. The list of club officers may be filed in Room 126, Adm. Bldg. PRE-VETERINARY STUDENTS All pre-veterinary students are cordial ly invited to attend the free motion pic ture, “The Biscuit Eater”, sponsored by the Student Chapter of the A.V.M.A. at the Assembly Hall on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 7:30 p. m.' OFFICIAL NOTICE All football ushers are to report Satur day at 12:30 p. m. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERS The Industrial Engineering Depart ment, through the courtesy of Professor Neff, will show a film from Consoli dated Aircraft Co. relative to the manu facture of the P. Y. record breaking airplane. This is a 22 minute sound film. It will be shown at 5:10 p. m. Monday, November 4 in the main lecture room of the Petroleum Building. All Aeronautical Engineers are urged to at tend. All other persons interested are cor dially invited. APPRECIATION DINNER There will be an appreciation dinner for Congressman Luther Johnson and his wife Thursday, November 7 th at 7:30 in Maggie Parker Dining Room. Tickets are on sale at the Post Office and at Luke’s Grocery. Everyone is urged to attend. JUNIOR LONGHORN PICTURES Notice Infantry and Field Artillery Juniors—Saturday is the last day for the Infantry Juniors to have their pictures made for the class section of the Longhorn. Next week, from Monday through Wed nesday, the Field Artillery Juniors should have their pictures made. SINGING CADETS AA11 members of the “Singing Cadets” will meet Monday at 5:00 p. m. instead of after yell practice due to the appear ance of the Fisk Jubilee on the Town Hall program. HILLEL CLUB Rabbi Samuel D. Soskin of Temple Beth El, Fort Worth, Texas, will be the guest speaker of the Texas A. and M. Hillel Club at their open meeting Sun day evening, November 3, at 7:15 p. m. at the Lounge Room of the Old Mess Hall. His subject will be “The American Jewish Tradition.” Rabbi Soskin was founder and Director of the West Virginia University Hillel Foundation before coming to Fort Worth four years ago. A cordial invitation is extended to all those interested in hearing Rabbi Sos kin. A short business meeting at 7:00 p. m. will precede the lecture. EAST TEXAS CLUB MEETING There will be a very important meeting of the East Texas Club on the first floor of the Academic Building Monday night, November 4. All boys from East Texas, especially from Carthage and Center, are invited to attend. SAILING NOTICE All boys interested in the forming of an inter-collegiate sailing club come by B-12 Walton. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB There will be a very important meet ing of the Saddle and Sirloin Club Mon day, November 4, at 7:30 in the Animal Industries Lecture Room. Members are urged to be present. COLLIN COUNTY CLUB There will be a meeting of the Collin County Club Monday night after yell practice in Room 109 of the Academic Building. football game on October 11 before 9,000 fans. A special train was run to the Gulf Coast City from Orange for this engagement. On October 14 they were honored in Life Mag azine with a feature section story. Singers— (Continued from Page 1) cided to name them “The Jubilee Singers” from the Biblical refer ences in Leviticus to the year of jubilee, a phrase appearing again and again in the spirituals. With the name the tide turned, and Hen ry Ward Beecher, then the most popular minister in the country, publicly sponsored their work. Con certs began to pay and soon they had money to send back to the waiting college in Nashville. One of the singers, Ella Sheppard, worded with Theodore F. Seward, the composer, in transcribing the spirituals which had not before been written down. A successful tour of three months followed. The Fisk Jubilee Singers who will sing at College Station in Guion Hall on Monday evening are direct descendants of that courage ous, talented group of musical pio Poultry Exhibit From A & M Captures 1st Prize in Houston The poultry which the A. & M. poultry department is exhibiting at the Houston Fall Fair in Houston this week has won the major awards in their classes. The exhibit is composed of Rhode Island Reds, New' Hampshires, and Silkie ban tams. The group of New Hampshires won all of the awards in their classes. First young pen, first and champion pullet was won by the Rhode Island Reds. The Silkies won most of the awards in their classes. From Houston the exhibit will go to Beaumont next week where the poultry will be placed in com petition at the Southeast Texas State Fair. ACCOUNTING SOCIETY Mr. F. V. Sorrels, Supervising Agent with the U. S. Secret Service, Treasury Department, will address an open meet ing on the Accounting Society in the Chemistry Lecture Room on Tuesday, November 6, 1940 at 7:30 p. m. The subject of Mr. Sorrels’ talk is “Know Your Money”. An interesting and instruc tive sound motion picture will be shown in connection with the talk on money. Faculty members and students are in vited to attend the meeting. GEORGE G. TAYLOR, President Accounting Society BAPTIST STUDENTS Ail Baptist students are cordially in vited to attend a social tonight at the church which is located in the second block past the North Gate. LUTHERAN CHURCH American Lutheran Church, College Sta tion, Kurt Hartman, Pastor. Evening services are held at 7:30 in the Y.M.C.A. Parlor. Luther League has devotional meetings in the Old Mess Hall Parlor every Sun day morning at 10 o’clock. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. COMANCHE CLUB There will be a Comanche County Club meeting November 4, 8 p. m., at the usual meeting place. All students from this county are urged to attend. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS The A.S.A.E. will not meet Monday night, Nov. 4, due to a conflict with the Town Hall Program. The regular meet ing will be held at 7:30, Tuesday, Nov. 5. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB The Cosmopolitan Club will meet Sun day afternoon in the Y.M.C.A. Parlor at 3 o’clock. All students and faculty members are cordially invited. Officers for the year will be elected. M. L. CASHION FORT WORTH CLUB The Fort Worth Club will meet Monday night immediately after yell practice in the Y chapel. Social plans for the year will be discussed. GUS BATES, Pres. The next regular, meeting of the A. & College Plumbing Co. PLUMBING CONTRACTS and REPAIRS GAS APPLIANCES BENDIX HOME LAUNDRYS Sales and Service College Hills Shopping Village Dial C-41173 J. H. Stockton Floy Saxon CHECK UP! Come by and let us check your oil and gas after the game Saturday. • AGGIE Service Station RED GRAY, Mgr. North Gate M. Dames Club will be the first Wednes day night in November. Classified LOST—Will the person who picked up a light tan trench coat from the second floor of the library on Oct. 30 please get in touch with Earl Hartman, room 110 No. 1. Reward. FOR RENT—5-room duplex. 807 E. 29th St., Bryan. See Mrs. Bryan, Extension Service Library, campus. LOST—Slide rule No. 553486. Reward for return to Fish Fowler, room 302, No. 3. VACANCY—For room and board: also garage. Near north gate. Phone S. V. Perritte, College 4-8794. LOST—Will person who picked up black gladstone suitcase on the highway out side of Waco Sunday please notify Lew P. Ness, room 207, No. 11. W. J. Douglas, Jr. INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance Commerce Bldg Phone Bryan 160 Assembly Hall Today Only - 6:45 & 8:30 Also Mickey Mouse REX BEACH’S FAMOUS STORY “FLOWING GOLD” with John Garfield, Frances Farmer and Pat O’Brien Monday and Tuesday 3:30 and 6:45 Each Day )R£ SM0> \KIDIG pl r Hi «AYTOMO> .today, more than ever, people are taking to Chesterfi 6 ^ because Chesterfield concentrates on the important things m smoking. You smoke Chesterfields and find them cool and pleasant You light one after another, and they really taste h et- ter. You buy pack after pack, and find them definitely milder. For complete smoking satisfaction ft/Iake your y° u can't buy a better cigarette nxfp 'CHESTERF/ELD Goppigbt 1940, IiGGETT & Myess Tobacco Co.