The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1940, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $8 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Offioo., Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
Bob Nisbet
Keith Hubbard ..
George Fuermann
Hub Johnson
Tommy Henderson
Phil Golman
Pete Tumlinson „
J. B. Fierce
T. R. Vannoy
Advertising Manager
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Circulation Manager
Staff Photographer
Staff Artist
Editorial Assistant
Editorial Assistant
Earle A. Shields, Jr Managing Editor
T. R. Harrison Assistant Advertising Manager
Junior Editors
W. O. Brimberry
Bob Myers
lack Hoilimon ....,
W. F. Oxford
R. B. Pearce W. C. Carter
, Sports Staff
Assistant Sports Editor
Junior Sports Editor
Sports Assistant
Reportorial Staff
Bill Amis, Charles Babcock, Don Corley, W. F. Keith,
Z. A. McReynoIds, Jack Nelson, L. B, Tennison
Our Sympathy
SOMEWHERE IN TEXAS a mother—the mother of
an Aggie—waits anxiously for the return of her
sdh. For a week now she has been waiting in vain
ever hoping. A sound on the front steps—she starts.
Maybe it is Webb come home at last. She rushes to
the window for the hundredth time in the day. But
it is only the paper boy. She sighs and turns away,
the spirit of doom weighing heavily on her mind,
and her heart burdened with sorrow.
Last Saturday after the Baylor game Webb
Carnes, an A. & M. freshman left to surprise his
folks and have Sunday dinner at his home in San
Antonio. But somehow Carnes didn’t get home. Nor
did he get back to school. No one has seen or heard
of him since.
Webb Carnes was not the type of boy to cause
his family such heartbreak intentionally, and he
would know to call collect if he could get to a tele
phone. Police are baffled; college authorities haven’t
the faintest idea what could have happened.
A reward of $500 has been offered, but neither
the family nor the college officials believe him to
be kidnapped. There is not enough information even
to speculate.
But in the meantime a mother waits hardly
daring to hope—yet watching, waiting, anxiously
despairing. To Mrs. Carnes The Battalion extends
its deepest sympathy. We wish there was something
that we could do to lead to the discovery of his lo
United We Stand; Divided-?
LIKE THE CHAIN a senior class is only as strong
as its weakest and most non-interested member. The
attendance at Wednesday’s class meeting indicates
that very few of the class of ’41 are interested at
all. Had Wednesday’s attendance been doubled, there
still wouldn’t have been enough of the members
present to constitute a quorum to do business.
Lately a great “howl” has been raised that the
faculty is taking all the authority from the students.
This is not so and the class officers will admit it.
The fact is that Hie class cannot get together and
the class officers hesitate to act without the consent
or approval of the students they represent.
Certain issues need immediate action as all class
■members know, but until the senior class gets in
terested enough in these matters nothing will be
tlone. It is not the faculty taking away any author
ity, it is the lack of assumption of said authority
by the very ones who are objecting to faculty in
To each man who missed Wednesday’s class
meeting we plead: Seniors, this is your year. This
is your class. Let’s make it a big year and a class
that gets things done. The officers cannot accomplish
much alone. They need your confidence and your
support. They need your ideas. They need your help.
“THE YOUTH MOVEMENT,” quips a paragrapher
in the University of Texas Daily Texan, “is most
active when someone wants the lawn mowed.”
To some degree, American youth is on the de
fensive. Not a few persons in high places have been
outspoken in their criticism. “Recently,” observes
the Los Angeles Collegian, “we, the youth of the
United States, have been the victims of a campaign
calling us ‘a bunch of cowards ... a disgrace to the
old families of trail-blazers’.” The Collegian con
tinues that youth has “no desire to go oveT to Europe
and be involved in another one of Europe’s muddles.
We are afraid of having to fight someone else’s
fight . . . But we ARE NOT afraid to fight our
The Creighton university Creightonian notes
that “Mr. Arnold Whitridge, in an open letter to
American undergraduates, charged that students
are not only un-American and pro-Nazis but down
right immoral because they don’t grab a gun and
charter the first, boat to England.” The Creightonian
replies that “the reason undergraduates are opposed
to intervention is not because we are too sluggish to
defend our ideals, but because we believe that
allying with England is not the way to defend them.”
Citing the rush of youth to volunteer for service
in the armed forces, the Louisiana State university
Reveille notes that “very often American youth
is condemned for talking intelligently and thinking
shallowly. “We wonder” asks the Reveille, “if these
‘condemners’ would take the time to sit and con
sider the action of America’s youth, with the world
and his life before him, who sets aside his personal
plans and ideas in order that he may serve his
country—would they so hastily shout ‘shallow’?”
Defense of youth has come also from faculty
sources, among them Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve
of Barnard college, who declares the charges are ex
aggerated, and Lehigh university pres. C. C. Wil
liams, who holds it is not the young people, but the
elders of the land, especially the statesmen, who
have lost their hardiness.
A challenge to youth is voiced by the Santa
Clara, publication at the University of Santa Clara,
Calif. “Recently,” it says, “in a letter to a national
magazine, a woman accused American young men of
doing nothing but ‘living off their parents and the
government, riding around in jalopies, and exercis
ing an immoral attitude toward women’.” The Santa
Clara believes “the immediate reaction of the sub
jects of such attacks is laughter or contempt. It is
an unfortunate truth, however, that the last person
to recognize a fault is the subject of that fault. It is
the duty of college men to exhibit in themselves
such industry, patriotism and adherence to Christian
principles that in times of national crises scurri
lous attacks upon ‘American Youth’ will be made
If the college press of the land is an indicator,
youth recognizes its shortcomings, resents the
unfairness of some critics, and is resolved to dis
prove all charges of weakness.
Associated Collegiate Press
WHERE IS THE SONG that means so much to
every “Aggie?” What has. happened to “The Spirit
of Aggieland?” As the juniors and seniors will re
member, it has been the custom for the “Twelfth
man” to sing “The Spirit of Aggieland,” at the end
of the band’s formations during the half at the
football games.
On October 26, 1940 in Waco, one verse of the
song was played. We would like to see this old
custom revived. Can’t something be done about this ?
We are proud to be Aggies and we surely are
proud of “The Spirit of Aggieland” and would like
to hear it played in its entirety during the half at
every football game.
W. E. Smith, ’41
H. Shanger, ’42
M. B. Inman Jr., ’41
W. E. Frost, ’42
C. L. Walker, ’42
R. J. Carroll, ’41
J. M. Vivian, ’42
L. H. Mead, ’41
H. E. Ritcher, ’42
V. W. Michaels, ’41
Orville Hamilton, ’41
Hub Johnson, ’41
George L. Mueller, ’41
Travis V. Hodges, ’41
Walter Blume, ’40
George Barron, ’41
C. F. Thompson, ’42
H. E. Haltom, ’40
W J.. Owen, ’41
Don Earley, ’42
I. B. Stitt, ’41
I. F. Lewis, ’41
J. A. Clay Jr., ’41
J. C. Foster
J. U. Bailey, ’40
H. A. Derrick, ’41
C. A. Gochicoa, ’41
EVERY GROUP has its two percents and the Ag
gies had theirs in Waco last week end. There were
a few things done then that are not in keeping with
the feelings of most of the Aggies. One of the most
notable of these was the wearing of diamonds by
unclassified seniors. These men stick out like sore
thumbs in the eyes of the students, and they are
not appreciated by anyone. This is a deplorable
state of affairs when all a man has to do when he
wants to become a cadet officer is to just buy his
buttons or diamonds and put them on. This isn’t
fair to the men that have earned them.
We sincerely hope that the same incident does
not occur in Dallas next week.
T. M. Hagood
Carlos L. Dodd
Tom Stovell
A. R. Newman
Bob Little
Joe Slicker
C. J. Keese
A. L. Bullard
Clint Kennemer
Thos. D. Hill
Glenn H. Reynolds
As the World Turns...
nese city of Nanking, which makes it the first Chi
nese provincial capitol to be regained by the fight
ing Chinese. Since its re-occupation by the Chinese
armies they have also forced the Japanese to aban
don several other strategic points in
the same province.
We continue to appease Japan.
The administration has made the gen
eral announcement that aviation gas
may not be sold to Japan, but in real-
ily this affects only the highest
grades and the ordinarly used grades
are still available for export. The sale
of scrap iron has been forbidden but
this forced the Japanese to buy high
grade processed steel, and iron, from
the big companies. This does not hurt Japan in the
slightest, but does INCREASE THE PROFITS of
the big steel corporations and competes with our
own re-armament program.
President Roosevelt recently appointed a negro
to the rank of brig, general in the army which
reminds us that the only negro in the U. S. Con
gress is a member of the Democratic Party, elect
ed from the State of Illinois. This particular mem
ber of the dominant political party in the South
made a trip through certain southern states some
time back and refused to obey the law requiring
whites and negroes to ride in different compart
ments on the train.
A late news report states that Neville Cham
berlain, appeasement-minded former prime minis
ter is on his way from England to California. Evi
dently he has lost confidence in the efficiency of his
umbrella as a shelter from Nazi bombs.
General Hugh Johnson has a very informative
article on the progress and efficiency of the arm
ament program in the United States in the Decem
ber number of COSMOPOLITAN, which is now on
the news stands. One interesting item of general
interest is his statement that the naval air force is
now weaker in combat strength than it was five
months ago when the government suddenly awaken
ed to the national danger.
A Question? Why is it considered needful to
keep the American people in ignorance of the de
tailed progress, or lack of progress, in the arma
ment program. The usual answer is to keep the in
formation from the hands of enemies, but so far
the Germans seem to experience no difficulty in
g-etting the details of our most important secrets,
such as the much touted bomb-sight. The only ones
who are left in ignorance are the American people
who must pay for the program and whose safety is
at stake.
George fuermam
all—down the main street of know that our hearts are still with
Toronto the other night and I and always will be with the fightin’
“Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster.
Once Over Lightly . . . Philoso
phy: From the bulletin board of
The Houston Post, “What gaineth
a man if he keepeth his pride and
turneth down an offer of a short
beer?” ... A truism hard to deny
was the recent quip
of J. C. Hotard’s
secretary, Jane
Grey, A cadet
walked into Jane’s
office and—making
conversation— ask
ed her if anything
unusual had hap
pened lately. “Uh-
huh,” she replied
Fuermann pointing to a stack
of departmental salary checks,
“that’s unusual—only happens 12
times a year!” . . . And still an
other aftermath of the Aggie-
Uclan game is the letter received
by Aggie Ira Lewis from his broth
er Forrest who is now attending
aeronautical school in Galifornia.
The chief concern of the letter was
the Aggies’ victory yell, “Lizzie.”
“Send me that yell that A. & M.
used when they talked so sissy
and kinda whistled like a few thous
and ghosts and said something
about cherry phosphates.”—which
is a new high in description for
Lizzie. The yell, incidentally, is
Galifornia-bound . . . All of the
high school girls you’ll see on the
campus today aren’t part of Luther
Stark’s famed Bengal Guards. Col
lege Station’s Consolidated High
School girls will be selling football
souvenirs in the guise of a small
maroon and white doll. The girls—
and their mothers—worked for a
week making the dolls, the pro
ceeds from which will go to their
athletic fund for the purpose of
buying much-needed sweaters for
the players.
Robert (Tex) Flynn.
With Frank Buck for eight
months, training lions and tigers
for three months, and nurse maid
to 20-foot long snakes for five
months—briefly, that’s the rocking
chair story of Bob Flynn’s life
during the early part of 1936.
Bob worked with the famed
bring-’em-back-alive artist on
Buck’s Long Island farm land is
probably the only Aggie who has
done so. During the first three
months Bob “managed” 45 lions
and tigers. This proved to be a
little tame so he switched to the
snake house. Here he assisted in
caring for the pythons, boas, and
the deadly Indian cobras. The py
thons, of which there were five,
were all longer than 23 feet—the
longest being 28 feet.
Where the sniakes were concern
ed his job was force-feeding. This
consisted of running a two inch
rubber tube down their throats for
a distance of two feet. The tube
was attached to a long funnel
through which was “poured” a
mixture of 10 pounds of raw beef,
four skinned rabbits, six chickens,
and a pint mixture of cod liver oil
and olive oil.
The R. C. A. F.
Meaning the Royal Canadian Air
Force which is already plus-pop
ulated with Texas Aggies. Latest
addition to the A. & M. contingent
is Bentley Clements who left col
lege just a month ago. Other recent
additions are James Bassett and
Bob Groulx who supplemented Jack
Garner, Bill Tyler, Bill Gibb, Jerry
Jones, and Allen Lindsey.
The Aggies are receiving a big
play in the Canadian press and
reports from the former cadets in
dicate that the citizenry of the
maple leaf country are treating
them like royalty. One article ap
pearing in The Windsor Sun says,
“The Texans are. (already well
known here and will be long and
favorably remembered in Windsor.”
Most of the Aggies are stationed
in Toronto at No. 1 Manning Pool.
Besides the Aggies, there are more
than 150 other Texans now in train
ing for the R. C. A. F. as well as
in the field artillery and tank
units of the Canadian army.
One Aggie writes, “I wore my
number one uniform—boots and
seriously doubt whether Ann Sher
idan in the nude could have caused
any more commotion.” He contin
ues, “In Canada everything is
either ‘bloody’ or ‘blimy’—like ‘a
bloody night’ or ‘a blimy good
time.’ We stay in the Y. M. C. A.
free of charge and the R. C. A. F.
pays 75 cents each for our meals
land gets gypped on all but a dime
of it: We rejoice at every A. & M.
football victory and want you to
Highway 6 - Bryan
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Why suffer with Indi
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Potassium balance with
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We can stop nerve-wrecking
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tified Mobilubrication protects
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Your car will run smoother, bet
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We will gladly call for and de
liver your car.
Service Station
Opposite Main Gate
.. . and if the Twelfth Man needs a
new trench coat for the game, come
to the
“OF MICE AND MEN” is a The picture deals with the same
strong and wistful tale that con- type of people who present such a
corns mostly men, especially two social problem and this type of
human derelicts who flee from the person particularly who is a psy-
law to a ranch in California. Lon chological misfit. Pity is the react
ion which most members of the
Chaney Jr. has his first major role
in this feature as a big bruiser
audience will have. This is one of
those shows which Hollywood turns
with too much brawn arid no brains out only so often in which there is
and Burgess Meredith who acts no real class A star but which is
somewhat as his guardian or keep- a good show without needing any.
er. The combination of ox-like “
strength and childish mentality con
stantly get the pair into difficult
ies, and Meredith is constantly
afraid that real tragedy may befall
In the story, Chaney follows Mer
edith as a dog does its master and
obeys him with the same unquest
ioned faith. His main weakness is
a moronic pleasure in stroking soft
objects suefi as small animals or
fur. To evade a posse in one place,
the pair flee to a California ranch
and get jobs as migratory work
ers. The only woman in the show is
Betty Field, the cheap and lonely
wife of another worker. She flirts
with everyone and Chaney is
brought under her spell when he
strokes her soft hair. Here the
tragedy falls because his strength
is so much greater than his judg
ment, and his guardian is not near.
The end of the show gives about
the only solution to such a poor
individual’s bull-in-a-china shop
problem of too much power and
not enough reason to control it.
This story is taken from the best
selling novel by John Steinbeck,
who also wrote “Grapes of Wrath.”
After The Game
—New Thrills
After the football game,
review its thrills and get
new ones by dining with
us . . .
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OCT. 30-31
NOV. 1-2
Aggieland Pharmacy
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North Gate”
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