The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1940, Image 4
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: October 81 to November 2—Texas Nur seryman’s Short Course (Mr. J. F. Ros- borough). November X—Poultry Science Club Bene fit Show—8:15 and 6:30 P. M. (Assembly Hall). November 4—Town Hall—Fisk Jubilee Singers—Guion Hall—7 :30 P. M. STAFF MEETING There will be a meeting of all artists and writers of the magazine staff next Wednesday night at 7:30 in the Battalion office. SWIFT ESSAYS All students who are writing essays for the Swift College Essay Contest must sub mit their essays to the Animal Husband ry office by November 1. That is the closing date for the contest and no essays will be accepted after that date. B. R. DANA There will be a meeting of the Tumbling Team and all men interested in joining the team at 5 o’clock Monday evening. Freshmen are cordially invited. S. W. TEXAS A. & M. CLUB The Southwest Texas A. & M. Club will meet Monday night in B-Ramp of Hart Hall after yell-practice. Plans for the Christmas dance will be discussed, and an orchestra will be chosen. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB The Campus Study Club will meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday, October 29, in the lounge of Sbisa Hall. Dr. G. W. Schles- selman will discuss relations existing be tween the United States and Latin Amer ica. ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. R. C. Hauser, Jr., Chaplain 8:30 a. m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.—Church School and Student Discussion Class. 10:45 a. m.—Holy Communion and ser mon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services are held every Sunday morning at 11 A. M. in the Y. M. C. A. parlor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. L. Brown, Pastor Harvey Hatcher, Ed. and Music Director Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 10:45 A. M. Training Union 6:45 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. A Cordial Welcome To All SHIRTS You will get a great deal of pleasure wearing Shirtcract Airman Shirts • They’re styled to fit . . . in a variety of new collar styles and fabrics that are fashion-right. . . Ox ford Cloths . . Madras . . Broadcloths or plain whites. $1.65 tllaldropafo “Two Convenient Stores” Bryan - College Station Come on out to UNCLE ED’S —Where The Aggies Go to have a good time. Try an order of our Delicious Pit Barbecue You Will Like It! HRDLICKA’S On the Old College Road FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN BRYAN William Harvey Andrew, Paster A cordial welcome awaits every Aggie here at all the services. Sunday School - Dan Russell "A. & M. Class’’ 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 10:50 A. M. Baptist Training Union 6:40 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Free busses to the Church leave both Y.M.C.A.'s and Project House Area at 9:20 every Sunday morning. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTICE First Presbyterian Church, College Sta tion, Norman Anderson, Pastor. 9:45, Sunday School 11:00, Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: “Guarding Our Loyalties”. 7 :00, Student League. 8:00, Evening Devotions and Fellow ships. All services in the Y.M.C.A. Chapel. A cordial welcome to all. Classified LOST: A Soils text and an Ag. Eco. Mkt. text. Reward if returned to 121 No. 12. Were left in A. & I. building last Fri. FOUND: C. G. Conn Ltd. Comet. Iden tify same by seeing James Hill, 104 No. 6. FOUND: In P. O. Lobby, a sum of money about Wednesday of this week. (Oct. 23rd). Owner please call at P. O. and identify same.—ANNA V. SMITH, Postmaster. FOR RENT: GARAGE AT 307 Fairview, $2.50 per month. Watkins— (Continued from Page 1) B. Marburger, F. W. Hensel, R. P. Marsteller, J. B. Bagley and Judge A. S. Ware. Pallbearers for Miss Watkins were George B. Wilcox, Dr. F. L. Thomas, Tolliver Burtis, Luke Pat- ranella, F. A. Lipscomb, and W. F. Davis. Captain Watkins has been con nected with the Building and Grounds Department of A. & M. for 30 years, retiring September 1, 1937. He came here in 1907, and was for many years a familiar sight around the campus until he became ill. He was born in Mar shall, Texas, He was 83 years old when he died and his daughter was 38. Killough— (Continued from Page 1) Service, and the National Cotton Council were the factors helping cotton on the road to recovery. Al though cotton is at a low ebb at present, conditions point to an early rise. That cotton producers must lower cost of production by more economic methods of har vesting and must increase the yield per acre by the use of fer tilizer and insectisides was said by Killough to be the two main factors necessary before better prices could be secured. Earl Parson, graduate ’20, was among those who attended the meeting. Parsons is a well-known buyer for the firm Of Clayton & Co. of Houston. Fountain— (Continued from Page 1) members of former graduate clas ses. The flagpole in front of the administration building is a gift from the class of ’39 and the flag pole in front of the academic build ing is a contribution from the grad uating class of ’34. In addition to the new fountain members of the class of ’38 are working on plans to construct a platform for yell practices. Ex-Student— (Continued from Page 1) resentative even though the car was not noted for speed. He kept the Model-T nearly four years and sold it for $5.00 less than he gave for it. He had no opponent for the representative chair his third term there but didn’t fail to cam paign during that time. When Marvin Jones was appoint ed as a Federal Judge, Worley im mediately announced his candidacy for the seat in Congress which Jones vacated. He is the same age as was Jones when he was first elected to Congress. Worley had six opponents in the race for Congress. So, Worley goes from a seat in a Model-T Ford to a seat in Con gress in six years—Mr. Worley Goes To Washington. Chem Course— (Continued from Page 1) vestigated the character of the course offered here. “This approval covers the course of study for those students who make chemistry their major study for degrees and states that in the judgment of the ACS, Texas A. & M. College possesses the facilities and offers instructions for students to become specialized for the pro fessional training chemists require in the field of research in industry and government,” Dean Brooks ex plained. The University of Texas and Rice Institute are the only other colleges in Texas which have received this approval. -SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1940 Concert— (Continued from Page 1) the observer will see that for him, music is something artistic, not a hob-nob something but for his life, and so we find him using only the slightest, simplest gestures; the graceful, circular movements of his hands and flexible though magic fingers of his hand, Kryl moulds and forms his music such as a fine sculptor would do, model ling each phrase, each passage, and seemingly at times, each indi vidual note not a cold harsh, mechanical time beater, but a living part of the music him self. Katherine Landry, soprano, will appear on this program in oper atic arias and in songs which will appeal to the music public. May Hopkins, young beautiful American harpist, will also appear as solo ist. Pravoslach Krch, Czech viol inist of note, will accompany the symphony as soloist. Civil Service Positions For Ordnance Open The United States Civil Service Commission announces open com petitive examinations for filling positions in the various grades of Inspector, Ordnance Material, in the St. Louis Ordnance District, salaries for which range from $1620 a year to $2600 a year. Qualified persons are urged to file their applications immediately with the Manager, Ninth U. S. Civil Service District, 627 New Federal Building, St. Louis, Missouri. Full further information and ap plication blanks may be obtained from the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, at any first or second-class post office in the St. Louis Ordnance District; or from the Manager, Ninth U. S. Civil Service District, 627 New Federal Building, St. Louis, Mis souri. 25,000 Specimens Give A & M Largest Search for Spurs Wildlife Collection in the Southwest Shows No Scarcity Texas A. & M. College has on its campus the largest collection of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphib ians, and fish in the southwest. These specimens, used in teaching and research, are housed partly in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion and partly on the top floor of the Agri- cutural Engineering Building. The collection consists of more than 1,500 specimens of mammals, 2500 birds, 500 reptiles and am phibians, and 20,000 fish. Most of these specimens were collected in Texas by personnel in the Fish and Game Department and the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Research unit at Texas A. & M. College and by staff members of the Texas Game Fish, and Oyster Commission. A few specimens have been secured from such places as Mexico, Asia, and Africa. This collection has a value of several thousand dollars and constitutes one of the most important bases for wildlife work in Texas. “It is useful not only in teaching and research, but it is an added service to the people of Tex as who are becoming more and more conservation conscious.” Dr. W. B. Davis of the Fish & Game Department pointed out, “as we are now in a position to identify this or that bird, mammal, or fish for them.” The collection, now four years old, is sponsored jointly by the depart ment of Fish and -Game, School of Agriculture, and the Texas Co operative Wildlife Research Unit with Dr. Davis in charge of the division of birds, mammals, am phibians, and reptiles, and Dr. Kelshaw Bonham in charge of the fishes. Faith is the major power that binds people together into homes, friendships and communities—Har ry Emerson Fosdick. Let Us Fix Your Radio EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK STNDENT CO-OP North Gate Rural Sociology Club Starts Years’ Activity A large attendance Monday night started the Rural Sociology Club on a flying start for their years’ activities. The club, noted for having un usually interesting programs, plans to have on its speakers program, talks by prominent men from the field of sociology. President Jack Hollimon plans to have keys made for each mem ber, and will send all seniors md- joring in Rural Sociology to the Social Welfare convention in Dal las later in the year. Officers of the club are as fol lows: president, Jack Hollimon, Houston; vice president, E. C. Ellis, Crockett; secretary, Fred H. Donovan, Chillicothe; treasurer, David Britain, Amarillo; sergeant at arms, Harris M. Browder, Groes- beck. Hal Haltom was elected chair man of the entertainment commit tee who in turn appointed Walter M. Lee and B. F. Sullivan as his committeemen. Cigars were served after the meeting adjourned. R. C. POTTS, PROFESSOR OF Agronomy, has returned from Wa co, where he was a judge at the Brazos Valley Fair last Friday. Mr. Potts judged grain sorghum, millet, alfalfa, clover and cotton. He also judged some of the educa tional exhibits. Tennis Racquets Restrung String available for own use. We have presses for complete restringing job. STUDENT CO-OP 1 Block East of North Gate Although a certain English pro fessor calls the old cowboy spurs “horse riding instruments,” spurs at A. & M. are not nearly so scarce as this would indicate. In a search for spurs to use for demonstration in a public speaking class, an A. & M. student found more spurs than he could carry. In just four rooms from four different boys he found sev- ejn pairs of well-worn cowboy en pairs of well-worn cowboy spurs and several pairs of military spurs. But even this was not the total. On his way back to his room four other boys offered their spurs. There were calf roping spurs, bronc riding spurs, bull riding spurs, spurs for short men, spurs for tall men, in fact, spurs of near ly every description. One pair had an interesting his- TUES. - WED., OCT. 29-29 3:30 - 6:45 Each Day tory. They were made by an east ern blacksmith for a short man; and because the blacksmith thought the man would need a long-shank ed spur to reach his horse, the spurs had a very long shank. The funny thing was that anyone fam iliar with riding knows that tall long-legged men wear long-shanked spurs and short-legged men wear short shanked spurs. k\wv AXSILVVULY HALL ■//e made het LIVE DANGEROUSLY A story of turbulent love . .. bringing together the emo tional intensity of George Raft and the smoldering beau* presents GEORGE JOAN RAFT BENNETT The HOUSE ACROSS the BAT SATURDAY, OCT. 26 6:45 and 8:30 CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES SUSANNE TURNER I MARY STEELE and JEAN DONNELLY members of the ■> Women Flyers of America MORE ANd Copyright 1940, Liccm & Mthu Tojaq^j q More steriield AMERICA SMOKES THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES