The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Z725 NO. 18
Aggie Day Sweetheart to
Be Selected by Six Cadets
Lucky Girl Will Be
Presented Between
Halves of Dallas Game
A committee of six Aggies has
6een requested to select from a-
mong a group of eight beauties
the girl to represent T. S. C. W.
in Dallas as the Aggie Day Sweet
heart. The girl selected by this
committee will be presented on
the field between halves of the
A. & M.-S.M.U. game.
Each year the Aggies have a
corps trip to Dallas or to Fort
Worth and each year they are met
by a similar corps trip from T. S.
C. W. Many customs and trad
itions have been built about this
fesive occasion, but the practice
of selecting an Aggie Day Sweet
heart is one of the most color
Heretofore the girl for this
position has been chosen by the
students of T.S.C.W., but this year
F. M. McDonald, the director of
the department of Journalism,
thought it would be interesting if
the cadets of A. & M. had a hand
in the selection.
Two girls from each of the
freshmen, sophomore, junior and
senior classes will be nominated by
the members of the class, and their
names and pictures will be pub
lished in The Battalion before
the committee leaves for Denton.
Before a gathering of the T.S.C.W.
student body the six committee
members from A. & M. will select
their “Sweetheart.”
Members of the committee who
have been asked to do the choos
ing are as follows: Cadet Colnel
Bill Becker, Head Yell Leader Bus
ter Keeton, Band Major Pete Weh-
ner, Senior Class President Tom
Richey, Battalion Editor Bob Nis-
bet, and Town Hall Manager Paul
Last year the selection made by
the girls of T.S.C.W. found Edna
Clarke of Coleman as the girl of
the day. The year before the sweet
heart was a joint selection between
the Harrison twins, Dorcas and
Doris from Tuckerman, Arkan
The date for the selection of this
year’s beauty has not been set,
but it is expected that all will
be in readiness some time soon.
Chemistry Course
OKed by Chemical
Society of America
The American Chemical Society,
at its recent meeting in Detroit,
Michigan, gave its formal approval
to the course of study offered by
the department of Chemistry of
Texas A. & M. College, Dr. T. D.
Brooks, dean of the school of arts
and sciences at the college, an
nounced this week.
This action was taken by the
Society after a thorough study of
the course of chemistry which is
offered at A. & M. Data was col
lected during the last semester of
the year 1930-40 and submitted to
the Society. Dr. Harry B. Weiser
of Rice Institute, acting as a mem
ber of the committee on profes
sional training of chemists and as
a representative of the ASC, in-
continued on Page 4)
Project House Boys
Have New Organization
This week the project houses on
the campus were organized into a
military organization for the pur
pose of making retreat formations
by Major J. F. Stevens, the new
tactical officer of the project house
Each house is designated as a
platoon, and two houses form one
company. There are three such
companies to each battalion, and
three battalions in the regiment;
thus, the 17 houses make up the
The students in the project hous
es have been making retreat, but
only in a haphazard way. Hereto
fore there has not been much in
centive for the day students to be
interested in military organization,
but now that they have a regiment
of their o\yn, interest is expected
to pick up. This organization does
not relieve anyone of their duties
in their respective organizations.
Book Written
By A & M Profs
Gets No. 1 Ranking
First published in 1936, “Tech
nical Drawing” written by Giesecke,
Mitchell and Spencer, all of the
Texas A. & M. College staff, has
been re-issued in a new edition
according to H. C. Spencer, co
author and head of the engineering
drawing department at the college.
Prof. Spencer also announced
that the publishers have notified
him that the new book now holds
first place over all other similar
textbooks adopted or approved by
major educational institutions.
Dr. F. E. Giescke, retired di
rector of the Texas Engineering
Experiment Station, and now pro
fessor emeritus of air conditioning;
and Prof. Alva Mitchell, retired
head of the college engineering
drawing department, are the other
co-authors of the noted book.
A total of 213 schools have
adopted the book and the adoptions,
including that by Texas A. & M.,
include such other noted schools
as: Purdue, Stanford, Yale, Uni
versity of Pittsburgh, Rennselaer,
Case, Alabama, Colorado, Dela
ware, Georgia, Maine, Missouri,
Notre Dame, Maryland, Rutgers,
Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma
University, New York University,
Pennsylvania University and many
others. It also has been adopted by
the General Motors Institute as'
their text.
Stem To Announce
A & M - SMU Game
Bill Stem, N.B.C.’s ace sports
announcer, has notified college
authorities that he will be on hand
to give a play by play account of
the A. & M.-S. M. U. game to be
played in Dallas November 11.
Stern, one of the nation’s most
noted sports announcers and com
mentators, is assigned a major
football game to cover each week
end. Some students may recall that
Stern was here for the A. & M.-
S. M. U. “mud” battle played on
Kyle Field last year. He proved to
be a “regular fellow” during his
stay. Upon his arrival, he donned
a hunting cap and a red, checkered
woolen shirt which was “in style”
with many Aggies who had re
turned from Arkansas the weekend
before dyked out in such regalia.
Killough Speaks
In One of Series
Of Cotton Lectures
D. T. Killough, agronomist in
charge of cotton breeding at the
Experiment station, gave a talk to
the Cotton Society Tuesday night
on the various phases of the cot
ton industry. This address is one
of a series which the society has
arranged for the benefit of those
interested in cotton production.
Killough explained that the Ex
periment Station, the Extension
(Continued on Page 4)
Infantry Seniors
To Get Camp Medals
Those infantry seniors who earn
ed medals last summer at Camp
Bullis will receive them on October
29, 30, and 31 at their regular drill
Approximately 80 per cent of
the infantry seniors who attended
camp will receive either a marks
man, sharpshooter, or expert medal.
Those who shot a score of 162 and
under 192 out of a possible 225
will receive marksmanship medals.
Most of the winners were in this
class. To receive a sharpshooter
medal they must have shot between
192 and 202 and those few who shot
this score are as follows: R. O.
Kruse, E. E. Inman, J. P. Jones,
J. H. Shelton, F. C. Price, J. P.
Towns, J. R. Button, A. H. Ham-
ner, W. A. Collins, H. V. Duncan,
F. Sayner, and E. B. Kyzar. The
three who had a score of at least
202 and will receive expert medals
are W. J. Montgomery, O. D.
Hatcher, and W. T. Dinwiddie.
It's Working At Last
Finishing Touches Put on Fountain;
Lights Will Be Turned on Permanently
Next Monday night at 7:00 the
beautiful submarine floodlights
will be turned on permanently at
the new fountain given to A. &
M. College by the class of ’38;
thereafter the lights will continue
to burn every night from 7 to
10:30 except on special occasions
when they will remain on all night.
Construction work on the foun
tain was completed some time ago,
but due to the delay in shipping
materials for the lights, water
and lights were turned on for the
first time last Friday night as an
exhibition for the students. Since
that time the fountain has contin
ued to run but the lights have re
mained off.
The fountain, located in the tri
angle just west of Sbisa hall where
the band formerly played is a clas
sic design made of cast stone and
consists of a reflecting pool ap
proximately 18 feet in diameter.
In the middle of the pool is super
imposed a bowl and pedestal, with
a spray of water flowing two or
three feet in the air. Light from
eight submarine floodlights diffuse
upward into the thin sheets of
water falling from the top. The
floodlights are constructed at the
bottom in the basin with a stream
of water about four inches deep
flowing over them.
According to plans lilies will be
placed in bouquet form between
the lights, and fish will be put in
the basin just as soon as the con
crete dries sufficiently to allow
the flowers and fish to live. Ac
cording to F. W. Hensel, head of
the Landscape Art Department, the
fountain has already been turned
over to his department and work
will begin on putting the finish
ing touches to the fountain in a
few days. Mr. Hensel emphasized
his thanks to the students for their
splendid cooperation in keeping the
Rode Announces Topic
Leaders for Short Course
Topic leaders for the Public
Utility Short Course for Electric
Metermen to be held at Texas A.
& M. College, Nov. 11-16, have been
announced by Prof. Norman F.
Rode, director of the course, and
they will include noted electrical
engineers from several world-re
nowned firms manufacturing elec
trical equipment.
Those named include: R. H. Mig-
hell and E. J. Boland, General Elec
tric Co.; L. C. Blevins, B. V. Mar
tin, A. R. Rutter and R. R. Hill,
Westinghouse Electric Co.; W. C.
Fowler and C. W. Ingrham, Sanga-
mo Electric Co.; W. B. Deffedall,
Duncan Electric Co.; H. L. Olesen,
Weston Electrical Instrument Co.;
and W. J. Kantenberger and Bob
Kryter, Esterline-Angus Co.
fountain ground looking its best at
all times.
Plans for the construction of the
fountain were formulated by a
committee of the class of ’38 work
ing in conjunction with John Bone,
president of that graduation class.
The firms of Atkinson and San
ders, architects, were designers of
the fountain and A. Boniface and
Sons were designers.
The fountain is the third con
tribution made to the school by
(Continued on Page 4)
Baylor Corps Trip
Attracts 2,000 Aggies
Double Funeral
Services Held For
Watkins, Daughter
Double funeral services were
held yesterday morning for Captain
C. O. Watkins and his daughter
Miss Ruth Watkins. Miss Watkins
died Thursday morning at 1:25
a.m. in the Bryan hospital. Thurs
day afternoon, Captain Watkins
died at College Station.
They were buried at the A. & M.
College cemetery at 9:30 Friday
morning with Rev. Norman Ander
son of the College Presbyterian
Church officiating, assisted by Rev.
James Carlin of the College Meth
odist church.
Pallbearers for Captain Wat
kins were Dr. C. B. Campbell, D.
(Continued on Page 4)
May 2 Is Date Of
Cotton Ball, Pageant
May 2, 1941, has been set as the
date for the tenth annual Cotton
Style Show, Pageant, and Ball by
the committee on student activities.
This year the Agronomy Society
plans to have a leading business
house in Texas put on the style
show. A completely new floor
show with new talent will also be
Proceeds of the dance are used
to finance travelling fellowships
for three seniors who place high
in the cotton contest. Previous to
last year the fellowship took the
winners to European countries but
due to the war situation, an ex
tensive travel and study of cotton
in the United States and Canada
was made last year. If war con
ditions in Europe continue as they
are, the tour will probably be
limited to the western hemisphere
Presents Symphony Concert
Kryl Symphony Orchestra to Appear
In Bryan Monday Afternoon and Night
Bohumir Kryl, noted conductor-
of the Symphony Orchestra which
carries his name, will appear in
Bryan at the High School Audi
torium at 2 and 8 p.m., Monday
October 28, under the auspices of
the city schools.
Two programs have been arrang
ed, one for the students in, the
afternoon and an evening pro
gram which will include such
masterpieces as “Legende” for
Orchestra and Harp by Francis
Thome, Symphony No. 5, in C Min
or by Beethoven; “Stories of the
Vienna Woods,” by Strauss; and
“Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1” by
Enesco, as well as several other
Prior to the organization of his
own concert organization thirty-
two years ago, Kryl appeared as
cornet soloist with the Sousa and
Innes bands for years and with
these bands earned his enviable
reputation as cornetist which ha^
remained his until the present day.
Previous to this, Kryl had been a
sculptor of note, having associated
with the late General Lew Wal
Typical of only a few master
musicians of our present day,
Kryl is probably one of the most
modest. To say that a career of
conductorship extending over a
period of three decades, through
nfbny but' all bewildering and
complicated works, that Kryl has
never resorted to the use of a baton
and that he was the very first to
abandon the use of it to conduct
with his hands could hardly be ac
cepted as a true statement or be
lieved as such, yet it is a reality.
Scrupulous in adhering to the
slightest whim of the composer,
(Continued on Page 4)
New Swing Band
Organized By Eleven
Music Loving Cadets
A group of cadets who have been
playing together since school open
ed just to keep in practice have
organized themselves into a swing
band under the leadership of A. J.
Members of the band are Milton
Brenner, Houston, drums; Foy
Beard, Rosenberg, piano; Roy
Brient, Port Arthur, bass; Chester
Bresnen, St. Louis, trombone; Rich
ard Alston, Little Rock, Ark., 1st
trumpet; Lee Legler, LaGrange,
2nd trumpet; Sol Mintz, Houston,
1st sax and clarinet; Kendall Chap
man, Waco, 2nd sax and clarinet;
Dan McAnally, Bonham, 3rd sax
and clarinet; G. B. Beeler, Houston,
4th sax and clarinet; A. J. Wit
tenbach, Harlingen, leader.
The band auditioned for the I. E.
Club Thursday evening in the M.
E. shops where they made a real
name for themselves. All cadets
are invited to drop by the new
Y. M. C. A. any Wednesday even
ing after supper and listen to their
Sunday Is Last Day
To See Prison Rodeo
Sunday is the last day this year
that A. & M. students may see
the Prison Rodeo at Huntsville,
the only show of its kind in the
All contestants are inmates of
the Texas State Penitentiary, and
they put on the roughest, toughest
rodeo performed in any arena.
When the contestants leave the
chute, they know not what is go
ing to happen and appear to care
less. The performance tomorrow is
the last of a series of four weekly
shows that are held annually, bene
fits going to the improvement of
prison conditions.
The preliminary shows start at
1 p. m. and the main show at 2
p. m. with general admission tick
ets 50 cents and reserved seats 75
cents. The crowds have been grow
ing each week, and the show last
week was attended by between
45,000 and 55,000 persons, a large
part of whom had to stand up.
Also about 25,000 were turned away
due to lack of standing space.
Each of the shows this year has
been attended by crowds coming
from every part of the state, and
a crowd of from 50 to 75 Aggies
has been at each one of them.
Band Will March
In Baylor Parade
By W. C. Carter
Undaunted by the lack of seats
that made the corps trip unofficial,
2000 juniors and seniors will jour
ney to Waco for the football game
with the Baylor Bears. Quite a few
sophomores and freshmen are ex
pected to get there, too.
With cloudy skies and unsettled
weather always prevailing for the
A. & M.-Baylor game, many of the
boys were carrying their trench
coats “just in case”.
Four hundred train tickets have
been sold, but most of the crowd
will arrive by thumb, auto, and
By Thursday night over 1600
tickets had been sold to the game.
Only a few more remain on sale.
The game will be played in the
Waco stadium located on the Bra
zos Valley Fair Grounds. Today is
the closing day of the fair and
should offer an opportunity for
the visitors to have a good time. A
huge parade will be put on for the
Baylor alumni in which more than
30 floats and three bands will take
part. The 216 piece Aggie band
will bring up the rear of the parade.
An A. & M. dance, played by the
Aggieland Orchestra, will be held
beginning at 9:00 p. m. and lasting
until 1:00 a. m. at the Town Tav
The special train, run by the
Missouri-Pacific lines, will arrive
in Waco at 9:30 a. m. It will re
turn to College Station leaving at
2:00 a. m. Sunday. Tickets will
also be good for the regular train
leaving Waco at 11:30 p. m. Sun
day and arriving in College Sta
tion at 3:06 a. m. Monday.
Military Exhibition
To Be Held Nov 2
On Saturday morning, November
2, there will be an exhibition drill
on the old drill field for the pur
pose of giving the general public
an idea of what their sons will do
after they become conscripts. Every
branch of service located here on
the campus including the infantry,
field artillery, coast artillery, cav
alry, engineers, chemical warfare,
and signal corps will have an ex
hibit which will begin at 11 o’clock
and last for one hour.
Senior cadet officers will be on
hand to answer any questions that
might be asked by the spectators.
Ex Student Goes From Model T
Seat to Seat in Congress in 6 Years
From the seat of a Model-T to-
a seat in Congress in six years—
that is the story of Eugene Worley
of Shamrock, Texas, former stu
dent of Texas A. & M. College.
Worley has recently gone to Wash
ington, D. C. to succeed Hon. Mar
vin Jones as Congressman of the
18th Congressional district of Tex
Worley was Representative of
the 122nd Legislative district of
Texas for six consecutive years
preceding his election as Con
gressman. He had a successful ca
reer in the house, and at the time
he elected to run for the congres
sional post was prominently men
tioned as the next speaker of the
house. His preparatory experiences
in Austin are similar to that of
other statesmen who later rose to
high prominence in Washington,
namely: U. S. Senator Tom Con-
nally, Vice-President John Nance
Garner, and House Majority Leader
Sam Rayburn.
Only thirty-two years old, Wor
ley worked his way through Texas
A. & M. for two years and later,
the University of Texas law school.
He served under Governors Allred
and O’Daniel and was chosen on
various occasions by the two execu
tives to represent Texas at New
York, Washington, and other con
Worley’s first political race was
quite interesting. Immediately after
he announced his candidacy for
representative, 1934, he bought a
Model-T Ford which had no top on
it but would still run. He did all
of his campaigning in the Model-T
and came out in the lead for rep-
(Continued on Page 4)
Gilchrist Appoints
Two New Instructors
Gibb Gilchrist, dean of the
School of Engineering, has an
nounced the appointment of two
new instructors in the engineering
drawing department for the 1940-
41 school year.
H. R. Cramer, honor graduate in
electrical engineering from Iowa
State and later instructor there for
three years, received one of the
appointments, while the other went
to H. L. Minkler, mechanical en
gineering graduate from Purdue.
Both Cramer and Minkler ha^e
gained records as expert drafts
men and were selected from a large
field of applicants, Dean Gilchrist
With the large increase in en
rollment in the student body at
Texas A. & M. and a resultant in
crease in the School of Engineer
ing, it was necessary to increase
the staff of the engineering draw
ing department, Dean Gilchrist ex
plained. Registration for the first
semester of 1938 was 5582; for
1939 it was 6063 and this year it
climbed to 6534, an increase of
nearly 1,000 boys in two years.