The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1940, Image 2

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TJie Battalion
Th» Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
■echanioal College of Texas and the city of College Station, is
published three times weekly from September to June, issued
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; also it is published
weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
■tatien, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Subscription rate, $1 a school year. Advertising rates upon
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc.,
at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Office, Room Its, Administration Building. Telephone
F«te Tumlinaon
J n Pierce
Staff Artiat
George Fuermann
George Woodman
Tom GHlia
Bob Myers
Jack Hollimon
W. V. Oxford
Acting Managing Editor
Junior Editors
Sports Staff
Assistant Sports Editor
Junior Sports Editor
Sports Assistant
Reportorial Staff
Z. A. McReynolds, L. B. Teunison, J. M. Speer
Campus Traffic
“DRIVING A CAR on the campus with all the stu
dents in the street is almost an impossibility,” claims
a faculty member,
“The way the profs drive on this campus”, a
student opines, “is a downright shame. Why it’s a
wonder we aren’t all killed.”
Strange as it may seem, comments of this
kind are made every day. The local citizens com
plain of the students herding together in the street
to obstruct traffic. The students complain about the
professors whizzing down the streets and failing to
sound warning.
From the faculty angle, the streets are cer
tainly built for motor vehicle traffic. Pedestrian
traffic should be confined to the sidewalks except
at the corners. But students walk in the streets,
either from force of habit or from plain “honery-
ness”. And they walk, not alone or in pairs, but
in great groups of 15 to 20, abreast, and sometimes
extending from one side to the other with utter
disregard for the sidewalks. Car horns from the
rear have practically no effect. Frankly, driving
on the campus resembles the experience of driving
through a herd of cattle.
From the student viewpoint, in walking to and
from classes, where several hundred boys are en-
route to the same building, the suggestion of walk
ing in groups of two or three is out of the ques
tion. Sidewalks will not hold the between-classes
traffic. The choice is tramping out the grass on the
lawns or walking in the street. Most students walk
in the streets. But when they get in the streets,
drivers seem to delight in trying to clip an arm
or tag a hip. The drivers pass at a speed too great
to stop for an emergency and fail to give proper
warning of their presence.
We are not the ones to say who is right in this
controversy, but we can point out flaws in the ar
guments of both sides. Neither is looking at the
other’s point of view.
Certainly there is not enough sidewalk area for
between-class traffic. To get such the college would
have to build another street on each side of the
ones they already have, and we don’t suggest walk
ing “Indian fashion” either. But students are slow
to give way for vehicles. They do walk in the middle
of the street when the sides are empty, but that
is not reason enough to justify risking a life by
failure of the driver to slacken his speed.
Our advice is for both students and faculty
anembers to be more on the alert to do what is
possible to help out the other fellow.
YMCA Emblem
THERE ARE FEW organizations that have as mean
ingful and as complicated an emblem as the Young
Men’s Christian Associations.
It has a long name, and it is fitting that it have
a comprehensive emblem or sign. Most people think
that the triangle is the trademark, whereas it is
but a part of it. These are all of the parts:
There is a double circle—one circle for the com
pleteness and unity of the total of life and the cos
mic order. The other with the symbolism of a
wedding ring, friendship and love without end,
among individuals. Within these circles or rings,
the rest of the emblem is placed.
There are the Greek letters, Chi Rho (XP).
The first two letters of the word Chistos, and in
themselves the emblem of early Christianity.
There are two triangles, one standing for the
trinity within the Godhead; Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. The other the trinity within man, that of
the spirit, the mind, and the body. ,
There is the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, open
at Christ’s intercessory prayer. The Gospel of John,
the 17th chapter and the 21st verse, which is the
foundation text and sets forth the unity of pur
pose of the membership. This verse reads, “That
they may all be one even as thou, Father, art^ in
me and I in Thee, that they also may be in us; that
the world may believe that Thou didst send me.”
Therefore the complete assembly of all these
component parts gives this great organization this
This symbol is more than an emblem. It is a
graphic representation of our religious and educa
tional philosophy and reveals the essential unity of
the Christian view of life.
—International Committee, Y.M.C.A.
WE, THE undersigned, feel that we are voicing
the opinion of the majority of the corps in expres
sing our views on the following subjects:
1. Throwing bottles on the cinder path at
football games: This complaint is just as old as it
is easy to justify. Time after time the corps has
been reminded of the danger to the players, yell
leaders, and spectators which broken or flying bot
tles present. Perhaps there has been too little auth
ority behind these warnings. If this is true, the
coi’ps should take immediate steps to provide the
necessary authority since appealing to common
sense seems to have done little good.
2. Noise in the mess hall on days when many
visitors are present: To a certain extent the antics
of the freshmen with their barking and noisy blitz
kriegs may be entertaining to the guests, but in
most cases these disturbances are continued through
out the meal and may prove embarrassing to the
cadets and their guests. Some of us like to hear the
announcements and the music and feel that those
upperclassmen who insist upon detailing their fresh
men to raise cane should be a little more considerate
of the others present.
Richard Hoefle
Elmo Weyel
Dan P. Maley
R. N. McDonald
E. U. Thompson,
Henry J. Martyn
Sam F. Nesbit
Robert F. Kachtick
B. O. Childs, Jr.
James O’Connor, Jr.
Billy Gill
Pat B. Quinn
Something To Read
Hardboiled Historical Novel: “World’s End”
UPTON SINCLAIR’S new novel, “World’s End”,
lets you behind the scenes among the forces which
made the first World War and which, we have every
reason to believe, have played their part in making
the present one.
Since the likeable young hero is the son of a
great American munitions family, there are no
secrets from him (or from us) as to the influence
of the armament industry on international politics.
We are introduced intimately to the sinister Zahar-
off. We are also privileged to be present at the entry
of the munitions kings into the oil war which as
sumed such vast dimensions at the close of the
World War.
Perhaps the most absorbing chapters of the
story, however, are those in which we follow young
Lanny Budd through the slightly odorous mazes of
the Peace Conference whose fruit was the Versailles
Treaty. Lanny, as confidential secretary to one of
President Wilson’s experts, sees the whole grimy
affair from the under and definitely seamy side.
It makes an ordinary American’s innocent hair stand
on end to realize the shenanigans that went on and
that decided the fate of all of us for years to come.
The whole account, however, does leave us with an
increased respect for the intentions, at least, of the
American delegation.
But “World’s End” is not all politics. We live
with Lanny on the French Riviera. We visit the
pre-War opulence of West-Side and Country-House
England, and the feudal magnificence of a castle and
great estate in eastern Germany.
It was a gorgeous affair, the upper crust of
that world which ended with the Great War. But
every now and then Lanny’s carefree foot breaks
through the smiling surface and he drops for a mo
ment into the seething wretchedness on which it was
built—and into which, we are made to suspect, the
whole glittering fabric will eventually collapse of
its own weight and brittleness.
As the World Turns...
WHAT ARE THE real issues of the current presi
dential campaign ? It is a question about which
every American voter should be thinking. Polls
of every sort sway his reason and emotion from
Roosevelt to Willkie, and Willkie to Roosevelt. He
finds himself at the cross roads. Experts tell us that
at election time there is a notice
able drift away from the party in
power. Many people want to change
from the present administration,
and yet they question the advisa
bility of making the change when
the world is faced with so ma!fy
crises. '
To some the issue of a third
term is paramount. The two-term
tradition is strongly entrenched in
our political institutions. On the
other hand, there are those who
argue that the third term is a min
or issue compared to the risk involved in changing
administrations at this time.
Taxation is another issue. The present admin
istration has spent billions on relief and public pro
jects and is spending billions more on national de
fense. How will this immense national debt and fu
ture expenditures be paid for? By more borrowing
or more taxes? Who should pay the bills, the big
corporations, the individual income groups, or the
masses ?
Perhaps the most important issue in the minds
of the American voters, especially those of military
age, is the war. Which candidate can preserve peace ?
Can either? If not, which one can guide the nation
better through a war? Both candidates have prom
ised not to send our boys to Europe to fight, but
neither commits himself definitely about sending
them elsewhere.
The least that a loyal American can do is to give
some serious thought to these issues before election
day—November 5.
The scare about a shortage of tin in this coun
try has been minimized by the news, coming from
the offices of the R.F.C., that a contract has been
given to an American company to build a plant
in this country in which Bolivian tin concentrates
will be smelted. The plant will be equipped to pro
duce 18,000 tons of fine tin annually for the next
five years. This arrangement is made to safeguard
our tin supply in case we are cut off from our pres
ent source of tin in the Dutch East Indies.
The Douglas Aircraft Company will begin ex
perimenting about November 1 with their new
eighty ton “veritable aerial dreadnought”. The ex
perimenting is to last until the end of this year.
The air ship is conveniently called the B-19. It
carries a crew of ten men and the gas capacity of
a tank car; it can cross the Atlantic and return non
stop with a good margin of safety. No mass pro
duction of this aircraft is contemplated at pres
ent, but the United States will be ready for such
production should an emergency arise.
V. K. Sugareff
“I’ll withdraw the charge if he’ll tell how he got in without
waking my wife."
George Fueraierm
''Backwash: An a citation rcrnltiar from Mae action or occorroneo.”—WaMtar.
Backwashin’ Around . . . One of
the Band sophomores was accom
panied by his father to the high
way where he was going to hitch
hike back to college this past week
end. Not fully grasping the near
license that Aggies
are blessed with
where hitch-hiking
is concerned, but
mindful of a few of
the robbery tales
he had heard con
cerning kind-heart
ed motorists, the
father waited until
a car finally stop
ped for his son,
the driver, intro-
and explained that
his son had been raised in a fine
family and that the driver was
safe in picking the boy up . . .
Line Coach “Uncle Bill” James’
popular wife received an invitation
from Mrs. Jinx Tucker (wife of the
Waco sports columnist) to eat
lunch with her before the Aggie-
Baylor game Saturday. “That’s
one invitation I said ‘no’ to in a
hurry,” Mrs. James remarked. “If
there’s any time when I’m sure
that I can’t be polite it’s just be
fore an important game—that’s
when I am more interested in club
house talk than tea-time conversa
tion!” . . . Lloyd Gregory, The
Houston Post’s managing editor
and “Looking ’Em Over” columnist,
covered the A. & M.-T. C. U. game
last Saturday and, following the
Aggie victory, he and his family
ate supper in Sbisa Hall. Midway
in the meal the freshmen of D
Troop Cavalry staged an Aggie-
typical “air raid” and their most
interested spectator was Lloyd. Re
turning to Houston, he gave the
event a big play in his Tuesday
column—the first to publicize this
newest addition to Aggie traditions.
Aggieland Orchestra.
The orchestra’s guitarist, Mur
ray Evans, is telling about the
organization’s newest novelty num
ber. It’s a Glenn Miller arrange
ment featuring ensemble singing
with repartee between the pianist,
Fred Nelson, and the other mem
bers of the orchestra. In the mean
time the band members are going
through appropriate gestures
which are in line with the words
they are singing. The number is
tops and definitely grade “A,” 18
carat entertainment in these books.
It’ll have its first public hearing
in Waco’s Town Tavern Saturday
night where the orchestra will
play following the game.
The orchestra is now concentrat
ing on a better style of sweet songs
than heretofore. College spirit
seems to be getting away from the
idea of so-called “raise-the-roof-
brass.” The brass section, however,
is cooperating with the rhythm
section in perfecting a better “lift”
to the faster tempos. Incidentally,
in case you aren’t educated in these
things, the rhythm section is com
posed of drums, played by H. L.
(Red) Doerr; base, strummed by
Frank (Sug) Barnes; the piano
by Fred; and the guitar by Murray.
Space Filler.
It was a Field Artillery junior
who recently quizzed a Dallas love
ly in respect to being his escortee
at the Aggie-S. M. U. game Novem
ber 9. Two years ago was the last
time he had seen the girl and he
was far from certain that his
letter would be given a welcome.
Business began to pick up, how
ever, when he received an affir
mative reply. A couple more letters
passed between the two and, by
last Saturday, the cadet was not
only planning to escort the lass to
the game but had made negotia
tions for dates the night before
and the day following the game.
But it remained for yesterday
morning’s mail to kick the props
from under his faith in feminine-
kind. A letter from the belle’s
mother first gave him a severe
tongue-chastizing and then added,
“How dare you ask my daughter
for a date ? For the past six months
she has been happily married!”
“Governor” Ashford.
When he signs checks it’s G. F.
Ashford, but his nickname is “Gov
ernor.” He’s been here since 1927
as a maintenance man for the Ath
letic department and is one of the
department’s unpublicized men.
“I’ve seen A. & M. play more gam
es than any other man alive,” is his
fondest boast—and one that’s prob
ably true. The Governor has been
all over the nation with the team;
to California six times, to New
York City, Boston, Washington, and
Salt Lake City. His greatest la
ment is the period between 1927
and 1934. “That was really a
heart-breaking period—the losing-
est period this college ever had,”
he says.
Bob Hawk, master of ceremonies
on the CBS “Take It or Leave It”
program, at 19 turned down a
teaching job at Northwestern col
lege, Alva, Oklahoma.
Craig Earl Jr., son of radio’s
Professor Quiz, is studying agri
culture at Massachusetts State Col
Even patience can be made to
grow in the most barren soil.
stepped up to
duced himself,
We Invite You To Attend
50 Artists ... Bohumir Kryl, Conductor
Monday Afternoon, 2:00 o’clock
and Evening, 8:00 o’clock — Oct. 28
Matinee (Cadets) 25^
Evening $1.00
The Campus has a pleasant little
bit of comedy running Thursday
in which some of the better stars
do their bit for humor. Loretta
Young and Melvyn Douglas fur
nish the dramatic talent which is
garnished with a good portion of
laughs. The production is “HE
lunch and dinner too.
Melvyn Douglas plays the part
of a modern young man who is
somewhat hipped on Communism
and lets the subject get him into
trouble. It is pleasant trouble
though because he escapes from
shooting pompous banker Eugene
Pallette by hiding in Loretta
Young’s apartment. Loretta hap
pens to be Pallette’s estranged
wife whom he is trying to win
back, and Alan Marshal is also in
love with her. Therefore the only
drawback to Loretta’s apartment
as a perfect hideout is that these
two men keep popping in and out
at all hours. Douglas hides there
for several days and almost con
verts the maid, Una O’Connor, by
getting her gloriously drunk.
Loretta is lovely enough for any
one to give up Communism for,
and that is what Douglas does in
the end. This bedroom farce is
delightful light comedy and prob
ably presents Communism in its
most humorous form.
The old spirit of the pioneer,
and a lot of the spirit of the Indians
too, is returned to the screeh for
a benefit show at the Assembly
Hall Friday. The Indians who dis
SAGE” finally get it into their
heads that the white man is here
to stay whether they like it or not.
Tenderfoot Robert Young gets
Thursday 3:30 & 7:30—“I
ring Myrna Loy, William
Powell, Frank McHugh, and
Edmund Lowe.
PASSAGE,” featuring Spen
cer Tracy, Robert Young,
Walter Brennan, and Nat
Pendleton; benefit show.
Thursday—“HE STAYED
ring Loretta Young, Melvyn
Douglas, Alan Marshal, Eu
gene Pallette, and Una
Friday, Saturday—“GIRL
Jane Withers, Kent Taylor,
and Katherine Aldridge.
driven from colonial society and
takes up with an intrepid old In
dian fighter-, Spencer Tracy. They
take a tough bunch of leathernecks
on an expedition into Canada to
show the Indians who is boss and
then return to be the most sought
after members of the social set.
The show ends with an off-note
that preaches the old theme, “Go
west, young man, go west.”
There is a good deal of rough
and tough pioneer spirit in this
picture but Robert Young has a
little too much pasty-face civilized
look to be a convincing part of it.
Academy award winner Spencer
Tracy has shown his ability to play
nearly anything and this is just
further proof of it for him. Nat
Pendleton is husky enough to fight
anything barefisted, from Indians
on up.
When you hear a man vow he
loves his enemies, you make take
my word for it that his enemies
are rum, whiskey and cards.
The scenery one remembers most
fondly will be what he saw while
sitting serenly in contemplative
Science, the friend of man turns
murderer in time of war.
When in Doubt About Your
Eyes or Glasses, Consult . . .
Masonic Bldg. Bryan
100 Rooms - 100 Baths
Fire Proof
R. W. HOWELL, Mgr.
Class ’97
Every Football team needs men who
can turn in 60 minutes of play. In
the short moments of the fourth
quarter it is the ability to keep
going that counts.
The family must keep going also.
The only way to assure this is
through an adequate readjustment
Houston, Texas
FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, Dist. Mgr.
H. E. Burgess, ’29 Wayne Durham, ’40
Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 R. C. Franks
Paul Martin, ’39 Gene Hart
0. B. Donaho