The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
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DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
NO. 17
TSCW-ites Anxiously Awaiting
Every-Other-Year Dallas Corps Trip
From The TSCW Lass-0
Heaving a sign of remember-
ance for corps trips of years past,
Miss TSCW in October, 1940, looks
forward with a smile of anticipa
tion to the weekend when TSCW
becomes the thirteenth man on the
Aggie team at the A. & M.-S. M. U.
game in Dallas Nov. 9. Freshmen,
of course, cannot remember, but
they have probably heard of
TSCW’s annual trip to Dallas or
Fort Worth for that super week
end with their brother school.
Mentally taking stock of her
wardrobe and the men in her life,
especially Aggies, Miss TSCW be
gins dreaming of style shows and
coffees given by the department
stores, the parade in the morning,
the football game in the afternoon,
and the dances that night with her
self the star of every picture. A
date bureau will be opened in Dal
las to accommodate boys and girls
without dates.
An Aggie Sweetheart chosen
from TSCW will parade with the
band on the field during the half,
when A. & M. salutes its sister
This will be the fifth annual trip
made by the student body and more
girls than ever before are expected
to attend, Dr. F. L. McDonald, di
rector of the excursion, said. Spec
ial busses and trains will leave
Denton at 7:30 a. m. Saturday,
Nov. 9, and will return sometime
after the dances Saturday night.
Tickets for the game were sold in
the Ad building Wednesday morn
46 Enroll In
Rural Sociology
Extension Course
Forty-six persons have register
ed to take an extension course in
rural sociology being offered by
Texas A. & M. College, Prof. Daniel
Russell, head of the Department of
Rural Sociology, announced yes
Russell went to Dallas Monday
to register the students for the
course. Dan R. Davis, instructor in
the Rural Sociology department,
will teach the course which will
meet from 7 until 10 o’clock each
Monday night.
The class is the same as R. S. 407
here at the college, dealing with
the sociology of rural life and rural
social problems. It will last four
and one-half months, and those who
pass it will be given three hours
of college credit if they desire it.
Although given mainly for men
employed in the Farm Security
Administration, the course will be
attended by many workers in other
branches of federal employment in
The registration fee will be $15,
and Russell reports that 16 of those
who registered to take the course
have already paid their fees. Davis
will go to Dallas each Monday af
ter his 9 o’clock class and will re
turn in time for his Tuesday morn
ing classes.
Who Says A & M Is A Branch of TU?
It Ain’t - - And We Can Prove It!!
By Mike Speer
A. & M. is NOT a “branch” of
the University of Texas!
It has beep the unworthy and
short sighted conclusion of some
few “ignorant to the fact” indivi
duals that A. & M. is still a branch
of the University which is, though
at one time it was, contrary to
fact. In versing their opinions on
the matter these individuals have
caused no little controversy and
confusion in the minds of many,
namely Aggies.
It is true, we are reluctant to ad
mit, that for a great many years
A. & M., not in nature but by con
stitution, a branch of the Univer
sity. However, “them days is gone
forever” and to those who con
tinually persist in maintaining
their unfounded convictions that
A. & M. is still a branch of the
University, it is our ferverent wish
that you will discontinue spreading
this obscene propoganda for we
desire to preserve our traditional
institution as it is, unique and un
Let us cite the constitutional
status of A. & M. college which is
set forth in Article 7 section 13 of
the State Constitution of April,
1876. “Quote: The Agricultural
and Mechanical College of Texas,
established by an Act of the Legis
lature, April 17, 1871, located in
the county of Brazos, is hereby
made and constituted a branch of
the University of Texas, for in
struction in Agriculture, the Mech
anic Arts, and Natural Sciences
Since the establishment of the
University of Texas in 1882, six
years after A. & M. was establish
ed, a long and vexatious contro
versy between the student bodies
and school Boards has been en
countered concerning the relations
between the College and the Uni
versity. Under the state, constitu
tion the College is a branch of the
University, though under the sta
tutes it is administered by an in
dependent Board of Directors. As
thus defined in law the relation
was anomalous. Two points of view
developed: If the College were a
branch of the University its acti
vities should conform to the acti
vities of the University if not be
actually subordinated to them. On
the other hand, if the College was
a branch of the University it was
entitled to a share in the earnings
of the University’s land endow
In 1915 a constitutional am
endment separating the two in
stitutions was submitted to the
Legislature and defeated. There
after the boards of the two schools
(Continued on Page 6)
100 Attend
Of Dairy Day
Dairy Day was held Wednesday
at A. & M. with 100 in attendance.
Manufacturers, plant superintend
ents, fieldmen, cream buyers, and
other dairymen were those who at
tended the program which was de
voted to the future of dairying.
The program, which was led by
C. N. Shepardson, of the dairy hus
bandry department, began with a
call to order by A. J. Riddle, presi
dent of the Texas Dairy Products
Association, and was followed by
an address of welcome by T. O.
Walton. During the morning pro
gram Shepardson discussed the ag
ricultural economic set-up and its
relation to milk and cream supply.
A. V. Moore, professor in the dairy
husbandry department, concluded
the morning program with a talk
on mould mycelia and its relation
to quality.
During the lunch, held in the
college mess hall, H. C. Horneman,
president of the Sugar Creek
Creamery, Danville, 111., discussed
the experience of having butter
In the afternoon Jack Shelton,
Vice Director of the Extension Ser
vice gave a talk on the agricultural
workers and the Dairy Industry.
“Home Demonstration Agents and
Their Work with Producters” was
the talk that W. V. Maddox, spe
cialist in the field of dairy manu
facturing, delivered and was fol
lowed by a discussion “What Can
the Industry Do?” by Shepardson.
Dairy Day was concluded with
a demonstration in the college
creamery laboratories of Dr. Par
son’s “Mould Mycelia” test as ap
plied to cream.
A & M Poultry Wins
32 of Possible 57
Awards at Stat^ Fair
Champions in both American
and English Leghorn classes and
champion Japanese Silkie bantam
were awarded the college poultry
flock at the recent Texas State
Fair held at Dallas.
In addition, eleven firsts, five
seconds, four thirds, four fourths,
and five fifth place ribbons were
won to make a record of thirty-two
awards on fifty-seven entries.
Breeds shown included Rhode Is
land Reds, New Hampshires, White
Rocks, Barred Rocks, White Leg
horns and Silkies.
Houston Post Tells About Famed Aggie Dining Hall
System-Astounding Food Quantities Get Biggest Play
Post Staff Correspondent
“Mom, I’m hungry!” is a state
ment whose fame is even greater
than the depressioned “Mr. can you
spare a dime?” And it’s one that
has sent a few million mothers’
heads in a whirl since the days of
Eve. The whirl is in direct pro
portion to the number of mouths
and it’s a whirl that takes on der
vish proportions when it concerns
the problem of satisfying that
complaint in Aggieland.
If a single mother should tackle
the job she’d need to know a
dozen ways to dress-up the army’s
number one diet—spuds, and she’d
have to cook them in 3600-pound-
lots every time she decided to
serve mashed potatoes. If she
wanted to serve soup she’d need
a battery of steam kettles large
enough to brew 440 gallons of the
stuff or she wouldn’t have enough
to go around.
As 6500 Texas Aggies storm the
world’s two largest mess halls
thrice daily it’s the job of one man
to fill their gapping gullets. When
he serves milk—and he usually does
so twice a day—he needs 12,000
half pint bottles of the bovine bev
erage. Coffee, too, comes a little
high. A hundred and fifty pounds
of the great American institution
becomes 230 gallons of coffee every
day. He needs 13,000 rolls for the
evening meal alone, 800 loves of
bread every day, and 1375 pies must
be prepared when that form of
pastry is on the dessert menu.
Very Tough On Poultry
The world’s poultry population
hits the skids every time he decides
to serve fried chicken. A single
meal of the Southern dish takes
care of 2600 pounds of the birds.
Just a little less than a ton of pork
loin is necessary for one meal’s con
sumption; 11,500 slices of toast go
down the hatch at breakfast time;-f
and, if banana salad is on the menu,
something like 1800 pounds of the
tropical fruit, 75 pounds of nuts,
1300 heads of lettuce, and 80 gal
lons of salad dressing are used.
The man is Aggie-popular J. C.
Hotard and he heads the largest
single-unit feeding establishment
in the world. He gets paid because
he’s supervisor of maintenance, but
the cadets don’t bother with that
title—he’s just head of the two
mess halls where they’re concerned.
Aggies’ Food Terms
But if the food proportions make
you dizzy, then a few of the corps
applied terms for food will prob
ably flip you into a tailspin. The
Greeks, they say, had a word for it;
so do the soda-skeets; and don’t
count the Texas Aggies out of the
You’d still be hungry if you said
“Please pass the meat” in either
of the two mess halls. “Shoot the
bull-neck” would get it in a hurry
(Continued on Page 6)
Hensel Replaces
Becker as Marketing
And Finance Prexy
Cadet Colonel Bill Becker re
signed as president of the Market
ing and Finance Club at its meet
ing Tuesday night and F. W. Hen
sel Jr. was elected in his place.
Becker announced that he had
received an invitation from the
Texas State College for Women
for 150 agriculture students to hold
a dance at Denton. The club agreed
to ask that the dance be held at
Denton the Friday night before the
Dallas corps trip.
J. Wheeler Barger, head of the
agricultural economics department,
gave a short talk on the purpose
and benefits of the club. He pledg
ed his support and the support of
his entire department to the club.
Fisk Jubilee Singers Are Second
Town Hall Presentation November 4
One of the finest vocal groups
composed of members of the negro
race is coming to the campus on
Monday, November 4, as the Fisk
Jubilee Singers give the second per
formance of this year’s Town Hall
Program. The singing of this octet
has brought fame and fortune to
it and its school throughout the 69
years it has been organized.
The Fisk Jubilee Singers were
organized in 1871 by a group of
students at Fisk College, a negro
college in Nasljville, Tenn., in or
der to raise some money to pull
their financially weak school out
of the red. Since the natural ten
dencies of their race lend them
selves so well to their rhythm and
musical tendencies, their singing
was of a distinct type and quality
and their success was immediate.
Although the school was saved, it
was decided to continue the singers
as a permanent organization and
the present singers are carrying on
the traditions of their predeces
So successful was the group that
they have sung for the President
of the United States, the Emperor
of Germany, Queen Victoria, the
Royal Family of Holland, and many
other notable personages. Their
fame has spread until they now
occupy a position of international
prominence among singing groups.
Their fame truly brought them
enough fortune to save their col
lege and they are now acknowled
ged to be among the greatest in
terpreters of the Negro spirituals
in the American cultural history,
j Their position as such is particu-
| larly important because of the pas-
i sing of the American scene which
! is rapidly putting an end to this
I old negro culture. The octet is no-
: ted for the timbre and quality of
j their voices, and the program will
be one of the most interesting in
| the Town Hall program.
Plant Seminar To
Hear Reeves Tonight
Dr. R. G. Reeves, professor in
the Biology department, will de
liver a talk to the Plant Science
Seminar tonight in the conference
room of the Agricultural Experi
ment Station building. The paper
that Reeves will present is entitled
“A Morphological Study of Maize
and Its Relatives.”
The Plant Science Seminar is
composed of various members of
the Experiment Station, Extension
Service and College staffs who are
interested in plant breeding. The
talk tonight is the first of a series
to be presented during the coming
A tentative program has been
arranged and the following has
been outlined for 1940-’41. Novem
ber 7—“Studies on the Cause of
Conflicting Results from Soil treat
ment Used as Control Measures
for Potato Scab,” Glenn Knight;
November 21—“Propagation Ex
periments with Ornamental Plants”,
N. M. McGinnis; December 5—sub
ject to be announced, C. B. Godbey;
December 19—“Preparation of
Land use Capability Maps for
Land Use Planrting”, L. M. Thomp
son; January 9—“A Discussion of
the Point Quadrat”, R. L. Hensel
and G. C. Warner; January 23—
“The Hybrid Origin of Cultivated
Wheats,” E. S. McFadden; Febru
ary 6—“The Toxicity and and Ac
cumulation of Chloride and Sul
phate Salts in Plants,” F. M. Ea
ton; February 20—“Weather, Cot
ton Yield and Cotton Root Rot,”
W. N. Ezekiel; March 6—“Physio-
logical Responses in Sorghum,”
R. E. Karper; March 20—“Results
of Treating Cotton with Plant
Growth Substances,” H. E. Rea.
Committees for “Y”
Cabinet Appointed
Announcement of the commit
tees of the YMCA cabinet for the
1940-41 season has been made by
the cabinet’s executive committee.
Those on the executive committee
are: P. M. Bolton, P. G. Haines, T.
B. Richey, P. O. Egner, W. W.
Cardwell, W. D. Fitch, F. A.
Smitham and Austin Nance.
The program committee includes
Paul Haines, Paul Egner, Brad
ford Hardie, Frank Loving, Fred
Smitham and W. T. Thrift. The so
cial committee consists of Tom
Richey, Edwin Byrd, Robert Corns,
E. R. Keeton, Jack Nagel and J.
B. Wolfe.
There are two freshman council
committees. On number 1 are: Joe
Floyd, William Dreis, Tom Gillis,
J. R. King, John Peavy, and R. G.
Roberts. On number 2 are: J. J.
Cupples, Roland Bing, O. A. Nance,
Clyde Stuterville and D. H. Walton.
Those on the sophomore council
committee are: W. D. Fitch, Earl
Hartman, Ransom Kenny, William
Rascoe and James Scholl. The jun
ior-senior council consists of A. D.
(Continued on Page 6)
Twelfth Man Prepares
For Saturday’s Waco Trip
Poultry Team
Judges Houston
Show for Practice
The A. & M. Collegiate Poultry
Judging team will judge in the
Houston Poultry show held next
week, as training in preparation
for the coming National contest to
be held in Chicago. The members
of the team who will make the
trip are Donald Demke, Stephen-
ville; Fred Price, Cleburne; M. A.
Ellis, Snyder; and Jim Wilkerson,
Members of the team have been
judging the poultry exhibits at a
number of South and Central Tex
as Fairs during the past weeks.
During the next few weeks other
exhibitions will be judged in prep
aration for the competition expect
ed from the 12 teams which will
^'udge the market, production and
exhibition classes of poultry and
market eggs at the National con
test on November 30.
Hooker Announces
SMU Game Tickets
Go on Sale Monday
Tickets for the A. & M.-S.M.U.
football game will go on sale at
the desk in the Y.M.C.A. on Mon
day morning, Athletic secretary
E. W. Hooker has announced. The
tickets are in a bloc of 4600 on the
east side of the Dallas stadium and
they may be obtained for $1.10 and
•athletic coupon No. 33. None of
this space will be occupied by the
band as it will sit in temporary
seats on the track.
Anyone other than Aggies pos
itively will not be admitted at this
game on student tickets. For the
accommodation of Aggie dates and
friends, another bloc of 600 tickets
located in the northwest part of the
stadium have been sent here. These
tickets may be obtained at the
same time for the regular price
of $2.50.
A & M Horses Win
State Fair Awards
“Ruth’s Liberty Eagle” was
awarded the grand champion rib
bon in the saddle horse division to
climax the winnings of the Animal
Husbandry department at the Tex
as State Fair last week in Dallas.
A grade Cleveland gelding was
crowned champion in the farm
horse division. These two wins were
the important awards of the va
rious divisions of the department
“Eagle,” who has the facility of
showing a combination of either
the five gaits of the saddle horse
or the walking gait of the walking
horse, was first in his class, senior
champion and later grand cham
pion. “Frontier Chief” was shown
to second place in the gaited di
vision. A total of thirteen ribbons
was won by the various breeds en
The Herefords accounted for the
majority of the winnings of the
cattle division with a total of $175
in prizes.- The Herefords, Aberdeen
Angus and Shorthorns won thirteen
ribbons in the cattle division.
First place in their respective
breeds was won by each of the
Poland China, Duroc Jersey and
Hampshire pens of three barrows.
Eleven ribbons were awarded to
the swine division of the Animal
Husbandry department.
Agriculturist to Be
Distributed Oct. 30
The first issue of the Agricul
turist has gone to the printers and
will be ready to be circulated to I
the students by October 30, editor
Tom Power said today.
This issue will contain reports
on the activities of sixteen agricul
tural clubs of the school and spe
cial feature on the cotton tour,
Danforth award tour, cowboys,
feeding cattle, A. & M. rodeo, what
the deans say and soilless gardens.
Few Tickets Still
Available for Game
Although not an authorized corps
trip for anyone except juniors and
seniors, the Aggie Twelfth Man is
going to be well represented in
Baylor’s stadium Saturday when
the kickoff starts the game in
Waco. A few tickets to the game
are still available at the desk in
the old Y. M. C. A. but a complete
sell out of the 2,830 tickets allow
ed the Aggies is expected. Many
more Aggies will go to Waco and
join the festivities which are a
part of every corps trip.
In order to obtain authorized ab
sences from Saturday classes, it is
necessary that juniors and seniors
turn in passes to the Commandant’s
office by noon today so that they
may be approved and returned by
Friday. No letter or other authori
zation is necessary for classified
upperclassmen to get approved
A special train for the trip is
being run by the Missouri-Pacific
Lines which will leave that depot
at 6:45 a. m. Saturday and arrive
in Waco at 9:30. Round-trip fare
for the special is $1.40 and arrange
ments have been made for the band
to ride this train. Regular trains
for the return trip to College leave
at 11:30 on both Saturday and
Sunday night. The special returns
at 2:00 a. m. Sunday. The round
trip ticket is good on any of these
After the game all the entertain
ment spots in Waco will be open to
the Aggies but the official Aggie
dance after the game will be held
in the .Town Tavern, located near
the football stadium on the fair
grounds in Waco. The Aggieland
orchestra will play there for 9
til 1. The Brazos Valley Fair will
be entering its last night Satur
day and it will offer entertainment
and concessions of all kinds. Taxi
fare to the tavern from downtown
Waco is only 10 cents and the bus
line runs just in front of it. Ad
mission to the dance will be $1.10
and tickets may be secured in ad
vanced by seeing Ed Minnock, di
rector of the Aggieland Orchestra.
No attempt at a parade for the
whole corps will be made in Waco
but the band will take part in a
mammoth parade which is being
put on for the Baylor alumni as
part of their homecoming celebra
tion. The -famed Aggie band will
bring up the rear in the procession
which will contain about 30 floats,,
officials’ cars, high school bands,,
and the Baylor band. The band
will put on their special drill be
tween the halves of the game.
No. 1 uniform is the correct and
authorized uniform for cadets at
all times while in Waco.
Levy Will Address
American Chemical
Society November 14
Harold A. Levy, the next speak
er on the program of the Texas
A. & M. section of the American
Chemical Society, will speak on
the subject of “New Synthetic
Molded Plastics” in the Chemistry
lecture room, Thursday, Novem
ber 14 at 8 p. m.
In creating substitutes for the
products of nature the organic
chemist has provided us with a
variety of products whose utility,
effectiveness, beauty and cost have
extended far beyond what is of
fered by the materials of nature.
This is especially true of the many
new synthetic plastic materials.
While synthetic plastics are now
about 100 years old, the major
progess which has extended over
the past thirty years has been very
rapid. The history of the various
types and their relative importance
are traced. The chemistry involv
ed in their manufacture is pre
sented and the discussion includes
the physical and chemical proper
ties and characteristics of the many
Their versatility, applications,
limitations, and relative costs are
also included. The resume includes
a presentation of the trends of
development in this field.
Levy’s talk will be illustrated
with lantern slides, charts and spe
cimens of molded plastic products.