The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1940, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Z725 NUMBER 16
Governor And Board
Survey Prison System
Experts At A & M
Have Been Chosen
To Advise On System
A searching economic survey of
the Texas Prison System utilizing
the research facilities of Texas A.
& M. College was launched here to
day at a joint meeting of the Col
lege board of directors and the Tex
as Prison Commission with Gov.
W. Lee O’Daniel.
Dean E. J. Kyle of the A. & M.
School of Agriculture gave a re
port of a preliminary survey con
ducted by a committee composed
of Jack Shelton, assistant exten
sion director; L. P. Gabbard, Tex
as experiment station; C. N. Shep-
herdson, dairp expert; and J.
Wheeler Barger, professor of agri
cultural economics.
The economic survey was launch
ed at the suggestion of Governor
O’Daniel who declared it his idea
to utilize the facilities of all
branches of state government in
assisting any other branch.
“I have no intention of putting
the A. & M. Board of directors in
prison, but rather to put the prison
board in A. & M.”, he declared.
“The A. & M. College performs
not only the duty of educating
young men, but performs a service
to the state as a whole by its for
ward steps in agriculture and in
dustry practices.
“I would like for the experts of
A. & M. College to set up a com
plete program for the Texas prison
system that will save a large part
if not all of the million and a half
dollar annual deficit in operating
costs of the prison system.
“Teaching latest agricultural and
industrial methods to the prisoners
will help rehabilitate and return
them to live useful lives. The state
is a great potential customer of
the prison system if politics is kept
out. The Board of Control as pres
ently constituted favors buying on
competitive basis everything the
prison system can supply. Some of
the articles that could be turned
out are school books, furniture,
brick, shoes, clothing, mattresses,
and I am informed that some of
the prison land is suitable for erect
ion of a cement plant, with raw
materials in abundance available.
“The only objectors to a plan of
this sort are those who have been
selling these things, and I feel we
should ignore this and look only
to the welfare of the state and not
to the individuals.
“The people of Texas expect
great things,and these two boards
can accomplish lasting economies
with a modernly-functioning sys
tem of plantations to supply all
the needs of the eleemosynary in
stitutions of the state.” '
In his report on the preliminary
survey Dean Kyle made it plain
that all facilities of the college
would be pressed into service to
draw up a plan and make recom
mendations that would bring farm
ing practices in the prison system
up to date in line with scientific
advancement developed by A. & M.
“Let us not try anything at the
prison farms that does not bear
(Continued on Page 4)
Walton And Watson
Leave For Waco Today
To Arrange Corps Trip
President T. O. Walton and Col.
James A. Watson will leave today
for Waco for the purpose of mak
ing preparations and arrangements
for the band’s quarters and the
juniors and seniors who go on the
corps trip Saturday.
Since the corps trip to Baylor is
official for juniors and seniors only
and since freshmen and sophomores
are not supposed to go, there will
probably not be more than two or
three thousand freshmen and soph
omores at the game, which should
make a fairly good crowd when
added to the many juniors and sen
iors who are already planning to
Newcomers Of
Brazos County
Feted Tonight
The Bryan and Brazos County
Chamber of Commerce is holding
an informal social “get-together”
and musical program tonight at
the Bryan Country Club in honor
of the new citizens who have mov
ed into Brazos County within the
last six months. The country club,
which is located midway between
College Station and Bryan on the
old highway, will be open at seven
thirty, and everyone who has mov-
ved into Brazos county within the
last six months is invited to come
out and enjoy the entertainment
and the light refreshments that
will be served afterwards.
The chamber of commerce has
attempted personally to contact
every newcomer, and if by some
chance anyone was overlooked or
otherwise was not 'notified, they
(Continued on Page 4)
Thanksgiving Game
Student Tickets Not
Yet Turned Open to Sale
Student’s tickets for the Texas-
A. & M. game in Austin November
28, have not been placed on sale,
according to an announcement from
the Atheletic Council office yester
A few bleacher seats in the open
end of the stadium are available
in Austin at $2 each. These seats
are not reserved and are only
general admission seats. No tickets
beyond the capacity of the bleach
ers will be sold.
Students will be admitted to the
game only at gate No. 1 in the
North Stands. No one but students
will be admitted on student tickets.
Students not in uniform may be
asked for their coupon book or
yellow registration slip for ident
ification as students, E. W. Hook
er of the Athletic Council said.
Mr. Hooker emphasized the fact
that no one but students will be
allowed to enter the game on stu
dent tickets.
Dalby Takes Honors As
Best All Around Cowboy
Another Aggie Rodeo has come"
and gone, and again a new cham
pion has arisen to take the honors
of best all around cowboy. This
time the limelight is on Fred Dalby
of Aspermont who was tops among
the fifty-four contestants in Fri
day’s big event. Not only was he
first in calf roping with a time of
21.3 seconds, but he also tied for
first in the wild cow milking con
test. For his achievements Fred
was presented a silver belt buckle
donated by J. B. Lauterstein and
a leather bridle contributed by the
Texas Tanning and Manufacturing
Company of Yoakum.
Ed Maier of Orange was the
winner of the bareback riding event,
and Bandera’s Sid McDonald took
the steer riding honofs. Both boys
were given a pair of silver spurs
from the Central Boot Company of
San Antonio.
The rodeo’s clowns, “Duke” Har
rison and “Jupe” Allen, at times
almost stole the show with their
""clever tricks. Perhaps their best
effort was the Australian whip act.
Pedro Chican, South American
youth, turned out with his red
flag to challenge the meanest
steers for a fight. Even with his
technique he sometimes had to
hurry with his twisting and turn
ing to give them room to get by.
The show, given by the Saddle
and Sirloin Club juniors for the
benefit of the livestock judging
team which will judge in Chicago
the first of December, was called
by Pete Ainsworth, Colorado City;
Aubrey Jones, Bryan; and D. W.
Williams, head of the animal hus
bandry derpartment.
Winners at the night performance
Wild Mule Race
Findly Brewster
Sid McDonald
Bareback Bronc Riding
Ed Maier, 1st
Jimmie Winnie, 2nd
(Continued on Page 4)
Aggieland Style
Miss Molly McKeller of San Antonio and Gra
ham Purcell of Archer City (left) presiding over the
Aggie Rodeo held in the Animal Husbandry Pavil-
lian Friday night under the sponsorship of the Sad
dle and Sirloin Club, watched dozens of contestants,
as the one above, try their hand at riding steers,
broncos and mules.
The unlucky fellow in the above picture is shown
beginning the end of his ill-fated ride. A few seconds
later he was on the ground, but he was not by him
self in taking the spills.
—Photo by Jack Jones
Fisk Jubilee Singers, Negro Concert Group, Are
Scheduled As Next Presentation From A&M Town Hall
As memories of the brilliant-fclaimed by
.performance of the United States
Marine Band dim in the minds of
the Aggies, the question is once
again being asked—What is next
on Town Hall?
The Fisk Jubilee Singers will
arrive on November 4 for the sec
ond Town Hall program.
This famous organization, ac-
musicians as the finest^.seventy
vocal ensemble of the Negro race,
has held a position of internation
al importance for over seven dec
ades. Organized in 1871 by a group
of students at Fisk College in or
der to raise money to save their
struggling school, this group has
grown in fame and reputation
throughout the years. During the
years of their existance,
this group has brought fame and
distinction to their school and have
established themselves as the out
standing Negro singers in the
They have been received in the
White House by the president, have
sung before Queen Victoria, the
(Continued on Page 4)
TCU Salutes Aggies, Aggies Salute 'Old Glory
A mighty factor in A. & M.’s
defeat of T. C. U.’s Horned Frogs
was blocking back Jim Thomason
in the picture above, who took
this game to debut his carry
ing of the ball. His success is
shown here as he picks up 19
yards around end.
Below, Governor W. Lee O’
Daniel (left) raises the Ameri
can flag to the stirring strains
of “The Star Spangled Banner”
as played by the Aggie band.
President T. O. Walton (right)
stands at attention during the
proceedings. Later he, himself
raised a flag bearing the ins
cription “Nation’s No. 1 Team”.
Dean Kyle, not in the picture,
raised one reading “Southwestern
Conference Champions for 1939.”
—Photo by Golman and Burnett
Too Small Stadium
Ousts Waco Corps Trip
Adjutant Answers
Question On Basic
Military Training
Although there has been no def
inite statement from the War De
partment, as yet, the military de
partment of this school has made
some unofficial statements as to
the status of the students who have
had the basic course in military
science. It is believed that the stu
dents who have had two years of
military science will be given places
in the army as non-commissioned
officers to aid in the training of
recruits. Major Wise, adjutant,
said that in his opinion, the thing
for the students who did not get
an R.O.T.C. contract was to go
ahead and take the two advanced
years of military science, because
in all probability, the boys who
have had the complete four years
of military training, whether with
a contract or without it, will re
ceive a commission if they so de
Another likelihood, especially if
we become entangled in a war, will
be the formation of the “ninety-
day wonder camps” that worked
the men to the bone, but
produced some of the best officers
we had in the World War days.
Civil Engineers
Inspect Dam Site
Thirty-six members of the Amer
ican Society of Civil Engineers re
turned this week-end from an in
spection trip of the Denison Dam
Project on Red River.
The party arrived in Denison
Thursday morning where they reg
istered as junior members at the
fall meeting of Texas Section of
the American Society of Civil En
gineers. Following registration and
address of welcome by the mayor
of Denison they attended a moving
picture of the construction progress
of the dam, which is the largest
earth filled dam in the United
Thursday afternoon the inspect
ion group visited the dam proper
and witnessed the operations on
both the Texas and Oklahoma sid
es. The most interesting feature
of the work going on was the con
crete mixing machinery that was
pouring the conduits.
The evening was spent in an in
formal party at the Rod and Gun
Club, after which the party left
for Dallas.
In Dallas they were welcomed by
James W. Aston, city manager of
Dallas and an ex-Aggie. Talks were
heard on the various phase of the
dam work by United States army
engineers which were followed by
luncheon and an informal discus
The afternoon was a continuation
of the talks concerning the eco-
nrnnic possibilities of the dam and
was ended with a meeting of the
Student Chapter of S. M. U.
A dinner dance was enjoyed Fri
day night on the Peacock Terrace. |
Baylor Officials
Claim Aggies Have
330 Over Contract
The corps trip to Waco for the
coming week end was ruled unof
ficial by the college faculty in a
recent meeting, however, juniors
and seniors desiring to make the
trip to Waco to see the game may
obtain authorized absences from
the Commandant’s office.
Only 2,830 tickets have been al
lowed the A. & M. corps for the
Baylor-A. & M. game. An agree
ment made by all the schools in
the southwest conference provides
for allowing the visiting opponent
half of one side of the stadium in
which the game is to be played. The
Baylor Memorial stadium has a
normal capacity of only 15,000 per
sons, 2,500 in each end zone and
5,000 on each side. This would nor
mally allow the visiting team only
2,500 tickets, but due to the im
mensity of the. A. & M. corps an
exception has been made, allowing
us 330 additional tickets to the
specified amount.
No freshmen or sophomores may
obtain authorized absences for the
purpose of witnessing the Baylor-
A. & M. game unless he lives in the
immediate vicinity of Waco.
Specification for juniors and se
niors who wish to obtain authoriz
ed absences for this game will be
the same as those for the San An
tonio trip.
No. 1 uniform will be worn by all
attending the game.
Competition For
Crop Judging Team
Narrows To Five Men
Five A. & M. men have been
working an average of 25 hours a
week in competition for the four
places on the team which will re
present the college in the annual
International Intercollegiate Crop
Judging Contest at Kansas City,
Mo., Nov. 25, and at Chicago, 111.,
November 29 and 30.
The five who have stayed in the
race for the team this far are Mon
tie Mitchell, J. Roger Thysell, H.
C. Warner, E. B. Butler, and J. A.
Scott. Three of them will be chosen
gs members of the team just before
the contest, and a fourth one will
be named as an alternate.
The competition for the Inter
collegiate Crop Judging Contest is
divided into three major parts.
One, Identification of 186 varieties
of crops, weed seeds, and diseases
with the regions where they are
found, two, the commercial grad
ing of cotton, grain, and hay ac
cording to the Federal Standards,
and three, the selection and judg
ing of field crop planting seed.
Any Agricultural College in the
United States or Canada is elig
ible for competition in this con
test. Last year the crops team
representing A. & M. won sixth
place in the Kansas City contest
and seventh place in the Chicago
This trip is made possible by the
Student Agronomy Society through,
the funds obtained by the lamp
storage concession during the sum
Dean Kyle Is Familiar
Figure In A & M Athletics
Dean E. J. Kyle, oldest memberf"
of the A. & M. faculty and chair
man of the Athletic Council, will be
the honor guest at a dinner-dance
given by the Dallas A. & M. Club
at the Hotel Adolphus on Friday
evening, November 8. Also to be
honored will be Mrs. Kyle, who
will accompany the Dean to Dal
Besides his agricultural work,
Dean Kyle is equally well known
for his interest and great work in
A. & M. athletics. He has been, for
the past 30 years, a familiar and
intimate figure in the athletic his
tory of the College. At present, he
is the Chairman of the Aggie Ath
letic Council. He has resigned from
that position numerous times due
to ailing health but always has been
called back when the goings looked
black. Last year, after the Sugar
Bowl classic, he handed in his resig
nation to the council. The council
refused him and asked if he would
continue at least another year.
Dean Kyle accepted, and to the
joy of all, is still the chairman.
One of the best, known agri
cultural figures of the nation, Dean
Kyle is chairman of the Agricul
tural Division of the Association
of Land Grant Colleges. He is also
director of the Farm Credit Ad
ministration and a member of the
Masonic order.
At Los Angeles, he received all
kinds of praise for the work he has
done at the college. One reporter of
the Los Angeles Herald quotes him
as having plenty of “horse” sense
as well as book learning.
Both the Dean and Mrs. Kyle
have made their home on the cam
pus for many years and are per
sonally known to thousands of Ag
Many of their friends will join
the Dallas A. & M. Club in extend
ing them honor on the occasion.